(Old) Scavengers Ladder (June 2018 - May 2020)

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Forgot to reserve but official at gmt +2 midnight ckil / ace ckil hosting

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: bulbasaurbuddy! [04:38].
2nd place: CHeeSe555 [06:26].
3rd place: Elgino ♫ [13:32].
4th place: KawaiiiiPotato [16:44].
5th place: Andrew [17:19].
Consolation Prize: Ibuki Miod [29:09]

1) Excluding forms, this is the only Pokemon in Ubers whose name begins with a letter that no other Pokemon in Ubers's name contains. (Answer with the Pokemon and its primary ability, in that order.) [Blaziken Blaze]
2) In the anime, a Pokemon that cannot possibly be in the (initial) last slot of your team in a Gen 7 Random Battle uses a Z-move. Name the Pokemon, and the Z-move. Use the most recent (Japanese if necessary) anime episode if there are multiple. (Pokemon, Zmove, that order.) [Zoroark Neverending Nightmare]
3) In the Pokemon Showdown Youtube Cup's first week, hosted by the Youtube room, this Pokemon form was illegal despite its base form and an alternate form of that base form being legal. (format as PS would.) [Charizard Mega X]
I have an official reserved for Friday September 20th at 7 PM EDT (GMT -4:00) qc'd by c.kilgannon & Gallant Spear


1st place: 111ace111 [03:23].
2nd place: powergo [04:32].
3rd place: Prof. Sapling [13:00].
4th place: Wan the Avatar [15:16].
5th place: Cheese555 [16:01].
Consolation Prize: cElEstEEal [19:10], killerASCII [34:58], Gargoyle31 [37:09], bulbasaurbuddy! [37:31], shadowgaleo [48:20], Mrs Fame [54:09], Rory Mercury [58:13]

1) A Dawn Stone is a held item of a received Pokemon from an in-game trade with an NPC. Give that NPC's first name. [Steven]
2) In the games, Steven Stone collects stones. In his collection, he has a stone from Sinnoh. What is the name of the stone and what in-game location is it found in? Answer in that order. [Schalstein Mt Coronet]
3) In Pokemon Platinum, name the Pokemon that can be caught on Mt Coronet that can now mega-evolve in alphabetical order. [Abomasnow Absol Gyarados Medicham]
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Official reserved for Sunday, September 22nd at 11 AM EDT (GMT -4)!!
thank you to spear & litt (host) for the qc's!!

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: powergo [02:22].
2nd place: smii [02:33].
3rd place: PartMan [03:20].
4th place: The Frozen One [03:22].
5th place: p0ip0le ∆ [03:31].
Consolation Prize: Andrew [03:54], 111ace111 [04:47], pokemondeadchannel [05:24], AndrewThePenguin [21:02], cElEstEEal [35:46]


1) This location with six floors, is also the place where the player can catch a level 1 Pokemon only once. [Snowpoint Temple]
2) In Pokemon Adventures, Regigigas was temporarily captured by a character that also owned a Legendary Pokemon that cured this character. [Vijay]
3) Cresselia can be summoned in B2W2 with the help of an item. Name the location where that item can be found in B2W2, and the Pokemon mentioned through dialogue there, in that order. [Strange House, Abra]
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Official Hunt by c.kilgannon on September 23rd at 10:00pm EST.

Thank you to Andrew+Litteleven for the QCs<3

The official scavenger hunt was ended by ckilgannon.
1st place: zacians [02:38].
2nd place: 111ace111 [02:42].
3rd place: Cheese555 [02:46].
4th place: broil [04:10].
5th place: celesteeal [04:51].
Consolation Prize: Gargoyle31 [05:15], Man(un)kind [05:37], Pixelationaire [07:06], Ibuki Miod [07:50], Mrs Fame ✿ [08:20]

1) The only Team Rainbow Rocket Grunt that uses more than 2 Pokemon is battled in this location. [battleagency]
2) In the Demo Version of a main series game, Steven will join you to battle against one member from both of the rival villainous teams at this location. [mirage cave]
3) A Grunt at this location has the highest-leveled Pokemon in the main-series games used by any Grunt villainous member. [Relic castle]
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Official Hunt by ckilgannon at 5:00pm EST on Sept 27!
TY to Bulbabuddy+Andrew for the QCs!

