For those who just can't wait to start theorymoning. Here's the list of what Pokemon each Battle Subway trainer uses:
312 trainers total. No trainer names yet. I don't even know which round you can fight each trainer in. The first number listed is what I believe is the trainer's type ID. I don't know which number is which trainer type yet. The 12 trainers at the bottom look like special trainers. I'm guessing some of them are the Subway Master. I'm guessing the other are probably CPU partners. Since there are 300 normal trainers like before, you probably fight trainers 201-300 in battles 50 onward (unless it loops again <_<).
Thank you! so much!
Of course I had to start working on that right away lol
Started from the bottom, working myself up (I ignored the two subway heads that you face in single,double and multi, for now...also "0" and "1")
Trainer type 57 = "OHKO spam and Gliscor"
- Furijo 3, Bastiodon 3, Rapidash 3, Mamoswine 3, Rhyperior 3, Baivanilla 3, Whiscash 4, Pinsir 4, Donphan 4, Wailord 4, Gliscor 4, Walrein 4
Trainer type 34 = "Sunny Day" or "Fire Types with Sunny Day & Grass Types":
- 212,213,248,249,252,256,335,361,374,375,423,424, 427,431,472,510,536,598,599,602,606,685,695,711, 725,738,773,774,777,781,831,860,886
Trainer type 32 = "Trick Room"
- 252,274,310,378,400,402,445,454,470,494,525,583, 587,609,785,787,788,811,835,843,844,847,860,873,875,885
Trainer type 87 = "Starters", All 4 Sets (60 movesets total):
- Venusaur 1-4, Charizard 1-4, Blastoise 1-4, Meganium 1-4, Typhlosion 1-4, Feraligatr 1-4, Sceptile 1-4, Blaziken 1-4, Swampert 1-4, Torterra 1-4, Infernape 1-4, Empoleon 1-4, Jaroda 1-4, Emboar 1-4, Daikenki 1-4
Trainer type 33 = "some Steel, Ghost , Normal & Psychic Types", All 4 Sets (48 movesets total):
- Forretress 1-4, Spiritomb 1-4, Drifblim 1-4, Claydol 1-4, Bronzong 1-4, Porygon2 1-4, Starmie 1-4, Gigigiaru 1-4, Probopass 1-4, Magnezone 1-4, Porygon-Z 1-4, Metagross 1-4
Trainer type 13 = "Eeveelution", All 4 Sets (28 movesets total):
- Vaporeon 1-4, Jolteon 1-4, Flareon 1-4, Espeon 1-4, Umbreon 1-4, Leafeon 1-4, Glaceon 1-4
Trainer type 44 = "Hailstorm" or "some Ice Types":
- 240,255,346,352,355,356,363,430,456,521,527,530,531,538,579, 605,618,631,696,702,705,706,713,754,780,793,806,871,877,880,881,888
Trainer type 26.A = "Sandstorm" or "some Ground, Rock & Steel Types":
- 218,272,315,320,348,378,381,484,493,495,523,553,593,634,637,668,670, 679,698,728,749,812,840,845,873,903,915,927,979
Trainer type 26.B = "Sandstorm" (6 sets less than trainer type 26.A):
- 218,272,315,320,348,378,381,484,493,495,523,553,593,634,668,670,698, 728,749,840,845,873,903
Trainer type 86 = "Annoyers"
