OU Suspect Testing Round 2 Voter Identification and Suspect Nominations

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identifying as Manaty, peaked at (EDIT:) 1340 points so far...

Anyhow, this is kinda late anyway and it probably won't make any difference, but here we go:


This thing is just disgusting. does around 80% to my max hp/ max def bold vaporeon with life orb earthquake. It in return does not get OHKO'd by boil over. It speed is not over-whelming, but is enough to abuse it's nice resistances to switch in and net a few kills. It breaks down walls for Excadrill, whom I feel will be quite manageable without this thing running around.


I carry bronzong and tyranitar to kill this thing, because it 2HKOs T-tar with draco meteor, which shouldn't be allowed to happen. Bronzong is setup bait for a whole lot of things, so maintaining offensive momentum against a team with a latios is just frustrating. Blissey's not even common, and psycho shock can put an end to the obese egg-nurse.

Yeah, and ban Drizzle. Manaphy itself can be statused and whittled down without infinite rain. People argue that banning drizzle kills a playstyle, while ignoring the fact that infinite rain destroys sun teams, hyper offense, and stall. That's three play styles for the price of banning one.

BAN Sandveil/snow cloak, as 100% accurate moves probably only have 72% chance of hitting a bright powder veil garchomp. This crap is just unacceptable. It just sets up a sub on your switch in and swordsdances up for the win...(I'm not sure about the 72%, but anything less than 80% is just stone-edge bad...)

EDIT: I use Reuniclus, and always use modest max special atk with max def. It can almost always OHKO standard gliscor after stealth rocks, and KOs life orb landorus after stealth rocks and 2 turns of life orb recoil (he'll die after killing reuniclus). He does seem to be a bit too powerful, against stall especially, 2HKOing unaware quagsire.

Some of his hard counters (spiritomb, Hax jirachi) are really hard to fit into your team in this current metagame, so he gets to raise quite some hell given the elimination of scizor and t-tar. If drizzle is banned, this might make him even more of a threat. He probably should be tested, though I love using him...
Only peaked at 1291, heres my nom :

Doryuuzu - its about time this guy get banned really. In the previous meta with skymin everywhere, hes a plain fricked beast and controversial. In this meta where gliscor is quite common, even then this guy is just a beast. Reaching high speed and high atatck in sandstorm which is hard to put out, the only way to consistently beat him is to use 2 counter to him in you team unless your running rain or sun team and even with those, its not easy. WIth SD, enough move to wreak havoc, rapid spin and usable bulk even most common priority in the current meta wont ever dream of OHKO-ing him creating such as frightening late game sweeper that is probably the best not only in gen 5 but in every gen ever. Alongside Landros and Terakion and general awesomeness of SS, hes the only reason that SS can eb on par with rain and prove to be a fearsome sweeper that every team must prepare for.
However the biggest problem is the fact that dory's check create such a big hole that can be abused so easily making countering him a very hard thing to do.

Latios - DM from 130 SpA with item boost is too much with 110 speed. Not only that it is very bulky in actual practice. Not at the class of bulk that dory actualy have in the physical side but it at least get the job done. WIth the unpredictability of the last move to use, theres one word to explain this thing. Monster
I peaked 1197, but I thought I might as well nom anyway;



It really didn't see too much usage in OU perhaps because of Deoxys-A was obviously a more powerful decision since it had a lot more power, and defensively it didn't matter anyway. So I do suppose it may be logical to give it another chance and bring it back down.


Manaphy seems to be even more deadlier than it was in fourth gen, since Tail Glow got a +3 boost. Get one Tail Glow up and it's set. Drizzle even makes it worse with the boosted Surf, and the Rest + Hydration combination. With this, I tend to see Manaphy more with Rain Teams than with regular teams, but that may just be me, but only needing two turns instead of three is a significant plus for Manaphy's power in this generation, and I do believe it's time for it to go back to ubers where it belongs.


I was fairly surprised to see this thing NOT get banned. After one Swords Dance and Sandstorm in place (and sometimes even without sandstorm in play,) not very much can counter it. Only Physically-Defensive Skarmory comes to mind for me, but that can only roar it away, and several things can just get 2HKO'd anyway. Hell, only two priority moves I can think of could possibly even check the damn thing.


Drizzle - When the metagame was subtly shaping itself with things such as some small sav programs and the Pokémon Online Generation 5 Beta, Drizzle was hardly ever seen, but that was since no one really realized Politoed was capably on raining hell onto the metagame, but since that has been presented into view, it's become a problem. At most every other battle I have seem to be with Drizzle Politoed, and several Swift Swim/Rain Dish Pokémon including but not limited to: Kingdra, Ludicolo, Manaphy, and Vaporeon (though uncommon.)

I would nominate Drought, but it only sees very little light of day since there is more pokémon to abuse Drizzle much more, therefore it is not used as much.
I'm Stunt, and I've beat some people here as well as stopping at 1340.

Sand Veil / Snow Cloak - Missed towards Garchomp 3 times in a row in a game I was sure to win. You people had the wits to vote Evasion once, now you can vote it again.

Deo-N to OU. Outclassed by Deo-A.

Other than that, I think the other suspects put out here are preposterous.

And my opinion on weather- Ban one, ban them all. If you ban rain, sandstorm will be dominant. If you ban sandstorm and rain, then sun will be dominant. If you ban sandstorm rain and sun, hail will be dominant with the likes of Kyurem. But right now I think the balance of weathers is nice, since sandstorm and rain clash with each other.
I'm Zombeh, and I peaked at 1340.

Manaphy - Rain teams aren't hard to deal with unless they have a Manaphy. With Hydration taking away all statuses in the rain, and Tail Glow giving a +3, it's just a hassle to deal with. Unless you manage to predict it, and Taunt it, it will give you shit the whole match.

Dory - I shouldn't even have to give a reason. You all know why.

Sand Veil/Snow Cloak - Seriously. This shit is cheesy. It should fall under the Evasion Clause. It has cost me a few matches that I know I would have won otherwise.

Deoxys-N to OU

Please, for the love of Arceus, don't ban weather. We didn't have a problem with weather last Gen (granted, we didn't have Drought/Drizzle) but they add a certain flair to the Metagame. I'm not just saying this cause I used a Rain team, as I only used one so I could make an informed opinion about the team. You have to ban ALL FOUR weather types if you ban one.


Why are we in such a rush to make this just like Gen IV? :/
Swift Swim

Offensive Rain teams are extremely hard to beat. They can attack you from the physical side (Kabutops, Kingdra) or the special side (Ludicolo, Kingdra again). Kabutops, and Kingdra have boosting moves to become even stronger. There are only three types able to resist their insanely strong water-type moves : Grass, Dragon, and Water itself. Grass and Dragon are weak to Ice Beam, and Water-types are killed by Ludicolo. Nattorei is useful against them, but it doesn't have access to a reliable recovery move and will fall from repeated Water moves. Changing the weather is difficult, as all the weather changers are weak to Water (except Abomasnow, but it is uncommon), but it is often the only way to beat Rain teams. If you have to use a weather changer just to check Rain teams, I think they are broken.


I understand why Deoxys-A was banned, but Deoxys-N wasn't even tested last round. Nobody used it because Deoxys-A was just better but most people thought that the difference in power is small. I disagree. Deoxys-N has base 150 attack and special attack, Deoxys-A has base 180. Maybe it is broken, but we can only find out by testing it.
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