1st place: dangerdogs [03:46].
2nd place: Meicoo [04:04].
3rd place: Litt♥Eleven [04:50].
4th place: 111ace111 [05:24].
5th place: PartMan [07:43].
Consolation Prize: Ibuki Miod [09:11], Gargoyle31 [13:14], Imjustgray [27:50], boredcollegekid [29:10], ZardMX [31:52], askdf [34:59], PR of Sapling [35:32], Discordual [41:11]

1) This is the lowest-leveled Pokemon used by a Champion in their original League battle. [gyarados]
2) Excluding the Alolan League, list the unique moves used in the initial battle versus a Pokemon League Champion (alphabetical order). [flying press head charge]
3) In the generation Flying Press debuted in, it shared a base power with another move; in the following generation, both moves had their Base Powers changed. Name the other move. [suckerpunch]
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Reserving official 29th midnight GMT+2 Ace is hosting

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: PartMan [19:36].
2nd place: bulbasaurbuddy! [24:08].
3rd place: Urohsatatni [26:27].
4th place: powergo [26:34].
5th place: Cheese555 [30:15].
Consolation Prize: tidal otter [43:30]

1) In a Pokemon movie, these Pokemon (1 species) are shown to be devout followers of Kyurem. [Cryogonal]
2) In its Pokedex entry episode (episode where its pokedex entry is shown in the anime) Pokemon A makes its appearance encased in ice. In the same episode, Pokemon B makes its TV debut but not anime debut. (Name both Pokemon, alphabetically.) [Articuno Sunkern]
3) In two of its appearances of the anime, 2 of these Pokemon (1 owned by a different trainer each) battle the same Pokemon of Ash'. The first loses to Ash despite type advantage, whereas the second beats Ash easily due to the type advantage. Both trainers are from the same region in the games, and are (still in the games) related to the hoenn league. (Name both the Pokemon and Ash' Pokemon, alphabetically.) [Altaria Grovyle]
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there was a fish that me and The Fame roasted on sunday the 29th at 11am pacific time (gmt-7), thanks to litt for qcing and bulba for qcing AND hosting !!

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: ceLesteeaL [02:08].
2nd place: dangerdogs [02:09].
3rd place: zacians [02:18].
4th place: 111ace111 [02:22].
5th place: p^_^okemonvortex. [03:22].
Consolation Prize: Andrew [04:21], gallant's pear [06:59], 314dgeot-Mega [07:50], Ibuki Miod [10:10], intatashoru [13:23], PartMan [14:31]


1) In the Pokemon Adventures manga, a Pokemon belonging to Diamond is referred to by a nickname, which is also the name of a nature. Name the Pokemon belonging to Diamond that is known to have this nature.
2) In the Pokemon Adventures manga, a gym leader owns multiple of this Pokemon, each named after a number from one through six.
3) A character of the day shares a name with a male Delcatty from the Pokemon anime. This Pokemon belonging to the character was defeated by a Sceptile.
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Have an official, scheduled at 5:00 PM GMT (1 PM EST) on September 30 (Monday). QC'd by Bulby Dogs; thanks a lot!

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: p^_^okemonvortex. [07:31].
2nd place: 111ace111 [11:24].
3rd place: Zipzapadam [16:37].
4th place: AbuBatata [17:48].
5th place: Zimmy D [19:51].
Consolation Prize: gallant's pear [25:37], ProfSapling [39:06]

1) Certain evolutionary items contain types inside their names. These two Pokemon evolve using one of those items, but 4x resist the type contained inside them. (alphabetical order, format as PS! would) [Lombre Sandshrew-Alola]
2) In Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia, you can increase your Styler's maximum Energy through a certain method that does not involve levelling up. In this method, you are tasked to catch these two species of Pokemon. (List them alphabetically) [Combee Vespiquen]
3) In Pokemon Sun/Moon, these Pokemon can be called as an ally in a SOS battle by a Pokemon with which it shares no types and is not evolutionarily related to, regardless of the weather condition. (alphabetical order) [Chansey Happiny Kangaskhan Sableye Trumbeak]
Thanks to everyone who participated!
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At long last, we're coming home!
Hosting an odyssey official on 1 October 11pm SST (3pm UTC, 11am EDT)!
QC by Meicoo and Andrew

1st place: smii [18:00].
2nd place: Litt♥enStein [22:06].
3rd place: ProfSapling [27:11].
4th place: dangerdogs [30:09].
5th place: 666ace666 [32:31].
Consolation Prize: The Frozen One [34:59], Zimmy D [01:11:37]

This hunt was based on playing cards; each question has four answers and there are 13 "meat" questions in total representing the ranks, with a ranking at the end.

