OU Analyses Discussion Thread

Just so you guys know that is a list only for stuff that is OU by usage, but there probably are mentions of the ghost sword littered everywhere else too. i checked the on-site analyses only im afraid :/
Just so you guys know that is a list only for stuff that is OU by usage, but there probably are mentions of the ghost sword littered everywhere else too. i checked the on-site analyses only im afraid :/
yea, don't worry. in the scms there's a list of everything where you can easily sift through and ctrl + f for aegi, nbd.
Mega Scizor's Bulky Swords Dance set needs a new ev spread since it currently uses Aegislash's Shadow Ball as a benchmark for SpD evs. There are two main ways to go: decrease SpD evs to a new benchmark to boost Def and/or Atk investment, or increase SpD evs to take on Mega Gardevoir. The issue with the second route is that in order to take on Mega Garde well Scizor has to give up some Defense evs, which is problematic. I've come up with two options for spreads with higher SpD investment:

  • 248 HP / 16+ Atk / 100 Def / 144 SpD gives a 0.4% chance to be 2HKO'd by a combination of Modest 232 SpA Mega Gardevoir's Hyper Voice and Focus Blast after SR, while hitting a jump point in Atk.
  • 248 HP / 0+ Atk / 100 Def / 160 SpD gives a 0.4% chance to be 2HKO'd by Modest 232 SpA Mega Gardevoir's Focus Blast without SR, and ensures avoiding a 2HKO from Hyper Voice + Focus Blast after SR. Technically only 156 SpD evs are needed to reach this benchmark, but there's not a whole lot those extra 4 evs can do.

Lowering the Def evs to 100 does give a 0.4% chance to be 2HKO'd by non-LO Adamant Excadrill's EQ after SR, unfortunately.

For spreads which decrease SpD investment in favor of Def and Atk, a good SpD benchmark would be Kyub's Earth Power. I've come up with a couple spreads using this benchmark:

  • 248 HP / 100+ Atk / 116 Def / 44 SpD allows Mega Scizor to always avoid a 2HKO from LO 252+ SpA Kyurem-B Earth Power after SR, retains the Defense investment from the current spread, and reaches a high jump point in Atk (96 evs).
  • 248 HP / 28+ Atk / 188 Def / 44 SpD allows Mega Scizor to avoid a 2HKO from max Atk Adamant Landorus-T's Earthquake after SR, as well as Jolly Scarf Staraptor's Brave Bird w/o SR.

If it was up to me I'd make the last spread the main one, and mention the second and third as alternatives in Set Details. Hope this helps~
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Okay, so I'm going to go ahead and do a revamp of Terrakion's analysis. There's lots of Aegislash mentions in the current one, lots of Earthquakes where they probably shouldn't be, some specific examples that are outdated, etc. I'm going to wait a while longer for the metagame to adjust and for myself and others to test things before I put up the skeleton, but I just want to throw out a few ideas and gather opinions before I start typing it up. I'm kinda tired right now, so forgive me if I miss something important or am hard to understand (or accidentally say something totally outlandish, lol). Tagging Dice and Jukain because QC leaders, but I'd appreciate input from anyone.

I'm wanting to start by putting the Stealth Rock set first. I'm not a big tournament player myself, but if the replays I've seen are of any indication, SR / STABs / Taunt @ Focus Sash has seen a lot of usage in tournament play (CTC also seems to like using it in his teambuilding workshop for what that's worth, lol). Taunt, great speed, solid power, and fantastic dual STABs make Terrakion such a great Stealth Rock user on offensive teams, and from what I've seen, it's a really popular set. Terrakion's STABs are also a lot more reliable with Aegislash gone. Life Orb or something could also work over Focus Sash, but Sash seems to be the main thing everyone uses. Swords Dance also seems like a better option that it was with Aegislash around, so I think that'll be fine slashed with Taunt. I think someone else mentioned this exact change earlier on in the index thread or something, but I can't remember who.

The Life Orb set might need a bit of an overhaul. I don't think Earthquake is entirely unwarranted (it can OHKO Mega Mawile where Close Combat might fail, for instance), but it's far less necessary. I personally like SD + STABs + HP Ice. It acts like a general wallbreaker early on in the game with STABs + HP Ice 2HKOing a huge amount of the metagame after Stealth Rock, and later on it can demolish slower teams after a Swords Dance boost. We could also throw on Iron Head as a fourth coverage move for Clefable or put Protect back on. I don't know, I'm kinda unsure of what to do with this now that Earthquake isn't mandatory anymore.

