online community comics




here's some comics I've illustrated over time the time Ive adminned Pokemon groups.
They're kind of just poking fun at the stereotypes you see in online communities, as well as shooting down fallacies in common arguments.
Some buds encouraged me to share on the Smogon forums so here I am :)
Hahahah, I saw these at work earlier but couldn't leave a comment yet. These comics are great, and I especially love the second one in the OP for how logically it reads. Also, your cartooning style pairs really well with this kind of stuff, which is awesome. (All Smogon critics are bald, clearly.)

Personally, I think powersaves are OK for cloning, but I still prefer the "magic" of breeding things manually. ;p That's just me, though, and I realize it can take FOREVER in certain scenarios. To each their own!

If I were to suggest a comic, maybe draw one focusing on the community? A lot of projects and activities besides battling go on here, like C&C, The Smog, and art, but it doesn't stop some people from thinking of the site as more of a battling-obsessed hivemind of robots. It's kind of funny, but still. Dunno if that would interest you at all, though.
These comics are actually a pretty accurate description of Genwunners and the so-called "filthy casuals". Ah, the guy remind me of those days back when Charizard sucked, and the noobs used it anyway.
Hahahah, I saw these at work earlier but couldn't leave a comment yet. These comics are great, and I especially love the second one in the OP for how logically it reads. Also, your cartooning style pairs really well with this kind of stuff, which is awesome. (All Smogon critics are bald, clearly.)

Personally, I think powersaves are OK for cloning, but I still prefer the "magic" of breeding things manually. ;p That's just me, though, and I realize it can take FOREVER in certain scenarios. To each their own!

If I were to suggest a comic, maybe draw one focusing on the community? A lot of projects and activities besides battling go on here, like C&C, The Smog, and art, but it doesn't stop some people from thinking of the site as more of a battling-obsessed hivemind of robots. It's kind of funny, but still. Dunno if that would interest you at all, though.
Wow! Thank you so much for such thought out feedback.
I do indeed want to do more comics in the future that include other aspects of Smogon/Pokemon communities but today is actually my first day on the forums here! I'm eager to get accustomed to some of the cool things ya'll got going on. I've always known of how expansive Smogon really is and it's time for me to experience it first hand! I'm sure I'll get tons of insipiration on some new material around here
It's nice to see some comics that are both funny and good looking. I genuinely like these. The art style is basic but so effective... It reminds me of those old newspaper comics and I love it, especially the dank facial expressions of the enraged gen wunner. Hope you do more of these, with some new and different ideas!

was not disappointed
Here's the latest addition, done today!
One thing that bothers me a lot is people who think randomly listing weaknesses with no context is the equivalent of an actual critique.
And it's also annoying when people start dropping comments when you didn't ask! Sometimes I just want to bring up a favorite Pokemon without analyzing it, ya know?
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Also, I've been exclusively accessing these forums on mobile and not gonna lie it's been a while since Ive posted somewhere other than Facebook and Tumblr. Apologies if my formatting is an eyesore!
These are great. I'll admit that I often do the "Don'ts" in the third comic and I'm trying to be less of an asshole, but for some people (like the guy who thought Legendaries = Broken in the last one) assholery might be necessary. Especially if you give them a taste of their own medicine by curbstomping with the non-Legendary Ubers. :3
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