1. (Alpha order for all answers unless otherwise stated) These damaging moves bypass accuracy checks and were introduced in Gen 3. | AerialAce MagicalLeaf ShadowPunch ShockWave
2. On Sundays in Platinum, you can fight a single battle versus exactly one trainer in Pokémon Centers at these locations. (omit "town" and "city") | Hearthome Pastoria ResortArea Snowpoint
3. Take the alphabetically first English category name not exclusive to one Pokémon. Name the abilities the Pokémon with that category name may have. | SandStream SandVeil Sturdy Unnerve
4. These members of the Seven Sages give out a TM, but not on a route. | Bronius Gorm Ryoku Zinzolin
5. Name all Pokémon used by the LGPE Elite Four in their initial battles that are not used by the gen 1 Elite Four. | Charizard Poliwrath Seadra Weezing
6. Name all the berries that World Champion Ray's Pokémon hold. (omit "berry") | Chople Haban Lum Sitrus
7. In the Unbroken Bonds TCG expansion, these are the GX attacks of the Tag Teams featuring at least one Pokémon in the undiscovered egg group. (omit "GX", order by the first TCG number of the cards they feature in) | BeastGame DoubleBlaze AcmeofHeroism FullMetalWall
8. These key items can be used to increase berry harvest. | Sprayduck Sprinklotad SquirtBottle WailmerPail
9. Only one of the Pokémon the Masked Royal may use does not know Protect; that Pokémon knows these moves instead. | Discharge FlashCannon Thunderbolt VoltSwitch
10. A certain Gentleman will give out these Pokémon Musical props in all gen 5 main series games. (order as they are given out) | GiftBox FluffyBeard BigBag ScarletHat
11. These are the birthdays of all main characters in Pokémon Adventures whose names are three letters or shorter. (calendar order, format each date as month name + day number, e.g. November 1, November 11) | February2 August8 August31 November6
12. These are the abilities of the Pokémon in Super Staff Bros. Brawl whose corresponding users start with F. | Infiltrator RisefromtheGases SereneGrace SuperIllusion
13. In the desert of Route 111 in ORAS, trainers of these classes may be battled. | BlackBelt Camper Picnicker RuinManiac
14. For each of the previous thirteen questions, take the initials of its four answers to form its __key__ (e.g. the first question's key is AMSS). Alphabetically sort the questions by their keys and assign ranks from ace to king to them such that the question with the lowest key is ace. Give the assigned ranks in question order; use ATJQK for ace, ten, jack, queen, king respectively. | ATQ4653K798J2
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Mini Official Roundup (Sept 1 - Sept 30th EDT):

1st place: Litt♥Eleven [00:58].
2nd place: dangerdogs [01:15].
3rd place: Made in Saudi [01:22].
Consolation Prize: DCSyntro [03:19], BulbasaurBuddy [03:47], Ibuki Miod [03:59], Tushavi [04:07], shadoWeavile [05:02], PartMan [06:08], The Frozen One [08:18]

1st place: Man(un)kind [06:12].
2nd place: Annika0 ^_^ [09:28].
3rd place: AndrewThePenguin [09:36].
Consolation Prize: Made in Saudi [11:16], p^_^okemonvortex. [12:00], Torooru [15:14], Prof. Sapling [17:56], Cheese555 [20:01], BulbasaurBuddy [24:31], Mrs Fame ✿ [27:54], dangerdogs [30:03], Soft Flex [32:26]

1st place: dangerdogs [00:54].
2nd place: Seraphus [01:14].
3rd place: broil [01:19].
Consolation Prize: Rory Mercury [01:47], Wan the Avatar [01:52], Made in Saudi [02:31], Discordual [02:47], PartMan [02:53], Ibuki Miod [02:59], tidal otter [04:03], killerASCII [04:15], ZardMX [06:34], zacians [09:53], AndrewThePenguin[13:26], Squirtell! [15:05], askdf [15:40]

1st place: celesteeal [00:53].
2nd place: Litt♥Eleven [01:20].
3rd place: The Frozen One [02:12].
Consolation Prize: smii [02:21], Zimmy D [04:40], Made in Saudi [04:43], gallant's pear [04:48], alivepokemonrules [10:31], Mrs Fame ✿ [12:17]

1st place: Rory Mercury [01:38].
2nd place: askdf [02:33].
3rd place: Made in Saudi [02:35].
Consolation Prize: Cernuvid [02:37], derpeddeath [03:19], bulbasaurbuddy [04:16], AndrewThePenguin [04:57]

1st place: broil [01:16].
2nd place: Made in Saudi [01:22].
3rd place: boredcollegekid [02:10].
Consolation Prize: askdf [04:55], Squirtell! [06:52], myster ⌐◼‿◼ 17 [11:32], Istil [15:03], p^_^okemonvortex. [16:13]

1st place: Rory Mercury [03:48].
2nd place: killerASCII [10:00].
3rd place: Pixelationaire ♥ [10:04].
Consolation Prize: Ibuki Miod [10:39], Wan the Avatar [13:21], askdf [21:42], bulBasAurbuDDY [24:23]