Jukain mentioned this earlier, but I want to add SubSD back. I had used it back in the Aegislash metagame alongside Pursuit Bisharp, and now it's even easier to use with Aegislash gone. Obviously, the set itself probably won't be much different from last generation; just Sub / SD / STABs @ Salac Berry and maybe Life Orb slashed, too. Once you get to +2 / +1, Terrakion can do insane damage to offensive teams and softened defensive ones. Plus, if you can keep a Substitute up, it enables Terrakion the ability to give Prankster Thundurus a big middle finger, which I like.

Choice Scarf will probably go next. Terrakion is still a solid Choice Scarf user, checks tons of goodstuffs, nothing too out of the ordinary. Probably Iron Head > Earthquake, but that's about all I'd change. Maybe drop X-Scissor to Moves or Set Details or wherever it goes, but I want to keep a mention for it somewhere.

I'm tempted to keep the Choice Band set, but I want other people to test it out and see what they think as well. It's definitely easier to use with Aegislash gone. Now you can force your opponent into a 50/50 with your STABs rather than deal with a 50/50 plus the threat of Aegislash coming in and curbstomping you. The main perks over the Life Orb set are the raw power that the Choice Band offers and the fact that it's harder to wear down, which in turn makes CB Terrakion harder for Talonflame or something to pick off than LO Terrakion. Earthquake doesn't really seem too bad to keep since it nearly guarantees a OHKO against standard Mega Mawile whereas Close Combat does not (and without the defense drops, too), but Iron Head or something could work there as well. I kinda want to keep an X-Scissor mention at least somewhere because there are a few slower Psychics that it helps with that are actually pretty common at the upper end of the ladder such as Gothitelle, Slowbro, and Mew (and even Celebi has been gaining a bit more relevancy lately). I know ladder stats aren't the best evidence, but the 1825 stats aren't that bad, and these four Psychics did see some WCoP play as well. Take from that what you will, I guess.

Opinions on Double Dance? It's easier to use now that Aegislash is banned, but I still can't help but feel that I'd rather have SubSD since Substitute still helps against opposing offense like Rock Polish does while also protecting against priority and status and such. Still, Rock Polish Terrakion is kinda cool in that it's too fast for even Sand Rush Excadrill to revenge kill. Maybe someone else can do some additional testing with this one?

The set order I'm thinking of right now is Stealth Rock / Life Orb / SubSD / Choice Scarf with Choice Band and Double Dance pending. The main thing is just keeping it concise. For example, right now I have 3 sets listed that include Swords Dance, so there might be a way to combine 2 or all 3 of them into one set to save space and keep the analysis concise. Still, it'll probably be really clunky, and the sets do tend to play pretty differently. Also, I'm probably going to keep a lot of the old information intact. I'll change the prose a bit and add more relevant examples where necessary, but I feel that much of the basic information still works for the current metagame (i.e. Terrakion still likes Stealth Rock support if it isn't the one using the move, lol).

Also, sorta random, but would anyone be opposed to me adding Rock Tomb to Other Options? It's a weird move that has some of the same perks as Keldeo's Icy Wind. While it doesn't add additional coverage, it can act sort of like Rock Slide as an even more accurate alternative to Stone Edge that has the bonus of dropping the opponent's speed, which might let something else on your team outspeed the opponent when they otherwise wouldn't. If it had a little more power, I'd put it over Rock Slide as the emergency Rock STAB of the Choice Scarf set, but for now I personally think Other Options is fine.

So yeah, that's what I got right now. I'll gladly take opinions on this and try to get the skeleton up next week or so.
Reposting because i think it's a very important change:
About CM + Magic Guard Clefable, there are two things i want to bring up. The first is to move Stored Power from main slash to a Moves mention or even OO. In the analysis it says that it's useful for Mega Venusaur, Chansey, Unaware users, and Heatran. But Mega Venusaur already loses to CM Clefable without max SpA, and if it has max SpA then Clefable loses regardless of Stored Power or no, as Sludge Bomb usually 2HKOes Clefable, assuming Clefable used Calm Mind twice, once as Mega Venusaur came in and once after Mega Venusaur attacked. Which means that against offensive Mega Venusaur, Clefable can't boost fast enough for Stored Power to be of any use. Against Chansey, Life Orb + 80 SpA EVs Moonblast always 2HKOes, and you can always dick around with Flamethrower to fish for a burn in order to not get stalled out if Chansey is already in, so Stored Power is not really needed here either. Same with Heatran, +6 80 SpA Moonblast does 25% damage minimum to SpD Heatran, which is enough to get past it before you get PP stalled, as long as you don't play like an ass and mindlessly spam Moonblast. As for Unaware users, Quagsire is always 2HKOed by 80 SpA LO Moonblast after SR, so you only really beat Clefable, and maybe Heatran i guess, if you struggle to beat it even with LO Moonblast.

