Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

I was playing with Jumpman16's team in the Platinum Battle Tower. I had a streak up to about 72 until I faced this lead:

Jolly | Kings Rock
-Flare Blitz
-Close Combat

Keep in mind that I didn't know which Infernape was sent in until it attacked. Mesprit locked Infernape into Flare Blitz in the first turn. Infernape was faster than Mesprit after being Tricked the Choice Scarf, so it proceeded to KO Mesprit before it could do anything else. I was shocked with how nasty the damage was. I didn't know what to do, so I sent in Drapion... who unfortunately didn't get the Defense boosts in time. I had Drapion use Rest once, but when it got clear that Infernape would kill the asleep Drapion anyway, I switched in Garchomp to take the hit and it halved Garchomp's HP. Infernape then died from recoil damage and this Lapras was sent in:

Modest | Brightpowder
-Ice Beam

Again, at first I didn't know which Lapras it was. I was worried it was the one with Ice Shard, so I had Garchomp use Substitute. This was executed successfully, but the Substitute was broken by Ice Beam, so I figured it was the above Lapras. I was panicking... Outrage only halved Lapras's HP and Garchomp was obviously KOed by the next Ice Beam. My remaining sleeping Drapion was sent in... who was then KOed by a single Surf. I didn't get to see the opponent's third Pokemon.

What would you guys have done from the beginning if you were in the same situation?
you should have used Charm on Infernape then you would have easily setup on Garchomp.
He couldn't, Mesprit died from the second Flare Blitz.

Anyway, I would've switched in Garchomp after Mesprit died, done some damage calcs to see how much it would take, and then react from there.
He couldn't, Mesprit died from the second Flare Blitz.

Anyway, I would've switched in Garchomp after Mesprit died, done some damage calcs to see how much it would take, and then react from there.

He meant Charm right away, instead of tricking the scarf on the Infernape.
I went 107 in Single Battle Tower in Platinum, using a team of a Choice Scarfed Infernape Lead, CroCune, and SD Yache Chomp. I lost to a Cursing Lapras, I almost won too. I had beaten his other pokemon, but Infernape was KOed earlier, Garchomp didnt do much and died to a Cursed Ice Shard, and Suicune PP stalled the Lapras but it got a crit on me and KOed my Suicune. D:
He meant Charm right away, instead of tricking the scarf on the Infernape.
Well now that I think of it, Charming instead of Tricking may be the only way out. Three of the four Infernapes are physical attackers. If
Mesprit had managed to lower Infernapes damage output to a joke, Drapion would have been able to stat up before being raped by Earthquakes to kill both it and Lapras. I think I got carried away trying to make Infernape more predictable...
For my 48th match using Jumpman16's team, I faced one of the Battle Tower's 'most dangerous' Pokemon.

1. I send out Mesprit.
2. CPU sends out Dewgong. (>>> Uh oh, could it be that Dewgong?)
3. Mesprit uses Trick and receives the Salac Berry, while Dewgong gets the Choice Scarf. (>>> Oh crap!)
4. Dewgong kills Mesprit with Sheer Cold.
5. I send out Garchomp and use Substitute.
6. Dewgong breaks the Substitute with Sheer Cold.
7. Garchomp uses Substitute.
8. Dewgong breaks the Substitute with Sheer Cold.
9. Garchomp uses Substitute.
10. Dewgong's Sheer Cold misses. (>>> Finally, I can breathe for once!)
11. Garchomp uses Swords Dance.
12. Dewgong breaks the Substitute with Sheer Cold.
13. Garchomp uses Substitute.
14. Dewgong uses Struggle, but fails to break the Substitute.
15. Garchomp uses Swords Dance.
16. Dewgong uses Struggle, but fails to break the Substitute.
17. Garchomp uses Swords Dance.
18. Dewgong uses Struggle and breaks the Substitute. (>>> Garchomp is down to 3 HP)
19. Garchomp uses Earthquake and kills Dewgong and OHKOs the CPU's other two Pokemon before they can do anything.

