That leaderboard needs a new look
With me as leader, as I said earlier in the thread I defeated the win streak in the Original Diamond and Pearl Battle Tower, I took a pic but due to laziness it took me nearly two months to upload it :P, without further ado here is my proof
The team is as follows
Gengar@ Focus Sash
Timid Nature
Shadow Ball
Destiny Bond
Pretty straight forward lead, since it is the first turn and we rarely see stealth rocks or any other entry hazards in the battle tower gengar has it's time to shine, he attacks with a powerful shadow ball, if I KO the opposing pokemon then it's ok if I see a pokemon that plays stall game example (the **** vespiqueen that likes to use heal order, toxic and other stuff) I can use either taunt, or toxic to kill it slowly and assure my kill, due to the item, the Focus Sash Gengar can survive a hit and destiny bond right away, this can get tricky because there are pokemon that have priority attacks and with so many games I can somehow recognize them if that's the case I most likely switch (before I get attacked) or take my chances with destiny bond. Gengar is a very good lead, sometimes it kills only by shadow ball or just using toxic on the opossing team. If everything else fails it destiny bonds
Blissey@ Leftovers
252Hp/252Def/6Spdef (I think the def and spdef are somehow mistaken but this is what I remember)
Seismic Toss
This blissey is one saving angel, I used it on the Saphire battle tower, it's one of my most cherished pokes, this is my team support, I use this pokemon when I see a pokemon that looks bad and that can affect my gengar strategy, example? A bastiodon in the battle tower was pretty sturdy, and I wanted to save destiny bond for a more dangerous oponent, toxic would not work either because he was steel and shadow ball was out of the question, in cases like that I had to switch to blissey and ressort to flamethrower or seismic toss for fixed but sure damage
SAMEHADA (Garchomp) Brightpowder
Aerial Ace
The powerhouse, garchomp is as the song says my last resort, I never touch him and leave him ALWAYS for last, and use it ONLY when all my other choices are down and I've got no other alternative, otherwise I try to work it out with gengar and blissey. He comes last to clean up the mess, I use outrage when I see something that I'm not too sure if it'll die with EQ or just if I'm not too sure if it'll die in one shot, just because that is his strongest attack, Earthquake is there to take care of steels or a variety of pokemon that are weak to it With all the double teamers, sand attackers and HAX in that battle tower I'm not risking myself to miss an attack, Aerial Ace is there for that, Crunch is there to kill any incoming ghosts, (remember by the time I use chomp, gengar is out so no shadow ball ko now) most likely a froslass and pray that it is not sashed. Brightpowder might seem a little bit stupid I know, why not use a life orb or a choice item, well I figured out that most hax in the battle tower works in two ways, either for the AI or for the player, and I try to keep some hax for myself, many many MANY times I've seen (garchomp avoided the attack) or attack missed thanks to the brightpowder. Sometimes I might end up being alone with a sandstorm team and brightpowder + sand veil is a very good combo, not competitively but in the battle tower all hax that favors me is appreciated
Use gengar to kill first, if it kos the first pokemon it's usually a won battle, if it uses destiny bond then I start to worry. If I ko the first poke I try to see if I KO the second one, If there is a slight chance I can't.... I destiny bond, no questions asked. I'm not takin any risk,
If gengar is out
I bring blissey and begin the stalling, most likely I have left the targed with toxic so it's mainly a waiting game. Blissey just seismic tosses for fixed damage and softboils when possible. the idea is to avoid a 2 vs 1 scenario. If everything else fails I bring garchomp start sweeping and praying.
How I lost:
I was out against a poliwrath gengar uses shadow balls and eventually the poliwrath dies, after that the music keeps going but my game doesn't I curse the heavens, Arceus, and my luck. Battle Tower Hax was so powerful it crashed my game. I was forced to turn off the game on my 495 battle with the clerk saying
"Oh you forgot to save up your challenge you'll have to try again have a nice day!!!"
Yeah Right!! I'm not starting that thing anymore, I have my black trainer card and had transfered all my pokes to soul silver, now to conquer soul silver battle LONG DIAMOND!!!!!
And that's it, I never lost, my game crashed....just my luck >_> I wanted to reach 1000+
So that's it, I know I might not be a veteran here but my record is a legit one. It started as black trainer card quest and after I saw this leaderboard I decided to see how far would I get, pretty far actually. I'm surprised. I've had it with diamond now, I've done everything to be done in that game, got all pokes, some shinies, all stars, black trainer card, 500 wifi battles....everything. I'll start a new soul silver streak hoping to beat the No1 in the leaderboard or at least make it to the top 5 or higher than 1000
What do you think?? Is it approved???
