Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

Also I think doubles is much easier look at my team and it breaks hundred rather easierly I think, I struggled in singles for months then 2nd or 3rd time with my doubles team I hit 107 or 9 then time after hit my record streak. O tad late but happy new year everyone :)

Started new streak but in singles with standard back up yet strange choice in tricker :) was working great then out no where my ds froze :( first time ever and Duno y gutted :( guna try again tho
Streak ended days ago, just never bothered posting it. 246 wins in Heart Gold Doubles. (pic soon i guess!)

Naive Heatran @ Choice Scarf
252 SpAtk/252 Spd
Earth Power, Explosion, Dragon Pulse, Heat Wave


Modest Yanmega @ Focus Sash
Speed Boost
252 SpAtk/252 Spd
Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Detect, Hidden Power - Ice 70


Timid Latios @ Life Orb
252 SpAtk/252 Spd
Dragon Pulse, Protect, Psychic, Thunderbolt

Adamant Metagross @ Lum Berry (Sitrus on earlier rounds)
252 HP/252 Atk
Bullet Punch, Earthquake, Explosion, Iron Head

just another goodstuffs team with great synergy i'd say.
what i like about this team is they clear the "troublesome" hail teams real quick and i get a lot of (important/unnecessary) crits on the ai. hp ice on yanmega has been big vs dragons although i can't 1hko dragonites (1 & 4).
i changed from sitrus to lum on metagross because of the freezes from switching with yanmega which helps a lot.

this team is having troubles with bulky damp water type pokemon and generally bulky sandstorm rock type pokemon.

i should have brought the list with me during this run, i totally misplayed this last battle with a hiker.

here's the video no.: 58-31729-73132

turn 1 - Heatran, Yanmega vs. Rhyperior, Golem
I see an EQ coming so I switch heatran with latios. (yes, they don't care if they damage their own teammate. this happened many times during this run.) WRONG.
yanmega used detect!
golem used sandstorm! great, sash is wasted.
rhyperior used hammer arm on latios, deals 50%
sandstorm damage :/

turn 2 - Latios, Yanmega vs. Rhyperior, Golem
this turn, i just want to kill something, so i used hp ice and psychic on golem.
so golem dies then rhyperior used hammer arm on latios, latios dead.
i send out heatran, ai sends out probopass.
sandstorm damage :/

turn 3 - Heatran, Yanmega vs. Rhyperior, Probopass
i know earth power 1hkos probopass so i go for the earth power. WRONG again. fucking sandstorm is present.
yanmega used hp ice on rhyperior, deals 30%
heatran used earth power on probopass, deals 80%
probopass used stone edge on yanmega, CRIT! dead
rhyperior used hammer arm on heatran, dead
i send out metagross

turn 4 - Metagross vs, Rhyperior, Probopass
i used earthquake, probopass dead, rhyperior down to 20%
rhyperior used hammer arm, deals 50%
ai sends out nidoking

turn 5 - Metagross vs Rhyperior, Nidoking
as he sent out nidoking, i knew it was over, my metagross has no speed evs so gg.
nidoking used earth power, dead metagross :/
Wow...turns out I can replace Drapion with Registeel. How? Instead of relying on acupressure's random stat boosts, I can use amnesia and curse to my will depending on my situation, and be done with all my buffs (I just use that term for stat boosts) in 7 turns rather than a whopping 21 with acupressure. Not only that, Registeel's defenses are both base 150. Obviously a better alternative, right?
It's not better or worse, just different. And full set up with Registeel (excluding sub) is 9 turns, not 7 (3 Amnesia + 6 Curse).

With Registeel, you will have to be more careful about a low HP sub. After fully setting up, Registeel will be slower than everything else and so will (almost) always be attacking last, so if your Registeel's sub is low on health, you will have to make the decision as to whether to attack or just substitute anticipating that your sub will be broken. If you KO your opponent but your sub is broken and there is still one or two pokemon left for Registeel to battle, a critical hit earthquake/Close Combat/Fire move may mean the end of Registeel and possibly the streak. Being slow after setting up has that big disadvantage.

Drapion does not have that problem because of Battle Armor (along with +accuracy boosts to combat bright powder, etc.). Once Drapion is fully set up, it's almost completely hax free (From what I can remember, the only thing that has the highest chance of beating Drapion is the Impish QC Sheer Cold Lapras can survive a +6 Crunch and then land 2 Sheer Colds with 2nd turn QC activating). EDIT: And QC Fissure Donphan and QC Horn Drill Rhydon (but I think Donphan has 50/50 chance using Earthquake and Rhydon will also use EQ? not sure. I've only ever lost once to the Lapras).
^ Lapras is definitely the most dangerous. I've lost to it as well, twice. Once in the exact way that you specified, and once because I had to switch Drapion in without a boost or Sub after it fainted my Scizor (see my 264 win BT Team for details on the second one).

Pushed my streak up to 400 and then stopped, so hopefully after January 17th (when my midterms are over), I should be able to continue on towards cracking 500.
So! I lost again, this time at 207 (same Latias/Mawile/Suicune team). ... I think I have had enough using this team for the time being, since this time I didn't misplay but still lost. Too bad I didn't get 300.