Would anyone here have dealt with that Dewgong in a different way, assuming that it uses either Sheer Cold or Horn Drill in the first turn? I wish Sheer Cold would have 80% accuracy if I used it lol...
Greetings everyone, long time no see! Been away for over two months due to real life buisness stuff. After graduating from high school this year you can't imagine all the task one must do to prepare for college! not to mention A 4 week long exercise tournament I entered into. so yea I haven't went for a streak in a while. starting in January I'm gonna do one more round of streak making before 5th comes out in March. Things will be different this time around as for records. When fourth gen came out in 2007. I obtained my pearl version, Migrated my big dogs from Emerald (Latios,Metagross, and Milotic) and beat up battle tower with a 163 streak. This was before I was intoduced by a friend on Youtube to Smogon because of my skill level. HeHeHe. But this time around I can start making my records on 5th Gen and have a great place to post my records! So big THANKS Peterko for the record posting thread you made here, Awesome Idea. On another note I'm not sure why my Battle Castle double battle streak of 331 with Thyplosion,Latios, and Swampert from over two months ago hasn't been posted up here yet. Not only did I give a detailed explanation of my streak here but I also posted picture proof data for public viewing in my Albums( like all my other records)on Smogon. It's a first place Ranking streak that beat my old team of Porygon-z, Infernape, and Latios with 194. So Guess It was just a mistake here, No worries though. A few weeks from now I will be uploading Youtube videos of my streaks in action Like Big BOZO and cool DrDimentio. Gonna be BIG ya'll so watch OUT!!
@Oyakodokari: Would have been better to be at +4 with a Sub for Garchomp. But you might have been better with thunder wave, charm, or flash on first turn, because other than the Sheer Cold Dewgong, none of the other Dewgongs can 3HKO Drapion. Probably thunderwave? If you can stall out the sheer colds and fissures, Drapion will be able to fully set up on the Rest and Sleep Talks.
Just got a streak of 39 in the battle factory open level. Lost with a team of Donphan (EQ, gunk shot, focus blast, counter), Raichu (thunder punch, thunderwave, focus punch, sweet kiss), Sceptile (leaf storm, focus blast, dragon pulse, hyper beam). I'll post proof later.

Edit: Just realized I didn't put the game, but this was on Soul Silver

How I lost...

Glaceon vs. Donphan-I stay in hoping he can survive an Ice Beam or a blizzard miss
Glaceon uses Blizzard-OHKO
I send in Raichu next
Raichu uses thunderwave
Glaceon is paralyzed and can't move
Raichu uses sweet kiss
Glaceon is confused and hurts itself in confusion (at this point I'm thinking I've got a shot)
I use focus punch...Raichu is tightening it's focus...
Glaceon is confused...Glaceon uses Blizzard...critical hit, Raichu faints
So I realize I'm screwed and send in Sceptile
Sceptile uses dragon pulse, doesn't kill
Glaceon is paralyzed and can't move
Sceptile uses dragon pulse and kills Glaceon
Opponent sends out
2 leaf storms didn't kill it and it killed me with a stone edge and waterfall...never even got to see the 3rd pokemon.

Edit: Proof...
If it needs to be bigger let me know and I'll see what I can do.

in case its blurry (shitty webcam) 32 with 14 trades

i had torterra (wood hammer/stone edge/crunch/eq) latias (ice beam/psychic/energy ball/shadow ball) and floatzel (ice fang/aqua tail/crunch/brick break) i lost to a stupid leaf blade crit on my torterra :( p.s. i know 32 isnt that great but imma keep trying. i got greedy and wouldnt trade away my team because it was doing pretty good up until then.
Probably thunderwave? If you can stall out the sheer colds and fissures, Drapion will be able to fully set up on the Rest and Sleep Talks.
How can I stall out the Sheer Cold and Fissure PP if it hits almost every time? I already had trouble stalling out Sheer Cold and if the Dewgong had Horn Drill to play with too, I probably would have lost. I swear the CPU is programmed to have much higher accuracy (4 of the 5 Sheer Colds landed).
How can I stall out the Sheer Cold and Fissure PP if it hits almost every time? I already had trouble stalling out Sheer Cold and if the Dewgong had Horn Drill to play with too, I probably would have lost. I swear the CPU is programmed to have much higher accuracy (4 of the 5 Sheer Colds landed).

