Outside Rules: No Legendaries, no sleep clause, DT allowed, no hacks

Anyone here play with non-smogon people? At least where I live, the above rules seem to always reach a concensus. Legendaries for some reason are almost always banned or at very least are considered "cheap", and every other attack and pokemon, no matter how broken, stays.

What are some of the metagames that you're in?

And if we can all agree to these other rules (No Legendaries, no clauses, no hacks), what kind of metagame will it shape up to be? Again, I'm not saying smogon or anyone should do it, just wondering what it would be like.

Here are my thoughts.

1. Hypnosis Yanmega and Spore Breloom will run rampant. Actually, we might even see Scarf CompoundEyes Hypnosis Yanma, who's Hypnosis hits an outstanding 91% accuracy, and who's 95 Base Speed easily outruns Scarf Heracross. Scarf Butterfree has the advantage of more than 5/8 Spores from a Breloom. And obviously, we can't forget bronzong, gengar, crobat and many other pokemon who'd benefit from the lack of sleep clause.

2. Similarly, lum berry leads would be a must-have for all teams. Its the perfect counter to a quick hypnosis / powder leads. In addition, Primape and Noctowl might see some OU play. (I mean... its not like every OU pokemon gets Close Combat, Overheat and immunity to sleep, right? (ha ha, can't do that infernape :-p) )

3. Double-Team... IMO... has never been a solid strategy. There is a (EDIT) 25% chance the first double-team doesn't count on the turn you use it... However, if it does become a primary baton-pass strategy, then yawn (always perfect accuracy), odor sleuth / Miracle Eye / Forsight (again, perfect accuracy) may all play a major role in battles. Similar to Stealth Rocks / Rapid Spin... these attacks perfectly counter DT baton-pass chains.

And some pretty bulky pokemon can do that. Snorelax is pretty damn bulky, and Arcanine is always avaliable. Of course, a defensive crobat with haze will also help. But like Stealth Rocks, I can see DT passing to be much more dangerous if left un-treateed. Missing that one hit against a DD Gyarados will always turn the tide, and like Rapid Spin and stealth rocks, you will always be 1 step behind the DTer.

4. Wobbuffet. He ain't a legendary and is thus not banned. Shed Shell would become almost necessary... but with lum berry also "necessary", I'm certain he'll get a few cheap kills as usual. I also see a lot of Wobbuffet vs Wobbuffets going on, as he'd become a must-have for that cheap kill.

Anyway, after Shed Shell, Hypnosis / Sleep Powder / other status is probably the next best protection against Wobbuffet. The worst he can do is Encore you if you miss, and without sleep clause in effect... you're going to paralyze or sleep the switch-in, or even Wobbuffet. Unfortunately, not every pokemon gets hypnosis / sleep powder, so Subsitute would be a safe bet... as long as you have a counter to all random stat-up pokemon (DD Gyara, DD T-Tar, DD Dragonite... Drum/Salac Charizard...), you ought to be fine >_>.
Gives you something to think about. Hazers would be a bit more popular with DT allowed.

Overall really strange to just think about the things suggested, even though it is all mostly changing statuses and stats (Wow, that's actually pretty impacting).
actually most of the people I play with irl agree with standard rules

but yeah double team is really gay, especially with my luck
I do and legendaries is optional, so, I use them. No clause on evasion, but we don't use it anyways. I used a Lv.30 Wobbafett against my friends Lv.100 non-EV trained Blastoise and I did some bigtime damage (this was a non-Wifi match, so no Lv.100 battles :( )
Legends and item clauses piss me off.

Evasion is mostly a waste of time because moves like Aerial Ace and Aura Sphere are so prevalent.
I'd probably spam OHKOs. I wouldn't go the "Fissure, Horn Drill, Sheer Cold, Guillotine Smeargle!" route or anything, I'd probably try to kill two birds with one stone (lack of Sleep Clause and the ability to abuse OHKOs) with Rest, Sleep Talk, Ice Beam, Sheer Cold Lapras, or something of that nature. Spore, Agility, Lock-On, Sheer Cold Smeargle is a good choice, too. What is particularly of note is that OHKOs are unaffected by Accuracy and Evasion alterations, so you can DT up all you want, my OHKOs are still 30% accurate.

It would be cool to use Double Team to lure out Machamp users, then nail it with a 100% OHKO move.

That being said, I wouldn't rely entirely on OHKOs, or I'd be doomed to frail sweepers like Alakazam, and Substitutes would be a bit annoying.

I could see people leading Magic Coat or a fast Substitute to block Sleep.

Dragontamer, your number is a bit off. 100% accurate moves have a 75% chance to hit (3/4) after 1 DT, not 80%.
Titan clause? Would that be the 12 Pokemon (can't find the list, don't even know if there's 12 of them) that have 600 base stats or higher?

Way more than 12...

720: Arceus
680: Mewtwo, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Raquaza, Diaga, Palkia, Giratina
670: Slaking, Groudon, Kyogre, Regigigas
600: Dragonite, Mew, Tyranitar, Celebi, Jirachi, Metagross, Salamence, Latias, Latios, Deoxys, Manaphy, Garchomp, Heatran, Cresselia, Darkrai, Shaymin
My online friends and I usually hold no-holds barred battles. We've known each other since Pokémon first released, so our rules are pretty much whatever went in R/B/Y applies to D/P and we'll hash out anything later if it gives us a problem.
I remember one guy on Marriland had the gayest team ever. The ENTIRE thing was stallers with Double Team/Toxic/Hypnosis except for a Weavile and Jolteon. (Though Jolteon did have Toxic and Double Team it was primarily spec sweeper.)

