(Karlheinz Stockhausen's Klang odyssey, 24 questions as Stockhausen intended it to be, 1 June 2019)
/startofficialhunt Parcly Taxel |
This is the kahuna of Poni Island. | Hapu |
Ultimately, this character in Pokémon RéBURST, who has more than one burst form, is turned into a statue. | Fraud |
(Natürliche Dauern)
Lunala can learn this move formerly exclusive to a two-stage evolutionary line. | Night Daze |
2 params (alpha order): Gyarados, Mewtwo, Noibat, Noivern, Shiftry, Smeargle, Tornadus, Yveltal | Hurricane Torment
This non-Pokémon game, one of whose stages is Route 26, was directed by Naganadel's designer. | HarmoKnight
This trainer can be battled in the Sun and Moon demo, giving out an item upon defeat that can be transferred to the full game. (just the name) | Sheri |
A commemorative Duel figure depicting this Pokémon was given to players after an April Fools' Day hoax. | Bibarel |
This gym leader shares their name with an anime-exclusive Kanto location. | Gardenia |
This OT name is associated with the trainer ID number 07245 in an event. | Hope |
Rumours once circulated around the Internet that part of this fully evolved Pokémon's design was based off Donald Trump's hair. | Gumshoos |
One of this Pokémon game technique's variations is called a zorch. | tweaking |
In Red, Green and Blue, this character's sprite suggested that they were dead and dressed for a funeral. | Erika |
(Cosmic Pulses)
Depending on the game, this statistic may or may not have a hard cap of 10000. (full name) | Combat Power |
A certain normal-type Pokémon's category name was rendered as this non-English word in the generation it debuted, despite having enough space to put the correctly spelt category name which was used in subsequent generations. | hibernant |
At one time, typing this song's name __but with a typo__ into an official Pokémon web page yielded a Darkrai wallpaper. (ignore diacritics) | Oracion
In its most recent anime appearance, this Pokémon and Talonflame knocked each other out. | Unfezant
This romantic ship's name comes from the Japanese word for "wish". | NegaiShipping
This character owns a guitar and a Venusaur. | Jeremy |
In an episode where this character fought Dawn, a ghost-type move affected a then-normal-type Pokémon. | Ursula |
At one time on PS!, using this move would cause the simulator to first say that an OHKO move was used. | Earthquake |
Seven key items in the main series games include this same word. A fighting-type Pokémon's name also starts with that word. | Pass |
(Licht, the other great cycle Stockhausen composed)
This is the category name of the Pokémon whose Japanese name contains "ryu" (dragon), but is not dragon-type in its base form and is dragon-type in an alternate form. | light |
(Time – Licht is about the days of the week, Klang the hours of the day)
This genderless Pokémon has been referred to as both male and female in Mystery Dungeon games. Where it was referred to as female, it was also shiny. | Celebi |
The initials of the first 21 answers are shared with the initials of the 21 parts of a musical cycle whose name is also that of a Pokémon. List the name of the entire cycle and its composer in that order. | Klang Karlheinz Stockhausen