(Old) Scavengers Ladder (June 2018 - May 2020)

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Results of official on November 23 1PM EST, qc by Level 51 and Rory Mercury

1st place: 3.14dgeot-Mega [27:21].
2nd place: gallant's pear [36:30].
3rd place: Emboar02 [52:14].
4th place: Dark•Dex [52:40].
5th place: ThunderBALLZ [59:42].

1) In one Pokémon game, this Ability can make opponents suffer from the effects of Yawn. [Truant]
2) In HGSS, three TMs are found in the same locations as TMs in the original Gen 2 games. The moves found in the TMs are the same, but the TM numbers are different. Name the moves found in the three TMs. (Alphabetical order) [Dream Eater Sleep Talk Swagger]
3) The minimum level these two Pokemon can be obtained at is level 41, and neither of these Pokemon were introduced in Gen 5. (Alphabetical order) [Naganadel Silvally]
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Hosted a 5cavengers KO Game 11/27/2018 at 5 PM PST.

Hunts by: Alex, Emboar02, and myself.
QCs: Alex, Gallant's Pear, and myself.

Questions & Solutions

Finishers, descending order 1st to last
Lycanium Z
Dark dex

Hosted a 5cavengers Point Rally on 11/28/2018 at 6 PM PST.

Hunts by: c.kilgannon, Andrew, RossW, and Alex

QCs by: Andrew, ckilgannon, RossW, and Alex

Questions & Solutions

Finishers, descending order 1st to last

mgperson 幹
Embo (ar02)
Shayy Min Skyy
Subspecies sunny
Breeze of Neptune
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Scavengers 5th anniversary odyssey, 29 November 11pm SST (10am EST, 3pm UTC)!
QC'd by gallant's pear and Elgino10

1st place: Level 51 [43:50].
2nd place: Snecko [54:03].
3rd place: ninjadog [01:05:38].
4th place: Sun☼GodVolcarona [01:11:26].
5th place: smii [01:22:29].
6th place: Snow Forme Shaymin [01:29:32].
Consolation Prize: c.kilgannon [01:35:37]

This official was constructed around a Latin square of size 5 (because of the 5th anniversary), yielding 25 questions. Each row is a set of questions of roughly the same difficulty, and the numbers below give the themes of the answers. For example, the first question's answer was a Pokémon, the second's a location and so on.
1. Pokémon
2. Moves, items, abilities
3. Locations, anime
4. Smogon, the metagame, TCG, side games
5. Non-Pokémon

1. This is the Snow Land Pokémon. | Froslass
2. The Kalos move tutor that allows Keldeo and Meloetta to change formes is located here. | Snowbelle City
3. The expression "sea change" comes from this Shakespeare play. | The Tempest
4. This item can be obtained from a loan shark. | Lopunnite
5. Moves that are not very effective in Pokémon Go have a 0.[this]× damage multiplier. | 714
6. These are the main antagonists of The Forever War by Joe Haldeman. | Taurans
7. Typing /dt [this berry] (without berry) brings up a Pokémon instead. (omit "berry") | Coba
8. This tier was created for a single Pokémon. (full name) | Anything Goes
9. Various dex entries give the top flying speed of this Pokémon as 180, 185 or 190 miles per hour. | Skarmory
10. Seven of the eight gen 2 Poké Balls can be obtained in this gen 7 location. | Heahea City
11. A certain Pokémon has perfect links with these five different warriors in Conquest, the most of any fully-evolved Pokémon. (alpha order) | Koroku Seikai Takahisa Tokitaka Yoshihiro
12. By national dex order, these are the second and second-last Pokémon out of those that share the most common height among all Pokémon. | Kakuna Jangmo-o
13. This character of the day with more than six Pokémon species in their party has a more-than-one-word official name. | Wings Alexander
14. The incorrect techniques of this amateur mathematician were included in the Indiana Pi Bill. (full name, including middle name) | Edward J. Goodwin
15. After visiting Goldenrod City in gen 2, Shuckle has a 1-in-this chance of turning a berry it holds into Berry Juice. | 16
16. This location shares its name with a World Heritage Site that has also been a European Capital of Culture. | Avignon Town; Avignon
17. In 2010, True Knowledge (now called Evi) declared this day the most boring day of the 20th century. (format as dd month year, e.g. 4 December 1998) | 11 April 1954
18. Bulbapedia lists two types as having the most abilities that interact with them; these two abilities are listed as interacting with both the aforementioned types. (alpha order) | Dry Skin Water Bubble
19. Of all Pokémon whose card numbers are 1/xxx in exactly one expansion set of the Sun & Moon TCG series, this one has more than one attack. | Tangela
20. If a G is inserted before the last letter of the French name of this Pokémon, the German name of its evolution is obtained. | Amaura
21. This electric-type move shares the first four kana of its Japanese name with another electric-type move, and its last English word with a bug-type move. | Buzzy Buzz
22. This Smogon user translated the Flying Press article on Kartana into German. | Marcell
23. Discounting formes, among Pokémon whose letters (ignoring diacritics and punctuation) are all worth 1 point in English Scrabble, this one has the longest name. | Turtonator
24. This is the most prominent natural feature of the first anime-exclusive location with a Z in its English name shown. | Square Top
25. Multiple singers and bands have recorded different albums that share a certain name, including a-ha and Blues Traveler. Give the singer or band that recorded the album with that name that reached number 1 on the most countries' charts, followed by the common name itself. (e.g. Fifth Harmony Reflection) | Adele 25
Hosted the 5cavengers Jump Start on November, 28 1:00 PM EST (6 PM GMT)

Thanks to Gallant Spear and Parcly Taxel for QC'ing

Winner: harrybotter
2nd place: Andrew
3rd place: c.kilgannon
4th place: Rory Mercury
5th place: nooblyaf
Consolation Prize: Gwynt

Winner: HeroicTobias
2nd place: harrybotter
3rd place: TimeToTestThisTeam
4th place: Rory Mercury
5th place: Andrew

The Mantine Surf minigame can be started at one of these. (Use plural name)|Surf Spots
Half Decks released only in Spain are all this type of book. (Include the word "book")|Picture Book
The three Poké Balls introduced in Generation I that can be bought with money alongside this type of Poké Ball can be seen on top of two desks in the same building (but are unobtainable).|Repeat Ball

This is the first location in the Pokémon franchise to be able to cause evolution.|Leaf Forest
In Pokémon Conquest, this Pokemon, if it has no items equipped, can only evolve in certain Kingdoms.|Eevee
The title page of the Mezase!! Card Master chapter where the main character has a match against his brother depicts a card from this expansion (which, interestingly enough, he doesn't use).|Gold, Silver, to a New World...
Results of the Scavengers tour!!!

