Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

That leaderboard needs a new look

With me as leader, as I said earlier in the thread I defeated the win streak in the Original Diamond and Pearl Battle Tower, I took a pic but due to laziness it took me nearly two months to upload it :P, without further ado here is my proof

The team is as follows

Gengar@ Focus Sash
Timid Nature
Shadow Ball
Destiny Bond

Pretty straight forward lead, since it is the first turn and we rarely see stealth rocks or any other entry hazards in the battle tower gengar has it's time to shine, he attacks with a powerful shadow ball, if I KO the opposing pokemon then it's ok if I see a pokemon that plays stall game example (the **** vespiqueen that likes to use heal order, toxic and other stuff) I can use either taunt, or toxic to kill it slowly and assure my kill, due to the item, the Focus Sash Gengar can survive a hit and destiny bond right away, this can get tricky because there are pokemon that have priority attacks and with so many games I can somehow recognize them if that's the case I most likely switch (before I get attacked) or take my chances with destiny bond. Gengar is a very good lead, sometimes it kills only by shadow ball or just using toxic on the opossing team. If everything else fails it destiny bonds

Blissey@ Leftovers
252Hp/252Def/6Spdef (I think the def and spdef are somehow mistaken but this is what I remember)
Seismic Toss
This blissey is one saving angel, I used it on the Saphire battle tower, it's one of my most cherished pokes, this is my team support, I use this pokemon when I see a pokemon that looks bad and that can affect my gengar strategy, example? A bastiodon in the battle tower was pretty sturdy, and I wanted to save destiny bond for a more dangerous oponent, toxic would not work either because he was steel and shadow ball was out of the question, in cases like that I had to switch to blissey and ressort to flamethrower or seismic toss for fixed but sure damage

SAMEHADA (Garchomp) Brightpowder
Aerial Ace
The powerhouse, garchomp is as the song says my last resort, I never touch him and leave him ALWAYS for last, and use it ONLY when all my other choices are down and I've got no other alternative, otherwise I try to work it out with gengar and blissey. He comes last to clean up the mess, I use outrage when I see something that I'm not too sure if it'll die with EQ or just if I'm not too sure if it'll die in one shot, just because that is his strongest attack, Earthquake is there to take care of steels or a variety of pokemon that are weak to it With all the double teamers, sand attackers and HAX in that battle tower I'm not risking myself to miss an attack, Aerial Ace is there for that, Crunch is there to kill any incoming ghosts, (remember by the time I use chomp, gengar is out so no shadow ball ko now) most likely a froslass and pray that it is not sashed. Brightpowder might seem a little bit stupid I know, why not use a life orb or a choice item, well I figured out that most hax in the battle tower works in two ways, either for the AI or for the player, and I try to keep some hax for myself, many many MANY times I've seen (garchomp avoided the attack) or attack missed thanks to the brightpowder. Sometimes I might end up being alone with a sandstorm team and brightpowder + sand veil is a very good combo, not competitively but in the battle tower all hax that favors me is appreciated

Use gengar to kill first, if it kos the first pokemon it's usually a won battle, if it uses destiny bond then I start to worry. If I ko the first poke I try to see if I KO the second one, If there is a slight chance I can't.... I destiny bond, no questions asked. I'm not takin any risk,
If gengar is out
I bring blissey and begin the stalling, most likely I have left the targed with toxic so it's mainly a waiting game. Blissey just seismic tosses for fixed damage and softboils when possible. the idea is to avoid a 2 vs 1 scenario. If everything else fails I bring garchomp start sweeping and praying.

How I lost:
I was out against a poliwrath gengar uses shadow balls and eventually the poliwrath dies, after that the music keeps going but my game doesn't I curse the heavens, Arceus, and my luck. Battle Tower Hax was so powerful it crashed my game. I was forced to turn off the game on my 495 battle with the clerk saying
"Oh you forgot to save up your challenge you'll have to try again have a nice day!!!"
Yeah Right!! I'm not starting that thing anymore, I have my black trainer card and had transfered all my pokes to soul silver, now to conquer soul silver battle LONG DIAMOND!!!!!
And that's it, I never lost, my game crashed....just my luck >_> I wanted to reach 1000+

So that's it, I know I might not be a veteran here but my record is a legit one. It started as black trainer card quest and after I saw this leaderboard I decided to see how far would I get, pretty far actually. I'm surprised. I've had it with diamond now, I've done everything to be done in that game, got all pokes, some shinies, all stars, black trainer card, 500 wifi battles....everything. I'll start a new soul silver streak hoping to beat the No1 in the leaderboard or at least make it to the top 5 or higher than 1000

What do you think?? Is it approved???
Just posting to say recently I ran into a shiny machamp in the arcade... too bad I had to kill it and I had no room to record it.


