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official hunt on October 26th 2018 at 1 AM UTC.
1st place: Devoxys [03:00].
2nd place: applo♫ [03:09].
3rd place: p^_^okemonvortex. [04:07].
4th place: Andrew [04:49].
5th place: 1987 was a year [04:55].
Consolation Prize: c.kilgannon [05:08], spooktato✿EDM [10:34], 3.14dgeot-Mega [14:43]
1) The speed stat of the Zekrom Tretta, that only has Bolt Strike and Fusion Bolt, is the same as this dual type Pokémon's speed stat in the main series game. [diggersby]
2) In Pokemon Adventure, after failing to capture Lugia, Silver went to the southernmost isle of Whirl Islands and used a combination of these 3 moves to enter a secret chamber, where Lance greeted him inside. (alphabetically) [surf waterfall whirlpool]
3) This english dub pokemon song is performed by one of the Spice Girls members. [(Hey You) Free Up Your Mind]
/startofficialhunt Snaquaza | <Welcome to my 100th hunt of the month, my 19th birthday and my first odyssey official! You will start off by doing a practice hunt, and see where you’ll go…> You can use this (one-word) command to guess an answer in a Scavenger Hunt. | /scavenge | You can use this (one-word) command to view questions and answers of previous questions. | /viewhunt | /dt 586 | Sawsbuck | A new official Scavenger Hunt by Snaquaza has been started. The first hint is: <Pokemon Hunt> This is the only fully evolved Pokemon with Torrent that’s not a starter. | Simipour | This ability allows Castform to change forms. | Forecast | This move can be used by any Pokemon when they can’t use any other move. | Struggle | A new official Scavenger Hunt by Snaquaza has been started. The first hint is: <Silhouette Hunt> [Pokemon] | Alomomola | [Character] | Ash; Ash Ketchum | [Item] | Leftovers | A new official Scavenger Hunt by Snaquaza has been started. The first hint is: <Sequences Hunt> Which Pokemon comes after Cottonee in the Black and White Regional Pokedex? | Whimsicott | By ID Number, this move comes right after the consecutive sequence of Continental Crush and Savage-Spin Out. | Savage Spin-Out | Alphabetically, this English voice actor is in third place, after the consecutive sequence of Aaron Phillips and Abe Goldfarb. | Alex Campbell | A new official Scavenger Hunt by Snaquaza has been started. The first hint is: <Super Staff Bros Brawl Hunt> This user in Super Staff Bros Brawl has the signature move “Holy Duck!” | duck | This user is represented by a Honchkrow in Super Staff Bros Brawl. | Snaquaza | This Generation 5 Pokemon can be immune to Mitsuki’s STABs and is neutral to her other moves. | Bouffalant | A new official Scavenger Hunt by Snaquaza has been started. The first hint is: <Pokemon Hunt> This is the only Shadow Move in Pokemon Colosseum. | Shadow Rush | This is the only Generation 6 Move that had its base accuracy changed. | Topsy Turvy | According to Professor Juniper, this Pokemon appeared 100 years ago. | Klink | A new official Scavenger Hunt by Snaquaza has been started. The first hint is: <Picture Hunt> [Character] | Misty | [Pokemon] | Crustle | [Location] | Viridian Forest | A new official Scavenger Hunt by Snaquaza has been started. The first hint is: <PokéDifferences Hunt – If you remove all letters in common between “Loudred” and “Wailord” you get “ue Wai”. If you remove all letters “Skrelp” and “Eelektross” have in common, you get these letters. | p to | If you remove all letters “Krabby” and this Pokemon have in common, you get “K vi”. | Braviary | If you remove all letters that these two Pokemon share, you get “Gaoo ilu”. | Garbodor Drilbur | A new official Scavenger Hunt by Snaquaza has been started. The first hint is: <Movie Hunt> When you can first see Pokemon in “Black – Victini and Reshiram”, two Pokemon are shown that are not Flying-type. Name the Flying-type moves that both learn alphabetically. | Defog Tailwind | This is the strongest Pokemon (by Base Stat Total) whose appearance was completely cut in the Cartoon Network airing of “Black – Victini and Reshiram”. | Gothorita | During the opening of “Black – Victini and Reshiram”, Pikachu uses this move. | Electro Ball | A new official Scavenger Hunt by Snaquaza has been started. The first hint is: <Pokemon Hunt> This Alolan character can use the wrong pronoun for the player character in a specific language. | Lana | Chuuster from the Hano Grand Resort is originally from this location. | Pikachu Valley | Of all anime characters whose name is also an Ella Mai song, there is one who has four or more Pokemon. Name their fourth Pokemon to be revealed. | Lampent | <MetaHunt Question – use the previous answers to decipher this one!> Coming Soon… 3 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 3 | Scolipede
Reserving two special style officials for the 2018 Halloween event. There'll be a unique twist to both hunts, please join us this weekend to find out what it is!