1st place: 111ace111 [01:08].
2nd place: scoobydoobydrew [01:12].
3rd place: pokemondeadchannel [01:12].
Consolation Prize: bulbasaurbuddy! [01:13], Man(un)kind [01:23], Darth [01:26], Mrs Fame [01:31], Ibuki Miod [01:32], Litt♥Eleven [01:47], broil [01:49], Made in Saudi [01:58], Meicoo [02:13], AndrewThePenguin [04:46], PartMan [05:28]

1st place: celesteeal [01:35].
2nd place: Made in Saudi [01:56].
3rd place: bulbasaurbuddy! [02:39].
Consolation Prize: Aegii [02:44], irokei [02:51], Aeolia [04:46]

1st place: dangerdogs [01:17].
2nd place: 111ace111 [01:43].
3rd place: Litt♥Eleven [02:04].
Consolation Prize: ckilgannon [06:02], bulbasaurbuddy! [20:19], p^_^okemonvortex. [20:36], zacians [22:29], Meicoo [23:56], Che..ese555 [24:05]

1st place: p^_^okemonvortex. [01:31].
2nd place: PartMan [01:42].
3rd place: Andrew [02:10].
Consolation Prize: a train wreck [02:49], ckilgannon [03:12], zacians [04:02], Squirtell! [04:08]

1st place: bulbasaurbuddy! [00:46].
2nd place: Made in Saudi [00:47].
3rd place: ckilgannon [00:59].
Consolation Prize: AbuBatata [01:02], Whimper [01:06], broil [01:27], PartMan [01:30], Rory Mercury [01:33], Ibuki Miod [01:34], Soft Flex [02:12], ZardMX [02:43], Squirtell! [04:41], Meicoo [05:24], Mrs Fame [05:44], Imjustgray [06:39]

1st place: woe! unto! me! [01:18].
2nd place: Devoxys [01:28].
3rd place: Ibuki Miod [01:31].
Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [01:47], 314dgeot-Mega [01:53], HauntingDevil [02:26], And Boo! [02:31], M. Anunk InD [02:51], Parcly Taxel ♦ [03:21], Incompetent Coder [03:43], Dark (.~.)Dex [04:47]