i had fissure flygon in the battle factory and it hit twice in a row just saying
How can I stall out the Sheer Cold and Fissure PP if it hits almost every time? I already had trouble stalling out Sheer Cold and if the Dewgong had Horn Drill to play with too, I probably would have lost. I swear the CPU is programmed to have much higher accuracy (4 of the 5 Sheer Colds landed).
Sorry, you're right. Stalling out with intention of setting up Drapion is probably not ideal because acupressure doesn't work under sub (in the event that Drapion is the last one left and has to sub to account for Dewgong's OHKO moves). Setting up Garchomp is probably the thing to do.

Let's say Sheer Cold / Fissure hits 4 out of the first 5 tries, and then hits 4 out of the next 5 tries:
Turn 1: Twave, Sheer Cold. Mesprit Dead.
Turn 2: Drapion Sub. Fissure. (Drapion at 81.25% + 1HP ideally after leftovers)
Turn 3: Sub, Fissure. (Drapion at 62.5% + 1HP)
Turn 4: Sub, Fissure. (Drapion at 43.75 + 1HP)
Turn 5. Sub, Fissure miss. (Drapion at 25% + 1 ideally so can sub once more)
Turn 6. Sub (Fails), Fissure hits.
Turn 7. Sub, Sheer Cold hits. (Drapion at 6.25% + 1HP)
Turn 8. Rest, Sheer Cold. Drapion Dead. Only 2 Sheer Colds left.
Turn 9. Sub, Sheer Cold hits.
Turn 10. Sub, Sheer Cold misses. Garchomp has 75% +1 HP with a Sub and Dewgong can only Rest and Sleep Talk (both of which will just fail), so Garchomp can fully set up (won't even need to take any struggles).

When fully paralyzed just use random non-attacking move (not rest for Drapion) of course. If Dewgong gets full paralysis a few more times in the early turns Drapion can even get one more sub. Twave is not even really needed since Drapion outspeed Dewgong, but Twave would just be better for the other 3 Dewgongs in the Tower in case it's not this OHKOer one since it allows for easier set up with Drapion (or just switch to Drapion and switch back to Mesprit to do more flashing or whatever, etc. the other 3 dewgongs aren't too dangerous vs Drapion).

Also as you can see, that was for 4 hits 1 miss, followed by 4 hits 1 miss. If all 10 sheer cold/fissure hits (oh boy you're a really unlucky person), Garchomp will be at 1-3HP with a Sub and can fully set up with that (not that good since 2nd pokemon abomasnow showing up or +speed froslass/weavile using hail would mean game over), but yah, it's probably not THAT Haxxy.

EDIT: Oh! Actually, (I just looked up) Dewgong has Sheer Cold / Horn Drill / Sleep Talk / Rest... uh, just replace "Fissure" with Horn Drill...
back again after giving up on singles i've gone back to doubles but need some help. i've sorted out the leads but i just cant get the back up right after trying about 10 different ideas out i came to the conclusion i needed expert help :) i currently havent broken 100 with this idea but got into the 80s when hax hit but i new team wasnt ready anyway so heres the team so far

Name:Abomasnow@focus sash
2.Grass Knot
4.leech seed/worry seed
Short Description
basic lead, just spam blizzard,protect where needed and saved by sash if i miss predict or anything. GK is to take out water types mainly and specially water/grounds, currently running leech seed but going to change it to worry seed so snow clockers dont ruin me (didnt realise it learnt it till today lol) so in general i'm happy with that set up.