1st: p^_^okemonvortex
2nd: HeroicTobias
Semifinalists: Gwynt, guishark
Quarterfinalist: Ilikebugs, c.kilgannon, Bimp, Panda
Lost r1 :( : Snecko, Tushavi, Dylas, Milkshook, omegaxl, Klosterneuburg, 4n0nnym0u5, Toni XY

  1. This Pokemon can be seen in Cerulean Cave’s preview screen during nighttime in HGSS. | Magneton | Water samples from five of the main series games’ regions can be found in this location in Gen 6. | Oceanic Museum | This Pokemon debuted in the anime episode which May’s and Jessie’s Wurmple evolved. | Carvanha
  2. Greninja uses this move at the start of his Final Smash in Super Smash Bros 3DS/Wii U. | Mat Block | Salvadore, Yolanda, Forrest, Tommy, Cindy, Brock, Suzie, Timmy, Billy, and Tilly are the names of the children of these characters. (Alphabetically) | Flint Lola | This book tells the story of a boy that goes to see Pokémon: The First Movie, but is transformed into a Pikachu when he leaves the cinema. He also meets a girl that transformed into a Mew and a boy that transformed into a Mewtwo. | I'm Not Pikachu ; Movie Special: I’m Not Pikachu!
  3. The PRZCureBerry trees are replaced by these trees in generation 4. (don’t include tree in your answer) | Yellow Apricorn | This item can be sold for 100,000 Pokédollars. | Relic Band | Free of Worry! is the slogan of a certain town/city. Give the town where the same music plays as in this town/city (Exclude town/city) | Pastoria
  4. This Pokémon has the highest average Performance stat out of all unevolved Pokémon. | Sunkern | The winner of the Pokémon Ping Pong Tournament uses this Pokémon. | Shiftry | You can use this Gen 7-exclusive item in Seaward Cave, Kala'e Bay, Melemele Sea, Paniola Town, Brooklet Hill, Akala Outskirts, Malie Garden, Secluded Shore, Seafolk Village, Poni Wilds, Poni Breaker Coast, Vast Poni Canyon, Poni Meadow, Poni Gauntlet, and Routes 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, and 15. You can also get a certain item on Route 5, Hau'oli City, Paniola Ranch, Hano Grand Resort, and Ula'Ula Meadow with this item. | Fishing Rod
  5. Using PS-formatting, this is the only Pokémon form that ends in "-Alola" that is not an Alolan regional variant. | Pikachu-Alola | This move is the first event-exclusive move that Pikachu ever had. | Surf | There is a Battle CD where the player must defeat 6 Pokémon in one turn. In alphabetical order, name the moves that need to be used. | Sandstorm Spikes
  6. This character has fired a handgun at Team Rocket at some point.|Kaiser | This is the name of the belt that Machoke wears, as named in its Pokédex entries.|Power-Save Belt | This Pokémon game was tentatively called Pokémon Attack. | Pokemon Puzzle Challenge; Pokémon Puzzle League
  7. The line "It's Your Boy Guzma" is first spoken at this location. | Malie Garden | Malie Garden pays homage to a set of trainers in Kanto. Name the in-game location these trainers are at in Kanto. | Route 24 | Though Grimsley specializes in a different type, he claims to conspire with this Pokémon in a main-series game. | Skarmory
  8. This is the only Shiny Pokémon featured in the Connection Orb in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon. | Celebi | In Tellur Town a Trainer with this Pokémon can be seen riding a bike. | Volcarona | This decoration featuring an LC-Pokémon is unused in Magikarp Jump. | Oddish Kokedama

1. This is the only Pokémon that does not share a type with any of its evolution(s). | Eevee | This is the only starter Pokémon whose body style is just a head and legs. | Torchic | In Pokémon Emerald, new Safari Zone areas open after obtaining the National Dex. Name the Pokémon that have a Hoenn Dex number that can be captured in those areas in alphabetical order. | Goldeen Magikarp Marill
2. Name the Pokémon whose typing does not match the Friend Safari typing its found in. | Cascoon | These are the only Pokémon that have Ice in their typing that can be caught in a location named Victory Road. Answer in alphabetical order. | Dewgong Lapras | This was the final move used when TwitchPlaysPokemon defeated Champion Blue in Pokémon Red. | Thundershock
3. In Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, this dungeon's name contains the most words out of all dungeons.| For a Few Boldores More | These Pokémon encountered in For a Few Boldores More aren't weak to the STABs of any of the other Pokémon encountered in that dungeon (alphabetical order). | Blissey Miltank Sableye | In Pokémon Shuffle, the initial ability of this Pokémon, which is encountered in For a Few Boldores More, can occasionally remove 5 coins.| Shedinja
4. This is the only non-species exclusive Candy in Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee that does not have an XL version. (include candy in the answer) | Rare Candy | This Friend Zone in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team, which can be unlocked by having a certain starter Pokémon, encompasses the lowest amount of Pokémon species compared to all the other Friend Zones unlockable by the other starters. | Transform Forest | This is the second episode in the English dub in which the Team Rocket trio doesn’t appear. | Rematch at the Nacrene Gym!

1. The Pokémon Network Center proceeds to Link Level 1 after the player rescues this NPC. | Lostelle | This is the only non-Water type Pokémon that can be caught at a Sevii Island Settlement. | Hoppip | This is the only Gym Leader that participates in a main-series game's contests that is not from that region. | Jasmine
2. If this stat-increasing move, that once was a TM, is used before certain other moves, it doubles the power of those moves. | Defense Curl | This Johto location’s name consists of two Pokémon categories. Name all Pokémon in those categories alphabetically. | Druddigon Gabite Houndoom Houndour | Name both gyms that are located outside of a building. (include Gym, alphabetically) | Aspertia Gym Cinnabar Gym

This is the only Pokémon to have had multiple changes done to its level-up moveset between Pokémon Gold/Silver and Crystal. | Suicune | This is the first anime episode in the main series to not feature any narration. | Night of a Thousand Poses! | In Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee! upon certain trainers using this item, it will say that you used it instead of the other trainer. | Full Restore

Huge thanks to Alexender, Steven Snype , Rory Mercury and Pants for making and QC'ing the hunts, and for hosting the event!!!!
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Happy 5cavenger5ary! Here are the results of the official using the Incognito special style!