Hunts by Ashiemore, Alex, Emboar02, Adiass, and myself.
QCs: Ashiemore, Alex, Adiass, and RossW
Event Time:
Pt. 1
4 PM UTC on Saturday the 27th (9 AM PDT, 11 AM Central, 12 PM EDT, 6-7 PM EU)
Q17 - 21 [adiass]
In Gen 2, if you use Teleport after leaving this location, you'll be teleported to the Pokemon Center in Vermilion or Olivine City regardless of what Pokemon Center you last used. | SSAqua | In the movie “Angel Heart”, this character’s name is a homophone of Lucifer | Louis Cyphre | This item exclusive to the Battle Pyramid changes color depending on whether you're doing the Level 50 challenge or the Open Level challenge.| battle bag | [Pokemon Adventures] This is the only Pokemon to have it's PP restored | Shedinja | [Anime] This is the only Gym Leader to forfeit against Ash. | Pryce | [Pokemon Adventures manga] Guzma participated in a tournament hosted at this location.| Iki town | You can receive a Rare Candy in exchange for showing this trainer a Pokemon they request to see. Include the trainer class in your answer. | Lady Selphy | This is the only Pokemon in the Gen 1 games that can't be seen without trading. | Golem | You can receive a level 100 Meowth from a NPC if you trade them this Pokemon.| Skitty | This group were the first Korean artists to host a program on Apple's Beats 1 radio station. | NCT127 | Jaehyun of Korean pop group NCT dressed up as a character from this anime movie for Halloween in 2017 (English title). | Your Name | This LoL champion who received a Halloween skin this year is primarily played in the Support role. | Janna | This Halloween themed-game can be accessed by clicking on the doodle on Google's home page. | Trick or Treat: The Great Ghoul Duel; Great Ghoul Duel; The Great Ghoul Duel | In the Pokemon Adventures Manga, there was a certain pokemon that could switch between its evolved forms. After evolving into a specific form, however, it lost that ability. Name the pokemon it evolved into. | Espeon | Espeon can learn two stab moves through breeding. Out of the pokemon that Espeon must breed with in order to get these moves, only one can give both moves to Espeon. Name that pokemon. | Munna | By using Forest’s Curse on a pokemon with this typing, the pokemon will be weak to 10 different types. (Name the types in alphabetical order) | Dragon ice | Snorunt is able to learn this special move after being Purified from being a Shadow Pokemon. | Sing | In an anime episode, this Pokemon takes Pikachu's and Ash's spirits from their bodies, causing them to temporarily be ghosts. | Haunter | This trainer uses four Pokemon found in the Pokemon Shuffle stage 'Castle Noapte' on their team when you battle them in the World Leaders Tournament. | Morty | Giratina is found in this stage in Pokemon Rumble World. | Withered Cemetery | In the last episode in which Ash's Pikachu uses Volt Tackle, this Ghost-type Pokemon debuted. | Yamask
1) You can buy a Hard Stone for 150.000 Pokedollars in this route. Answer with format [Region Route Route Number]. [Hoenn Route 114]
2) Of all the items that have a chance of appearing in a specific Hidden Grotto, this one has the highest percent chance [Dawn Stone]
3) Of all Pokemon with a serpentine body-style that have a unique typing, this one was released first. [Magcargo]
1) This is the last location alphabetically in the main series games. [White Treehollow]
2) This is the only Dragon-Type to not appear in any regional Browser, excluding Pokemon that are only obtained by Wi-Fi missions [Vibrava]
3) These are the two most used held items by Battle Royal Dome Trainers with the trainer class Worker. Give the answers alphabetically [Life Orb Sitrus Berry]
1) According to the Almost Any Ability resources page, name all Pokemon that can viably use Kyogre-Primal's signature ability alphabetically. [Ferrothorn Manaphy Rotom-Wash / Ferrothorn Manaphy Rotom W]
2) Name everything heavier than Groudon-Primal on Pokemon Showdown alphabetically. [Celesteela Cosmoem Missingno]
3) Name the four (real) Pokemon that would have a Base Stat Total greater than Rayquaza-Mega’s in Bad ‘n Boosted (Other Metagame where base stats of 70 or lower are doubled) alphabetically (use name as seen in /dt). [Aggron-Mega Castform Deoxys-Defense Mewtwo-Mega-Y]
Secret hint: +Snaquaza ◢ ◤:when you find the answer to q2, you'll be missing no Pokemon anymore
Hosted an official Point Rally on Wednesday, October 31st, at 8:00 PM EDT! It was my 100th official hunt, on the 6 year anniversary of when I first joined PS!
