(Old) Scavengers Ladder (June 2018 - May 2020)

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Reserving an official hunt for January 10th, at 4 PM GMT! QC by Elgallant.

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: unfunnyholidayalt [09:24].
2nd place: Meicoo [09:34].
3rd place: cseel [12:42].
4th place: i M s~O_a_P_y? [17:07].
5th place: Cleo~ [18:27].
Consolation Prize: 3.14dgeot-Mega [21:48], 111ace111 [22:35], damnright [27:12], Lack Of Sweat [39:29]

1) These 2 evolved Pokemon and their evolution are not weak to their own STABs. They are not weak to their evolution's STABs, but they can hit their evolution super-effectively with one of their STABs. (alpha order) [Gloom Kirlia]
2) On Pokemon Showdown, Pokemon height is normally given with one decimal number, but for these three it's given in two decimal numbers (alphabetical). [Cawdet Necturna Tomohawk]
3) This Pokemon can be neutral to, resist, or be weak to its own STAB moves (under normal circumstances, only accounting for moves that are affected by type effectiveness). [Hawlucha]
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Results of the official hunt on January 11 at 1PM GMT!
QC by our RO-duo Meicoo and Gallant Spear! (dw rory you're cute too)

1st place: smii [01:10].
2nd place: Snaquaza ◢ ◤ [01:23].
3rd place: Aegii [03:17].
4th place: cseel [07:16].
5th place: Whimpering [07:25].
Consolation Prize: PrincessPika102 [07:50], WhirlwindBulbasaur[08:08], MicktheSpud [10:33], Level 51 [20:30], Tapo Collino⇅[30:42], LustySalazzleMaid [30:51], Cleo~ [40:00], AlexaPlayDespaveto [48:42]

1) Several Pokemon that could learn Leech Life at early levels before gen 7 got that move replaced by this move [Absorb]
2) This item ,that can change the type of a certain move, was introduced in Gen 6 (Exclude berries) [Pixie Plate]
3) This gen 6 game mechanic is affected by Air Cutter, Blizzard, Twister, Hyper Voice, Rock Slide, Eruption, Heat Wave, Lava Plume, Muddy Water, Surf, Water Spout, Petal Blizzard and Razor Leaf (Answer is plural) [Natural Objects]
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Reserving Results of an official hunt for January 12th, at 7 PM EST! Collab with Meicoo, QC by pokemonvortex and xfix.

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Cheese555 [01:33].
2nd place: 3.14dgeot-Mega [02:08].
3rd place: Bimp! [02:47].
4th place: shadowtheorem [03:37].
5th place: mgperson 幹 [03:44].
Consolation Prize: PikachuSean ^~^ [04:33], Celesteeal [04:47], c.kilgannon [06:37], Whimpering [07:56], 111ace111 [10:19], Gwynt [13:08], fear火fire火22[15:01], megumatt [17:19], Lycanium Z [35:48], Dan of ares [37:50], AndrewThePenguin [52:59]

1) This Pokemon has three Bug-type signature moves. [Vespiquen]
2) In the Type Expert Tournament in Pokemon Black 2 and White 2, the Bug-type expert that is not a gym leader in another game has a Pokemon with an illegal move combination. Name the two moves that are illegal together in alphabetical order. [Bullet Seed Leech Seed]
3) Considering formes to be different Pokemon, exactly two non-Bug-type Pokemon can learn a certain Bug-type move by level-up. Name the one of the two Pokemon that can deal super-effective damage with its STAB moves to Bug Pokemon. [Heatmor]
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Results of the collab with c.kilgannon on January 14 at 3PM GMT
QC'ed by xfix and Gallant Spear

1st place: cseel ◕‿◕ [05:26].
2nd place: Level 51 [05:49].
3rd place: damnright ^^ [07:00].
4th place: Parcly Taxel [07:04].
5th place: 111ace111 [10:32].
Consolation Prize: Dan of ares [11:19], AbuBatata [23:59], Zepic[24:42], Skippy116 [30:10], LustySalazzleMaid [37:35]

1) This move has negative priority in only 2 games [Teleport]
2) This following are the names of abilities in their Japanese translation. Name which Pokemon corresponds to the following abilities: Mad Love Body, Determined Spirit, Unobstructed Sight [Wigglytuff]
3) The members of this 3-stage evolutionary family made their anime debuts in reverse order. List all three Pokemon, in ascending National Dex order. [Gible Gabite Garchomp]
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Scattergories official, 15 January 12pm SST (4am UTC, 11pm 14 January EST)!
QC by Level 51 and c.kilgannon

1st place: Darthikyu [07:22].
2nd place: Andrew [09:01].
3rd place: 3.14dgeot-Mega [09:49].
4th place: Whimpering [09:52].
5th place: fear火fire火22 [11:37].
6th place: Cheese555 [13:02].
Consolation Prize: Sun☼GodVolcarona [15:34], LustySalazzleMaid [24:32], Bimp! [27:22], cseel ◕‿◕ [28:49]