1st place: Sun☼GodVolcarona [04:17].
2nd place: mgperson 幹 [06:46].
3rd place: Bimp! [06:53].
4th place: 3.14dgeot-Mega [08:53].
5th place: Ilikebugs [11:06].
Consolation Prize: Cheese555 [12:03], Andrew [12:27], nooblyaf [14:24], c.kilgannon [20:58]

1) Out of all the teams Mysterial uses, these two abilities are used by 2 different Pokémon found in the same team. (alphabetical order) [LevitatePressure]
2) In an episode of the Pokémon anime, one of Ash's Pokémon evolved. 776 episodes later, a Pokémon of Ash's of the same type evolved. What is the title of the former episode? [RoundOneBegin]
3) This monthly issue of Pokémon Adventures contains the round where the first successful murder takes place. [MissionMagmar]
Grats to all finishers! Thanks to Rory Mercury and Dot Agumon for QCing.
Host an official incognito hunt on Friday, November 30th, at 7:30 PM EST!

Winner: Dylas [01:44]
2nd: p0ip0le [02:26] (bonus points for the twist)
3rd: Bimp [03:26]
4th: Celesteeal [03:45]
5th: AndrewThePenguin [04:32]
6th: Emboar02 [05:06]
Consolation prize: Whimpering, A Phantom, Beedrill-Mega, fearfire22, Dan of ares, boredcollegekid
(1) Earthquake, Heavy Slam, (2) Cubone, Oddish, (3) Mienfoo
1) In Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire's Delta Episode, Wallace battles the player with the same six Pokemon that he uses in the Champion Battle in Pokemon Emerald. The only one of his Pokemon to have a different ability from the original battle knows these two moves that it didn't before. List the two moves alphabetically.
2) In Pokemon Let's Go Eevee and Pikachu, there are two Little Cup Pokemon that Trace will use in battle against the player that the rival in Pokemon Red and Blue never used against the player. List the two Pokemon alphabetically.
3) In Pokemon X and Y, a gym leader will use this monotyped Little Cup Pokemon in a gym battle, but not in their Battle Chateau battles against the player.
Thanks to Alexender and Gallant Spear for quality checking!
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The November Ladder has now concluded. Congratulations to the top three placers: Snaquaza in first place with an all-time Scavengers ladder record 1102 points, smii in second place with 567 points, and Ilikebugs in third place with 500 points!
Snaquaza 1102
smii 567
Ilikebugs 500
gallant's pear 454
c.kilgannon 337
Andrew 321
SunGodVolcarona 298
pokemonvortex 267
Parcly Taxel 254
Meicoo 251
3.14dgeot-Mega 250
HeroicTobias 248
Elgino10 224
Rory Mercury 223
AbuBatata 221
Whimpering 212
mgperson 191
Bimp 176
Dan of ares 137
Milkshook 136
Aegii 132
Thank-ed 128
askdf 123
Zipzapadam 120
guishark 120
Snecko 115
iMsOaPy 113
Emboar02 110
AuraLucario9 109
Celesteeal 108
Cheese555 104
Lycanium Z 99
Level 51 98
xfix 93
golden009 93
harrybotter 86
DarkDex 84
moo 82
boredcollegekid 79
AndrewThePenguin 78
4n0nnym0u5 77
PrincessPika102 76
TimeToTestThisTeam 75
Wan the Avatar 75
A Phantom 73
FireghtBug 70
p0ip0le 70
Snow Forme Shaymin 68
subspecies 65
Gwynt 63
gozogo123(umbreon) 60
lovemathboy 59
EliteFourSaksham 56
Dylas 54
Tushavi 51
Awesome96Birdy 50
SpecterReaper 45
Devoxys 41
ninjadog 40
AlexaPlayDespaveto 40
Tapo Collino 38
Thimblebony 38
LegendaryMouse 37
ooftatoEDM 36
Irokei 35
Gryphon827 33
nooblyaf 33
HightideInkling 33
toni xy 32
Darkchickenlord 31
ultra ree 31
nitrodog96 31
ScorrchingTheaph 30
SergioRules 30
MGenius 29
TheWhoDoctor 29
Bronzecrank 29
Soft Flex 27
Alex 25
danno 25
Andy 25
chaitu 24
hxlcyon 22
Beedrill-Mega 21
Onaga3442 21
ThunderBALLZ 21
Articunight 21
racketguy69 19
WhirlwindBulbasaur 19
TheStarmanLord 17
Aziziller 17
toolboxe 17
Arcadio Magna 17
Brady1014 17
Dazel and Confused 16
smell of pain 15
cgyc 15
fearfire22 15
Aeolia 15
AidyBaby 15
Shayy Min Skyy 15
excited raichu 15
Hyperweedle 14
A Quail's Query 14
AegisiumZ 14
DCSleepsAlone2Nite 13
nyan liquor 13
FourteenAlmonds 13
jacoooby 13
Loneliest 12
Magikingdra 12
Ryme City 11
jc 00 11
Panda 11
TheyCallMeSweeper 11
JetOU 11
Nuivo 10
keeping it icy 10
EpicMinecrafter69 10
Coolrom122 10
sparkychild 10
DarkShinyGiratina 10
omegaxl 10
Ven Diesel 9
FrenchFryFan 9
Plimsoll Punks 9
Feria-Aeris 9
conabzb 9
Hydreigon Fan 2k17 9
1987wasayear 9
Fluminox412 8
Tidal Otter 8
Whimper 8
PikachuSean 8
Laladkos 7
Bansleep3.0 7
Waahhh Audino 7
GrayTK 7
LittEleven 7
Ryota Mitarai 7
hehe yeah 7
Klosterneuburg 7
JoakesOnMe 7
Breeze of Neptune 7
DarKing9YT 7
Nolnis 6
GamerJamer 6
motogp 6
phantomgenius 6
Llyr Gingy 6
DoomfangArceus 6
Bunguin87 6
Slimy-Rebel 6
Midnightsecrets 5
pv is busy 5
skyfigueroa 5
Arsenal 5
Foxie-chan 5
thealbinowhale 5
namakobushibushi 5
LJB14 5
SergioTests 5
lcws cheese555 5
subspeciessunny 5
markerpop 5
Galecti 5
afn 5
damnright 4
WhalemanCheng 4
Schiavetto 4
doper 4
applo 4
hoiboiukewl 4
BuggerBognor 4
Add23456 4
jivesh98 4
Flerovium 4
What We Must Do 4
jumbowhales 3
Regretfulness 3
Hikanu 3
OM 3
Alexander489 3
C733937 123 3
rafooa11 3
commanderawesome 3
NUMAS trash 3
Shite 3
SunMoonFX 3
Souvenirs 3
coinboy 3
Prof. Spalding 3
floooooooooooooood 2
Dragonmirror27262 2
smell of let's go 2
rosepetal 2
ZestOfLife 2
Dan Cena 2
battlegirl14 2
awanderingcaelum 2
Monstrope 2
5xT 2
FroppyKero 2
VigilanteVigoroth 2
Pondambo 2
ptelzcra 2
Ultra Warp Ride 2
TheFourthWall22 2
ArtisticAshley 2
barryc 2
ArtiChu 2
MeUp 2
the grape hospital 2
painterespeon 2
spooktune 2
Yua999 2
the beauty behind 2
Aariz Anas 2
furyanf 1
MagiKanga 1
hegsad 1
RandBatSPAM 1
MukUsedDrillPeck 1
Duster09 1
HoeenHero 1
bluegummybear 1
SergioLearns 1
A Flying Phantom 1
YOLOMaster4U 1
86l 1
TimeToTestThis 1
Aeonic 1
Sexy18YearOldGirl 1
Lucy the Valiant 1
floooood 1
they have eyes 1
lcws first try 1
Sub1v1 1 1
Sub1v1 2 1
Kris 1
large foo 1
BananaBen15 1
catlover3 1
Embooooo 1
Geene 1
theaph alt 1 1
Lamour De Ma Vie 1
Brodaha 1
skiddo 1
Themainhydreigon 1
KaifPlays 1
Darthikyu 1
Das Spiegel 1
Smajet 1
FWGa 1
bimp lover 1
Chaotic Midnight 1
terrapieseven 1
BoltTheMaster 1
Voulez-Vouz 1
Tochou 1
SonofDaw13 1
hoi6789 1
FreezeoIceGod 1
furyanff 1
Xuz 1
zeekyboogydoog 1
lmao no cc 1
SacredCV 1
sedertz 1
piplupkeldeo 1
Regitube1 1
Zelderp1986 1
xernn 1
The ladder twist for the month of December will be: Every regular official will consist of four questions! As such, the Blitz period will be extended to 80 seconds! (This twist does not affect mini-officials.)