1-1 Dry Skin, 1-2 Flower Gift, 1-3 Power of Alchemy 2-1 Whirlwind, 2-2 Earthquake, 2-3 Grass Pledge Water Pledge 3-1 Shedinja, 3-2 Heavy Ball, 3-3 Circle Throw 4-1 Salamence, 4-2 Swampert, 4-3 Dark Pulse Flamethrower Ice Beam 5-1 Alomomola, 5-2 Acid Armor, 5-3 Articuno 6-1 Fathom Events, 6-2 Pokemon Zoroark Master of Illusions, 6-3 We Will Meet Again 7-1 Iron-Masked Marauder, 7-2 Dragon Snarl, 7-3 Chespin 8-1 Pachirisu, 8-2 Duskull Bank, 8-3 Arceus Shaymin 9-1 Blue Moon Falls, 9-2 Slowking, 9-3 Hau'oli City 10-1 Ninetales, 10-2 Egg Ticket, 10-3 Springleaf Field 11-1 Loony, 11-2 Megahorn, 11-3 Beedrill 12-1 Diglett-Alola, 12-2 Extreme Evoboost, 12-3 Meltan
Hunt 1
1-1 This ability can either regain or reduce the user's HP. 1-2 This ability, that belongs to exactly one Pokemon, can change the user's form multiple times in battle, and was introduced in Generation 4. 1-3 Which ability not possessed by a legendary Pokemon has 3 separated words in its name?
Hunt 2
2-1 Which status move that currently cannot miss had an accuracy of less than 90% in Generation 1? 2-2 The One-hit knockout move that was handed out as a TM for defeating a gym leader in the main series games could be used after this move for an extra three appeal points in a Contest Spectacular. 2-3 Which two moves can be used together to create a swamp on the target's side of the field in the main series Pokemon games? List them alphabetically.
Hunt 3
3-1 Which fully-evolved Pokemon cannot eat Poke Beans? 3-2 Which kind of Poke Ball introduced in Generation 2 could reduce the default catch rate when used in certain circumstances? (Include "ball" in your answer.) 3-3 n Eject Button will not activate if the holder is hit with this Fighting-type move.
Hunt 4
4-1 This is the first Pokemon mentioned by name in the Smogon overview of Dragonite's recommended generation 4 OU movesets. 4-2 The Generation 3 recommended Metagross set named after Hidden Power is described as being designed to counter this Pokemon. 4-3 The Generation 5 VGC12 Smogon set for Tyranitar that recommends only using the ability Unnerve has these three damage-dealing moves. List them alphabetically.
Hunt 5
5-1 This monotyped Pokemon debuts in the 500th round of the Pokemon Adventures manga. 5-2 Which status move did Red's Eevee use in the Pokemon Adventures manga that doesn't match the type of Eevee or any of its evolutions? 5-3 Girafarig first appears in the Pokemon Adventures manga in the possession of a certain trainer. What Pokemon is the trainer working to catch in the trainer's debut appearance?
Hunt 6
6-1 Either Warner Bros. or Miramax Films are among the current American distributors of every Pokemon movie except for one; what company is the sole distributor of this movie? 6-2 Which Pokemon movie debuted in Japanese during the only year in the 21st century that no Pokemon movie has debuted in English? Answer with the full English name of the movie, and format accented e as an unaccented e. 6-3 The first movie to have VIZ Media as one of its American distributors has an English ending theme entitled this.