On the other hand, Flamethrower is pretty much what makes CM Magic Guard the threat it is, to any kind of team. Outside of Mega Venusaur, the only way of threatening Clefable after a boost offensively is with physical Steel moves, but Flamethrower makes most Steel-types think twice before switching in. Not to mention how dangerous being a free switch in for Mega Mawile is.

As for my second suggestion, i think that the spread when using Life Orb should be 252 HP / 176 Def / 80 SpA. The EV investment lets Clefable always 2HKO Quagsire after SR with Moonblast, always 2HKO Chansey at +6, and 2HKO SpD Gliscor 92.6% of the time at +1 compared to the 25% chance that you have without any SpA EVs, all very important feats when facing stall, leaving only Taunt Heatran and Unaware Clefable as roadblocks to Clefable, the second of which can be easily taken care of by any phazer, especially Heatran, which doesn't care at all about anything Clefable can do.

As far as i know, you are not 2HKOed by any important physical threat you weren't before, so i think Clefable can afford to use those SpA EVs.

Oh and i also think that LO should be the first item because it really fucks up stall badly, which is great, but this is very minor.
Agent Gibbs I'm loving everything you said, have you considered Swords Dance > Taunt on the Stealth Rock set? It might seem odd, but it pressures more defensively oriented Pokemon and enables it to break down Skarm which is nice. Maybe either a slash or a moves mention?

Yeah, I mentioned Swords Dance.

Swords Dance also seems like a better option than it was with Aegislash around, so I think that'll be fine slashed with Taunt.

I still personally find Taunt to be the better option overall, but I'll definitely slash Swords Dance after it if there are no objections.
Looking for opinions... Dice Valentine aim Subject 18 Nog names

I think the 252 HP / 160 Def / 96 SpD with a Calm Nature is even superior for Calm Mind Clefable. I feel like at this point, when you're using Clefable on a team, it's your Greninja check. It needs this SpD to actually take on Greninja. I honestly haven't even been able to find a significant issue with the loss in physical bulk. What this special investment is useful for:

- Greninja (not 2HKOed by Life Orb Hydro Pump)
- Thundurus (not 2HKOed by Life Orb Thunderbolt)
- non-Iron Head Kyurem-B (not 2HKOed by 252+ SpA Life Orb Ice Beam)
- Can take two EPs for Lando if CMing ~87% of the time
- Not 2HKOed by off Venu's Sludge Bomb if it switches in on CM and then Clefable CMs again
- (minor) not 2HKOed by Megazam Psychic most of the time (only 2HKOed 5.9% of the time)

With this in mind the SpD spread just seems better. I'd like to change it to the main spread unless there are any objections.


Oh and there's also some really weird Life Orb set with Moonblast / Fire Blast / TWave / Soft-Boiled and max HP max SpA that just sounds terrible -.- Remove it?
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I also wanted to go over the spread for SD Mega Scizor because the current one is outdated with the leaving of Aegi.

It can run 248 HP / 176 SpD or 248 HP / 76+ SpD which avoids the 2HKO from Modest Gard Focus Blast (no SR). It needs 112 Def to avoid the 2HKO from Adamant Exca EQ after Rocks. To do both at once, you can run a spread of 248 HP / 72 Atk / 112 Def / 76 SpD with a Careful nature. I don't really have a lot of personal experience with Mega Scizor, especially post-Aegi ban. Anyone have a better spread/support this spread?
I think that the Def evs should be increased to 116 to better take Adamant Landorus-T's Earthquake. I am slightly concerned about the amount of power that is lost by the change.
Jukain, what about the spread i mentioned for LO Clefable. I agree that with Leftovers the spread you mentioned is the best, to avoid all those 2HKOs, but without Leftovers this isn't possible without sacrificing too much physical bulk. Also, LO + 80 SpA EVs almost single handedly fucks up stall as long as you have a way to deal with the few Pokemon able to deal with LO CM Clefable (Unaware Clefable and Taunt Heatran). So i think that this spread deserves at least a Set Details mention.
Jukain, what about the spread i mentioned for LO Clefable. I agree that with Leftovers the spread you mentioned is the best, to avoid all those 2HKOs, but without Leftovers this isn't possible without sacrificing too much physical bulk. Also, LO + 80 SpA EVs almost single handedly fucks up stall as long as you have a way to deal with the few Pokemon able to deal with LO CM Clefable (Unaware Clefable and Taunt Heatran). So i think that this spread deserves at least a Set Details mention.
Yes, I'll edit that in when I update it all.
It works Jukain i actually use that spread over any other now. Also allows me to take Mega Venusaurs hits better at +1. It misses taking hits well from banded talonflame but besides that i say it should be used/mentioned somewhere
Seeing as how Other Options aren't visible in the Dex yet and with the popularity of Mega Medicham and Mega Heracross, i think that Acrobatics should get a Moves mention on the stallbreaking set of Gliscor, probably over Earthquake (the best move to pair Acrobatics with is Knock Off). Acrobatics always 2HKOes Mega Medicham and OHKOes -1 Mega Heracross, while it OHKOes unconditionally both of them if Gliscor happens to get its Toxic Orb knocked off, which happens really often, from Pokemon such as opposing Gliscor, Mega Scizor, Mega Venusaur, Tornadus-T, Landorus, Ferrothorn, and Mew, most Knock Off users really. Also, Acrobatics lets Gliscor fare much better against Mega Venusaur, one of the few MEvos able to wall stallbreaking Gliscor without a Flying move, especially if Gliscor loses its item. Finally, full powered Acrobatics lets Gliscor beat opposing Gliscor assuming your Gliscor is faster, because Acrobatics is doing 26% min in each hit, so even when accounting the turn of PH recovery when you have to use Taunt, you can still beat Gliscor eventually, which is useful on the occasional stall war.