1. For these fully evolved Pokémon, the category name, sole type and sole egg group are all the same. (alpha order) | Clefable Goodra
2. This signature move is learned by a Pokémon whose category name differs from the first word of the move by one letter. | Spacial Rend
3. Take the first Pokémon whose category name ends in "tar" and the last Pokémon whose category name ends in "pit", both by national dex number. Name the Pokémon for which each of its base stats fall between the corresponding stats of the first two Pokémon (inclusive). | Lotad
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official hunt on January 18th, 2019 at 3 PM UTC
1st place: Level 51 [02:19].
2nd place: cseel ◕‿◕ [02:29].
3rd place: smii ︓^) [04:20].
4th place: 3.14dgeot-Mega [10:13].
5th place: Cleo [17:27].
Consolation Prize: LustySalazzleMaid [18:24], damnright ^^ [18:57]

1) This gen 3 NPC has a Nuzleaf called Nuzle. [claudia]
2) In order to get Cranidos as partner pokemon in Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia, you must rescue it from this pokemon. [wartortle]
3) This is the last item the player must collect in order to leave Striaton City to Route 3 in Pokemon Black/White. [pal pad]
Thanks to Elgino10 xfix for QC

May the Pyuks be with you
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Reserving an official collab with Meicoo. Sunday, January 20th at 6:00 PST, qced by Gallant Spear and Steven Snype.
1st place: Devoxys [02:12].
2nd place: Hilcrhyme [02:21].
3rd place: Z‽ipzapadam [03:50].
4th place: Astion [04:59].
5th place: Lycanium Z [05:48].
Consolation Prize: Emboar02 [07:01], cseel ◕‿◕ [08:19], Ilikebugs [10:14], Whimpering ±‿± [16:22], Magicana✿79 [22:53], Prof. Spalding [27:24]

1) A certain version of Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl Macaroni & Cheese featured two legendary/mythical Pokemon on the front of the carton. On the back of that version's carton, this other legendary/mythical Pokemon appeared. [Darkrai]
2) In certain other languages, the 89th episode of the Diamond & Pearl series of the Pokemon anime has this Pokemon's name in the episode title. [Lumineon]
3) A Pokemon that is ridable in the main games gives milk that is used to make dairy products in the anime at this location. [Baa de Mer Ranch]
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Results of the official on Tuesday January 22 at 2PM GMT
QC by xfix and Gallant Spear

1st place: cseel ◢ ◤ [00:46].
2nd place: I'm Soapy? [03:46].
3rd place: Cleo [03:54].
4th place: AbuBatata [05:53].
5th place: awa! nderingcaelum [06:42].
Consolation Prize: LustySalazzleMaid [07:50], smii [18:10]

1) This is the only trainer in FireRed and LeafGreen to use a Porygon (Exclude Trainer Class) [Gideon]
2) This trainer chased the embodiment of the North Wind for ten years (Exclude Trainer Class) [Eusine]
3) A Gentleman in the Akala Ferry Terminal mentions the GS Ball and claims that the name stands for either of those two things (Include ball in your answer, alphabetically) [Gold-Silver Ball greatest smith's ball]
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1st place: p^_^okemonvortex. [02:53].
2nd place: Emboar02 [12:45].
3rd place: shadowtheorem [13:09].
4th place: Cleo [14:08].
5th place: A Quail's Query [20:30].
Consolation Prize: cseel ◕‿◕ [29:43], Prof. Spalding [32:43]

1) The chance of encountering any wild Pokemon will always be decreased by 50% if the Pokemon in the first slot in the user party has any of these abilities (alphabetical order). [quick feet stench white smoke]
2) In Heart Gold and Soul Silver, the members of the creation trio lost the ability to learn this move by level up. [healblock]
3) As a child, a character wrote a letter indicating that they would that they will send a drawing from this location. [Pokemon Trainers' School / trainersschool]
"Things that existed in past gens, but don't now" official, 30 January 11pm SST (3pm UTC, 10am EST)!
QC by gallant's pear and Snaquaza

1st place: Rory Mercury [07:33].
2nd place: cseel ◕‿◕ [20:39].
3rd place: Level 51 [22:53].
4th place: Cleo [23:40].
5th place: damnright ☁ [33:30].
6th place: 111ace111 [36:40].
Consolation Prize: aegii [40:53]

1. Between Ruby/Sapphire and ORAS, only one answer to the questions in the Trick House was significantly changed, whose corresponding question mentions this location. | Rydel's Cycles
2. An American building features on this TCG card with Pichu on it. | Lucky Stadium
3. The name of this global PS! staff is stated by exactly one NPC in the gen 1 games, FireRed and LeafGreen. | Tiksi
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The January Ladder has now concluded. Congratulations to the top three placers: cseel in first place with 658 points, smii in second place with 471 points, and Cleo in third place with 458 points!