*Important Note: The December and January twists have been predetermined by staff, so no points will be given out in these months for submitting the winning twist. However, valid twists submitted from November through January will be kept and chosen from beginning again with the February twist. Valid twist submission points will still apply for the month after they are submitted, so for the full list of users who earned head-start points for submitting valid twists this past November, see here:
Ilikebugs 20
smii 5
For more details on how to get these points, see the last page here: Scavengers Update: September 2018, and feel free to ask me any questions!

Have a festive experience on the December Ladder!
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Hosting an Official on Wednesday, Decemeber 5th at 5PM EST (10:00 UTC)
QCed by the lovely: Andrew+Snaquaza

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Celesteeal [03:56].
2nd place: Milkshook [03:57].
3rd place: ScorrchingTheaph [08:10].
4th place: Ilikebugs [09:26].
5th place: askdf [09:52].

Consolation Prize: Bimp! [11:48], hxl✿cyon [14:58], mgperson 幹 [16:05], Dan of Ares [20:51], TheWhoDoctor [27:38], Hyperweedle [33:08]


1) This is the first Pokemon by National Dex number that has a move as its category name. [machop]
2) Of all the LC Pokemon that have a type as their category name, this one has the lowest BST. [horsea]
3) This is the first Pokemon by National Dex order to have an item as its category name. [magnemite.]
4) This is the first move alphabetically that the 'Sun Pokemon' all share. [confide]
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Hosting an Official on Friday December 7 at 12 AM EST (GMT -5)
QC'd by: Meicoo + Elgino10

1st place: Wan the Avatar [01:56].
2nd place: 3.14dgeot-Mega [02:06].
3rd place: Frosty the embo [03:04].
4th place: Cheese555 [03:06].
5th place: c.kilgannon [04:34].
6th place: SergioRules [05:02].
7th place: ScorrchingTheaph [06:26]

In the main-series games, these are the photographers that take a picture of the player character. The player can then see these pictures afterwards. Answer with the photographers' first names in alphabetical order. | Cameron Phil
This is the first name of the only Pokemon video game protagonist that takes professional photographs. | Todd
This is the name of the new mechanic that replaces HMs in Let's Go Pikachu / Let's Go Eevee! | Secret Technique
The first time a female Pikachu's design debuted in the anime was under the ownership of this trainer. | Ayumi
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Official Hunt on December 10th at 4PM UTC
1st place: unfunnyholidayalt [20:04].
2nd place: AbuBatata [24:42].
3rd place: CoolBewear [25:06].
4th place: TimeToTestThisTeam [33:37].
5th place: WhirlwindBulbasaur [34:46].
Consolation Prize: EliteFourSaksham [37:00]

1) Depending on the player's gender, this trainer class may or may not appear in Pokemon XY. [grand duke]
2) In some dungeons of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red/Blue Rescue Team, this item might replace the evolutionary items in the player's toolbox or storage. [link cable]
3) In the anime, this competition is meant to recreate the fight between an Ursaring and a Beartic over an apple. (format é as e) [pokemon sumo tournament]
4) In Pokemon Adventure, Fuchsia Safari Zone's logo features this pokemon. [nidoking]
Thanks to Elgino10 and Steven Snype for QC

May the Pyuks be with you.
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Results of the collab with Snaquaza on December 11th at 8 PM GMT

Thanks to Gallant Spear and Steven Snype for QC'ing

1st place: HeroicTobias [02:04].
2nd place: unfunnyholidayalt [03:52].
3rd place: Milkshook [03:57].
4th place: c.kilgannon [06:57].
5th place: PrincessPika102 [08:26].
Consolation Prize: CoolBewear [10:17]

1) This is Mewtwo’s birthday (DD:MM). [0602]
2) This is the only move that changed Damage category after Gen IV [Water Shuriken]
3) This character in the anime appears to own a hat that's identical to Ash's Pokemon League Expo hat [Duplica]
4) This is the only Pokemon that can induce two different effects when petting it. [Rotom]
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Hosted the first part of the WGO KO Game event on 12/21/18 at 4 PM PST. Hunts by Andrew, WhirlwindBulbasaur, and I.

QCd by Andrew, WhirlwindBulbasaur, c.kilgannon, Devoxys, Gallant's Pear, and RossW.

