Half the points are also the case for other bulky Ground-Types, for example one of the best pokemon in the tier: Landorus-T. You can go on about all flaws of Hippowdon but it is a much more solid physical check than most people give it credit for. Like how often have you seen your Landorus-T being worn down so much that in the end Excadrill or Terrakion eventually break through? And how often have you seen your Landorus-T or Tankchomp drop to a random Ice move from MMetagross, MLopunny, LO Tornadus-T, Terrakion etc.? It doesn't have that nice Ground-immunity, Fighting-resistance and U-Turn to not give bulky Waters and Grass-Types free switchins. It may not check and counter as many pokemon as Landorus-T and Tankchomp, but it does a much more reliable job at checking/countering some dangerous wallbreakers thanks to reliable recovery and the fact that it is much harder to lure in. Your last sentence kinda confused me, I'm guessing you thought it was still in B+ but it's B currently. Anyway, I think B+ is a better place for it.I think the metagame isn't kind at all to Hippowdon atm. A rise in mons like Grass-types and Rotom-W made popular due to prevelance of Sand Offense in the tier, the introduction of Volcanion, and the very fact that it's a very bad sapper of mometum due to its passiveness being easily exploited by being set up on, makes you question the choice of picking the pokemon over something like a Landorus or a Garchomp. Yes it checks Electric-types solidly, checking pretty much any physically oriented threat in the tier is a very nice quality to have. However, a Ground-type on a team introduces a weakness to water-types like Keldeo, Manaphy, Volcanion, so adding something like AV Tornadus-T or either Lati twins becomes pretty much mandatory. The latter provide good checks to electric-types regardless so it makes Hippowdon kinda redundant. Hippowdon also provides balance breakers like TG Manaphy, BU Talonflame, SD Landorus, SD Gliscor, SD M-Scizor, and a few others a plethora of opportunities to come in and just excerbate the team's matchup vs these aforementioned threats. Hence, I think Hippowdon should stay B+
I don't know how the actual fuck you turned my argument to "M-Manectric is niche for my team" but okay.Okay, I don't write much in these threads but I am feeling irked by peoples feelings regarding how the viability has been run and should be run especially in regards to comparisons as a justification of their viability ranking.
First off, the viability ranking is a tool meant to primarily represent what is strong in the current metagame, as such comparing pokemon with vastly different roles, different attributes and ultimately those that perform differently is nearly pointless. Comparing Mega-Manectric to all of the higher megas in A- is fairly silly as that doesn't depict how it performs within the metagame which is what actually matters. You are simply making statistical comparisons that in theory should hold correct while in reality depict a vastly different reality, Mega-Manectric is just not that good in the current metagame, the prominence of bulkier Pokemon like T-tar, Heatran, Clefable have hurt M-Mane viability heavily and this aint a new trend rather this has held true for many months now which is why it initially fell from A to A- in the first place.
Second, for everyone following this don't use the viability thread as a means to boost a pokemon you like to a higher rank. There should be a reason why a pokemon is high ranking as the viability thread is a representation of what is strong and prominent within the given metagame! It is a tool for newer players to be referred to, not some egotistic representation of what you like to use and find good on your niche team. Don't just bring in copy pasta data calcs that poorly represents how a pokemon performs, bring replays, show results through actual battle or else anyone could make up BS arguments (as many have).
I don't know how the actual fuck you turned my argument to "M-Manectric is niche for my team" but okay.
Bish is such a prediction reliant mon that i honestly dont think A rank fits it well. You can play it safe all the time but honestly if you do that its not going to be successful. Its a high risk/high reward mon. Bish is also slow and overly reliant on sucker punch which can be taken advantage of pretty easily, letting stuff set up. Weavile has insane speed and an arguably better stab combo, while still hitting nearly as hard, which imo is why it should be a subrank higher than bish.Bisharp A- To A
I'd like the say the same for this as I did for mega zam it was near the top of A+ imo on the old tread now it -A , I really dont value weavile higher than bisharp personally it i dont see how you can to be completely honest.
Pokemon is a prediction heavy game saying a mon it to prediction reliant is not a weakness of the pokemon when that prediction if make correctly can win you the game 9 time out of 10. better stab combo theres like one pokemon in the hole tier that bisharp can't hit for at least normal damage and thats keldeo there at least two mons that weavile cant being klefki and keldeo . Also they can only take advantage of bisharp due to miss plays also all 50/50 that arnt to do with sub or wilo wisp are alway heavily stacked in the bisharp player advantage since all the other player has to do is make one miss playBish is such a prediction reliant mon that i honestly dont think A rank fits it well. You can play it safe all the time but honestly if you do that its not going to be successful. Its a high risk/high reward mon. Bish is also slow and overly reliant on sucker punch which can be taken advantage of pretty easily, letting stuff set up. Weavile has insane speed and an arguably better stab combo, while still hitting nearly as hard, which imo is why it should be a subrank higher than bish.
Rotom-W A+To A
Rotom-w is good dont get me wrong but for a mon with poor such a poor HP sat and average defensive stat for defensive mons i think A+ is over rating it a bit I mean yea it get momentum like nothing else since it can easly volt switch since it has hydro to threaten out grounds but it struggles to switch into many strong physical attacker like bisharp and it has no reliable recovery I mean pain slit isn't reliable and often if team wont to run rotom they have to run another defensive mon to cover it , its good just not A+ rank standard in my opinion.