1 cseel 658
2 smii 471
3 Cleo 458
4 Snaquaza 405
5 damnright 370
6 gallants pear 358
7 Parcly Taxel 262
8 111ace111 209
9 Meicoo 208
10 Im Soapy 203
11 314dgeotMega 197
12 Prof Spalding 191
13 Whimpering 189
14 SunGodVolcarona 184
15 fearfire22 179
16 Level 51 165
16 Elgino 165
18 aegii 163
19 pokemonvortex 161
20 Dan of ares 156
21 HeroicTobias 151
22 Cheese555 137
23 AbuBatata 127
24 unfunnyholidayalt 123
24 Rory Mercury 123
26 ckilgannon 118
27 Ilikebugs 117
28 Darthikyu 115
29 Andrew 107
30 Astion 93
31 LustySalazzleMaid 88
31 mgperson 88
33 shadowtheorem 80
34 harrybotter 79
35 Lycanium Z 75
36 p0ip0le 70
37 Devoxys 69
38 scoobydoobydrew 66
39 FireghtBug 60
40 xfix 58
41 AndrewThePenguin 55
42 AzyncYT 53
43 A Quails Query 48
43 schaillop 48
45 BulbasaurBuddy 47
46 Zipzapadam 45
46 NTNW 45
48 holiday alt 41
49 Celesteeal 39
50 askdf 38
51 terrapieseven 37
51 Gwynt 37
53 PartMan 36
54 Emboar02 35
55 Bimp 33
56 BeedrillMega 32
57 KawaiiiiPotato 31
58 Wan the Avatar 30
58 gui shark 30
58 ooftatoEDM 30
58 rafooa11 30
58 Nolnis 30
63 VigilanteVigoroth 29
64 a r r t i 28
65 Magicana79 26
66 spiderz 25
66 irokei 25
68 Schiavetto 23
68 chupps 23
68 Andy 23
68 TheStarmanLord 23
72 arnavb12 22
72 Swanna 22
74 1v1 ShITPoSteR 21
75 AlexaPlayVetoBells 20
76 SergioRules 19
76 awa nderingcaelum 19
78 Milkshook 18
79 Bronzecrank 17
79 Elisier 17
79 WhirlwindBulbasaur 17
82 Snecko 16
82 Dratios 16
82 JetOU 16
82 AlexaPlayDespaveto 16
86 MicktheSpud 15
86 Dragonmirror 15
86 Snow Forme Shaymin 15
89 Alex 14
89 fjuesk 14
89 Thanked 14
92 Scrylveon 13
92 megumatt 13
92 adiass 13
95 Shayy Min Skyy 12
95 PrincessPika102 12
95 Hikanu 12
95 chaitu 12
95 danno 12
100 Skippy116 11
100 literallyeverybody 11
100 supermii2 11
100 DanDaMan99 11
104 Zepic 10
104 EsaEevee 10
104 hxlcyon 10
104 pv is busy 10
104 PikachuSean 10
104 Darkdex 10
104 o5v3 10
111 Waahhh Audino 9
111 MGenius 9
111 Mewtwo34 9
111 Soft Flex 9
111 skyfigueroa 9
111 smell of pain 9
117 Wet Kisser 8
117 SnZ 8
117 snaq 8
117 WhalemanCheng 8
117 Funwaa 8
117 Aeolia 8
117 ashiemore 8
117 stormfirelucario 8
117 frenchfryfan 8
126 Eriey 7
126 aha kill me 7
126 GeoTech 7
126 dyrana 7
130 Titus Labienus 6
130 Kiasmos 6
130 n4g4n4del 6
130 Magikingdra 6
130 IHasDisName 6
130 Geene 6
136 Midnightsecrets 5
136 628rosNonMega 5
136 shinx the17 5
136 SadMaC 5
136 Letsgosm2 5
136 pv is away 5
136 boredcollegekid 5
136 EAST SergioRules 5
136 eLiTEfoUrsAKshAm 5
136 osu stream master 5
136 ASeelThatChatters 5
147 Mikemanwba 4
147 Tlouk 4
147 Add23456 4
147 east pi 4
147 beautify 4
147 Cantius 4
147 DCSleepsAlone2Nite 4
147 glacierider 4
147 github 4
156 Tidal Otter 3
156 Christmas 3
156 ParakeetGamerGirl 3
156 lm cute 3
156 Woz 20 3
156 jumbowhales 3
156 Lycn 3
156 tonixy 3
156 Orichalcum448 3
156 Tapo Collino 3
156 Avaritia 3
156 gozogo123umbreon 3
156 86l 3
156 Tushavi 3
170 McLemore 2
170 2two 2
170 AidyBaby 2
170 Peterwhite 2
170 lmao whatever 2
170 Lack Of Sweat 2
170 TheJ3estPenguin 2
170 LJB14 2
170 pirouette 2
170 TheASC 2
170 KazuyaMiyuki 2
170 ViolentViolet77 2
170 Yua999 2
170 whalesy 2
170 tiernothebeast 2
170 moo 2
170 ThunderBALLZ 2
170 tttttarget 2
170 Diluvia 2
170 Arnav Saini 2
170 namakobushibushi 2
170 A Phantom 2
170 SpecterReaper 2
170 VigVig 2
170 Kantus 2
170 MrVicX 2
196 Devin Linotskam 1
196 ScorrchingTheaph 1
196 fehbvifev 1
196 MewTopic 1
196 Jahkxun 1
196 kt3 1
196 The Dark Alakazam 1
196 Klosterneuburg 1
196 HightideInkling 1
196 TheWhoDoctor 1
196 Sir Mister 1
196 AlolanAsh10 1
196 Tapu WhatNow 1
196 crescendosorcerer 1
196 Hyperweedle 1
196 SingTel 1
196 i solved this 1
196 Finish the hunt 1
196 Aggronauts 1
196 athleteandy1 1
196 Benjg 1
196 Racketguy69 1
196 Telepathos 1
196 SomeoneNotReal 1
196 Laladkos 1
196 Mob Boss 1
196 Juliedeerling 1
196 Aeonic 1
196 TimeToTestThisTeam 1
196 Tochou 1
196 Makechau 1
196 Rb220 1
196 BlindNinja 1
196 Empo XV 1
196 AlloyTheFusion 1
196 Fury of Attitude 1
196 bojangle387 1
196 Iceblock715 1
196 1987 was a year 1
196 ReFlux 1
196 325209187a 1
196 Level 52 1
196 SergioTests 1
196 thepixelbloxxer 1
The ladder twist for the month of February will be: Difficulty Bonus: 1st place gets one additional point for each minute it took them to finish after 1 minute mark up to 10 bonus points max. (This twist does not apply to mini officials.)
As a reward for winning the January Ladder, this twist was chosen by cseel from a list of submissions! Thanks to Snaquaza for submitted this twist. For a full list of users who earned head-start points for submitting valid twists:
AlexaPlayDespaveto 5
xfix 5
Snaquaza 35
Parcly Taxel 5
For more details on how to get these points, see the last page here: Scavengers Update: September 2018, and feel free to ask me any questions!