Last Month's Results
The September Ladder has now concluded. Congratulations to the top three placers: 111ace111 in first place with 1048 points, LittEleven in second place with 808 points, and bulbasaurbuddy in third place with 706 points!
111ace111 1048
LittEleven 808
bulbasaurbuddy 706
smii 665
ckilgannon 626
dangerdogs 462
PartMan 460
powergo 452
The Frozen One 364
Ibuki Miod 340
Prof. Sapling 325
zacians 273
gallant's pear 257
Andrew 254
broil 248
ceLesteeaL 237
pokemonvortex 234
AbuBatata 216
Meicoo 212
Made in Saudi 186
Cheese555 186
Rory Mercury 143
314dgeot-Mega 136
AndrewThePenguin 133
Aegii 120
askdf 112
Mrs Fame 110
p0ip0le 104
Pixelationaire 96
Gargoyle31 95
Manunkind 88
Zimmy D 79
killerASCII 78
Soft Flex 70
Zipzapadam 70
boredcollegekid 65
Wan the Avatar 65
ZardMX 63
Seraphus 63
Elgino 61
tidalotter 55
GuiShark 53
sparkychild 53
Gwynt 53
Add23456 50
woe unto me 47
Whimper 47
DanDaMan99 45
Level 51 44
Torooru 44
Imjustgray 42
Ryota Mitarai 41
A Quail's Query 41
myster17 41
DCSyntro 39
Squirtell 38
Parcly Taxel 38
pokemondeadchannel 35
Urohsatatni 35
Cernuvid 33
Tushavi 29
Dawn of Ares 29
Tigromata 29
scoobydoobydrew 28
KawaiiiiPotato 28
lovemathboy 25
derpeddeath 24
Alex 24
TheToxicGuy 24
shadoWeavile 22
kingtroller 21
Darth 21
irokei 21
Geene 21
Tapo Collino 20
CryoGyro 20
Annika0 20
Devoxys 18
Almm41 17
Kari x Kurumi 16
S@ksham 15
ColdMamo 14
Ghostyuu 14
Aeolia 14
Discordual 14
Notater517 14
Merlee 13
TheWhoDoctor 13
underkale 13
Spearit Shackle 13
barlcxks 12
Nolnis 12
hxlcyon 11
moo 11
SOUGO Tokiwa 11
Intatashoru 11
Mega Eevee X 10
Atad777 10
Ju1cebox 10
a train wreck 9
spooktune 9
Astion 8
lucas2543 8
mgperson 8
Benjgbro 8
Swanna 7
Astral Observatory 7
Midnightsecrets 6
Snow Forme Shaymin 6
Pantsos0502 6
SergioTests 6
SergioRules 6
monsgamer 6
Spooki Mioda 6
ggjkjk 5
Dragonmirror 5
Viraj Vora 5
DarkDex 5
MukUsedDrillPeck 5
Tsar dragon 5
FourteenAlmonds 5
UnderratedRacket 5
Snecko 5
Ninetales Alolan<3 5
Lucario1582 5
frostyicelad ❆ 5
tlouk 5
dratios 4
Miss Mare 4
blackburn009 4
NinetalesAlola 4
keepingiticy 4
Andy 4
Prankin 4
Lady Monita 4
fjksdjfsg 3
Skeletal Purgatory 3
La Rascasse 3
shadowgaleo 3
Bunguin87 3
arnavb12 3
terbalik 3
PlagueAlchemist 3
HeracrossTheGreek 3
cgyc 3
AndrewGoncel 3
Plimsoll Punks 3
oh xD 3
SpecterReaper 3
HauntingDevil 3
And Boo 3
S12 2
Barnaba 2
VigilanteVigoroth 2
EeveeLutionArmy 2
defund 2
spiderz 2
gusting pidgey 2
Aroma Dragon 2
pokemangoes 2
MobilePotato 2
BlauesSerpiroyal 2
undefeated 1v1 2
aroma lucky 2
alivepokemonrules 2
playfulpie2 2
Cebuano 2
Sidereal Summer 2
4n0nnym0u5 2
terrapieseven 2
Jahkxun 2
WeepingDevil 2
A Year in Advance 2
KazuyaMiyuki 2
Zuff 1
rafooa11 1
Charmysilver 1
McLemore 1
Octavial 1
Galactic Pacho 1
AtTheHelm 1
nekoramen 1
xH3li0 1
dragonizing 1
Luana 1
geowing 1
athleteandy1 1
Elements 101 1
Schiavetto 1
Yeedo3 1
Yua999 1
Loljbass 1
BlindNinja 1
berbintang 1
Istil 1
peetles 1
TheFourthWall22 1
Sir Mister 1
Anami00u 1
cringycoot 1
Release yr pkmn 1
ant 1
Trika_24 1
xcvvbb 1
RabbitSoup 1
LilNeko 1
Incompetent Coder 1
Jeopard-Oui 1
ptoad 1
peach 1
The ladder twist for the month of October will be: Multithreading: Two officials will be started near-simultaneously in Scavs and our subroom. Users can choose either hunt to attempt, and placing will be determined by best overall finish time of either hunt, meaning the placers will be determined in real time regardless of the specific hunt they completed. Users may finish a second hunt for additional points. Note that this month's twist will be active only on Saturdays and Sundays EDT (GMT -4:00), and that this twist does not apply to mini-officials.

As a reward for winning the September Ladder, this twist was be chosen by 111ace111 from the submissions. Thanks to sparkychild for being the one who submitted this twist, and on the October Ladder they will receive 5 points for submitting that valid twist, plus an additional 30 for submitting the winning twist! For a full list of users who earned head-start points for submitting valid twists:
sparkychild 35
aegii 10
PartMan 5
smii 5
For more details on how to get these points, see the last page here: Scavengers Update: September 2018, and feel free to ask me any questions!

Spook yourself with how well you do on the October Ladder!
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Official Incognito Hunt by ckilgannon : October 2 at 3pm EST.
Thank you to Litt + Andrew for the QC!

1st place: Zimmy D [08:44].
2nd place: 666ace666 [10:56].
3rd place: Elgino ♫ [17:48].
4th place: Prof. Spooking [21:26].
5th place: vamPart [23:01].
Consolation Prize: AndrewThePenguin [24:09], DanDaMan99 [24:31], Spooki Mioda[35:44], 314dgeot-Mega [42:38]

1) This Pokemon species has the highest number of possible Abilities. [Lycanroc]
2) This is the only Gym you are able to buy an item from in a main series game (include the word 'gym'). [Dewford gym]
3) Some unique moves are the only move of its type introduced in its generation (including z moves and hidden power). Name all these moves (alphabetical order). [Diamond storm, hyperspace hole , Kings shield]
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Reserving official hunt on October 4th at 4 PM UTC
1st place: Litt♥enstein [03:15].
2nd place: vamPart [06:02].
3rd place: Prof. Spooking [07:32].
4th place: The Frozen One [25:50].
5th place: AbuBatata [39:38].