Also, Acrobatics > Aerial Ace because Aerial Ace doesn't get any relevant OHKO / 2HKO as far as i know and Acrobatics is awesome if you manage to get your item knocked off, which is not that hard as i already explained.

And of course nearly OHKOing Keldeo on the switch (with full powered Acro) is awesome.
I agree, I actually brought it up to Jukain like a week ago lol when we were looking for M Hera answers. Moves mention is good also, as it is not main set material.
Oh and there's also some really weird Life Orb set with Moonblast / Fire Blast / TWave / Soft-Boiled and max HP max SpA that just sounds terrible -.- Remove it?

Are we talking about the set that's Moonblast / Fire Blast / Thunderbolt (not Thunder Wave lol) / Soft-Boiled? Because that set is actually fun to use and pretty useful too as a lure, I wouldn't want to see it go (perhaps we could modify it so that it has more defensive investment, idk).
Sorry for double post but I wanted to bring this up:

Conkeldurr doesn't really need Knock Off anymore. It's nice removing items from certain Pokemon, but overall I'm not really such a huge fan of it. Although it gets a stronger hit on Gengar, Latios, and Latias than Ice Punch does, Ice Punch + Mach Punch still KOs both Latis, and and Gengar still loses to Conkeldurr due to AV + Guts. Conkeldurr also already has three other coverage moves it would really like run instead, those being Ice Punch, Stone Edge, and Poison Jab. I'd like to see Conkeldurr's analysis revamped with a set like this:

Assault Vest
name: Assault Vest
move 1: Drain Punch
move 2: Mach Punch
move 3: Ice Punch / Stone Edge
move 4: Poison Jab / Stone Edge
ability: Guts
item: Assault Vest
evs: 252 Atk / 236 SpD / 20 Spe
nature: Adamant

The slashes can be played around with a bit, but the basic point is that Conkeldurr would rather be running some combination of Ice Punch, Stone Edge, and Poison Jab than be running Knock Off. Poison Jab is actually pretty strong - for example, it's almost guaranteed to knock Belly Drum Azu down to the point where it can no longer Belly Drum, and that's factoring in Sitrus Berry. It also has a 90% chance to 2HKO physically defensive Clefable after SR-level damage, while Clefable can only do 53% max to Conkeldurr with Moonblast.
thats prolly just cause dragonuser did the analysis like 8 months ago. you dont need to explain it lol.
sorry i've been dead, school starting bleh

stuff that needs done:
subsd hera
hawlucha update and add subsd
slash protect on mega manectric
lucario update
acid spray tentacruel (cm clef check + spinner)
staraptor update
give taunt tran more emphasis for clefable
defensive cofag?

will edit when i think of other stuff
i think gk > hp grass on greninja. i'm honestly not sure why hp grass was preferred in the first place. i guess it deals with rotom-w better? but extrasensory already does a lot to that, and grass knot has the same bp vs azumarill plus a much more impressive resume, hitting cune for large damage, doing more to tar (calcs below), and chance to ohko slowbro/guaranteed after rocks.