Latias fainted from Gallade Ice Punch, Mawile is at around 30% health, Suicune is out at +6Def / +6SpA / +6SpDef with a near full health sub with around 85% HP. Opponent sends out last pokemon, Lucario.

Obviously since my sub is still healthy I use surf for the easy KO, but of course Surf misses. Also, Suicune moved first! Of course, this means:

459,Lucario 1,Modest,BrightPowder,145,117,90,183,90,142,Aura Sphere,Flash Cannon,Water Pulse,Roar,Sp.Attk/Speed

Lucario used Roar. Mawile is back out. Nothing to do but to die. So then now it was 100% health Lucario vs my 85% health Suicune. Unboosted Surf 2HKOs Lucario, so there's no reason not to just surf (unless Calm Mind Surf also OHKOs and Calm Mind allows Suicune to survive more Aura Spheres).

Aura Sphere (won't 2HKO), Surf (didn't miss).
Aura Sphere Critical Hit! Suicune fainted.

Well, I suppose I can give Raikou another try, or something else if I figure out something else, but probably not Suicune (assuming I'm still using the Latias+Mawile pair). After all, every time I lost so far, Suicune has been able to set up but still lost so it wasn't Latias or Mawile's fault.

EDIT: I thought of another idea lol. I'll see when I'll have time to try it out.
@UPPERDECKER - great record love the theme to the team, unlucky in lose

@eonADS - great streak so far keep it up and good luck :)

@CD - unlucky on the streak m8 :( hate being roared out total pain in the arse lol, happened to me loads in my more nooby streaks wen running Baton Pass team, so much i had a seperate print out of all pokes with roar/haze/whirlwind lol but team was so poor lol.

is new team as interesting? lol

i just lost my streak in singles at 55 lol poor i know but team feels really good to play and strong i just got completely haxed out the match, 2 crit strugles, a never missing stone edge also getting a crit, my own fault tho completely forgot about guts and t-waved the sumo haha 2nd i done it i new i'd lost but o hay this team will defo break 100 just few minor tweaks and hard work :)

one quick question whats best item for scizor? leftovers is currently taken and scarf obviously also, currently running lum berry but he hasnt used it once as yet so feel its wasted, scizor will never be coming in on fire attacks, only came in on two ice attacks in my streak, twave isnt a problem due to rest team, and cant be posioned. so lum really seems pointless. its standard scizor with BP BugB SD SUB. dont really want life orb because he acts kinda like a wall so dont want to waste HP. so in my head main options are bright powder/HP restoring berry/metal coat.

BP - works well with flash and added luck but duno if its worth chancing the tower lol
HP Berry - would work well with subs etc and give recovery which i miss without lefties or roost
MC - boost power of bullet punch

so all three have uses just unsure on which way to go. so any opinions or items i havent concidered?

as always good lucky everyone :)
Scizor needs Brick Break or Superpower or else even after 3 Swords Dances, it's still useless against Heatran and must switch out. I would use Sitrus Berry.

As for my new team... It's not extremely different from the Latias-Mawile-Suicune one, so I guess it's as interesting as that one? lol, or maybe slightly less interesting since it's not new anymore. I won't have that much time to play it now that school's starting again though.
retarded question...?

so this might sound stupid, and if it does, excuse me but how come when i go to the battle tower, it stops my fights after finishing fight 7?
It's so that you can take a break and do other things in the game instead of having to keep on playing until you lose. Your streak still continues when you go back to talk to the lady (who lets you into the battles) again if you have not lost.
Oh, right... I noticed another thing about my Registeel, it doesn't have evasiveness boost on it's side, OR rest for healing. And you're right, Chinese dood, I accidentally posted that it would take 7 turns to boost defenses and not 9. Would implementing flash into the battle with Cressilia (who's defense stats are amazing, so a good 3 flashes are very probable before it faints) be as effective? Once my first opponent faints, I'll already have the defensive boosts I need, and my HP could be well-recovered due to the attacks Registeel has evaded.
Sure, if you are using Cresselia as your trick lead, flash is a decent option since she doesn't learn much else unless you want dual screens. You basically need Trick and Twave and the other two moves you can just experiment with (Flash / Reflect / Light Screen).

I haven't used a Cresselia Trick lead before myself, but if you look at the first page and others who have, all have either Flash + Reflect or Flash + Light Screen.
I'm still interested in everyones teams lol cause i'l be messing in the tower till blacks out :). tower main thing in Pokemon I love,
Prob only thing keeping me interested init in truth

yeah brick break is one the minor changes I was on about, so switching bug bite for it wen I try again.

Cheers for naming the berry lol useless with them way to many to remember Haha
My cressilia has trick, flash, T-wave, and reflect. With a focus sash, of course. So you're saying that with flash, I could pull this strategy off more efficiently?
I hope you mean Choice Scarf, not focus sash. If you are using a focus sash, you are better off with a Memento (or at least Charm) lead instead of Cresselia which can learn neither, but Trick-Scarf leads seem to be the best strategy as proven by all the records on the rankings list. With Focus Sash, trick is useless.