Have a thrilling time on the February Ladder!
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Results of the official collab with Snaquaza, on the 4th of February 5pm EST/10pm GMT
QC by Elgino10 and Gallant Spear

1st place: Ilikebugs [06:01].
2nd place: Devoxys [07:42].
3rd place: Bimp! [08:02].
4th place: Sun☼GodVolcarona [25:30].
5th place: 111ace111 [36:41].
Consolation Prize: scoobydoobydrew [51:36], Prof. Spalding [56:09]

1) This Pokemon Professor and his/her child was held hostage by the local antagonist team (in-game). [Leanne]
2) This lucky item has the same effect as an ability outside of battle, however half as effective. [White Flute]
3) Pokemon obtained in this location hold an item that holds a trophy. [Gym Leader Castle]

Congrats to all finishers!
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Official collab with Elgino10 for February 7th, 4PM EST/9PM GMT-0
QC by: xfix and Gallant Spear

1st place: mgperson 幹 [01:41].
2nd place: Bimp! [07:44].
3rd place: 111ace111 [11:17].
4th place: c.kilgannon [12:46].
5th place: The Purple Hat [18:41].
Consolation Prize: Soft Flex [30:51]

1) In a Gen IV game, a gym leader will quote this movie during battle [Galaxy Quest]
2) The only NPC that is confirmed to be from Kanto in Pokemon X and Y can be found in this specific location (Location that isn't on the map) [Restaurant Le Nah]
3) This is the name of the castle that is located in the same town as where you can find the maintainer of the Pokemon Storage System of that region (Don't include castle in your answer) [Shabboneau]
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Personal pronouns official, Valentine's Day, 14 February 8am SST (midnight UTC, 7pm 13 February EST)!
QC by Level 51 and Elgino

1st place: Tidal Otter [02:29].
2nd place: SergioRules [04:31].
3rd place: Emboar02 [04:43].
4th place: Andrew [06:19].
5th place: 111ace111 [12:56].
6th place: Prof. Spalding [14:12].
Consolation Prize: Rory Mercury [15:03], Alexander489 ͡ [16:46], Sun☼GodVolcarona [22:11], Trivi a Mach in E [26:33], A Quail's Query [30:40]

1. This is the only Pokémon with "me" and more than one I in its name, excluding formes. | Meditite
2. This gen 6 move contains a personal pronoun in its USUM description. | Celebrate
3. These three moves have personal pronouns as whole words in their English names. (alpha order) | After You Follow Me Me First
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Official Hunt on February 16th 2019 at 4 PM UTC
1st place: The Purple Hat [02:08].
2nd place: 111ace111 [02:30].
3rd place: smii [03:12].
4th place: Schiavetto [03:15].
5th place: BulbasaurBuddy [04:15].
Consolation Prize: cleo [05:27], Emboar02 [06:31], Trivia MacHine [15:56], Awesome96Birdy [20:18], EeveeLution∞Army [43:04], megumatt [47:18]

1) This is the oldest place built in Johto. [ruins of alph]
2) In 1998, you could get a Magikarp with Dragon Rage if you passed this test. (English name) [Celadon University Hyper Test]
3) This Johto location has Magikarp and Tauros statues. [big town]
Thanks agaib to c.kilgino combo for QC

May the Pyuks be with you
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Reserving an Official Incognito Hunt for February 16th 2019 at 10pm EST (3am UTC on the 17th)
Thank you to Spear and Meicoo for QCing!

