Overwatch - Brigitte used FLAIL!

you were not a top D.Va by any means, lol

what the fuck does any of this even mean

i enjoyed reading your posts at first but i can't allow this delusion to go on... top x% on overbuff/masteroverwatch means next to nothing and i hope you realize that. and i'm speaking from the perspective of a top 1% tracer/genji... as someone who plays against professionals and coaches them on a regular basis, this number is absolutely meaningless.

if you don't think defense matrix was too strong then you are absolutely mental. the fact that you list DM as a counter to Reaper/Pharah/Roadhog over Soldier/Pharah/Tracer/McCree further showcases this. Tracer is in fact the biggest responsibility of any high ELO D.Va...

ALSO, if you would like further clarification, i will link you to every top western D.Va main agreeing that the DM nerf was indeed necessary via twitter.

I was a D.va coach for Wawa's before I realized they were a scam. But okay.
Don't mind, but he has a very strict definition of being top. As do I. We basically have that narrowed down to only a group of pros, and being pro doesn't necessarily make one top either. So yea, that strict hahaha :p We probably have some different view as to what being the top fully means, but it's about there.

Sensitive word because there's a lot of implications that comes with it.

Don't mind, but he has a very strict definition of being top. As do I. We basically have that narrowed down to only a group of pros, and being pro doesn't necessarily make one top either. So yea, that strict hahaha :p We probably have some different view as to what being the top fully means, but it's about there.

Sensitive word because there's a lot of implications that comes with it.


I wouldn't say Top means Professional. I was on a pretty small Competitive team (we only participated in somewhat small tours, about six of them winning four), however I wouldn't say that made me a pro or top player.

What upsets me is the hostility. I'm wasn't humble bragging about being a "top Dva", my thoughts on the D.va changes came from me being a top NA D.va player. I have the hours, I have the experience, I have the right to express my thoughts on the D.va changes and in my opinion they're awful and they follow the trend of "just give them more DPS" "reworks" that Blizzard has been pushing into Overwatch.

Again, Look at the PTR for Diablo 3...so many people (the highest ever recorded) are playing the PTR in Diablo 3 than the ACTUAL game right now because of how much better / balanced it is in preparation for Season 12. I can see Blizzard is trying to make the OW PTR the same way, but they don't realize that making everyone more aggressive doesn't fix team bulk problems, it only creates less diversity.

Example being Micro Missile. People were annoyed that it could pick off 200 hp heroes without accepting the fact that you have to have insane tracking or sneak up on someone who's standing still and proceeds to stand still. There's not a single MicroM kill recorded where the person isn't running in a straight line or standing still. So, the solution to people theorycrafting the 200dmg problem was Blizzard just nerfing MicroM and giving back 25% resource recovery for DM...which goes to show that they either sacrifice Mechanics for DPS or DPS for Mechanics.

Another thing regarding the response to my post.

I never said DM countered those heroes, You quoted me so the least you could do is give proper responses. "HANDLES Duelist" not "COUNTERS Duelist". DM at it's pre-nerf was able to soak Reaper / Soldier/ Tracer / Pharah clips, entire clips if they didn't stop shooting or didn't predict flick DMs. The entire core of DM was anticipating fire and soaking it, it's why DM benefited from the extra seconds of hold. Cutting DM in half removes any sort of placement play for DM. You now entirely have to predict Ults and sacrifice soaking things like Helix Rockets, First Strike, Darts, Ect. It removed an element of DM play that many people would agree made DM so powerful.

Was DM powerful? Abso-fucking-lutely. Was it broken? No, absolutely not. Hence my thoughts on the DM change. It's a major nerf disguised as a "rework" so it pleases normies so the D.va mains look delusional. Essentially, "make her more aggressive and "fun" while removing the playstyle people complained about.". The history of D.va has been people complaining about a playstyle followed by a nerf to that playstyle. It's really shitty when you have hundreds of hours into a hero and have to relearn them every few months.
Season end: 4026.
4-4-2, playing like utter crap on Genji, a hero I'm no GM at precisely: 4059

Season end: 4026.
4-4-2, playing like utter crap on Genji, a hero I'm no GM at precisely: 4059


What'd they do with placements this season? I remember reading something but I've been away from OW and OW related things for some time now.
They said placements will get you to your hidden MMR rather than lower it by a couple of hundreds
IDK placed plat and have stayed plat this season. Can't break 2100+ but I mean I can always work on dexterity and placement so I'm not one to complain. I'm pretty happy with that since I can't really gauge when to gengu blade for a solo kill or I go for a multi.

On the other hand, while the stats say it's wayyyyyyyyyyyy worse than my genji I think my Zen is getting better. Just targeting divers and putting orb on the "MIP" of the team has improved. I forgot what I saw but it was this one Zen doing a trance to start a fight but the backs out right away and just starts throwing orbs and I loved it because it made sense. I've been trying to do that more but it's either a team communication thing or I'm just really fucking up (probably the latter).

ANYWAY having fun with Gengu and Zen and slowly improving. I'm aiming for diamond on console this season so probably need to fix my aim sens and shit but I think I can do it.

I played D.va the way harsha said she was meant to play and holy fuck it was effective and as boring as I've seen it in pro matches. We won, I did I good job, I got no reward from playing her. Nerf D.va
They said placements will get you to your hidden MMR rather than lower it by a couple of hundreds

As much as I like this change, I'm baffled by how much hidden MMR is allowed to differ from SR, or vice versa rather. Which is also why I advocate complete removal of SR decay and T500 should have a different requirement of needing to play x games in y days or you just don't qualify for it kinda thing.