1) This landmark in Kalos is a Clamperl statue with 2 Horsea shooting water. [perle fountain]
2) This in-game city has a Roselia fountain. [santalune city]
3) Pokemon card with the move Fountain also has this move. [chase up]
Thanks to dangerdogs and 111ace111 for QC

May the Pyuks be with you
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Had an official for Monday, October 7th at 9:00 EST.

Hosted by c.kilgannon, and QCed by LittEleven and her.

1st place: Spooki Mioda [02:07].
2nd place: MeiBOO [04:05].
3rd place: 666ace666 [05:42].
4th place: p^_^okemonvortex. [08:27].
5th place: vamPart [16:18].

1) This berry cannot be taken from any of the wild Pokémon that can hold it using Thief (exclude “berry”).
2) A certain trainer who can be found in a cave in DPPt uses a Pokémon in Battle Tower that holds a Colbur Berry. The character shares a name with a character of the day who works in this anime-exclusive location.
3) A certain character from Arche Valley shares a name with a Super Smash Bros fighter. This is the name of that fighter’s Final Smash in Ultimate.
1. Colbur
2. Arche Valley
3. Lightning Chariot
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official october 9th 00:00 GMT+2 (22:00 GMT october 8th) c.kilgannon hosting, Meicoo qc

The official scavenger hunt was ended by ckilgannon.
1st place: 666ace666 [09:09].
2nd place: Miss Mare [14:41].
3rd place: AndrewThePenguin [39:05].
4th place: Prof. Spooking [01:25:36].

1) In the anime, both Virgil and Mannes use an evolution line to power their helicopters. This is the only member that debuted in a different TV episode than the other members of that line. [Klang]
2) In the anime, this Pokemon's moveset was revealed in an episode whose name (if you remove all spaces and punctuation) starts with 4 times the same 2 letter word. In a later episode, Professor Oak rides the Pokemon. [Gogoat]
3) During the Hoenn Grand Festival, a Pokemon was used by a coordinator. That Pokemon can learn the move that's included in that specific Pokemon's debut episode, but cannot learn the move in the name of the episode that follows it. These episodes are also the first time that Pokemon appeared in the anime without its counterpart. (Name the Pokemon and the 2 moves, in order of the episodes.) [Illumise Silver wind Assist]
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Official on October 12th at 11:00 AM EDT (GMT -4) QC'd by: c.kilgannon & LittEleven

This followed twist so expect two hunts:

1) In Generation III, this is the first Pokemon in the Hoenn Dex Order that is introduced in Generation II. [Marill]
2) This is the last Pokemon in the Coastal Kalos Pokedex that is introduced in Generation VI. [Carbink]
3) In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, the player must travel to a building in a location to see the other version's game mascot in the Pokedex without trading for it. Name the location. [Celestic Town]

1st place: 666ace666 [01:52].
2nd place: dangerdogs [02:26].
3rd place: vamPart [02:34].
Consolation Prize: The Frozen One [02:40], A Quail's Query [06:43], LustySalazzleMaid [09:03]

1) In Generation III, this is the first Pokemon in the Hoenn Dex Order that is introduced in Generation I but not part of an evolution line. [Pinsir]
2) This is the first Pokemon in the Central Kalos Pokedex eligible for the LC tier that can't be acquired in the games without breeding. [Pichu]
3) Name all Pokemon introduced in the Platinum expansion of the Sinnoh Pokedex that don't evolve to/from another Pokemon. (alpha order) [absol giratina rotom tropius]

1st place: dangerdogs [06:55].
2nd place: 666ace666 [09:21].
3rd place: The Frozen One [10:27].
Consolation Prize: Miss Mare [16:30], A Quail's Query [18:42], LustySalazzleMaid [20:36]

1st: 666ace666 (Scavengers)
2nd: dangerdogs (Scavengers)
3rd: vamPart (Scavengers)
4th: The Frozen One (Scavengers)
5th: A Quail's Query (Scavengers)
6th: dangerdogs (Treasure Town)
7th: LustySalazzleMaid (Scavengers)
8th: 666ace666 (Treasure Town)
9th: The Frozen One (Treasure Town)
10th: Miss Mare (Treasure Town)
11th: A Quail's Query (Treasure Town)
12th: LustySalazzleMaid (Treasure Town)
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Official on Wednesday October 16th at 8:00 PM EDT (GMT -4) QC'd by: dangerdogs & BulbaBuddy

1st place: Prof. Spooking [01:01].
2nd place: Merlee [02:13].
3rd place: Devoxys [02:48].
4th place: Spooki Mioda [03:20].
5th place: 666ace666 [03:45].
Consolation Prize: Man(un)kind [04:19], Beedrill-Mega [04:54], A Phantom [08:01], ckilgannon [10:42], Soft Flex [11:18], SMII [17:17], SergioTests [29:08], Torooru ◉◡◉ [34:06], Mega Eevee X [35:18]