Hunts & Solutions

Finishers 1st to last, descending order
Prof. Spalding
Lycanium Z
mgperson 幹
A Quail's Query
Reserving Official Hunt on December 23th at 6PM UTC
1st place: Rory Mercury [04:35].
2nd place: Ilikebugs [10:57].
3rd place: mgperson 幹 [14:38].
4th place: askdf [17:47].
5th place: Prof. Spalding [19:51].
Consolation Prize: Cheese555 [31:32]

1) In Pokemon Adventures, this move has been used as an "Electric Jail". [thunder shock]
2) This move's Japanese name references a Game Freak game and a mecha anime. [volt tackle]
3) This Pokemon movie length anime special hasn't aired in Finland. [the legend of thunder]
4) These badges from 2 different regions have the same shape and primary colorization, and are also given by trainers who used a single Pokemon in a certain game. (order by the generation they first appeared) [thunder badge surge badge]
QC by Elgino10 and ashiemore

May the Pyuks be with you
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Reserving official for Christmas Eve, at 10 PM GMT.

(oh yeah, QC by xmore)

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Meicool [05:16].
2nd place: 3.14dgeot-Mega [07:50].
3rd place: Devoxys [10:48].
4th place: Bronzecrank [22:08].
5th place: dark•dex [24:28].
Consolation Prize: Lycanium Z [28:38], fear火fire火22 [31:43], Cheese555 [42:21], HeroicTobias [45:58], Gen8WillBeBad [46:47], Dylas [49:27], schaillop ( [52:16]

1) A player needs this key item to get Heal Powder in FireRed and LeafGreen without trading. [Powder Jar]
2) These two items that existed in generation 4, do not exist in the generation 5 code (alpha order, exclude any and all mail types). [HM07 HM08]
3) This Poké Ball can only contain Dartrix. [Left Poké Ball / Left Poke Ball]
4) This Generation 3 item allows the player to battle using a Generation 4 Pokemon. [Bonsly Card]
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Hosted the Second WGO KO Games on December 26, 2018, starting from 7 PM EST.

Hunts by Steven Snype , WhirlwindBulbasaur, c.kilgannon, Gallant Spear, and myself. QC'd by everyone plus RossW, Meicoo and Alex.

First Place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Second Place: Ilikebugs
Third Place: Sun☼GodVolcarona
Fourth Place: holiday alt
Fifth Place: Tidal Otter
Consolation Prize
: Gen8WillBeBad, Cheese555, fear火fire火22, Whimpering, GeoTech, ScorrchingTheaph, KawaiiiiPotato, Prof. Spalding, Milkshook, M3mesz, QueeeenElsa, Cleo, AndrewThePenguin, Shadow Sirens ♪, Z‽ipzapadam, VigilanteVigoroth, LugiaFan123, A Quail's Query, jc 0~0, WhalemanCheng, Lycanium Z

Here's the full list of Hunts and Solutions

Thanks for coming out! Congratulations to the winners and all participants!
Hosted an end-of-year official on Monday, December 31st, at 7:00 PM EST!

Winner: Ilikebugs
2nd: scoobydoobydrew
3rd: Andrew
4th: fearfire22
5th: Whimpering
6th: A Quail's Query
Consolation prize: askdf
(1) Scout, (2) Emboar, (3) Return Rollout, (4) Dig Headbutt
1) In the Bewitching Shrine dungeon in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity, the only encounterable Pokemon to not be weak to the STAB types of any of the other encounterable Pokemon has this Category Name. Don't include the word "Pokemon" in your answer.
2) In the specific area of the region of Pokemon Rumble Blast that Watchog appears in, this Pokemon does not appear, despite both of its pre-evolutions appearing.
3) In Pokemon Black and White, these two moves will each be known in at least one battle by an Emboar owned by Bianca, but will never be known by an Emboar owned by Cheren. List the two moves alphabetically.
4) These two moves that can be found in TMs in Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal are mentioned on Trainer Tips signs in those games. List the two moves alphabetically.
Thanks to Devoxys and ashiemore for quality checking!
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Mini Official Roundup! (November 18th - December 31st EDT) Results:
1st place: 3.14dgeot-Mega [02:35]. 2nd place: Snaquaza ◢ ◤ [04:56]. 3rd place: Ilikebugs [14:59]. Consolation Prize: Snecko [15:15], Thank ♫ ed~ [23:18]
Quality Checker: Elgino
1st place: Cheese555 [02:17]. 2nd place: Rory Mercury [02:53]. 3rd place: Ilikebugs [02:53]. Consolation Prize: AndrewThePenguin [02:56], askdf [03:01], TheWhoDoctor [03:13], mgperson 幹 [03:37], Dan of auxesia [03:40], A Snowman [08:39], Bansleep3.0 [09:06], Breeze of Neptune [10:02], Arcadio Magna [11:10], c.kilgannon [12:27], Sun☼GodVolcarona [28:37]
Quality Checker: xfix
1st place: Snaquaza ◢ ◤ [01:41]. 2nd place: unfunnyholidayalt [03:46]. 3rd place: JetOU [09:25]. Consolation Prize: HoeenHero [17:38], Ilikebugs [33:50], AbuBatata [35:45]
Quality Checker: Andrew
1st place: Ilikebugs [02:09]. 2nd place: Z‽ipzapadam [02:18]. 3rd place: Rory Mercury [02:23]. Consolation Prize: Devoxys [02:57], Elgino [02:59], unfunnyholidayalt [03:38], Snaquaza ◢ ◤ [04:18], Dan of Auxesia [04:56], mgperson 幹 [09:19], HeroBrinesUncle [29:02], CoolBewear [37:10], AidyBaby [39:19], Santa Andrew [01:27:52], smell of pain♡ [01:53:34], Racketguy69 [02:35:09], ScorrchingTheaph [02:50:25], Celesteeal [02:51:07], TheWhoDoctor [03:01:39], Titi❄️Wii [03:14:52], rosepetal [03:17:24], Bronzecrank [03:41:36], askdf [04:17:58], boredcollegekid [04:31:51], AbuBatata [05:04:12], Subspecies❄ [05:58:14]
Quality Checker: c.kilgannon
1st place: AlexaPlayVetoBells [01:01]. 2nd place: harrybotter [01:09]. 3rd place: M3mesz [34:48]. Consolation Prize: Santa Andrew [53:01], namakobushibushi [58:58], r(aegii)ce [01:01:27]
Quality Checker: Elgino
Belated congratulations to Andrew, our newest Room Moderator, and Andy, our newest Room Voice! these are different users I promise