One really good thing about specs sets is that they can just spam shadow ball and 2hko shit most of the time bar teams with hippo/chansey and overly fat stuff like that since no one uses ghost resists which is really nice whereas mmane relies on prediction to 2hko most shit since it lacks specs and doesn't have a coverage move like shadow ball.
Terrakion B+ -> A- (No) Terrak has some relevant uses with its scarf and band sets in particular, but its far from more reliable than amoong/starmie and cannot really be thought of as equal to a mlati/mgross. There's just too many common mons like lando-t, slowbro, and mlati going against it atm.
Nidoking B -> B+ (Yes) Nidoking is honestly such a threatening wallbreaker in this metagame. No matter what type of team you're facing, it's basically going to be doing a ton of damage unless you face a chansey or something. It also can take advantage of free switchins vs many mons like defensive lando-t, heatran, and more, as long as it's paired with the proper pokemon to get it free turns. It can be hard to build around at times, but few pokemon devastate balance quite like this thing.
Alakazam B -> B+ (Yes) While it does have the shortfall of being slower than weavile and torn-T, it is still a very threatening pokemon. Magic Guard is incredibly useful when facing spikes balance especially, and its speed tier allows it to outspeed a large majority of the metagame. I know the meta is working against it in some ways with chopletar, the rise of pursuit weavile, and clefable, etc... but this mon can run taunt, knock off, twave, and some other niche options to help deal with its common counters.
Raikou B -> B- (Yes) This thing has really lost its usefulness with the recent meta trends. The prevalence of mega latias, ferrothorn, tyranitar, gastrodon, amoonguss, clef, etc. just make it such a burden to have. Additionally, it really can't even fulfill the role of checking offensive threats well because stuff like thundurus kinda fell off while it doesn't even come into tornadus with knock and uturn. I truly just do not see any point of using this pokemon in current OU except for very few cases such as wanting some CM sweeper with spikes and pursuit support and a clef lure.
while i try to be objective as can be in this thread, some of the things you said really made me scratch my head lol. why are you comparing amoonguss and starmie with terrakion when they could not be more different in what they do? same with mlati and mgross, and even then they occupy mega slots so there is opportunity costs when using them added to the fact that they have to mega evo first to really show their mettle. land-t, slowbro, and mlati are not rock resists, and as for scarf, they should run toxic to break down those walls to compensate for firepower. also while i do think nido and zam should share the same rankings, its difficult to justify it being on the same level as say kyu-b who is also in b+. they just seem on par with the likes of breloom, dnite, and kingdra after factoring in opportunity costs and whatnot. your line of reasoning for nido is also really just telling us what we already know about nido, not so much of why it should rise. "threatens a shton of the tier, but needs proper support and free turns". i suppose i did forget about zam's niche in retaining magic guard, but that still doesn't really compare to the utility megazam provides. i agree with everything you said about raikou, but just because those may hinder it's effectiveness, it still is a splashable offensive electric pivot that forces switches nonetheless. the fact that you're able to force these switches means that your in a more prime position to control the flow of the battle. whether its aggressive double switching or volt switching on ground types and vice versa, you're still able to apply pressure even though they may have "answers" to raik in the first place. it's not so niche where it should drop to bl gimmick options in b- like hydreigon, mamoswine, and diggersby, but i suppose it's all perspective.
How does one 2HKO "shit" most of the time with only 115 special attack indeed boosted by Specs but with a non-stabbed move with only 80 BP? Whats the "shit" you are talking about? Or calcs, please?
You were saying? Offense is still common for your information and shadow ball puts in a ton of work vs most common "electric" switch ins on offense, which is really nice.252 SpA Choice Specs Raikou Shadow Ball vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Latios: 222-262 (74.2 - 87.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Raikou Shadow Ball vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mega Scizor: 120-142 (42.7 - 50.5%) -- 96.1% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Choice Specs Raikou Shadow Ball vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mega Charizard X: 137-162 (46.1 - 54.5%) -- guarenteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Choice Specs Raikou Shadow Ball vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Excadrill: 170-201 (47 - 55.6%) -- 94.1% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Choice Specs Raikou Shadow Ball vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mega Medicham: 274-324 (104.9 - 124.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Raikou Shadow Ball vs. 16 HP / 0 SpD Gardevoir: 214-252 (76.1 - 89.6%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Choice Specs Raikou Shadow Ball vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Jirachi: 240-284 (70.3 - 83.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Choice Specs Raikou Shadow Ball vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Mega Latias: 170-200 (46.8 - 55%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Choice Specs Raikou Shadow Ball vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mega Metagross: 222-262 (73.7 - 87%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Choice Specs Raikou Shadow Ball vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Serperior: 124-147 (42.6 - 50.5%) -- 94.9% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock
...Any many many more
Not only that, but Raikou puts in quite a bit of work vs underprepared builds with cm sets. SubCM can sub up on shit like lati draco and set up quite easily and cm volt is a nasty late game surprise for opponents that think it's just a 4 attacks raikou and can really maintain momentum like other Raikou sets not to mention how fucking good toxic is at wearing down normal Raikou counters. Raikou is more than just a "worse version of manectric" and shouldn't be ranked so lowly because of it. Also, please don't yell at me for "theorymonning" because these are calcs that he specifically asked for and most of them are 2hkos after the little chip damage that these mons tend to take over the course of a match. (or ohkos in the case of like mmeta coming into lati draco).