1st place: ooftato✿EDM [01:07].
2nd place: 111ace111 [01:19].
3rd place: Sun☼GodVolcarona [02:02].
4th place: Whimpering <_< [02:17].
5th place: IHasDisName [02:35].
Consolation Prize: The Purple Hat [03:05], andrew [03:08], terrapieseven [03:42], Bimp! [03:53], Astion [06:28], Dan of ares [06:41], Ilikebugs [10:15], Prof. Spalding [10:38]

1) This is the only move with a z-move power of 170. [flyingpress]
2) This 'Cute' move is the only one with a +1 priority. [babydolleyes]
3) 'Evil Eye' is the Japanese name of a certain move. This is the only Pokemon who learns this move via leveling up at level 1. [chandelure]
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Name relations official, 18 February 11pm SST (10am EST, 3pm UTC)!
QC by 3.14dgeot-Mega and gallant's pear

1st place: Level 51 [10:47].
2nd place: xfix [12:49].
3rd place: Aegii [18:12].
4th place: Emboar02 [19:04].
5th place: Damnright [22:09].
6th place: 111ace111 [28:27].
Consolation Prize: Flerovium [28:48], AbuBatata [29:03], PartMan.· [30:23], Soft Flex [31:01], p^_^okemonvortex. [40:38]

1. This Pokémon's name may be obtained by prepending a letter to its pre-evolution's. | Swoobat [Woobat]
2. The evolutionary family ending at this dual-typed Pokémon is the only such family whose French names all begin with an accented letter. | Staraptor [Étourmi, Étourvol, Étouraptor]
3. In German, these two Pokémon species share the same typing and first six letters, but are not evolutionarily related. (English, alpha order) | Basculin Feebas [Barschuft Barschwa]
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Reserving an Official Collab Hunt with Meicoo for February 28th 2019 at 12pm EST (5pm UTC on the 28th)

Thanks to Level 51 and c.kilgannon for QC-ing


1st place: Abubatata [7:57]
2nd place: Prof.Spalding [8:30]
3rd place: gallant's pear [9:52]
4th place: Cheese555 [18:16]
5th place: Partman [19:02]
6th place: 111ace111[22:08]
Consolation prize: damnright [33:00] Parcly Taxel [36:00]


1. In Pokemon Contests in the main series Pokemon games, certain pairs of moves are more effective when used as a consecutive combination. Which Generation 3 combination comprises two sound moves? List the two moves alphabetically. | Perish song,sing
2. Among Pokemon who can learn both Perish Song and Sing, which Pokemon does not share at least one type with any of the rest?|Kricketune
3.Find the numerical difference between the top test cricket run scores of the current captains of the national teams of the first non-England nations to host the Cricket World Cup. Alphabetically list any signature moves of Pokemon whose attack stats are that number.|Anchorshot,geomancy,oblivionwing
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Reserving an official hunt, February 28th at 9 PM GMT!

QC by Gallant Spear and Parcly Taxel

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Devoxys [01:01].
2nd place: heroictobias [01:40].
3rd place: Elgino ♫ [02:02].
4th place: ScorrchingTheaph [02:28].
5th place: golden009 [02:43].
Consolation Prize: Meicoo [03:11], Dan of ares [05:11], fearfire22[05:29], 111ace111 [10:17]

