Yo just to clarify a few things. Let's not bring in our favourite coaching staff since he isn't directly involved in the convo. I'm also not paid to do anything. I'm just someone who has invested time into doing things for the community / game, and is quite in touch with the pro scene, be it players / staff, but there are many who are way more invested into it. I'm one of those who don't make a living out of it and I respect those who do or otherwise can spend even more time on it. That said, I clearly express that some sentiments aren't just mine. I have my own opinions and it's fine if people disagree with those or whatever. But not things that have been clearly established in the pro scene for the longest of time lol, no one can argue against that. See what happened with Blizzard saying "There was no indication that Ana was overpowered" back in her meta. Sure even pros have different opinions on some things, but there are just also things that are simply non-negotiable. NON, zero, no.
Also lol comparing coaching an actually salaried team with whatever other teams. Just no. I myself have coached Open Division team(s) and college level. I've had to deal with T500s who surprise surprise know nothing about playing the game in a team setting, and we've also beaten teams with average of T500 SR when ours had a much lower average. I can confidently say that coaching outside people who play the game full-time at minimally Tier 2/3 level is irrelevant. Or just having never played at full-time is just irrelevant. Comparing that with Tier 1, I don't care if people call it the bottom of Tier 1, is beyond incomprehensible. Tier 1 is Tier 1. Don't ever dare to compare that with anything (except highest of Tier 2). Also no one ever claimed to be a pro. I also have no credentials nor claim to have one. But I am thankful to the pros I have spoken with and those who have shared their thoughts on anything with me. You don't need to be a pro player yourself to know what's going on. Otherwise, what are casters, what are analysts, what are non-player coaches, what are all those content creators that I look up to. Players aren't everything and the be all end all. Even players have player-bias. The combination of it all is the best.
I don't know how much of this delusion I can deal with, or if people can't read things properly / like to twist words to their own perception. Just stop with the nonsense and being part of what contributes to what makes the community bad.