Name:Starmie@life orb
Short Description
again pretty standard, spam blizzard unless have a better option, psychic is to hit the fighting types which can be problimatic due to most fights have a fight/ghost move. surf to hit the fires/rocks who are dangerous for aboma and reason it carries protect.

so in general i think those to are pretty basic and handle quite alot, and the added hax of hitting 2 pokes twice with blizzard brings up tons of freezes :) (suck on that tower :P) but this is where team is undecided next poke is pretty much certain unless anyone has any better ideas although he has a job for the team its weakness are problematic but anyway here he is-

Name:Weavil@expert belt
1.faint attack
2.fake out shard
4.brick break
Short Description
great little poke, coming in after a faint, fake outing the more dangerous poke to allow a blizzard to hit, its over job is it can OHKO froslass with faint attack and it cannot miss, but now i discovered worry seed i'm unsure if i should swap it for night slash or just ditch weavil altogether so any thoughts? brick break is to hit glaceon and mamo mainly but only glaceon and froslass been major problems yet as mamo nailed by blizzard/surf anyway.

so thats basicly the team atm, i've tried countless pokes in 4th spot (machamp,staraptor,blastoise,mamoswine,froslas etc) list goes on. on my last streak and highest i used a electivire was ok but just didnt feel right.

so thanks for reading and hope someone/people can help me sort out this team :)
Worry seed IS itself affected by evasion and brightpowder though, so I'm not sure if it's really that worthy of a moveslot. I would rather recommend trying a Jolly scarf Machamp or something like that (if you haven't before already) with Rock Slide... 30% chance to flinch either opponent if you are faster is kind of cool. Or bulky Machamp with Bullet Punch, but that won't be enough to KO Froslass (neither will Rockslide, but stone edge will I guess if you want to go that route).

Couldn't hurt (too much) to try a Tyranitar to cancel out your own weather too I guess.

I'm personally not liking that weavile set. Technician Hitmontop would do that better job I think (Top's Fake Out > Weavile's Fake Out, Tech STAB Mach Punch > Brick Break...). Maybe even full priority with Fake out / Mach Punch / Bullet Punch / Sucker Punch even... but Bullet Punch isn't really that necessary (Sucker Punch already gets Froslass and Mach Punch gets the other ice types), so maybe rockslide or protect or close combat?
O my days how did i over look hitmotop, i looked at the other hitmons so feel so stupid missing top out, i actually really like the thought of that set. run fake out,sucker punch,mach punch then toss up between rockslide and aerial ace, because fight and fire give me trouble so unsure which side to take, slide adds flinch hax but aa cant miss and tech boosted. but defo be drafting hitmontop in, cheers for the great input. one question tho can sucker punch miss because of brightpowder etc or does it hit reguardless.

i've tried scarfchamp and it didnt feel right, i personaly dont like using choice items in tower can be screwed over if its left as your final poke and locked in uneffective move etc.

i did consider ttar as back up but didnt like the possibility of being haxed to death by snow cloak and sand veil if one goes down etc. so when i can come up with a 4th member i might throw sunny day on them if i can fit it in.

ok maybe worry seed isnt the way to go, i might switch it back to leech seed then, thought about hidden power fire to hit steels, what you think?

cheers again you always helping me out :)
Pretty much every attacking move (other than swift, aerial ace, faint attack, vital throw, aura sphere, etc.) is affected by brightpowder and evasion unfortunately. Yeah, choice items isn't THAT good (Rockslide does make up for it somewhat though being able to attack both opponents at the same time, but sometimes still inconvenient).

HP Fire or Ground will both be pretty good for Abomasnow as a last slot for steels (I think ground has slightly better coverage for other types also, but then those types are largely covered by Starmie already, so up to you, of course there's Scizor and Foretress to be covered by Fire).