1) This key item is only used by Cyrus in-game. [Red Chain]
2) This location is advertised to be of “a different class.” [Hotel Grand Lake]
3) Roark has recommended this to be used as a decoration to the player. [Fossil / A Fossil]
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The February Ladder has now concluded. Congratulations to the top three placers: 111ace111 in first place with 364 points, gallant's pear in second place with 229 points, and SunGodVolcarona in third place with 216 points!
111ace111 364
gallant's pear 229
SunGodVolcarona 216
damnright 210
smii 203
c.kilgannon 190
The Purple Hat 187
Prof. Spalding 172
Snaquaza 161
Andrew 151
cleo 137
Cheese555 135
Parcly Taxel 121
Meicoo 120
scoobydoobydrew 111
IHasDisName 97
Whimpering 94
Dan of ares 94
Rory Mercury 92
AbuBatata 88
Elgino 83
3.14dgeot-Mega 82
Bimp 78
fearfire22 77
Level 51 75
aegii 67
xfix 60
Devoxys 58
Schiavetto 56
McLemore 56
I'm Soapy 55
ooftatoEDM 54
p0ip0le 54
pokemonvortex. 54
cseel 53
Tidal Otter 52
AndrewThePenguin 48
Ilikebugs 48
Soft Flex 48
Trivia Machine 45
Emboar02 39
PartMan 39
heroictobias 38
SergioRules 36
mgperson 36
gui shark 35
BulbasaurBuddy 33
Zipzapadam 32
Flerovium 32
unfunnyholidayalt 31
Lycanium Z 30
FireghtBug 29
teal mega 27
Awesome96Birdy 22
Zepic 22
irokei 19
ScorrchingTheaph 19
Celesteeal 18
boredcollegekid 18
S@kshamBhatt 16
Gwynt 16
Chillie102 15
VigilanteVigoroth 15
AshesToEmbers 15
KawaiiiiPotato 14
Skippy116 14
askdf 14
Bipedalist llamas 12
Hikanu 12
Astion 12
Yua999 11
darkdex 10
megumatt 10
Elisier 10
golden009 10
Failure999 10
stormfirelucario 9
broil 9
Nolnis 9
Wan the Avatar 8
Modern Jesus 8
DanDaMan99 8
Beedrill-Mega 8
SonofDaw13 8
A Quail's Query 7
EeveeLutionArmy 7
p0k3m0nv0rt3x 7
Zorua Trainer 6
PrincessPika102 6
Forget about life 6
Dylas 6
Aeonic 6
DTO Zekrom 6
GeoTech 6
FurretUsedPunch 6
WhirlwindBulbasaur 6
Shadow Sirens 5
Kitbash 5
smellofpain 5
DarkShinyGiratina 5
alexaplaydespaveto 5
KingRion 5
Kiasmos 5
Arnav Saini 5
Dratios 5
Alexander4 5
skyfigueroa 5
FourThirdsPiRCubed 5
PikachuSean 4
Henka 4
Lady Monita 4
FrenchFryFan 4
terrapieseven 4
chupps 4
Nuivo 4
shinxthe17 4
Swanna 3
ZestOfLife 3
Mikemanwba 3
FroppyKero 3
letsgosm2 3
Julie(deerling) 3
Dirk Kuyt 3
pokemangoes 3
LCABS Weep is dead 3
awanderingcaelum 3
TheJ3estPenguin 3
Snow Forme Shaymin 3
protect the deer 3
t oni xy 3
TheASC 3
ParakeetGamerGirl 3
Arsenal 3
Snecko 3
sparkychild 3
dyrana 3
fjuesk 2
Gargoyle31 2
Anorith345 2
Diabetic Slug 2
chaitu 2
subspecies 2
Milkshook 2
Gary The Savage 2
LJB14 2
MGenius 2
conabzb 2
Racketguy69 2
beegoner 2
spiderz 2
danno 2
rafooa11 2
TheFourthWall22 2
tttttarget 2
C733937 123 2
EpicCreeper9002 1
phantomspectra33 1
o5v3 1
WoofyJack 1
ellevild 1
TheStarmanLord 1
ViolentViolet77 1
White Woz 1
WhalemanCheng 1
TheWhoDoctor 1
It Prints Money 1
EliteFour Saksham 1
Loneliest 1
Gimm1ck 1
Not Flex 1
Embo is doing hw 1
TerminatorWW 1
Illusio 1
EsaEevee 1
SP Ultra Weeb 1
Mishki 1
OM 1
Sir Mister 1
Kaif_Plays 1
ZeitoKrabby 1
Marshadow 1
Annika0 1
Luc The Lucario 1
Zack02 1
SergioTests 1
afn 1
Pro 1v1er 1
jumbowhales 1
harrybotter 1
MixingDatBeat 1
BlindNinja 1
AzyncYT 1
ptelzcra 1
road blocks 1
xernn 1
rorymercuryweeb 1
1v1 Shitposter 1
ZiO II 1
Saved by a Waif 1
Party Rock Anthem 1
Midnightsecrets 1
RiverRusher 1
Regretfulness 1
Anot 1
Andy 1
zacjl 1
reely 1
SirSkit 1
nitrodog96 1
Bunguin87 1
The ladder twist for the month of March will be: Special Mystery Odyssey: At least one Odyssey official will be held per week. All participants may guess how many questions it will include prior to the hunt (this will be announced), and any who guess correctly will get an additional 5 points. (This twist does not affect mini-officials.)

As a reward for winning the February Ladder, this twist was chosen by 111ace111 from a list of submissions! Thanks to gallant's pear for being the one who submitted this twist, and on the March Ladder he will receive 10 points for submitting a total of 2 valid twists, plus an additional 30 for submitting the winning twist! For a full list of users who earned head-start points for submitting valid twists:
gallant's pear 40
unfunnyholidayalt 5
For more details on how to get these points, see the last page here: Scavengers Update: September 2018, and feel free to ask me any questions!

Have an invigorating time on the March Ladder!
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Mini Official Roundup! (January 1st - February 28th EDT) Results:
1st place: Bimp! [00:43]. 2nd place: Sun☼GodVolcarona [02:07]. 3rd place: Rory Mercury [02:31]. Consolation Prize: Cheese555 [02:43], Whimpering [02:48], Meicoo [03:12], LJB14 [03:44], 111ace111 [03:50], Ilikebugs [05:57], beedrillmega [06:09], The Purple Hat [08:52], Devoxys [09:11], Dan of Ares [10:33], Milkshook [12:21]
Quality Checker: Andrew
1st place: Cheese555 [01:02]. 2nd place: 3.14dgeot-Mega [01:11]. 3rd place: c.kilgannon [01:11]. Consolation Prize: Aegii [01:26], 111ace111 [02:32], AndrewThePenguin [03:13], 1v1 ShITPoSteR ∅ [06:51], The Purple Hat [22:42]
Quality Checker: Level 51
1st place: smii [05:45]. 2nd place: I'm Soapy? [08:57]. 3rd place: cleo [16:05]. Consolation Prize: Bimp! [17:58], boredcollegekid [29:12], Snaquaza ◢ ◤ [29:46], Failure999 [33:15], Snecko [46:21], Sun☼GodVolcarona [46:21], aegii [47:47], PartMan [56:32]
Quality Checker: Level 51
Belated huge congratulations to gallant's pear, our newest Room Owner, as well as to Snaquaza, our newest oldest Room Moderator, pokemonvortex, our newest newest Room Moderator, and Ilikebugs, Cheese555, I'm Soapy, Cleo, and cseel, our newest Room Voices!