He wanted to play without sleep or evasion clause. It made for a really long boring match I eventually won. I think the funniest part was when my Choice Specs Lucario one hit killed his Skarm with Aura Sphere. (He had DT 6 times.)
I'd probably spam OHKOs. I wouldn't go the "Fissure, Horn Drill, Sheer Cold, Guillotine Smeargle!" route or anything, I'd probably try to kill two birds with one stone (lack of Sleep Clause and the ability to abuse OHKOs) with Rest, Sleep Talk, Ice Beam, Sheer Cold Lapras, or something of that nature. Spore, Agility, Lock-On, Sheer Cold Smeargle is a good choice, too. What is particularly of note is that OHKOs are unaffected by Accuracy and Evasion alterations, so you can DT up all you want, my OHKOs are still 30% accurate.

Wow. Basteodon might actually _do_ something for once with fissure.

It would be cool to use Double Team to lure out Machamp users, then nail it with a 100% OHKO move.

That being said, I wouldn't rely entirely on OHKOs, or I'd be doomed to frail sweepers like Alakazam, and Substitutes would be a bit annoying.

I could see people leading Magic Coat or a fast Substitute to block Sleep.

Dragontamer, your number is a bit off. 100% accurate moves have a 75% chance to hit (3/4) after 1 DT, not 80%.

Hmm... you're right. I'll correct that.
The only thing about DT being removed is that it makes matches obscenely long and fairly tedious. You have 6 DT/Toxic w/e against Gengar or Bronzong or two guys with 6 DT set up swinging, missing, swinging, missing... until someone lucksacs a hit and your opponent Rests/Recovers it off.
It's kind of like in the current meta where you have Wall v Wall because all of the other dudz are dead, except none of the attacks are hitting for damage.

I think lack of Sleep Clause and Wobba-allowance would be kind of interesting, since my Wifi-BT team is just "SPAMS SLEEP." Insomnia/Vital Spirit, Lum Berry, Natural Cure, Synchronize and a Cleric are all pretty decent counters sleep spam (albeit the game suffers from a lack of usable Insomniacs and Vital Spirits). Wobbafet is a pretty big hurtle, but with SD/Tail Glow/Nasty Plot and attacking on the Encore turn I'd say there's a decent shot of knocking him out. Obviously that last part is talking out of my ass w/o calculations.
My friends play with a Switch Clause because it's really cheap if I switch out a Machamp and switch in Alakazam on a Psychic, not realizing how vital this is to the game.
Walrein @ Leftovers
EVs - 252 HP / 252 Defense / 4 Special Defense

Sheer Cold
Sleep Talk

Butterfree @ Leftovers
EVs - 252 Speed / 252 Special Attack / 4 HP

Sleep Powder
Bug Buzz
Dream Eater

Cresselia + Double Team

Cresselia learns DT?

Dear god >_> Thank goodness its a legendary and therefore banned in this format :-p

Not as bad as Defense-Curl Minimize-Bliss. >_>
sand veil, bright powder, double team, substitute garchomp. oh the hax.

minimize is an exceedingly annoying move too, especially on things like blissey, clefable, and muk.
Way more than 12...

720: Arceus
680: Mewtwo, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Raquaza, Diaga, Palkia, Giratina
670: Slaking, Groudon, Kyogre, Regigigas
600: Dragonite, Mew, Tyranitar, Celebi, Jirachi, Metagross, Salamence, Latias, Latios, Deoxys, Manaphy, Garchomp, Heatran, Cresselia, Darkrai, Shaymin

Well, I guessed 12 because there were 12 Titans and Greek mythology. And I noticed that there are 12 non-Ubers within the 600 BST club - Slaking, Regigigas, Dragonite, Tyranitar, Celebi, Jirachi, Metagross, Salamence, Garchomp, Heatran, Cresselia, and Shaymin. Are those the ones banned under the Titan clause? I can't imagine why, as three of the 12 are not even OU (Slaking, Regigigas, and Shayman).
i remember when i bearly got to the elite four, that one old lady had a DT,SS,protect,dig quagsire. it was a bitch to kill because i didint have any grass pokemon and my strongest pokemon were luxray,infernape,and staraptor, so if the clauses were like that i would never agree to battle anyone.
Well, I guessed 12 because there were 12 Titans and Greek mythology. And I noticed that there are 12 non-Ubers within the 600 BST club - Slaking, Regigigas, Dragonite, Tyranitar, Celebi, Jirachi, Metagross, Salamence, Garchomp, Heatran, Cresselia, and Shaymin. Are those the ones banned under the Titan clause? I can't imagine why, as three of the 12 are not even OU (Slaking, Regigigas, and Shayman).

Beats me. I've never heard of "titan clause." But I did notice that there are only 12 with a BST GREATER THAN 600 (not counting Tyranitar with sandstream automatically boosting its special defense). So maybe those are the titans? I really have no idea...
Some people use these on Gamebattles, and they look incredibly stupid. If you're playing in a tournament with predefined rules, you can't manipulate them, let alone make bad manipulations.

As for the meta, sleeptalkers will obviously be more popular, even on pokes that have a reliable recovery move. Scarfs, as previously mentioned, will too.