1) In Generation I, this Pokemon's signature move hit it for supereffective damage. Name the Pokemon and the move in that order. [Beedrill Twineedle]
2) Of the contestants in the Bug-Catching Contest, this contestant in Generation II is replaced by another contestant of a different trainer class and gender in the remakes. Answer with the original NPC's trainer class and name followed by the remake's trainer class and name. [Cooltrainer Nick Ace Trainer Abby]
3) In an American version of a certain main-series Pokemon game, a TM can be acquired at a Game Corner that isn't purchased by Coins. What move does this TM contain? [Explosion]
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monday oct 14 8:00 GMT +2 by LittEleven dangerdogs host litt

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: broil and trouble [01:41].
2nd place: Man(un)kind [02:05].
3rd place: spookysaur✧ [04:21].
4th place: Spearit Shackle [04:37].
5th place: Prof. Spooking [05:49].
Consolation Prize: 666ace666 [06:31], p^_^okemonvortex. [08:38], Spooki Mioda [09:42], ckilgannon [13:19], Andrew [16:09], Discordual [31:43]

1) This is or was, at any point in time, the Ubers Pokemon with the lowest BST. [Wynaut]
2) This was the least used Pokemon (that had usage) in Gen 7 Ubers during September 2019. (No weighting for the stats, format as PS! does.) [Pumpkaboo-Large]
3) The usage rank difference in Gen 7 Anything Goes September 2019 between this Pokemon and its own form was 499 ranks. Answer with the base Pokemon's name and the form's name. (do not repeat the base Pokemon's name.) [Arceus-Bug]
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Reserving an official (collab between ckilgannon and me) with twist on Sunday, October 13th at 2 PM EST (6 PM GMT). QC'd by Andrew and BulbasaurBuddy.
Be there!

Hunt 1: (Scavengers)
1st place: Cheese555 [02:33].
2nd place: dangerdogs [06:45].
3rd place: AbuBatata [08:10].
Consolation Prize: vamPart [11:51], The Frozen One [15:14], Man(un)kind [31:49], Spearit Shackle [33:55], Gwynt ^-^ [35:11], Soft Flex [44:23]

1) This move had a 30% chance to flinch the target in Gens 1+2 only. [lowkick]
2) Every Pokemon that learnt this non signature/unique move in Generation I is currently weak to it. [Lick]
3) This is the only move to have ever had a prime number as it's chance to inflict its secondary effect. [Chatter]

Hunt 2:(Treasure Town)

1st place: Spearit Shackle [06:57].
2nd place: Cheese555 [14:55].
3rd place: The Frozen One [29:57].
Consolation Prize: vamPart [36:09]

1) A Trainer Tip sign in this location mentions a specific berry in Gold/Silver/Crystal. [blackthorn / blackthorn city]
2) In Black 2/White 2, this trainer (Trainer Class + Name) claims she is an ex-member of Team Plasma. [backpacker mae]
3) In a certain location, this hidden item can only be obtained before defeating the title legendary in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, as it cannot be found there later in the game. [hp up]

1st place: Cheese555 [02:33].
2nd place: dangerdogs [06:45].
3rd place: Spearit Shackle [06:57].
4th place: AbuBatata [08:10].
5th place: vamPart [11:51]
6th place: Cheese555 [14:55].
Consolation Prize: , The Frozen One [15:14], The Frozen One [29:57],Man(un)kind [31:49], Spearit Shackle [33:55], Gwynt ^-^ [35:11], vamPart [36:09], Soft Flex [44:23]
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Had an official hosted by Rory Mercury at 8PM EST on Monday, October 14th.
QCed by Rory and Elgino10

1st place: 666ace666 [02:13].
2nd place: woe! unto! me! [02:28].
3rd place: Andrew [04:38].
4th place: ckilgannon [04:44].
5th place: Christmas [04:58].
Consolation Prize: Intatashoru [06:09], Man(un)kind [08:25], p^_^okemonvortex. [17:59], Spooki Mioda [20:04], askdf [20:32]

1) In Pokémon XY, an X Defense can be found on a rock near this Artist.
2) These Pokémon can learn the moves that Artist Vincent’s Pokémon knows (excluding Smeargle, alphabetical order).
3) This is the English name of the Artist whose Japanese name is Vincent (exclude trainer class).
1) Vincent
2) Castform Gyarados Palkia
3) Gough
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Official set for Thursday October 17th at 8:00 PM EDT (GMT -4) Thank you to dangerdogs & 111ace111 for QCing!