I didn't notice this before, but Starmie being Modest instead of Timid might be a bit troublesome because it is for sure going to be outsped by Sceptile and Jolteon which can easily KO it (and Crobat and Aerodactyl can potentially KO abomasnow if not for the sas). It's kind of hard to squeeze in a moveslot for Protect on Starmie though, or else I'd suggest maybe Protect on Starmie and Icy Wind as last slow for Abomasnow.

If you are going with Top replacing Weavile, I think last pokemon should be something that can switch into electric attacks for Starmie (Not Grass since Abomasnow can cover for most of those).
Just want to release some steam off my body, but the Battle Factory's beyond retarded.

Streak 7 starts and a Manectric, yes, a fucking Manectric sweeps my team.

2 v 1

Ice Fanged flinched my bulky Togekiss three times in a row.

Ice Fang, flinch then Ice Fang again my Roserade.

My Rhypherior just had to be dead at this time.

I'm sorry, but whoever made the Battle Factory is as retarded as the mechanics. No skills needed, all fucking luck. I'm going to upload a video of me losing to the very 1st battle. Mind you, the AI is as stupid as bricks at this stage, but when lady hax doesn't want you to win, lol. I've also been playing this Frontier for 2 weeks in a row and have been making me really really angry. So angry that when I get a good video of a complete hax'd out battle around 6+ streak again, I'm going to record myself showing the battle, and then breaking my DSi and Pokemon Platinum with a fucking hammer. This shit ain't funny anymore and have taken a toll to my emotional stability. I'm so sorry I just have to write this down, so bare with me.

P.S. Looking back to this, why didn't it just Thunder Fanged my Togekiss for STAB damage as opposed to having me go "oh shit, it's a dumb AI, I got this!"
sorry that is actually a miss type starmie is timid duno what i was thinking saying modest lol.

think i might try get hold of hp fire aboma then because steels can be hard to take down specially bronzong (even tho depends on ability) and metagross but will go with fire over ground because scizor and forrt can be a hassel to take down being able to hit aboma and starmie SE

i to wish i could fit protect on starmie but its moves are just to usefull to be dropped. they all have a purpose which is needed for the team. if no blizzard aboma is pointless, no surf aboma in trouble, same for psychic and thunderbolt to hit waters who resist ice etc.

as for the forth member after some thinking i've came up with nidoking/queen

resists these SE hits on my leads (electric/bug/fight/posion/rock) then not hit hard by flying/ghost/dark/steel/fire.

so i think king or queen could have usefull resistences for the team and king hits kinda hard but would be unsure if to go mixed or purely one way

mixed or special is apealing due to fact i cant fit protect on all my team and earth power only hits one poke, then i can also abuse blizzard

a quick ideas

nidoking @ expert belt
super fang/sucker punch/rock slide

duno if this idea would work, but super fang always halfs hp even with no investment, so i could super fang problems while partner takes him out with blizzard/priority, although king would have to go 1st to make it worth while i guess, than FT for ice types,steels and bugs followed by earthpower for stab and hitting steels/fires etc although due to its pychic weakness suckerpunch could have its uses

any just couple rough ideas i wanted to say outload lol any thoughts?
Super Fang is only 90% accurate though, so for a move that only halves your opponent's HP, I'm not sure if it's really worth it (it's not like Draco Meteor). Nidoking in general, I have a bit of doubts due to his lack of attacking power (and speed's not that great either), but maybe it could work. Froslass and Weavile will outspeed Nidoking though. All I can say is I'm not liking it that much.

I'm also not too sure about having 3 special attackers. It's not nearly as big of a problem as singles, but might be better with another physical one. Also, just so we know, even Levitating Bronzongs take less than 50% damage from HP Fire since Abomasnow's not that strong of an attacker either.

I kind of want to suggest a Latios @ White Herb lol, but without Fire move, that might not be totally suitable since you do need that for attacking steel types. Special or mixed Salamence could work too, but it doesn't have the electric resistance that Abomasnow possess... it might or might not be important. EDIT: I meant Latios, not Abomasnow, but... snow resists electric too I guess hah.