Reserving an official hunt for January 10th, at 4 PM GMT! QC by Elgallant.
The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: unfunnyholidayalt [09:24].
2nd place: Meicoo [09:34].
3rd place: cseel [12:42].
4th place: i M s~O_a_P_y? [17:07].
5th place: Cleo~ [18:27].
Consolation Prize: 3.14dgeot-Mega [21:48], 111ace111 [22:35], damnright [27:12], Lack Of Sweat [39:29]
1) These 2 evolved Pokemon and their evolution are not weak to their own STABs. They are not weak to their evolution's STABs, but they can hit their evolution super-effectively with one of their STABs. (alpha order) [Gloom Kirlia]
2) On Pokemon Showdown, Pokemon height is normally given with one decimal number, but for these three it's given in two decimal numbers (alphabetical). [Cawdet Necturna Tomohawk]
3) This Pokemon can be neutral to, resist, or be weak to its own STAB moves (under normal circumstances, only accounting for moves that are affected by type effectiveness). [Hawlucha]
The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: unfunnyholidayalt [09:24].
2nd place: Meicoo [09:34].
3rd place: cseel [12:42].
4th place: i M s~O_a_P_y? [17:07].
5th place: Cleo~ [18:27].
Consolation Prize: 3.14dgeot-Mega [21:48], 111ace111 [22:35], damnright [27:12], Lack Of Sweat [39:29]
1) These 2 evolved Pokemon and their evolution are not weak to their own STABs. They are not weak to their evolution's STABs, but they can hit their evolution super-effectively with one of their STABs. (alpha order) [Gloom Kirlia]
2) On Pokemon Showdown, Pokemon height is normally given with one decimal number, but for these three it's given in two decimal numbers (alphabetical). [Cawdet Necturna Tomohawk]
3) This Pokemon can be neutral to, resist, or be weak to its own STAB moves (under normal circumstances, only accounting for moves that are affected by type effectiveness). [Hawlucha]
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