252 SpA Life Orb Protean Greninja Grass Knot (120 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mega Tyranitar in Sand: 250-296 (73.3 - 86.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Protean Greninja Grass Knot (120 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Tyranitar in Sand: 289-343 (84.7 - 100.5%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Life Orb Protean Greninja Grass Knot (120 BP) vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Tyranitar in Sand: 289-343 (71.7 - 85.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

gotta edit dpulse and w.e out of the greninja analysis, just getting confirmation on this before i actually do it all.

e: o and ohkoes mega gyara lol how'd i forget that


as for dice's stuff...

- subsd hera: thinking about this, it seemed meh, but it does sound cool to have the sub vs offense and the sd vs stall/more defensive teams. my only concern is coverage; whatever you're running you're missing out on stuff. it seems hard to replace any of pin missile, cc, or rock blast and retain the same effectiveness. some clarification on the coverage would be appreciated.

- hawlucha revamp/subsd addition: yes, definitely. already brought this up before, just forgot to add it to reservations index.

- protect slash on mega manectric: on one hand, the immediate speed sounds great, but on the other, all of mega mane's moves feel important. i wouldn't really wanna replace volt. i guess you could get away with losing overheat and miss out on ferro/drill/hard mamo hit, but this seems like a pretty significant cost to me. it's not even like you would run zone because it and manectric overlap. the one thing this does let you do is run a bulkier spread, perhaps with just enough speed for greninja, but idk.

- lucario update: y

- acid spray tentacruel: this sounds ridiculous as fuck but i've actually tried it out before and it's not bad, support. this means we need a tentacruel analysis because there currently isn't one.

- staraptor update: y

- more emphasis on taunt tran: yea, in fact beating cm clef is so important that i'd go so far as to list it as mandatory. set with this would be lava plume | toxic / will-o-wisp | taunt | protect / stealth rock and roar, ap/edge, ep, flash cannon in moves.

- defensive cofag: annoying (BAN ME PLEASE) that walls hera & medi & terrak. bulkier than you'd expect and stab has good coverage plus wisp is useful and annoying as hell, mummy is nice to cripple azu pinsir other stuff. wouldn't mind this getting an analysis.


other stuff:

- phys def taunt toxic gliscor for drill n stuff, also subtoxic is aids

- def spread for mew > spdef spread bc medi. 252 hp / 104 def / 152 spe bold preferred to outrun jolly hera and burn it.

- dnite: fire punch > eq on ddnite espec with maw leaving, maybe slot in like superpower on cb and/or thunder punch (fuck azumarill). spdef should have fire punch over eq, imo, or at the least slashed in.

- sashtar set? it's a p cool set, nice sr lead with a wide array of coverage to hit diff stuff eg ib for landt, fire blast for steels, crunch reliable stab/rounds out coverage. brings sand for exca nicely so it can put it some work and lures various stuff with ib/blast that exca hates.

- different chansey evs? i've been using 184 hp / 252 def / 72 spd calm for the longest time. hp # is a good hazards number which can make the difference in long stall wars. basically the same bulk on both sides (tiny tiny bit less physical bulk for a tiny tiny bit more special bulk). plus it passes bigger wishes!

- kabutops update: set of waterfall | stone edge | low kick | aqua jet / sd / spin. i've never found sd that useful on tops, you rarely get a chance to use it and generally blasting things is enough. meanwhile, having priority before other priority, hitting scarf terrakion, and revenge killing out of rain w. ajet is invaluable from my experience. lk is also compulsory, idk why you'd give up hitting ferro for ajet. sd and spin are fine as slashes in last slot, guess you could mention rocks somewhere.

- increase speed on cb azumarill to skarm. you 2hko after rocks, why don't you actually outspeed it so you can do that?

- chesnaught update: imo theres no reason to use chesnaught if you don't use spikes, that's kind of a big selling point imo... wood hammer prob slashed first so you actually hit subdd gyara and can hit stuff like azu for good damage as opposed to not! stronger on neutral hits too, nice move in general. seeds | shield | wood / arm | spikes.

- sylveon update? defensive sylv is utterly outclassed aids, idt it should even get an analysis. specs would be sylv's only niche, cm bp set that's in progress as well should be in it.

- smashpass smeargle? doesn't really have defensive synergy but unlike gore has sleep to get many setup opportunities, plus doesn't overlap as a water.

- gastrodon update: tldr toxic is presented as a secondary option LOL

- doublade analysis: a bit more than a pile of aids, actually rather neat stallmon as a hera/cham/gard/terrak counter. w/ toxic and gyro isn't exactly fodder for a lot of things. also checks lati@s and pinsir p nice.

- taunt tini needs evs to outrun jolly hera, rather self-explanatory.

- goodra update:
current analysis said:
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: Fire Blast
move 3: Thunderbolt / Earthquake
move 4: Dragon Tail / Earthquake
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