Aggron, there is an aggron in the battle tower that walled gengar almost perfectly, I could not taunt it cuz most of it's attacks were physical, I could not toxic him because it had inmunity due to it's typing and destiny bond was out of the question because sometimes I screwed up predicting or it took that aggron longer to kill gengar, shadow ball didn't do a lot, so I used blissey flamethrower, and seismic toss even though it doesn't do a lot eventually they work out due to the recovery capabilities

that was so quoteworthy.... but seriously, that's about the most ridiculous claim i've ever read in this thread.
Greetins everyone! I'am back with my latest streak of 134 at the double battle challenge at battle castle on my legendary pokemon platinum file. the pokemon I used:

Timid nature
Ability: Adaptability
Ivs: 21 hp/ 13 atk/ 24 def/ 31 sp.atk/ 24 sp.def/ 31 spe
Evs: 6 hp/ 252 sp.atk/ 252 spe
Rented Item:Lum berry*Choice specs
Tri attack
Ice beam
Thunder bolt
Shadow ball

Blaz'n Ape/Infernape
Jolly nature
Ability: Blaze
Ivs: 21 hp/ 29 atk/ 31 def/ 13 sp.atk/ 29 sp.def/ 31 spe
Evs: 6 hp/ 252 atk/ 252 spe
Rented item:expert belt*Choice band
Fire punch
Thunder punch
Mach punch
Close combat

Timid nature.....
Everyone probably knows my record setting timid latios by now so I'll cut it short.
Rented item: Choice specs
Dragon pulse
Ice beam
Thunder bolt

Anyways this isn't the end, I plan on making this double streak of 134 even bigger at castle. A few things I want to point out about this team is that for the first 2 rounds I use a modest nature porygon-z with the same ability, moves, and ev trained the same way as the timid one I use as I continue through the streak. They lost against a quick claw hammer arming regirock, so I WILL be back to reach even higher, looks like I'm second place near Team rocket elite's explosion team on double castle! Guess the team is pretty strong! like always I have picture proof of all my records on my main page.
Thanks big Bozo! I'll remember that, and I'll try to that the next time! By the way, I'll post some stuff here for people trying to make high castle records too.

Rule#1 Always remember. For the first three rounds at battle castle(opponents 1-20)increase your opponent's level by five(don't do this for silver match against Lady Caitlin and her very very close friend Daruch) this earns you +7 cp for every pokemon leveled up pokemon in this way,this means if you sweep through a match without getting hit, you will earn 50 cp instead of 29! Rule#2 DO NOT rank up any healing for your pokemon, this means don't rank up to restore all, or P..... let's say ap instead(power points abbreviated in pokemon games dosen't sound right, attack points-AP sounds better) Just use your ap Conservingly. As for me I used ap up on my pokemon's lower ap moves, thus I avoid paying 100+ cp to rank up healing! Rule#3 Do not rank up to see your opponent's pokemon's moves, it is Inconseqentiel, when all you have to do is check and summary your opponent's pokemon(a mandatory thing to do after 5th streak) before each battle. this is a feature you can already do. Just memorize the held item that pokemon has after previous matches and you'll remember their moves. Example: calm Salac berry holding dewgong has all OHKO moves(sheer cold, horn drill,rest, sleep talk) while careful wacan berry dewgong dosen't(fake out, avalacnhe, waterfall and aqua jet I believe) And last Rule#4 Use 50 cp cost PASS ONLY if you know that you know that you KNOW, you can't beat the upcoming opponent, other than that, do not pass any trainers. a good example of this is my last double match I lost against a quick claw adament no guard machamp&Staraptor with a heracross, against my out first porygon-z&infernape and latios. I should of just passed them because the previos opponent had brought that same stupid machamp and used quick claw twice in a row. anyways he cheated with 3x quick claw and dynamic punch,switch out pory with lati-hurt himself in confusion 2x, while staraptor's intimadate stopped my ohko CB close combat to machamp(I made them 5 levels lower and it still didn't matter) So remember this everyone and good luck!
@PWG - it sometimes isnt enough to check the opponent pokemon's stats - some pokes have the same nature/stats/item but different movesets, and sometimes it makes a difference (to me anyway - eg the two focus sash houndooms - one is easily dealt with by my salamence, but the other can use counter against it).

that was so quoteworthy.... but seriously, that's about the most ridiculous claim i've ever read in this thread.