With me as leader, as I said earlier in the thread I defeated the win streak in the Original Diamond and Pearl Battle Tower, I took a pic but due to laziness it took me nearly two months to upload it :P, without further ado here is my proof

The team is as follows
Gengar@ Focus Sash
Timid Nature
Shadow Ball
Destiny Bond
Pretty straight forward lead, since it is the first turn and we rarely see stealth rocks or any other entry hazards in the battle tower gengar has it's time to shine, he attacks with a powerful shadow ball, if I KO the opposing pokemon then it's ok if I see a pokemon that plays stall game example (the **** vespiqueen that likes to use heal order, toxic and other stuff) I can use either taunt, or toxic to kill it slowly and assure my kill, due to the item, the Focus Sash Gengar can survive a hit and destiny bond right away, this can get tricky because there are pokemon that have priority attacks and with so many games I can somehow recognize them if that's the case I most likely switch (before I get attacked) or take my chances with destiny bond. Gengar is a very good lead, sometimes it kills only by shadow ball or just using toxic on the opossing team. If everything else fails it destiny bonds
Blissey@ Leftovers
252Hp/252Def/6Spdef (I think the def and spdef are somehow mistaken but this is what I remember)
Seismic Toss
This blissey is one saving angel, I used it on the Saphire battle tower, it's one of my most cherished pokes, this is my team support, I use this pokemon when I see a pokemon that looks bad and that can affect my gengar strategy, example? A bastiodon in the battle tower was pretty sturdy, and I wanted to save destiny bond for a more dangerous oponent, toxic would not work either because he was steel and shadow ball was out of the question, in cases like that I had to switch to blissey and ressort to flamethrower or seismic toss for fixed but sure damage
SAMEHADA (Garchomp) Brightpowder
Aerial Ace
The powerhouse, garchomp is as the song says my last resort, I never touch him and leave him ALWAYS for last, and use it ONLY when all my other choices are down and I've got no other alternative, otherwise I try to work it out with gengar and blissey. He comes last to clean up the mess, I use outrage when I see something that I'm not too sure if it'll die with EQ or just if I'm not too sure if it'll die in one shot, just because that is his strongest attack, Earthquake is there to take care of steels or a variety of pokemon that are weak to it With all the double teamers, sand attackers and HAX in that battle tower I'm not risking myself to miss an attack, Aerial Ace is there for that, Crunch is there to kill any incoming ghosts, (remember by the time I use chomp, gengar is out so no shadow ball ko now) most likely a froslass and pray that it is not sashed. Brightpowder might seem a little bit stupid I know, why not use a life orb or a choice item, well I figured out that most hax in the battle tower works in two ways, either for the AI or for the player, and I try to keep some hax for myself, many many MANY times I've seen (garchomp avoided the attack) or attack missed thanks to the brightpowder. Sometimes I might end up being alone with a sandstorm team and brightpowder + sand veil is a very good combo, not competitively but in the battle tower all hax that favors me is appreciated
Use gengar to kill first, if it kos the first pokemon it's usually a won battle, if it uses destiny bond then I start to worry. If I ko the first poke I try to see if I KO the second one, If there is a slight chance I can't.... I destiny bond, no questions asked. I'm not takin any risk,
If gengar is out
I bring blissey and begin the stalling, most likely I have left the targed with toxic so it's mainly a waiting game. Blissey just seismic tosses for fixed damage and softboils when possible. the idea is to avoid a 2 vs 1 scenario. If everything else fails I bring garchomp start sweeping and praying.
How I lost:
I was out against a poliwrath gengar uses shadow balls and eventually the poliwrath dies, after that the music keeps going but my game doesn't I curse the heavens, Arceus, and my luck. Battle Tower Hax was so powerful it crashed my game. I was forced to turn off the game on my 495 battle with the clerk saying
"Oh you forgot to save up your challenge you'll have to try again have a nice day!!!"
Yeah Right!! I'm not starting that thing anymore, I have my black trainer card and had transfered all my pokes to soul silver, now to conquer soul silver battle LONG DIAMOND!!!!!
And that's it, I never lost, my game crashed....just my luck >_> I wanted to reach 1000+
So that's it, I know I might not be a veteran here but my record is a legit one. It started as black trainer card quest and after I saw this leaderboard I decided to see how far would I get, pretty far actually. I'm surprised. I've had it with diamond now, I've done everything to be done in that game, got all pokes, some shinies, all stars, black trainer card, 500 wifi battles....everything. I'll start a new soul silver streak hoping to beat the No1 in the leaderboard or at least make it to the top 5 or higher than 1000
What do you think?? Is it approved???