Forgot to reserve but official at gmt +2 midnight ckil / ace ckil hosting
The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: bulbasaurbuddy! [04:38].
2nd place: CHeeSe555 [06:26].
3rd place: Elgino ♫ [13:32].
4th place: KawaiiiiPotato [16:44].
5th place: Andrew [17:19].
Consolation Prize: Ibuki Miod [29:09]
1) Excluding forms, this is the only Pokemon in Ubers whose name begins with a letter that no other Pokemon in Ubers's name contains. (Answer with the Pokemon and its primary ability, in that order.) [Blaziken Blaze]
2) In the anime, a Pokemon that cannot possibly be in the (initial) last slot of your team in a Gen 7 Random Battle uses a Z-move. Name the Pokemon, and the Z-move. Use the most recent (Japanese if necessary) anime episode if there are multiple. (Pokemon, Zmove, that order.) [Zoroark Neverending Nightmare]
3) In the Pokemon Showdown Youtube Cup's first week, hosted by the Youtube room, this Pokemon form was illegal despite its base form and an alternate form of that base form being legal. (format as PS would.) [Charizard Mega X]
The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: bulbasaurbuddy! [04:38].
2nd place: CHeeSe555 [06:26].
3rd place: Elgino ♫ [13:32].
4th place: KawaiiiiPotato [16:44].
5th place: Andrew [17:19].
Consolation Prize: Ibuki Miod [29:09]
1) Excluding forms, this is the only Pokemon in Ubers whose name begins with a letter that no other Pokemon in Ubers's name contains. (Answer with the Pokemon and its primary ability, in that order.) [Blaziken Blaze]
2) In the anime, a Pokemon that cannot possibly be in the (initial) last slot of your team in a Gen 7 Random Battle uses a Z-move. Name the Pokemon, and the Z-move. Use the most recent (Japanese if necessary) anime episode if there are multiple. (Pokemon, Zmove, that order.) [Zoroark Neverending Nightmare]
3) In the Pokemon Showdown Youtube Cup's first week, hosted by the Youtube room, this Pokemon form was illegal despite its base form and an alternate form of that base form being legal. (format as PS would.) [Charizard Mega X]