Sorry been a while since I last posted something about pokemon, guess I lost my touch made me sound like a noob there, I apologize
I actually meant a Bastiodon, not aggron, my strategy would not work against him, since he was pretty sturdy, and I wanted to save destiny bond for a more dangerous oponent, toxic would not work either because he was steel and shadow ball was out of the question, that's why I had to switch to blissey and flamethrower and stall it.
There....a little more smogonish...

I also edited my first post to not make it sound so noobish since it'll last for some time, thanks for the advice.

Ok now to wait til my record is accepted.
In regards to using a setup-setup lead like Jumpman16's We Jammin' Mesprit, why use Mesprit? On his team it makes sense because Mesprit is only weak to Dark, Ghost, and Bug, two of those being resisted by Drapion. But why use Mesprit over Uxie in his case? Uxie is not only faster but also bulkier.

Either way, I'm going to make my main sweeper a pure Water type, so Latios appeals to me over Uxie, but those are my two candidates. I decided not to go with Mismagius, Gardevoir/Gallade, and Drifblim. Which would work better as a lead? And is this a good lead? Latios has better typing, more HP, and more Speed, but Uxie has much better Defense and better Special Defense. Keep in mind this is Latios not Latias.

Choice Scarf
0 Atk
252 HP 88 Spe 168 Def
Thunder Wave


Choice Scarf
0 Atk 26 SpA
252 HP 208 Spe 48 SpD
Thunder Wave

364 HP
166 Attack
238 Defense
278 Speed
296 Special Attack
281 Special Defense

354 HP
139 Attack
325 Defense
278 Speed
186 Special Attack
308 Special Defense

Thoughts? Suggestions? Improvements? I'm very inexperienced when it comes to the Battle Tower so any help is appreciated
In regards to using a setup-setup lead like Jumpman16's We Jammin' Mesprit, why use Mesprit? On his team it makes sense because Mesprit is only weak to Dark, Ghost, and Bug, two of those being resisted by Drapion. But why use Mesprit over Uxie in his case? Uxie is not only faster but also bulkier.

I believe he picked Mesprit because it was the only bulky and viable trick lead that could learn charm as well as t-wave, trick, and flash, and wasn't a dragon (latias).

While uxie does have those advantages, I guess Jump really wanted charm to cripple physical threats.

And for your team, the lead that works for you is probably the one that attracts/repels the types that would be most beneficial for your team. For example, Garchomp wouldn't be good to pair with Latias, while Scizor might benefit from more dragon/ice attacks.
Sorry been a while since I last posted something about pokemon, guess I lost my touch made me sound like a noob there, I apologize
I actually meant a Bastiodon, not aggron, my strategy would not work against him, since he was pretty sturdy, and I wanted to save destiny bond for a more dangerous oponent, toxic would not work either because he was steel and shadow ball was out of the question, that's why I had to switch to blissey and flamethrower and stall it.
There....a little more smogonish...

I also edited my first post to not make it sound so noobish since it'll last for some time, thanks for the advice.

Ok now to wait til my record is accepted.

it's not so much that you sounded like a noob, but rather that your team is clearly garbage. please don't insult the intelligence of the members who have actually worked hard to achieve legitimate streaks.

@royal with cheese - can you tell us what the two backup pokemon you're wanting to use are? combined type coverage is an important aspect of choosing a lead, as it will draw certain types of moves.
@royal with cheese - can you tell us what the two backup pokemon you're wanting to use are? combined type coverage is an important aspect of choosing a lead, as it will draw certain types of moves.

I'm thinking right now of using an Uxie lead (tank with Trick, Thunder Wave, Flash, Memento), Azumarill sweeper (Belly Drum and Substitute), and Garchomp backup (Jolly with Swords Dance, Substitute/filler, Earthquake, Outrage)

But now that I think of how quick my Azumarill can set up, should I lead with Uxie, bring in a pure Baton Pass user and then sweep with Azumarill? I know players of the Battle Tower generally hate Baton Pass but it seems viable in my opinion
So I'm about to tackle the Tower on HeartGold and want it to be as painless as possible this time. Is there any consensus on what the best 3rd team member would be to accompany Latias + Drapion? I've pretty much settled on those two already.
I'm thinking right now of using an Uxie lead (tank with Trick, Thunder Wave, Flash, Memento), Azumarill sweeper (Belly Drum and Substitute), and Garchomp backup (Jolly with Swords Dance, Substitute/filler, Earthquake, Outrage)

I was using BellyZard for a minute but 1 critical hit when ur setting up ur Sub-Drum fucks you.
I was using BellyZard for a minute but 1 critical hit when ur setting up ur Sub-Drum fucks you.