- 209,238,240,246,251,267,272,281,316,326,344,350,361,368,377,431,4 84,544,593,598,601,606,613,617,634,637,658,690,700,718,734,737,740, 743,749,752,753,757,759,768,772,776,781,784,789,791,796,797,809,840, 843,851,864,893,894
Trainer type 90 = Set 3 Group "B" Pokémon (88 movesets total):
Trainer type 91 = Set 3 Group "B" Pokémon (88 movesets total):
- Venusaur 3, Charizard 3, Blastoise 3, Meganium 3, Typhlosion 3, Feraligatr 3, Sceptile 3, Blaziken 3, Swampert, Torterra 3, Infernape 3, Empoleon 3, Jaroda 3, Emboar 3, Daikenki 3, Dugtrio 3, Marowak 3, Medicham 3, Quagsire 3, Granbull 3, Jynx 3, Mr. Mime 3, Lanturn 3, Breloom 3, Forretress 3, Skarmory 3, Absol 3, Whiscash 3, Hariyama 3, Vespiquen 3, Raichu 3, Dewgong 3, Manectric 3, Staraptor 3, Gastrodon 3, Skuntank 3, Nageki 3, Dageki 3, Kenhorou 3, Vileplume 3, Victreebel 3, Electrode 3, Ludicolo 3, Shiftry 3, Exploud 3, Lopunny 3, Froslass 3, Doredia 3, Hihidarum 3, Ambipom 3, Deskhan 3, Goruggo 3, Aiant 3, Golem 3, Slowbro 3, Weezing 3, Kangaskhan 3, Tauros 3, Spiritomb 3, Furijo 3, Kurimugan 3, Musharna 3, Zuruzukin 3, Nattorei 3, Alakazam 3, Slowking 3, Miltank 3, Altaria 3, Toxicroak 3, Gochiruzei 3, Ranculus 3, Kirikizan 3, Abomasnow 3, Nidoqueen 3, Nidoking 3, Cradily 3, Armaldo 3, Rampardos 3, Bastiodon 3, Floatzel 3, Mismagius 3, Abagoora 3, Shubargo 3, Agirudaa 3, Zebraika 3, Drifblim 3, Gamageroge 3, Poliwrath 3
Trainer type 58 = "Double Battle Specialist (?)" (59 movesets total) with weather (moves/abilities), TR, multi-target attacks, swagger, helping hand, screens, safeguard, follow me, etc., everything that´s usable mostly in doubles:
- Meganium 13, Breloom 1, Hariyama 1, Electrode 14, Musharna 1, Miltank 1, Abomasnow 134, Nidoqueen 1, Politoed 1, Shuckle 1, Exeggutor 1, Vaporeon 1, Jolteon 1, Glaceon 14, Togekiss 14, Ludicolo 2, Shiftry 2, Abagoora 2, Bronzong 24, Luxray 2, Yanmega 2, Gardevoir 2, Flygon 2, Dragonite 2, Charizard 3, Typhlosion 3, Empoleon 3, Lanturn 3, Whiscash 3, Dewgong 3, Froslass 34, Gochiruzel 3, Mismagius 3, Umbreon 3, Empoleon 4, Jynx 4, Mr. Mime 4, Absol 4, Tentacruel 4, Lucario 4, Tsunbear 4, Kingdra 4, Articuno 34, Entei 3, Suicune 34, Cresselia 3, Zapdos 4, Moltres 4, Voltros 4
Trainer type 83 = Electric & Steel Types, All 4 Sets + one stray Lanturn (36 movesets total):
- Raichu 124, Lanturn 3, Manectric 1-4, Electrode 1-4, Aiant 1-4, Zebraika 1-4, Gigigiaru 1-4, Jolteon 1-4, Lucario 1-4, Electivire 1-4
Trainer type 66 = Set 3 Group "A" Pokémon (87 movesets total):
Trainer type 48 = Set 3 Group "A" Pokémon (87 movesets total):