Hunt 7
7-1 The Rocket's Tyranitar Pokemon TCG card released in the Japanese expansion "Pokemon VS" features the anime character known in English as this, instead of a default male rocket grunt. 7-2 This Pokemon TCG theme deck released in the Black & White Series includes in its name both a main-series Pokemon type and a main-series Pokemon move. 7-3 The first English TCG theme deck to include fairy energy features this Pokemon on its boxart cover.
Hunt 8
8-1 Which Pokemon that was a possible starting playable character in at least one of the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Stormy, Blazing, and Light Adventure Squad games has the highest main series BST? 8-2 Which Treasure Town location in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky is run by a Little Cup Pokemon? 8-3 Which two Pokemon introduced in Generation IV are not available by any method in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Darkness? List them alphabetically.
Hunt 9
9-1 In Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal, on the first floor of Union Cave, a certain Pokemon is the only fully evolved Pokemon that can be encountered when surfing. Which anime-only Johto location is exclusively populated by that species of fully evolved Pokemon? 9-2 In the only region without a main series numbered water route, this fully-evolved water type Pokemon is used by a Gym Leader in a Gym battle. 9-3 In the main series Pokemon games, the only region with a pair of settlements with "Village" in their name has this as its most populous city. Include the word "city" in your answer.
Hunt 10
10-1 Which Pokemon had the highest Base Stat Total not divisible by 5 in Generation 1? 10-2 This Key Item is only available in the Japanese version of Pokemon Crystal, and not in any other game. 10-3 What is the name of the largest location in Pokemon Channel?
Hunt 11
11-1 In Pokemon Super Contests, Fantina uses a Pokemon nicknamed this. 11-2 Look at the three teams that Hugh may use in the player's seventh battle in Pokemon Black White 2. Identify the team that has at least one of each of the following types of moves: Fire, Water, and Grass. Name the move with the highest Base Power that multiple Pokemon on this team know. 11-3 Which Pokemon capable of Mega Evolution whose entire name is included within the name of its corresponding mega stone has the lowest Base Stat Total? Answer with the Pokemon's base form.
Hunt 12
12-1 Which Little Cup Alolan form Pokemon has the same hidden ability as its base form? Format its name as Pokemon Showdown does. 12-2 Name the only signature Z-move that is a status move. 12-3 What is the first Mythical Pokemon that can evolve into a different Pokemon?
Reserving an official hunt for Thursday November 1st at 10 PM GMT! QC: Meicoo, adiass
1st place: golden009 [02:01]. 2nd place: Ilikebugs [02:31].
3rd place:askdf [02:31].
4th place: HeroicTobias [02:36].
5th place: Andrew [02:52].
Consolation Prize:c.kilgannon [02:59], boredcollegekid [04:02], Whimpering [04:03], Rory Mercury [04:37], p^_^okemonvortex.[04:44], Dan of ares [06:10], 1987 was a year [08:28], Yua999[13:52], ooftato✿EDM [17:01], AndrewThePenguin [19:11]
This is the only Pokemon with an EV Yield of 2 Speed; 1 Special Attack. | Raikou
This is the only Pokemon Hau caught postgame in Pokemon Ultra Sun. | Blacephalon
This is the only Pokemon in the Sinnoh Pokedex that you can find in the wild in a location due to inserting an Emerald game into a Nintendo DS while playing Platinum. | Gengar
The October Ladder has now concluded. Congratulations to the top three placers: Snaquaza in first place with 1016 points, Whimpering in second place with 418 points, and 3.14dgeot-Mega in third place with 390 points!
The ladder twist for the month of November will be: Close Call: If you finish an official within 1 minute of the first finisher, you get equal points to first place! (This twist does not apply to mini officials.)
As a reward for winning the September Ladder, this twist was chosen by Snaquaza from a list of submissions! Thanks to Snaquaza for also being the one who submitted this twist (yes, this is entirely allowed), and on the October Ladder he will receive 15 points for submitting a total of 3 valid twists, plus an additional 30 for submitting the winning twist! For a full list of users who earned head-start points for submitting valid twists:
Snaquaza 45
gallant's pear 10
For more details on how to get these points, see the last page here: Scavengers Update: September 2018, and feel free to ask me any questions!
Consolation: thimblebony,ultra ree, Dan of ares, c.kilgannon
1) Before they were their own card type, items from the games were classified as these types of cards in the TCG. (Include "cards") | trainer cards 2) This is the only TM in Gen 6 that changes its move depending on which game you play. (XY or ORAS) (Number only) | 94
3) This is the only monotype Pokemon that can learn Psychic Fangs by breeding. | Lillipup
1) This character of the day was only referred to as "Sensei" in the English anime dub. [Tokichi]
2) This was the last anime episode in which a mammal was referenced outside of a Pokedex entry or a species name. [Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snorunt!]