Genny I think you got the 2100+ number wrong x) haha
As much as I like this change, I'm baffled by how much hidden MMR is allowed to differ from SR, or vice versa rather. Which is also why I advocate complete removal of SR decay and T500 should have a different requirement of needing to play x games in y days or you just don't qualify for it kinda thing.

Genny I think you got the 2100+ number wrong x) haha

I believe they said something regarding lowering the games needed per decay.
Yes they did but, I mean, decay should not exist, period. Find other solutions to do what decay does, but better.

Keep your rank for X Days or X matches? How's that sound? Maybe a combination of the both? It'd prove that you're actually able to hold the rank.
As much as I like this change, I'm baffled by how much hidden MMR is allowed to differ from SR, or vice versa rather. Which is also why I advocate complete removal of SR decay and T500 should have a different requirement of needing to play x games in y days or you just don't qualify for it kinda thing.

Genny I think you got the 2100+ number wrong x) haha
Did I mention I'm a silly, silly man?
i still stand by season3 dva being balanced e.e
i dont like the new changes.

just because dva is good at shutting down tracer or whatever that doesnt mean its too strong. I dont think the pro scene matters very much when you consider its irrelivant to 99% of the playerbase's playing experience.

Nerfing DM will make her absolute trash. i still think her nerfs towards the end of season 3 were overkill, it was ana's fault she was too hard to kill. i think the newest nerf to her DM was only done to appease garbage players who cant manage their ultimate and want to be able to brainlessly pop it whenever (despite it being so easy to get dva out of mech with heroes like hog and zarya...).

i think the dm complaints also come from dps players QQing that they cant do whatever they want just because they have decent aim. its so asinine the way people say theres something wrong with a tank being able to protect their support from tracer who for the most part just gets away with whatever the fuck she wants. i think defense matrix is actually healthy for the game when you consider how tracer for example is just 100% uncontested otherwise

i think im really just done with this game now. I hate the way the developers handle everything. dive is ruining the game for me. I'm frustrated that they havent nerfed genji despite him being in practically every game ive played of overwatch ever and having far too flexible a kit that makes actual counterplay to him very limited. he just doesnt have a real weakness in my opinion. most of that is due to dash + right click combos being blatantly broken and deflect being a really poorly designed ability (why is it fair that genji isnt afraid to shoot at me, but i'm afraid to shoot at genji?).

Just tired of the dev team's excrutiatingly slow responses to major problems with the game and then "fixing" things that arent broken (dm lol..)
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If the game is an e-sport, it must be balanced around pro play.

DM is an incredibly opressive ability that is a GIANT cone that renders both attacking and healing (let's not forget it also eats ana bullets) useless for a long uptime. It's really unfair I dedicated several hundred hours to improving my aim and D.Va player can just right click in the general direction of my team to render all that effort useless.

Also I'm pretty sure a Winston 100% counters any Genji player below master, who will also be incapable of doing proper Genji combos (not even GM Genjis can do it consistently).
Even if the game weren't an esport it should still be balanced around the highest level of play. That kind of depth and balance will flow through to all levels of play, and if you don't bother to balance around a high level of play, you end up with a scenario where the game essentially breaks down as players unlock its depth
Even if the game weren't an esport it should still be balanced around the highest level of play. That kind of depth and balance will flow through to all levels of play, and if you don't bother to balance around a high level of play, you end up with a scenario where the game essentially breaks down as players unlock its depth
This is absolutely the correct viewpoint.

Acting like balancing for pro play is only balancing for the "1%" is intellectually disingenuous. Your additional input of
(why is it fair that genji isnt afraid to shoot at me, but i'm afraid to shoot at genji?).

shows an incredibly poor understanding of risk vs reward, and is especially ironic when you consider that you've spent the entire post defending Defense Matrix as a mechanic.
I'll throw this out there: I think this is the worst meta that has happened yet. I wasn't around entirely for quad (let's be real) tank, I saw enough streams and games to know that was the shit. Maybe if I was better I could've hated it like everyone else. But this dive, counter Doomfist mit, is so unrewarding to play. It's basically if you can dive well and prey the Doomfist isn't good enough to hit flankers. It feels lame.

I liked being able to catch a dive prior to 'Fist, but it just feels kind of lame now. Maybe Harsha could shed some light on this for me.

I know you're going to say Sombra something something but it's hard to get a PUG around Sombra play generally :(
People say dive rewards skill more than triple tank. While partially true, in ladder it rewards the team who is RNG'd into having the proper players for each dive hero, if you don't get a Winston main and they do, you're fucked unless you get far superior flankers.
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I don't know, I personally have been loving this season, kind of feel like people are starting to take the game less seriously and are learning to have more fun. Games have been chill so far and I haven't really been dealing with very many toxic people as of recent. Anyone else feeling this way or has it still been kinda shitty for most of ya?

That being said, fuck Winston still haha
Well, not "not care" as in like throwing, moreso not get super salty... take the game more relaxed. When your "blood boils" mid-game you're 10x more likely to lose. But when you take the game more relaxed and keep a clear head it becomes much easier to win... and in turn, the game become much more fun. Which I feel like a lot of people have started to realize as of recent. But then again maybe I've just been lucky this season so far idk haha.

Plus, a more relaxed chat leads to a more fun time with your teammates overall :)
I play to win too, but I prefer people who don't get super upset over a game. People who care too much and throw or get tilted if someone plays off meta or makes a mistake ruins the game.