Quick Links:
Previous Results

Monthly Ladder Archive
Reserving an official Odyssey hunt for March 3rd, at 3 PM GMT—collab by lovemathboy and myself, QC by Elgino and Meicoo.

1st place: Parcly Taxel [25:12].
2nd place: chupps [31:26].
3rd place: Andrew ^_^ [31:36].
4th place: c.kilgannon [37:23].
5th place: GUISHARK >º( [39:39].
6th place: gallant's pear [41:40]
Consolation Prizes: PartMan [47:56], Flerovium [49:17], WhirlwindBulbasaur [57:19], DarkShinyGiratina [01:11:54]

correctly guessed the length of the Odyssey, so they get an additional 5 points.

  1. This department store sells TM15 for 90,000 Pokedollars. [Shopping Mall Nine]
  2. This is Ledian's category. [Five Star]
  3. This is the name of the Pokemon Professor in Pokemon Picross (include the word "Professor"). [Professor Tetra]
  4. This Nature increases Attack and lowers Defense. [Lonely]
  5. This group of recurring characters from Pokemon Ranger uses Super Stylers embedded in instruments. [Go-Rock Quads]
  6. This eatery is part of Hotel Grand Lake. [Seven Stars Restaurant]
  7. Battle Chatelaine Dana specialises in this format of battle (include the word "Battle"). [Triple Battle]
  8. This group of high-ranking Team Plasma members includes Ghetsis. [Seven Sages]
  9. In the Pokemon TCG, this attack is shared by a card featuring Metagross and a card featuring Volcanion. [Quad Smash]
  10. In this round of the Pokemon Adventures manga, Moon, Lillie, and Olivia chase Nebby down Mahalo Trail. [The Decision and the Tournament of Six]
  11. Of all the multi-hit moves with constant base power, this move is tied for the lowest accuracy, lowest base PP, and lowest base power. [Double Slap]
  12. This Water-type can learn Fire Blast, Sludge Wave, and Energy Ball. [Octillery]
  13. This is the name of Wishiwashi's base form (exclude the word "Form"). [Solo]
  14. All but one of the trainers on Seaside Cycling Road are of this trainer class. [Triathlete]
  15. This is the name of the 111th anime episode of the Advanced Generation series. [Eight Ain't Enough!]
  16. In ORAS, this key item is given to the player by Norman in Littleroot City before the Delta Episode. [Pair of Tickets]
  17. This Pokemon has an EV yield of exactly 1 SpDef and 1 Spe. [Ninetales]
  18. This attack, found on a Piloswine in the TCG, can have a base damage as high as 200. [Quintuple Headbutt]
  19. This is the subtitle of the Pokemon movie featuring the Shamouti Prophecy. [The Power of One]
  20. This team of Cipher Peons in Pokemon XD appear at Phenac City disguised as the "Justy Gang". [Hexagon Brothers]
  21. This Pokemon anime ending theme is performed by the Pokemon BW Choral Gang. [Seven-colored Arch]
  22. This shape, when found on a Pokemon's summary screen, indicates it originates from a Gen VI game. [Pentagon]
  23. Under normal circumstances, this move has a 36% chance of poisoning the target. [Twineedle]
  24. This character defeated Misty in the semi-finals round of a tournament and proceeded to take second place. [Trinity]
  25. https://i.imgur.com/kC50SQI.png / Your answer should answer the following question: “How did you extract the final answer?" [Missingno.] (For a full solution, check out the spoilerbox below.)
Each question from Q1 to Q24 has an answer that hints at a number from 1 to 9:
  1. Shopping Mall Nine: 9
  2. Five Star: 5
  3. Professor Tetra: 4
  4. Lonely: 1
  5. Go-Rock Quads: 4
  6. Seven Stars Restaurant: 7
  7. Triple Battle: 3
  8. Seven Sages: 7
  9. Quad Smash: 4
  10. The Decision and the Tournament of Six: 6
  11. Double Slap: 2
  12. Octillery: 8
  13. Solo: 1
  14. Triathlete: 3
  15. Eight Ain't Enough!: 8
  16. Pair of Tickets: 2
  17. Ninetales: 9
  18. Quintuple Headbutt: 5
  19. The Power of One: 1
  20. Hexagon Brothers: 6
  21. Seven-colored Arch: 7
  22. Pentagon: 5
  23. Twineedle: 2
  24. Trinity: 3
These can be slotted into the given Sudoku grid to form a solvable Sudoku, as shown here:

It gives the following solution:

Each colored region holds a number not higher than 26: 13, 9, 19, 19, 9, 14, 7, 14, 15. Translating these into letters of the alphabet by their position in the alphabet gives the final answer MISSINGNO.
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Reserving a normal Official Hunt on Sunday March 3rd at 7 PM EST (GMT -5)

Thanks to Gallant Spear and c.kilgannon for QCing!