3) This is the character that is present in the most episodes of the anime, that’s never actually been shown. [Narrator]
Winner: FireghtBug (08:52) Second Place: pokemonvortex (12:01) Third Place: Emboar02 (12:22) Fourth Place: Ilikebugs (18:19) Fifth Place: boredcollegekid (28:39)
Q1) The VIZ Media title of the Pokémon Adventures chapter in which Flaaffy debuts contains a word one letter off from this CAP Pokémon.
Q2) A certain character of the day's name is contained in the category name of the one Pokémon they were shown to own. The character’s Pokémon is also featured in that episode's segment of Who's That Pokémon in Japanese. What is the character’s name?
Q3) Of the episodes in which more than one Pokémon belonging to a main character learns new moves, this is the only one in which no Pokémon evolves.
Kerfluffle, Tad, Rematch at the Nacrene Gym!(Alts: May's Egg-Cellent Adventure / Some Kind of Laziness!)
Grats to all finishers! Sorry about there being 2 alts for Q3, I should've been more thorough, that's all on me and not due to the QCers Pants and ashiemore, whom I thank for QCing. Luckily the alts don't seem to have affected the rankings, so there's that.
Results for official for 1 PM, Tuesday November 6 EST, qced by Rory Mercury-senpai and ashiemore-chan
The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Meicoo [05:16].
2nd place: xfix [06:27].
3rd place: c.kilgannon [25:06].
4th place: Snaquaza ◢ ◤ [29:00].
5th place: mgperson 幹 [29:50].
Consolation Prize: Darkchickenlord [34:37], FireghtBug[37:03], Milkshook [42:15], Dan of ares [57:43], AndrewThePenguin [01:10:14]
1) The moveset of a certain Pokémon you receive via in game trade differs depending on the special kind of Pokémon you give the NPC. Give the nickname of the Pokémon you receive from this in game trade. [Zaprong]
2) This character, only present in one side game, is the only character that can own a Rhyperior that knows only Rock Wrecker and be able to attack with it every turn, assuming he does not miss. [Shingen]
3) This Trainer in Platinum was named after a forum user known for using Wooper as their signature Pokémon after abandoning their starter. (Answer with just name) [Roxy]
Official Hunt on November 10th at 3 PM UTC
1st place: HeroicTobias [04:42].
2nd place: AbuBatata [04:44].
3rd place: Awesome96Birdy [04:54].
4th place: Snaquaza ◢ ◤ [05:32].
5th place: smii [05:33].
Consolation Prize: chaitu [18:00]
1) In Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, the player can get either of these 2 TMs once per week. Name the moves contained in those TMs. Alphabetically. [frustration return]
2) In Pokemon Ranger series, this photographer wants to take Dunsparce's picture. [yoran]
3) This non movie anime island's name is 1 letter away from a Pokemon. [tangelo island / tangelo]
1st place: p^_^okemonvortex. [01:10].
2nd place: 3.14dgeot-Mega [03:32].
3rd place: Ilikebugs [05:49].
4th place: Dark•Dex [08:47].
5th place: askdf [13:34].
Consolation Prize: Dan of ares [24:56], Andrew [41:27]
1) This person created the modern Pokeball. [Professor Westwood V]
2) This is the capital of the Pokemon nation. [Tokyo City]
3) This weather boosts Normal and Rock-type moves. [Partly Cloudy]
The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Andrew [02:33].
2nd place: 3.14dgeot-Mega [03:42].
3rd place: Ilikebugs [03:44].
4th place: Cheese555 [03:56].
5th place: TheWhoDoctor [05:04].
Consolation Prize: Whimpering [11:10], keeping it icy [13:21], Prof. Spalding [13:38], AndrewThePenguin [26:14]
1) This is where the first regular double battle in the Sinnoh games is. [Route 204]
2) This is the only Pokemon that can learn TMs, but will never be able to learn one. [Unown]
3) List all moves that are currently able to do typeless damage. (neutral vs. everything) [Revelation Dance Struggle]
owofficial hunt on November 11th at 4 PM UTC
1st place: HeroicTobias [02:28].