Seems as if. So now I'm wondering about using that Uxie lead, following up with a pure Baton Passer with Substitute, maybe Cosmic Power or Iron Defense or Amnesia, and then sweeping with Azumarill.
noone knows that, just be patient

noone because I don´t know it and I´m the one updating, more or less regulary, mostly when I feel like it and find the few hours of time in-between work

sorry bud

slightly on topic, I couldn´t save at the correct frame while breeding a grudge, d-bond, WoW, memento ralts a few days ago, so I just threw a doubles team together and played the tower, got to 71 only own weather worked against me as I missed mamo twice in a row and it actually quaked turn1 (they almost never did in DP iirc) while his partner was a dewgong

I felt like spamming multi-hard-hitting-moves, so the team was:

1. timid scarfaboma with bliz, wood hammer, hp fire and the obsolete ice shard - I bred this last weekend, sucks that hp fire means I tie with +spe starmie n stuff, great poké I´d like to have a bit more attacking stats

2. modest specs typhlo with eruption, overheat, hp ice & focus blast - bred over a year ago for the vgc I didn´t attend, specs eruption is just great
3. adamant occa metagross with iron head, bullet punch, quake and explosion
4. timid herb (lol) latias with draco, bolt, psychic and protect - this is the same latias from my single strek (well, a clone with a different EV spread), I already RNGed a perfect timid latias and I plan to RNG a perfect timid latios soon...

I felt gong was the bigger threat and wood hammered it, while typhlo was erupting, it missed mamo and gong died, but mamo quaked and KOed typhlo, then I missed with another attack (DM or hammer), oh yeah it pecked aboma I think and in the end metagross was alone against 2 ice types but didn´t have enough turns for a comeback

- I´ll breed a timid typhlo with hp ground, I didn´t use hp ice at all, I want to (need to) hit those fire types hard
- I used hp fire like once on aboma, not very useful when his partner is spamming flames all over the place already, thinking and theorymoning a new set - with slide, hammer, bliz, hp ground as well
- also maybe I´ll try a specsmie along with aboma for fun, mie is the fastest useful blizzarder out there...
So I'm about to tackle the Tower on HeartGold and want it to be as painless as possible this time. Is there any consensus on what the best 3rd team member would be to accompany Latias + Drapion? I've pretty much settled on those two already.

i would say gyarados, that is what i used at least. Makes is really easy. If you use Latias, it wouldn't be good to take a garchomp, as glaceon could be a pain in the ass then :)
Hey guys im trying to make a double battle Tower team based on Rain so I was wondering if you people think this setup would work

Ludicolo @ Leftovers
60 HP 252 SpA 196 Spe
Fake Out
Hydro Pump
Ice Beam
Grass Knot

Starmie @ Damp Rock
252 SpA 252 Spe
Hydro Pump
Rain Dance

Floatzel @ Focus Sash
252 HP 252 Atk
Ice Punch
Crunch / Brick Break
Rain Dance

Kabutops @ Lum Berry
252 HP 252 Atk
Stone Edge
Swords Dance
Whoops I meant to put 252 SpA there on Ludicolo, ill also think about Electrode,something like Rain Dance, Thunder, Explosion (then need Protect somewhere on Ludi), and something else And forgot about natures, they are Modest, Modest, Adamant and Adamant, in that order.
There are a lot of good rain teams on the OP, so you should be able to get an idea of what works and what doesn't.

As for yours, I'd say run Kabutops over Floatzel.

The extra speed is completely unnecessary, as with an Adamant nature and only 44 speed ev's, kabutops outruns everything except two random scarfers in the frontier. Meanwhile, Kabutops' greatly enhanced physical bulk means it can survive most neutral physical attacks and even a few supereffective ones.

Additionally, Kabutops has higher attack power and a useful extra offensive STAB in Rock Slide, which in doubles has the handy effect of hitting both opponents. And give Kabutops a Life Orb over a Lum Berry
Updating my Battle Hall record: 186 wins with Salamence (HeartGold)

Yes, I know. How exciting.

Salamence LV 50 @ Focus Sash
Adamant, 252 Atk / 6 SpAtk / 252 Speed
IVs: all 31
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Flamethrower
- Hydro Pump

Went with Flamethrower over Fire Fang to beat Focus Sash Counter Scizor. Hydro Pump is slightly more reliable against Rhyperior than Aqua Tail.

