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name: Rain Dance
move 1: Rain Dance
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Rest
move 4: Scald / Toxic
item: Damp Rock
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
[Other Options]
[Checks and Counters]
- Viable base 80 stats to work with.
- Works best as a Rain Dance inducter for rain sweepers, such as Ludicolo and Gorebyss.
- Hydration + Rest gives it a form of recovery to keep setting rain up for its team.
- Little offensive presence.
- Very scarce movepool to choose from, only one viable set.
- No useful resistances that can aid rain sweepers.
- Taunt bait - once it is hit with Taunt, it must rely on its Special Attack, which isn't impressive.
- Not that good in the NU tier.
- Does its job best using Rain Dance for rain teams; shouldn't be used for anything else.
name: Rain Dance
move 1: Rain Dance
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Rest
move 4: Scald / Toxic
item: Damp Rock
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
- Combines all of Phione's strong points to a single set; only one that Phione can effectively pull off
- Thanks to Hydration, Phione has reliable healing in rain with Rest, allowing it to stay in the match long enough to help its teammates
- Main objective - get Rain Dance up, and if it can't stay in, use U-turn to a rain sweeper to sweep. Shouldn't be on anything else but a rain team.
- Rain Dance is one of the only reasons Phione is used; makes use of its ability, Hydration, and allows its teammates to sweep.
- Damp Rock is the staple to this set's success, increasing Rain Dance's longevity, which gives rain sweepers more time to sweep.
- U-turn - when Phione has Rain Dance up, it usually switches into a sweeper who will take full advantage of the rain Phione provided.
- Rest is a great healing move when Rain Dance is up, as it heals Phione to full HP, allowing it to help its team further and maintain its longevity.
- Scald is used when Phione can't switch out; great STAB move that has a 30% burn chance, which does well against physical attackers, such as Sawk. However, Toxic can be used against bulky Water-types, such as Alomomola and Lickilicky. Good for crippling the opponent. Both are good options, and the choice depends on whether you want Phione to not be complete Taunt bait with a STAB move, or weaken bulky Pokemon.
- EV spread focuses on Phione's bulk and Defense; Bold nature maximizes its Defense, and in conjunction with Rest, it keeps Phione alive as long as possible. No Speed EVs gives Phione the chance to U-turn last, giving a sweeper a free switch in.
- You can lower Phione's Speed IV's to allow it to underspeed as much as possible, which grants a slow U-turn to rain sweepers.
- If Toxic is being used, change Bold to Impish nature to slightly strengthen U-turn.
- Not many move options for this set, as Phione's moveset is very limited.
- Surf can be used over Scald for more power, but since Phione has a pretty pitiful SpA anyways, it is better off hoping for the burn chance with Scald.
- Since this set is specifically made to set up Rain Dance for rain sweepers, having them as partners are mandatory. (Ludicolo, Gorebyss, Swanna, Seismitoad)
- Other rain inducters can be used alongside Phione as backup; Electrode, Rain Dance + Rest Swanna, Volbeat, and Liepard.
- This set is Taunt bait and forces Phione to switch out, especially against Pokemon Phione can't really harm, such as Misdreavus. Regice and Samurott can get rid of Misdreavus with their powerful special attacks; Samurott also gets a Water-type move boost from Rain Dance.
[Other Options]
- Very few options.
- Life Orb specially offensive set; doesn't have the strength or the speed to be truly effective.
- Acid Armor for a more defensive route; Substitute can be used with it with Rest, but its defenses and offensives are too average to make use of.
- Safeguard and Charm are plausible, but that is really pushing it, which shows how bad a movepool Phione has.
- Choice items to raise Speed or power; loses too much momentum and isn't strong / fast enough from the beginning.
[Checks and Counters]
- Very easy to counter due to its average bulk and weak offenses.
- Pretty much any strong Grass- and Electric-type, (Ludicolo, Roselia, Eelektross, Rotom-S) can deal with Phione, but physical attackers must watch out for Scald's burn.
- Offensive Gardevoir, Regice, and Musharna can take Phione's attacks (U-turn won't hurt Gardevoir, fail an only 3HKO), and can all 2HKO Phione in return.
- Pokemon that doesn't mind being inflicted with status (Gurdurr, Dragonair, Swellow, Ursaring) can deal with Phione quite easily, not fearing Scald or Toxic.
- Taunt users shut down Phione and force it to switch out (Misdreavus, Liepard).
- Any decent wall that isn't weak to Phione's STAB move can take Phione's attacks (Roselia, Tangela, Lickilicky).
- Most users see Phione as set up bait; Substitute users (Braviary), and other set up Pokemon, even Butterfree can set up on Phione (Scald only 3HKOes).