2nd place: 3.14dgeot-Mega [02:54].
3rd place: Devoxys [03:04].
4th place: Ilikebugs [03:30].
5th place: mgperson 幹 [04:39].
Consolation Prize: Awesome96Birdy [08:50], AbuBatata [15:11], AlexaPlayDespaveto [18:07]
1) In Pokemon Ranger, during the 2nd mission this woman can't get into her apartment and lost her 5 Skitty. [teresa]
2) In Pokemon ReBurst, this is the last character revealed to has a LC pokemon as his/her burst. Name both the character and the pokemon in that order. [rug purrloin]
3) In a certain Pokemon manga, this device is used to communicate with Meowth. [cat cap]
1) This is the Egg Group that represents the lowest number of typings. [Ditto]
2) A main protagonist caught a Pokemon near the Village of Dragons. Name both the character and the Pokemon they caught there, in that order. [Iris Drilbur]
3) Name all fully evolved in-game event Pokemon that have their hidden abilities in those events in Pokemon Black 2 and Pokemon White 2, in alphabetical order. [Braviary Jellicent Mandibuzz]
1) A Pokeathlon team consisting solely of this Pokemon will have the least fighting spirit, not including any modifiers. (PS format) [Arceus-Dragon]
2) In the Gen 3 Hoenn games, if an Egg is hatched at this location that is both non-event exclusive and able to be visited multiple times in at least one game, the egg-hatching music will continue playing until the player leaves. [Cave of Origin]
3) In the Gen 4 PMD games, this is the last usable Pokemon by Pokedex order that has a lower chance of landing critical hits before modifiers. [Shaymin]
1) In the Pokemon games, this was the first character to own a Pokemon Doll. [Copycat]
2) This unreleased Capsule Monster has been shown with 500 HP. [Gorillaimo]
3) This is the total number of Pokemon species that can be hit 4x super effectively by Freeze Dry in Generation 7 (Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon), without hacking. [807]
~The time: the Warring States Era The brave men aiming to unify the land heralded in the age with the entire land on the line The one closest to unifying the land was the Warrior whose phenomenal strength surpasses all others Renowned for showing no mercy in battle, he is feared by all who cross his path, Nobunaga...~
1) This is Rank III Hideyoshi's warrior skill. [great uniter]
2) There are multiple statue of Misdreavus in this kingdom's battlefield. [spectra]
3) This item can only be used or required on New Year. [fireworks]
4) This Warlord gives the Hero/Heroine all 3 evolution stones for his/her Eevee. [keiji]
5) This item will summon Zekrom in Violight. [conqueror crystal]
6) If any Warrior or Warlord with this pokemon as partner visit a Gold Mine, the amount of gold obtained will be increased. [meowth]
7) This NPC only appears in year 1. [professor]
8) This location's special effect is similar to Ability Capsule. [mystery springs]
9) This Warlord name is based on the moniker of 3 individuals in real life. [magoichi]
10) A cut scene featuring this pokemon in the middle of the game means the nearby opposing kingdoms become slightly stronger. [gabite]
11) The requirement for these 2 Warlords to rank up is to be separated from each other. (alphabetically) [ginchiyo muneshige]
12) Completing these 2 specific types in the gallery is the requirement to rank up 2 different Warlords.(alphabetically, exclude the word Type) [ghost poison]
official hunt on November 24th at 3PM UTC
1st place: Rory Mercury [01:34].
2nd place: smii [02:07].
3rd place: Ilikebugs [02:42].
4th place: Snaquaza ◢ ◤ [03:19].
5th place: Andrew [03:30].
Consolation Prize: Aegii [05:07]
1) This is the rank II warrior skill of a warlord who has a big kanji character for "love" on his helmet. [love and honor]
2) Professor Hastings asked this person to study Oddish, Abomasnow, and Cacturne in Almia. [herbert]
3) This recurring anime character appeared in 1 banned episode and 2 Pikachu shorts. [santa claus]
1. When Triple Kick is used by a Pokémon holding a Razor Fang or King's Rock, the opponent has a this-many-in-a-million chance of flinching. | 221949
2. The French name of this move is a pun, the German name is borrowed from English and the Japanese name contains "hell" (jigoku). | Throat Chop
3. Three cards in Lost Thunder can automatically give the win to a player if certain numerical conditions are met. This is the sum of the thresholds required by the cards. | 113