OU Checks Compendium
Taken over from Tressed, who took over from Agent Gibbs
Approved by AM
Artwork by D_what
Taken over from Tressed, who took over from Agent Gibbs
Approved by AM
Artwork by D_what
This is a visual tool for teambuilding. Use it to find checks and counters for the metagame's top threats.
Please read the category definitions before posting.
To make this page load faster, the compendium can be found by clicking on the following image:
Breakmyteam / brmt
There is also an interactive version of this, which sorts the threats based on your team's matchup against them. Don't trust it too much, rather look over it and control if what it displays is actually covered. It's useful for taking a first glance, but the rating isn't completely flawless. kudos to migetno1 for writing the original that inspired this:
(For comments and suggesions on that, post here. This thread is for the compendium itself, so, if you think something should be added / removed as GSI, SSI or NSI, you're in the right place.)
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