Quick Links:
Previous Results
Monthly Ladder Archive
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The December Ladder has now concluded. Congratulations to the top three placers: 3.14dgeot-Mega in first place with 590 points, Ilikebugs in second place with 534 points, and gallant's pear in third place with 420 points!
3.14dgeot-Mega 590
Ilikebugs 534
gallant's pear 420
Snaquaza 388
Andrew 304
Meicoo 277
Level 51 262
p0ip0le 258
mgperson 247
lycanium z 244
c.kilgannon 231
SunGodVolcarona 216
fearfire22 211
smii 210
Whimpering 200
Celesteeal 199
Cheese555 185
Cleo 169
HeroicTobias 168
AbuBatata 165
Elgino 163
Devoxys 162
askdf 151
scoobydoobydrew 142
Thank-ed 141
Rory Mercury 141
unfunnyholidayalt 141
Milkshook 141
xfix 132
holiday alt 128
schaillop 128
Gen8WillBeBad 127
Dan of auxesia 118
imsoapy 106
Prof. Spalding 101
ScorrchingTheaph 100
Aegii 96
Bimp 95
Tushavi 92
Parcly Taxel 91
Snow Forme Shaymin 91
guisanta 80
KawaiiiiPotato 79
darkdex 77
AndrewThePenguin 77
Alex 69
Wan the Avatar 68
Bronzecrank 68
Gwynt 63
A Quail's Query 61
rafooa11 58
irokei 58
Zipzapadam 54
CoolBewear 54
HoeenHero 51
harrybotter 49
111ace111 48
PikachuSean 48
LustySalazzleMaid 47
WhirlwindBulbasaur 47
Beedrill-Mega 43
cseel 42
smellofpain 42
TimeToTestThisTeam 40
Emboar02 40
hxlcyon 39
Shadow Sirens 37
GeoTech 36
TheWhoDoctor 33
FireghtBug 33
JetOU 31
EliteFourSaksham 30
AlexaPlayVetoBells 29
Artichu 27
Tidal Otter 27
dyrana 26
Dratios 24
PrincessPika102 24
Schiavetto 24
adiass 23
awinteringcaelum 23
Hyperweedle 23
boredcollegekid 22
The Dark Alakazam 22
chaitu 21
MewtwoForPresident 21
HightideInkling 21
MGenius 20
Snecko 19
terrapieseven 18
GuiShark 17
lysica 17
moo 16
SpecterReaper 16
Perishing Song 14
TheStarmanLord 14
SergioRules 14
Orichalcum448 14
gozogo123(umbreon) 14
Andy 13
Subspecies 13
toni xy 12
John 12
thepixelbloxxer 12
Auroura_Wolf 11
M3mesz 11
VigilanteVigoroth 11
Racketguy69 11
B02 11
Arrti 11
TitiWii 10
Soft Flex 10
afn 10
Killah Ghostface 10
Gargantia 9
old_sweepy 9
ninjadog 9
nooblyaf 9
UnusualOutlet 9
Nolnis 8
Aziziller 8
A Phantom 8
Aeolia 8
rory 8
Bansleep3.0 8
leafage 8
Arcadio Magna 8
Poseph Budge 7
uhhhh idk 7
AidyBaby 7
keeping it icy 7
Julie (deerling) 7
Sallykellz 7
Christmas 7
LJB14 7
Dylas 7
325209187a 6
Magikingdra 6
RegacyUnbound 6
Zzzeeecccaaa 6
skyfigueroa 6
RicouDaPraa 6
outx cheeeese 5
Tapo Collino 5
Noxious Amber 5
FrenchFryFan 5
Kraken Mare 5
ThunderBALLZ 5
NeoNaruto 5
Shayy Min Skyy 5
Spiderz 5
Aeonic 5
inkling jesus 5
jc 0~0 5
Jahkxun 5
Laladkos 4
kufe 4
Arsenal 4
auralucario9 4
toolboxe 4
snow blocks 4
siembro 4
DCSleepsAlone2Nite 4
benpoindexter 4
Anorith345 4
Breeze of Neptune 4
epicminecrafter69 4
ptelzcra 4
Quadricep 4
DanDaMan99 4
We'll Be The Stars 3
Slushy Otter 3
Ol Saint Gwyntolas 3
Regretfulness 3
yourim 3
SonofDaw13 3
Astion 3
WhalemanCheng 3
schming 3
TheyCallMeSweeper 3
4n0nnym0u5 3
thealbinowhale 3
fjuesk 3
supermii2 3
Themainhydreigon 3
PepperGwynt 3
Scary Midget 3
r(aegii)ce 3
EsaEevee 3
Ultra Weeb Squad 3
SisterOfTheDevil 3
awanderingcaelum 3
phantomgenius 3
outx cheese 3
OM 3
Arifin 2
Sir Mister 2
Hikanu 2
Auresco 2
Coolrom122 2
motogp 2
Yua999 2
Dragonmirror27262 2
TheJ3estPenguin 2
furyanf 2
Tochou 2
xH3li0 2
Hijasu 2
desfroggy 2
outx zyg is op 2
iceprincessthimble 2
queeeenelsa 2
lugiafan123 2
osinachij 2
SnorlaxHugz 2
Peterwhite 2
istil 2
Krampusnacht 2
MrVicX 2
Petrovinator 2
Add23456 2
s 2
Painter Espeon 2
KazuyaMiyuki 1
HydreigonFan2k17 1
Imperfect Instinct 1
BanetteLover34 1
spud5747 1
XY Ladder Alt(SSP) 1
RossW 1
Darn He 1
B@dger 1
CammyCapre 1
Alex2508 1
alivepokemonrules 1
Santaweedle 1
Mega Eevee X 1
Klosterneuburg 1
Banholidays3.0 1
ZDS Bansleep 1
north poipole 1
Ciela_The_Sylveon 1
miapi 1
HeroBrinesUncle 1
Spitfire Arcanine 1
Bunguin87 1
Halogen Bulbasaur 1
Bantests3.0 1
Geene 1
Dazel XV 1
MayYourDazeBeMerry 1
rxdb 1
Common Ivysaur 1
Pokecraft4615 1
damnright 1
86l 1
aquiloboreas 1
GalecTisTheSeason 1
Tapu WhatNow 1
Barry000 1
Midnightsecrets 1
TheFourthWall22 1
KingRion 1
rosepetal 1
Kathey 1
outxcheese5555 1
Skippy116 1
seanythecat 1
Sleighvetto 1
Double Iron Bash 1
chillmf 1
lucas2543 1
Deoxeon The Noob 1
Pidgeot-Mega 1
sleepm2 1
ReturnWinner 1
Merrybotter 1
Plimsoll Punks 1
Jackson_Gealogo 1
Waahhh Audino 1
MicktheSpud 1
BlizzArti 1
Other Metas Room 1
AlexaPlayDespaveto 1
ooftatoEDM 1
thimblebony 1
Heracross TheGreek 1
Puzzle Player 2 1
JollyJC 1
Flare1498 1
TheIdentitySquid 1
l'm cute 1
BoltSapphire 1
Darthikyu 1
go away from me 1
TheEliteOwO 1
The ladder twist for the month of January will be: Each hunt will receive hints for Q1, Q2, and Q3 at set intervals throughout. Default is at the 2, 4, and 6 minute marks. (This twist does not affect mini-officials.)