- Rapidash 3, Muk 3, Gengar 3, Ampharos 3, Politoed 3, Pinsir 3, Scizor 3, Heracross 3, Ursaring 3, Houndoom 3, Donphan 3, Wailord 3, Claydol 3, Bronzong 3, Drapion 3, Luxray 3, Ninetales 3, Machamp 3, Shuckle 3, Roserade 3, Honchkrow 3, Ggaias 3, Roopushin 3, Doryuuzu 3, Warubiaru 3, Steelix 3, Weavile 3, Gliscor 3, Zoroak 3, Valjiina 3, Wargle 3, Tentacruel 3, Aerodactyl 3, Porygon2 3, Lickilicky 3, Yanmega 3, Gardevoir 3, Gallade 3, Exeggutor 3, Starmie 3, Flygon 3, Gigigiaru 3, Chandelar (Shanderaa) 3, Vaporeon 3, Jolteon 3, Flareon 3, Espeon 3, Umbreon 3, Leafeon 3, Glaceon 3, Lucario 3, Hippowdon 3, Probopass 3, Dusknoir 3, Kojondo 3, Tsunbear 3, Buffalon 3, Aggron 3, Walrein 3, Mamoswine 3, Lapras 3, Crobat 3, Magnezone 3, Rhyperior 3, Tangrowth 3, Porygon-Z 3, Baivanilla 3, Shibirudon 3, Gyarados 3, Snorlax 3, Kingdra 3, Blissey 3, Milotic 3, Electivire 3, Magmortar 3, Ononokusu 3, Togekiss 3, Urgamoth 3, Arcanine 3, Archaeos 3, Dragonite 3, Tyranitar 3, Salamence 3, Metagross 3, Garchomp 3, Sazando 3, Slaking 3
Trainer type 61 = Set 4 Group "B" Pokémon (88 movesets total):
Trainer type 62 = Set 4 Group "B" Pokémon (88 movesets total):
- Venusaur 4, Charizard 4, Blastoise 4, Meganium 4, Typhlosion 4, Feraligatr 4, Sceptile 4, Blaziken 4, Swampert 4, Torterra 4, Infernape 4, Empoleon 4, Jaroda 4, Emboar 4, Daikenki 4, Dugtrio 4, Marowak 4, Medicham 4, Quagsire 4, Granbull 4, Jynx 4, Mr. Mime 4, Lanturn 4, Breloom 4, Forretress 4, Skarmory 4, Absol 4, Whiscash 4, Hariyama 4, Vespiquen 4, Raichu 4, Dewgong 4, Manectric 4, Staraptor 4, Gastrodon 4, Skuntank 4, Nageki 4, Dageki 4, Kenhorou 4, Vileplume 4, Victreebel 4, Electrode 4, Ludicolo 4, Shiftry 4, Exploud 4, Lopunny 4, Froslass 4, Doredia 4, Hihidarum 4, Ambipom 4, Deskhan 4, Goruggo 4, Aiant 4, Golem 4, Slowbro 4, Weezing 4, Kangaskhan 4, Tauros 4, Spiritomb 4, Furijo 4, Kurimugan 4, Musharna 4, Zuruzukin 4, Nattorei 4, Alakazam 4, Slowking 4, Miltank 4, Altaria 4, Toxicroak 4, Gochiruzei 4, Ranculus 4, Kirikizan 4, Abomasnow 4, Nidoqueen 4, Nidoking 4, Cradily 4, Armaldo 4, Rampardos 4, Bastiodon 4, Floatzel 4, Mismagius 4, Abagoora 4, Shubargo 4, Agirudaa 4, Zebraika 4, Drifblim 4, Gamageroge 4, Poliwrath 4
Trainer type 17 = Set 4 Group "A" Pokémon (87 movesets total):
Trainer type 18 = Set 4 Group "A" Pokémon (87 movesets total):
- Rapidash 4, Muk 4, Gengar 4, Ampharos 4, Politoed 4, Pinsir 4, Scizor 4, Heracross 4, Ursaring 4, Houndoom 4, Donphan 4, Wailord 4, Claydol 4, Bronzong 4, Drapion 4, Luxray 4, Ninetales 4, Machamp 4, Shuckle 4, Roserade 4, Honchkrow 4, Ggaias 4, Roopushin 4, Doryuuzu 4, Warubiaru 4, Steelix 4, Weavile 4, Gliscor 4, Zoroak 4, Valjiina 4, Wargle 4, Tentacruel 4, Aerodactyl 4, Porygon2 4, Lickilicky 4, Yanmega 4, Gardevoir 4, Gallade 4, Exeggutor 4, Starmie 