- Countering Phione isn't usually as important as countering the rain sweepers that follow it, as they are more threatening than Phione itself, who just provides rain.
- Sum it up, many Pokemon in the NU tier can handle Phione easily since it can't fight back, but its main goal is to set up Rain Dance, and it usually fulfills that role well.
<p>While Phione was a threatening Rain Dance sweeper in DPP, it is almost never used in the tier. The only reason Phione is worth using is its adored Hydration ability, and with Rest and U-turn in its arsenal, Phione makes for a decent Rain Dance. The only strategy Phione should attempt is to set up Rain Dance, heal excess damage with Rest, and U-turn to a rain sweeper; it doesn't have any other notable traits to take advantage of and remain successful.</p>
name: Rain Dance
move 1: Rain Dance
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Rest
move 4: Scald / Toxic
item: Damp Rock
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
<p>This is the only set that Phione can effectively pull off; it combines all of Phione's strong points into a simple strategy: providing Rain Dance for a rain sweeper. Thanks to Hydration, Phione has reliable healing in rain with Rest, allowing it to maintain longevity during the match. U-turn is very useful when switching into a rain sweeper, as it provides a safe switch. Rest is a great healing move when Rain Dance is active, as it heals Phione to full HP. While Phione has very little offensive presence, Scald should be used when Phione cannot switch out or when you're positive it can score a KO. Not only does it prevent Phione from being complete Taunt bait, but it's a great STAB move that has a 30% burn chance, which fares well against physical attackers such as Sawk. However, Toxic can be used to cripple bulky Pokemon, such as Alomomola and Lickilicky.</p>
<p>Damp Rock is the key to this set's success, increasing Rain Dance's longevity, giving rain sweepers more time to sweep. Phione's EV spread focuses on its physical bulk; a Bold nature maximizes its Defense, and in conjunction with Rest, this keeps Phione alive as long as possible. Phione invests no Speed EVs to make U-turn as slow as possible, switching after most opponents and getting a sweeper in for free. To this end, a Relaxed nature can be used, as it gives Phione an even slower U-turn while giving it a chance to OHKO Jynx on the switch after Stealth Rock damage. You can even lower Phione's Speed IVs to allow an even slower U-turn to rain sweepers. If Toxic is being used, it's advised to use an Impish nature to slightly strengthen U-turn. Surf can be used over Scald for more power, but it still won't do much damage off of Phione's pitiful Special Attack, while Scald's burn chance is useful.</p>
<p>Since this set is specifically made to set up Rain Dance for rain sweepers, having them as partners is mandatory. Ludicolo, Gorebyss, Swanna, and Seismitoad are prime examples of sweepers who appreciate Rain Dance support. Backup rain inducers are always helpful; Electrode, Swanna, Volbeat, and Liepard are great partners in that regard. This set is easily forced out by Taunt users, especially those Phione can't really harm, such as Misdreavus. Regice and Samurott can get rid of Misdreavus with their powerful special attacks; Samurott's STAB moves also get a boost from Rain Dance.</p>
[Other Options]
<p>Phione has a very scarce movepool, and most options it does wield aren't very successful. An offensive set with Life Orb is viable, but Phione doesn't have the strength to utilize it well. Choice items can be used to increase Phione's Attack or Speed, but it loses too much momentum and doesn't have those qualities to take advantage of. Outside of this, Acid Armor, Charm, and Safeguard are some of the best options Phione has. The fact that these aren't remotely viable really shows how bad a movepool Phione has.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>Phione is very easy to counter due to its average bulk and offenses. Any strong Electric- or Grass-type, such as Ludicolo, Roselia, Eelektross, and Rotom-S, can deal with Phione, but physical attackers must be wary of Scald's burn. Gardevoir, Regice, and Musharna can take any of Phione's attacks and retaliate with powerful moves of their own. Most Pokemon see Phione as setup bait; Substitute users such as Braviary can get Substitute up on Phione with ease. Many other Pokemon—even Butterfree— can set up on Phione.</p>
<p>Pokemon that don't mind being inflicted by status, such as Gurdurr, Shed Skin Dragonair, Swellow, and Ursaring, can handle Phione quite easily, not fearing Scald or Toxic. Taunt users such as Misdreavus and Liepard can shut Phione down and force it to switch out. Any wall that isn't weak to Phione's STAB move can sponge its attacks; Roselia, Tangela, and Regice are prime examples. In short, many Pokemon in the NU tier can handle Phione easily since it can't fight back, but its main goal is to set up Rain Dance, and it usually fulfills that role well. With that in mind, countering Phione isn't usually as important as countering the rain sweepers that follow it, as they are much more threatening than Phione itself.</p>