*Important Note: The January twists has been predetermined by staff due to WGO, so no points will be given out in these months for submitting the winning twist. However, valid twists submitted from November through January will be kept and chosen from beginning again with the February twist. For more details on how to get points for submitting a twist, see the last page here: Scavengers Update: September 2018, and feel free to ask me any questions!

Have an electrifying experience on the January Ladder!
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To kickstart the new year: Pokémon in many languages official, 1 January 2019 11pm SST (3pm UTC, 10am EST)!
QC by gallant's pear and adiass

1st place: Titus Labienus [05:32].
2nd place: Snaquaza ◢ ◤ [10:31].
3rd place: cseel [35:11].
4th place: Elgino ♫ [35:31].
5th place: i M s~O_a_P_y? [35:50].
6th place: Schiavetto [40:13].
Consolation Prize: Alex [42:03], FireghtBug [46:08]

1. The French names of two evolutionarily related Pokémon, starting from this Pokémon, derive from composers who composed one work each sharing a common theme. | Deerling
2. The German name of this Pokémon is one letter off from a brand of petrol. | Wynaut
3. In the Japanese gen 4 main series games, the animations for these two moves show a kanji. (alpha order) | Fire Blast Imprison
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"Smash" official, 4 January 1am SST (5pm UTC, 12pm EST)!
QC by Meicoo and Elgino

1st place: HeroicTobias [04:22].
2nd place: smii [06:11].
3rd place: Ilikebugs [08:58].
4th place: Snow Forme Shaymin [09:56].
5th place: gallant's pear [10:56].
6th place: 3.14dgeot-Mega [14:33].
Consolation Prize: Snaquaza ◢ ◤ [23:32], 111ace111 [25:43]

1. This Pokémon can learn a unique combination of moves containing the word "smash" (excluding Smeargle). | Turtonator
2. These two Final Smashes in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate are functionally identical to their previous versions, but renamed. (alpha order) | Grand Star Poltergust G-00
3. In German, the names of three Smashers (a trainer class) are the first names of real-life tennis players who have won a Grand Slam title; give those players' last names. (alpha order, ignore diacritics) | Fernandez Graf Williams
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Official Hunt on January 6th 2019 at 3 PM UTC
1st place: Cleo [09:01].
2nd place: Snaquaza ◢ ◤ [09:30].
3rd place: HeroicTobias [10:12].
4th place: 111ace111 [10:46].
5th place: cseel [12:07].
Consolation Prize: mgperson 幹 [12:43], AbuBatata [14:34], Letttuces [16:02], SadMaC [21:36], schaillop ( [28:14]

1) This artist helped to design Xerneas and Yveltal after Ken Sugimori encountered artist's block. (fullname) [yusuke ohmura]
2) This GX attack move deals 10 damage to the opponent's active pokemon and can deals additional 100 damage to each the opponent's benched if the condition met. [Towering Splash GX]
3) In Pokemon Adventure, this character was kidnapped by Team Flare to help them make the Absorber. [clemont]
Thanks to Elgi no more combo for QC

May the Pyuks be with you
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Contest Spectacular official, 8 January 11pm SST (3pm UTC, 10am EST)!
QC by Elgino and gallant's pear

1st place: Snaquaza ◢ ◤ [03:51].
2nd place: aegii [04:15].
3rd place: cseel [04:18].
4th place: Rory Mercury [05:01].
5th place: AbuBatata [07:13].
6th place: Level 51 [07:59].
Consolation Prize: NTNW [27:33], Cleo~ [28:22], Spiderz [43:15]

1. In Contest Spectaculars, the Spectacular Talents of this type all have one-word names. | psychic
2. This many moves can be used as the first move of a combination in Contest Spectaculars, but have only one follow-up move. | 6; six
3. Of the six special combinations mentioned in q2, this one can legitimately be used by the fewest Pokémon. (set-up move, then follow-up move) | Reflect Type Synchronoise
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A Team Scavengers event was held as the final big event in Scavengers for 2018-19's Winter Gaming Olympics, on January the 4th, at 7:00 PM EST! Thanks to Alexender for his work in organizing this as well as helping to make questions, and lovemathboy, Sparkychild, Snaquaza, and Elgino10 as well for collaborating with me to make and check the three hunts!

3.14dgeot-Mega's Team: (3.14dgeot-Mega, Ilikebugs, BulbasaurBuddy, smell of pain, Cheese555, Cleo, and AndrewThePenguin)
adiass' Team: (adiass, Aegii, Prof. Spalding, Gwynt, Aziziller, jc 0~0, and GeoTech)
c.kilgannon's Team: (c.kilgannon, Andrew, PikachuSean, 111ace111, Dan of Ares, Hyperweedle, smii, and Beedrill-Mega)
Devoxys' Team: (Devoxys, chupps, Whimpering, IHasDisName, M3mesz, and SunGodVolcarona)
Dot Agumon's (pokemonvortex's) Team: (pokemonvortex, Emboar02, mgperson, fearfire22, 1v1 Shitposter, aquilo boreas, and PichuisBlue)
(note that some of these could only participate in the first hunt, and others joined late)

1st Hunt (By sparkychild, lovemathboy, and Snaquaza)