4, Flygon 4, Gigigiaru 4, Chandelar (Shanderaa) 4, Vaporeon 4, Jolteon 4, Flareon 4, Espeon 4, Umbreon 4, Leafeon 4, Glaceon 4, Lucario 4, Hippowdon 4, Probopass 4, Dusknoir 4, Kojondo 4, Tsunbear 4, Buffalon 4, Aggron 4, Walrein 4, Mamoswine 4, Lapras 4, Crobat 4, Magnezone 4, Rhyperior 4, Tangrowth 4, Porygon-Z 4, Baivanilla 4, Shibirudon 4, Gyarados 4, Snorlax 4, Kingdra 4, Blissey 4, Milotic 4, Electivire 4, Magmortar 4, Ononokusu 4, Togekiss 4, Urgamoth 4, Arcanine 4, Archaeos 4, Dragonite 4, Tyranitar 4, Salamence 4, Metagross 4, Garchomp 4, Sazando 4, Slaking 4
Trainer type 75 = Legendaries, All 4 Sets (80 movesets total):
Trainer type 76 = Legendaries, All 4 Sets (80 movesets total):
- Articuno 1-4, Zapdos 1-4, Moltres 1-4, Raikou 1-4, Entei 1-4, Suicune 1-4, Regirock 1-4, Regice 1-4, Registeel 1-4, Kobaruon 1-4, Terakion 1-4, Birijion 1-4, Torneros 1-4, Voltros 1-4, Latias 1-4, Latios 1-4, Heatran 1-4, Cresselia 1-4, Landros 1-4, Regigigas 1-4
Trainer type 43 = Flying Types, All 4 Sets (92 movesets total):
- Charizard 1-4, Skarmory 1-4, Vespiquen 1-4, Staraptor 1-4, Kenhorou 1-4, Altaria 1-4, Drifblim 1-4, Honchkrow 1-4, Gliscor 1-4, Wargle 1-4, Aerodactyl 1-4, Yanmega 1-4, Crobat 1-4, Gyarados 1-4, Togekiss 1-4, Archaeos 1-4, Dragonite 1-4, Salamence 1-4, Articuno 1-4, Zapdos 1-4, Moltres 1-4, Torneros 1-4, Voltros 1-4
0 - 352,376,420,466,467,495,502,526,538,547,551,596,607,610,618,629, 630,669,671,677,689,701,702,703,714,726,771,794,805,844,845,846,852,877, 878,897,901
0 - 144,151,154,182,201,246,259,272,326,338,431,436,447,493,494,514,606, 628,676,784,786,795,796,797,804,817,843,851,863,864,876,888,889
0 - 144,151,154,182,201,246,259,272,326,338,352,376,420,431,436,447,466,467, 493,494,495,502,514,526,538,547,551,596,606,607,610,618,628,629,630,669,671, 676,677,689,701,702,703,714,726,771,784,786,794,795,796,797,804,805,817,843, 844,845,846,851,852,863,864,876,877,878,888,889,897,901
1 - 352,376,420,466,467,495,502,526,538,547,551,596,607,610,618,629,630,669, 671,677,689,701,702,703,714,726,771,794,805,844,845,846,852,877,878,897,901
1 - 144,151,154,182,201,246,259,272,326,338,431,436,447,493,494,514,606,628, 676,784,786,795,796,797,804,817,843,851,863,864,876,888,889
1 - 144,151,154,182,201,246,259,272,326,338,352,376,420,431,436,447,466,467,493, 494,495,502,514,526,538,547,551,596,606,607,610,618,628,629,630,669,671,676,677, 689,701,702,703,714,726,771,784,786,794,795,796,797,804,805,817,843,844,845,846, 851,852,863,864,876,877,878,888,889,897,901
88 - 158,160,688
88 - 689,845,897
102 - 158,160,611,863
102 - 364,689,845,897
88 - 158,688
102 - 156,611
88 - 845,897
102 - 364,901[/size]
I´ll continue when I have more time