Matron used Uxie in match 50 and Moltres in match 170. Won in match 170 with Hydro Pump on turn 1 and Outrage on turn 2.

Lost in match 187 to:
H464 | Glaceon | Rash | Icy Rock | Hail | Blizzard | Ice Shard | Swift | Spd/SpA

Can't OHKO it without a critical. Blizzard -> Ice Shard. gg

If I ever seriously tackle the Hall again, it will likely be with a Poke that can hang in the 170+ tier rather than one that simply steamrolls through the first 170 asap.
double battle Tower team based on Rain

Ludicolo @ Leftovers
60 HP 252 SpA 196 Spe
Fake Out, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Grass Knot

Starmie @ Damp Rock
252 SpA 252 Spe
Hydro Pump, Psychic, Thunder, Rain Dance

Floatzel @ Focus Sash
252 HP 252 Atk
Waterfall, Ice Punch, Crunch / Brick Break, Rain Dance

Kabutops @ Lum Berry
252 HP 252 Atk
Stone Edge, Waterfall, Superpower, Swords Dance

Bunch of random pointers for you! There are lots of things about your team that I theorymonned early on, then realised didn't work, so hopefully you won't have to reinvent the wheel...

Leftovers isn't very good in doubles. The pace of the game is so much faster that the recovery is insignificant - I used to use Lefties on my Ludi, and it basically made no difference. Rain teams usually tear through the AI in a four or five turns, and stall sucks in doubles anyway, so lefties just weren't doing it. Expert Belt works for me now instead.

Not enough Surf. One of the main advantage of Rain teams is that a boosted Surf can sweep both foes at once. At the moment, you have two Hydro Pumps, which, while hella powerful, have downsides - they only hit one target each, and they will let you down accuracy-wise.

Personally, I think carefully about using any move that's less than 90% accurate in the Tower, because I know what the game is like... you'll need Protects to block them, though, as Rain Surfs will 2HKO Tops and Floatzel.

Stone Edge likewise: forget it, and go with Rock Slide as CBShuckle suggests. You get both targets, and it's a flinch move to boot - and with Swift Swim, you'll outspeed everything.

Don't bother with Swords Dance. Setup moves are very tricky to pull off in doubles - generally, if you have the time to use them, then you don't really need to. Tops has plenty of weaknesses, so leaving it vulnerable for a turn is extremely risky. You could throw Protect or X-Scissor on there instead.

Not sure how useful Lum will be on Tops. Rindo Berry might be better to offset his Grass weakness, as you don't want a sweep ended by a random Giga Drain or something.

Psychic on Starmie is nice for STAB, but you'll miss Ice Beam. If the AI leads with Salamence or Garchomp (or both), you'll want to get them off your screen ASAP before they start wrecking stuff. You cannot have too many Ice Beams on a team.

Starmie needs to be Timid. A 252 EV, 31 IV Timid Starmie outspeeds neutral base-130 speed pokes (Aerodactly, Jolteon etc) by one point. This is invaluable.

You'll probably need Sash on Starmie to guard against QC Megahorns/OHKOs, or things like Jolteon that can simply outspeed and kill it. Damp Rock isn't that useful, I don't think - four turns of Rain is plenty, and it's better than nothing if Starmie gets haxxed.

Floatzel is an interesting addition, but I wonder if it might be a little frail. If you put the Sash on Starmie, try Life Orb on this dude to increase hitting power. If you're using Superpower on Tops, then try Crunch on this one.

That said, if Floatzel doesn't work out, the obvious thing to use is Kingdra: 4x resists Surf, Swift Swim, only one type weakness, Water/Dragon STAB, decent bulk, can go mixed. Probably the worst thing about Kingdra is seeing 'Kingdra used Surf! Everything fainted!' so often as you play.

Hope you find something in there to help.
I'm trying to make a battle tower team to get past my 100 streak right now.
I'm trying to decide between skorupis, the 2 I have are...

1. Female-Careful
IV's-HP/30 Atk/22 Def/31 SpA/25 SpD/29 Spd/22

2. Male-Careful
IV's-HP/30 Atk/29 Def/31 SpA/31 SpD/22 Spd/24

Basically, is the +7 in Atk and +2 in Spd worth the -7 in SpD?

Also, I'm thinking about pairing it with a Umbreon lead with Yawn, Flash, Wish, Toxic. Is that viable or would using a trick/switcheroo lead be best?
I'd keep breeding for flawless defenses (31/x(31)/31/x/31/x(31)). A Trick or Switcheroo lead would work much more effectively than an annoyer, but you could probably get it to work.