Winner: 3.14dgeot-Mega's team [32:50]
2nd: Devoxys' team [37:58]
3rd: pokemonvortex's team [41:57]
4th: c.kilgannon's team [52:40]
1) Abomasnow, Delibird, Stantler
2) Buzzwole, Decidueye, Solgaleo, Musharna, Cradily, Blacephalon
3) ProfessorWill-o-wiSplinteredStormsHardStoneedGenGarbOdorSleuth /
1) Anagrams! [Bind, Moonball, Seadra, Twister] => 3 Pokémon belonging to a "central theme" (List them alphabetically)
2) Pokesequences! For this puzzle, a Pokemon and that Pokemon's National Pokedex number represent each other and are interchangeable. Answer with Pokemon A, Pokemon B, Pokemon C, Pokemon D, Pokemon E, and Pokemon F in that order! https://pastebin.com/kagCVZfq
3) Ports! [In-Game Pokemon Professor, include "Professor" in your answer] [Status Move] [Z-Move] [Gen 2 Item that can be held by a Pokemon] [Rock-type move] [Pokemon (not a form)] [Poison-type Pokemon] [Normal-type Status move]
2nd Hunt (By sparkychild, Meicoo, Elgino, and Alex)

Winner: pokemonvortex's team [36:22]
2nd: Devoxys' team [52:05]
3rd: adiass' team [52:29]
4th: c.kilgannon's team [56:41]
1) Outrage, Petal Dance, Thrash
2) Dragon, Electric, Water, Ice, Grass, Rock, Normal, Ghost, Psychic, Poison, Fighting, Steel, Flying, Ground, Fire, Fairy, Bug, Dark /
Dragon, Electric, Water, Steel, Grass, Rock, Normal, Ghost, Psychic, Poison, Fighting, Ice, Flying, Ground, Fire, Fairy, Bug, Dark /
Dragon, Water, Rock, Normal, Ghost, Psychic, Poison, Fighting, Ice, Grass, Electric, Steel, Flying, Ground, Fire, Fairy, Bug, Dark /
Electric, Water, Ice, Dragon, Grass, Rock, Normal, Ghost, Psychic, Poison, Fighting, Steel, Flying, Ground, Fire, Fairy, Bug, Dark /
Electric, Water, Steel, Dragon, Grass, Rock, Normal, Ghost, Psychic, Poison, Fighting, Ice, Flying, Ground, Fire, Fairy, Bug, Dark /
Flying, Ground, Steel, Grass, Electric, Water, Rock, Normal, Ghost, Psychic, Poison, Fighting, Ice, Dragon, Fire, Fairy, Bug, Dark /
Grass, Electric, Steel, Dragon, Water, Rock, Normal, Ghost, Psychic, Poison, Fighting, Ice, Flying, Ground, Fire, Fairy, Bug, Dark /
Grass, Electric, Water, Rock, Normal, Ghost, Psychic, Poison, Fighting, Ice, Flying, Ground, Steel, Dragon, Fire, Fairy, Bug, Dark /
Grass, Rock, Normal, Ghost, Psychic, Poison, Fighting, Ice, Dragon, Electric, Water, Steel, Flying, Ground, Fire, Fairy, Bug, Dark /
Grass, Rock, Normal, Ghost, Psychic, Poison, Fighting, Steel, Dragon, Electric, Water, Ice, Flying, Ground, Fire, Fairy, Bug, Dark /
Ice, Dragon, Grass, Electric, Water, Rock, Normal, Ghost, Psychic, Poison, Fighting, Steel, Flying, Ground, Fire, Fairy, Bug, Dark /
Normal, Ghost, Psychic, Poison, Fighting, Steel, Dragon, Grass, Electric, Water, Rock, Ice, Flying, Ground, Fire, Fairy, Bug, Dark /
Rock, Normal, Ghost, Psychic, Poison, Fighting, Ice, Dragon, Grass, Electric, Water, Steel, Flying, Ground, Fire, Fairy, Bug, Dark /
Rock, Normal, Ghost, Psychic, Poison, Fighting, Steel, Dragon, Grass, Electric, Water, Ice, Flying, Ground, Fire, Fairy, Bug, Dark /
Steel, Dragon, Grass, Electric, Water, Rock, Normal, Ghost, Psychic, Poison, Fighting, Ice, Flying, Ground, Fire, Fairy, Bug, Dark /
Water, Rock, Normal, Ghost, Psychic, Poison, Fighting, Ice, Dragon, Grass, Electric, Steel, Flying, Ground, Fire, Fairy, Bug, Dark
3) CableCarracoStaravIapaPatRaticatealoLakeofraGearUproArmorfossil
1) Anagrams! [Earth Plate, No Guard, Sachet] => 3 related Pokémon moves (List them alphabetically)
2) List the 18 types in a sequence such that each type either resists OR does super effective damage to the following type, but NOT BOTH. Consider immunities to count as resistances for this puzzle. There are 16 possible answers. Enter any one of them to solve this question. Do not include the word "type" in your answer.
3) Ports! [Mechanical means of transport in certain main series games] [Rock-type Pokemon] [Normal-type Pokemon] [Berry, omit 'Berry'] [Gen 5 Pokemon] [Normal-type, fully evolved Pokemon] [Main series game location that can be flown to with the HM Fly, but does not have a Pokemon Center] [Status Move] [Normal-type move] [USUM item]
3rd Hunt (By sparkychild, Meicoo, and Alex)

Winner: 3.14dgeot-Mega's team [31:52]
2nd: adiass' team [36:41]
3rd: pokemonvortex's team [37:29]
4th: c.kilgannon's team [50:15]
5th: Devoxys' team [50:59]
1) Never Melt Ice, Snowball, Yache Berry
2) 97,933,080
3) SignalbeAmauRapidsPineContinentalCrushClawitZeraoRattaTalonflaMelmetAllyswitChimEchoedvoIcepunChimchAromatisSentrEternaforest
1) Anagrams! [Celebrate, Chilan Berry, Mew, Sylveon] => Three related items (List them alphabetically)
2) Pokemath! For this puzzle, a Pokemon and that Pokemon's National Pokedex number represent each other and are interchangeable. Answer with the Finale! https://pastebin.com/yc6Gv6ur
3) Ports! All clues refer to main series Pokemon games only. [Bug type move][Rock type Pokemon][Normal type move][Pokemon][Move with various base powers][Normal type move][Pokemon that can learn Aura Sphere][Mythical Pokemon][Purple Pokemon][Flying Egg Group Pokemon][Pokemon][Psychic move][Psychic Pokemon][Normal Move][Ice Move][Fire Pokemon][Fairy Pokemon][Normal Pokemon][Main Series Pokemon Forest (include the word "Forest")]
Thanks everyone so much for participating, and I hope you all had a wonderful time! Special thanks to our five wonderful captains listed above!
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