1st place: Merlee [02:47].
2nd place: Prof. Spooking [02:58].
3rd place: MeiBOO [04:43].
4th place: vamPart [05:49].
5th place: deftinwolf [07:53].
Consolation Prize: PokemonDeadChannel [10:40], Tapler [15:15], A Quail's Query [21:44], Aichoozyu [21:52], AndrewThePenguin [22:20], spookysaur [30:01], ZardMX [32:55], Mrs Fame [40:33]

1) If we throw it away and forget yesterday, what do we make? [the great escape]
2) A certain move spins my world so much that i'll take your cat for a walk. Of the Pokemon that learn this move by level-up in the same generation it was introduced, this one learns it the earliest and also doesn't get STAB from it. [Whimsicott]
3) In Ruby & Sapphire, these Pokemon could be caught with an ability that shares the same name as the song Epic Sax Guy was playing (alpha order). [Dodrio Doduo Poochyena]
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Sorry for the delay!
Scheduling an official by Seraphus and myself for 2PM EST on Sunday, October 20th.

Hosted and QCed by c.kilgannon, and also QCed by The Fame.

1. dangerdogs [01:29]. (My hunt)
2: Cheese555 [02:53]. (My hunt)
3: 666ace666 [03:25]. (My hunt)
4. Dangerdogs [04:44] (Darth’s hunt)
5. Cheese555 [07:21], (Darth’s hunt)
6. The Frozen One [07:39] (My hunt)
7. Dawn of Ares [09:18]. (Darth’s hunt)
8. Bright Noa [09:25]. (Darth’s hunt)
9. Bright Noa [19:54] (My hunt)
10. Gargoyle31 [14:06] (Darth’s hunt)

1) This Pokemon's Japanese name is how an English man would have addressed most royals during the medieval era. [Gardevoir]
2) This Pokemon's name would also be the name of an era where building with stones much bigger than Stonehenge's would be common. [Gigalith]
3) A member of a (one of the many) 7 world wonders list contains the name of a Pokemon, although you have to double the second consonant in the Pokemon's name for the spelling to match up. In that same list, this world wonder was constructed the latest in time. (Answer with the year in numbers, and the wonder's name as per wikipedia. Use the year in which the wonder was finished/opened/declared finished) [1931 Christ the Redeemer]
1) Pokémon belonging to a certain character have the lowest prime Trainer ID. Of all of the Pokémon whose names contain this character’s name, this one is the heaviest. [groudonprimal]
2) Team Flare grunts reference these two real world songs (alphabetical order). [dont worry be happy stayin alive]
3) A certain letter in the main series games references this doll, and asks the receiver of the letter to take care of it (exclude the word “doll”). [hi skitty]
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Official Hunt by c.kilgannon ... October 18th at 1pm EST.
Thank you Andrew+Litt for the qcs!

1st place: shin shine spark [03:00].
2nd place: 666ace666 [03:25].
3rd place: Add23456 [03:33].
4th place: CryoGyro [04:44].
5th place: The Frozen One [05:37].
Consolation Prize: Prof. Spooking [12:41], spooktune [14:39], Aichoozyu [15:01], LustySalazzleMaid [24:17], AbuBatata [37:45], AndrewThePenguin [47:12]

1) You may not use these moves when making movies at Pokestar Studios (alpha. order). [metronome torment transform]
2) This non-signature/non-unique damaging move is only learned by Pokemon from Gen 6 (excluding Smeargle). [parabolic charge]
3) Some type combinations, while not unique, still only exist in Legendary/Mythical Pokemon. Alphabetically list the Pokemon this statement applies to, but ONLY list those whose base forme fits the description. [hoopa latias latios lunala]
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nontwist fish qcd by lovely fame and pants (host) on wednesday oct 23rd at 5pm gmt-7!

The official scavenger hunt was ended automatically.
1st place: Merlee [00:27].
2nd place: Made in Saudi [01:00].
3rd place: spooky! saur! [01:21].
4th place: dangerdogs [01:33].
5th place: Devoxys [04:32].
Consolation Prize: 666ace666 [05:53], ckilgannon [08:10], Andrew [08:14], myster‿17 [13:59], Spooki Mioda [26:36]

1) A Pokemon with this ability and item can gain stat raises identical to a Dragon Dance boost (+1 Attack and +1 Speed) at the start of a battle, before any moves are made. (format as ability, item)
[Defiant Adrenaline orb]
(contrary doesn't work speed would be lowered, download wouldn't work because intimidate lowers attack)
2) This non-Dragon-type Pokemon has a set on the Smogon Dex which includes Dragon Dance for every generation since the move was introduced.
3) In the anime, this move is the one that is most often called by Metronome.
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