1st Place: Meicoo (3:14)
2nd Place: fearfire22 (3:59)
3rd Place: scoobydoobydrew (5:24)
4th Place: golden009 (9:02)
5th Place: 111ace111 (18:32)
6th Place: pokemonvortex(31:02)
Consolation Prizes: Rory Mercury [52:17], Parcly Taxel ♦ [54:23], Prof. Spalding [57:47], broil [57:54], A Quail's Query [01:07:20], McLemore [01:28:50]

1 Name the Ultra Beast codename that is last in alphabetical order. Symbiont
2 This is the only Gym Leader whose in-game Gym Battle team can consist of a single Pokemon (count Tate and Liza as one leader). Lt. Surge
3 Assuming no items, no EVs, and 31 IVs, these natures are legally capable of providing the highest net stat increase (answer in alphabetical order). Relaxed Sassy
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"In Different Contexts" odyssey official, 5 March 11pm SST (10am EST, 3pm UTC)!
QC by pokemonvortex and Rory Mercury

1st place: Snaquaza ◢ ◤ [50:39].
2nd place: gallant's pear [56:24].
3rd place: Level 51 [59:52].
4th place: unfunnyholidayalt [01:02:14].
5th place: 111ace111 [01:15:16].
6th place: Geene [01:20:00].
Consolation Prize: AbuBatata [01:22:35], lets_go_ou_test [01:31:25], scoobydoobydrew [01:38:20]

The questions all deal with changes to things that depend on context (language, tier, medium, etc.) The first 15 questions cycle through Pokémon, moves, items, locations and the anime, except the Sobble question which was moved down in its block because I felt it would be a little harder. The last three questions are general knowledge, as hinted at by the final question.

1. This doubles OU Pokémon contains the letters D, O and U in that order in its name, not necessarily consecutively. (PS! format) | Landorus-Therian
2. This is the only move with two different Pokémon-specific Z-variants. | Thunderbolt
3. This is the progresssion of reward items from the Lumiose City restaurants, from lowest to highest price. | Tiny Mushroom Big Mushroom Balm Mushroom Big Nugget
4. The LGPE dex entries of a Pokémon say it is from "the East". That Pokémon's Yellow dex entry had this place instead. | China
5. Manga characters appeared in the anime in a fictional movie titled this. | The Gluttonous Visitor, Clefairy
6. Vivillon generated on devices whose location is set to any of the 50 US states may be any one of these patterns. (alpha order) | High Plains Modern Ocean Polar
7. These three moves are TMs in LGPE but not USUM and are of types that did not exist in gen 1. (alpha order) | Foul Play Iron Tail Play Rough
8. These local specialities can be found on or near the S.S. Anne in at least one of the games it features in. (alpha order) | Lava Cookie Shalour Sable
9. The player can draw moustaches in this building in only one of the main series games it appears in. | Celadon Mansion; Celadon Condominiums
10. One episode of the Latin American dub of the anime called this move Seed Flare. | Will-O-Wisp
11. In some main series game, this move can move objects both within and outside battles. | Strength
12. This TM can be obtained without paying money in the Korean version of a main series game, but not the North American version. ("TM", then TM number, then move) | TM64 Explosion
13. A place by this name appears in two regions, but offers Heart Scales in only one branch. | Sushi High Roller
14. This episode was supposed to air in Japan on the same day as a specific date mentioned in that episode; it eventually aired four months later. | Princess vs. Princess
15. This starter Pokémon's name may have three M's, two B's or two É's, depending on the language. (English) | Sobble
16. These two films were nominated for 11 Academy Awards and won zero. (chronological order, omit leading articles) | Turning Point Color Purple
17. In the 2011 two-game Jeopardy! match between IBM's Watson, Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter, Watson gave this response to the first Final Jeopardy! clue. | What is Toronto?????
18. "Mental Agility", "Physical Ability" and "General Knowledge" were some of the rounds on this British game show. | The Krypton Factor
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official hunt on March 8th, at 3 PM UTC
1st place: Sun☼GodVolcarona [02:40].
2nd place: 111ace111 [03:33].
3rd place: PartMan [05:31].
4th place: AbuBatata [07:11].
5th place: Machine Trivia [14:17].
Consolation Prize: unfunnyholidayalt [18:29]

1) In Pokemon TCG Game Boy Color game, this room is equal to Hall of Fame room in the main games. [hall of honor]
2) This text based Pokemon RPG began in Bulbagarden forum originally centered around Water Type Pokemon and later expanded on UPN and Serebii. [fizzy bubbles]
3) You can obtain a Tauros named Professor in this location. [poni gauntlet]
Thanks to c.kilmore combo for QC

May the pyuks be with you.
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