Flash might not be more efficient (Flash tends to make battles longer - if we're talking about efficiency), but it might be more effective.
As for my new team... It's not extremely different from the Latias-Mawile-Suicune one, so I guess it's as interesting as that one? lol, or maybe slightly less interesting since it's not new anymore. I won't have that much time to play it now that school's starting again though.
Ok, it didn't work that well... I actually lost due to misplay, but what I didn't like was how long each battle took. I was trying out Uxie-Mawile-Drapion (Uxie has better synergy with Drapion), but before I lost I figured 5-PP Fire Moves (Fire Blast and Overheat and Magma Storm) Leading means I'm pretty much left to luck. Then I tried Latias-Mawile-Drapion (Latias has better synergy with Mawile after all),... but just misplayed, and crits on Mawile will still screw me over.

The strategy was basically to set up defensive boosts with Mawile first and then passing to Drapion to boost the rest of the stats... With just 4 set up moves (and no sub needed) - 2 Stock piles and 2 Iron Defenses, Drapion is at +6 Defense +2 Special Defense... and it can then just set up relatively easily on almost ANYTHING (it needs +3Sp Def to set up on Gastrodon Earth Power). Even if opponent lead was using a 5PP move, it didn't matter, because Drapion can just set up on the 2nd pokemon coming out, or ... just attack even, but stat boosting increases the winning probability even more so why not.

This is all assuming Mawile does get those +6 Def and +2Sp Def though of course. Basically it's just slightly decreasing the luck factor in Acupressure (guarantees the defensive boosts). Mawile doesn't always get all needed boosts though (vs Gengar lead it's unlikely, e.g. but Drapion can set up on Shadow Balls ok).

Meh, like I said, I misplayed. Lol, actually what happened was I was bored by how slow the battles were, so I decided to switch to Latias-Mawile-Suicune for a while, but then I forgot about it and baton passed to Suicune without a sub - something I should never do when using Suicune if opponent is locked into a move that can cause status, and Suicune took a burn from Flare Blitz (Infernape 769 I think) and things just went down hill from there as I was afraid to try to stat boost much with Suicune.

I have another idea again now though (totally different from current one, not using Mawile lol). Idea is not totally new but no one used those pokemon for this idea yet so I'll give it a try. More to come in a few days hopefully...
Memento sounds better than charm to me, since it covers Special and Physical attack damage. Interestingly, one of the ways I'd beat Palmer round II, is if he sent out Regigigas first, I'd start with Cressilia, switch to Garchomp and buff up that way, and when garchomp fainted when he had Heatran out (which ended up being his last Pokemon), Heatran would sash Garchomp's attack, and he'd faint- then I'd sent out Cressilia, and I'd t-wave Heatran, and then sent out Drapion next to finish off with Crunch, because of Heatran only having 1 HP left and being paralyzed, I could just do a quick KO.

...So, if I had used memento, I wouldn't be able to pull off something like that.
I've always rathered charm and flash or just flash to momento but guess its personal preference, I like revenge twavin etc

Singles really doesn't wont me to reach 100 hax'd to death again 6 flinches in row from charizard :(

May aswel reveal team now cause guna be busy next week or so. Team is -

Starmie- trick, twave, flash, recover

Then standard scizor and chomp

Works great, resists are key and as you can c star covers back up weakness then back up covers stars. So simple! shocked it hasn't been used b4.

Will post in detail wen got decent streak :)
It's been used before, just never too successfully. I thought about using one too, but never got around to breeding for another one (The only Timid one I have right now is already at level 100 with offensive EVs for the standard Expert Belt / Life Orb Battle Tower set, so I can't re-EV it for a trick set).

I got up to 120 with my new team but lost to a Metang lead, of all things lol (it's funny, because I didn't account for Metang at all, because vs Metagross, I should never get opponent locked into Meteor Mash). But I tweaked my team a bit now to account for Metang (and a few others), just changing one move, so I'll see how far it goes from there.

EDIT: Also, I used both charm and Memento before (obviously, since I was just talking about Latias {charm} and Uxie {Memento} trick leads). I still think Uxie works better with Drapion because after a -2 Def and -2 SpDef, Drapion is already pretty much guaranteed to be able to set up (assuming opponent is not locked into Earthquake/Earth Power, but Uxie is immune to that). The only things stopping Drapion is locked low pp moves and OHKO moves and freeze hax and extreme paralysis/flinch/confusion hax.

Overall, I like Memento better also because it provides a safe switch in instead of having to switch or wait til your charmer faints. There are obviously cases where Charm is better though. I'm currently using Memento for my team. Like before, I'll talk more about the team only after I get 150+ streak. Currently... no where near that since I just started streak again. ... and might not have time to continue it that much since I *need* to RNG some wonder card stuff to free up space for my shiny event beasts.

EDIT2: Currently at 105... I'm starting to have a bit of doubt with this team now though... might need to change EVs a bit to account for potential crits...
After a 6 month + break, iv decided to comeback to the life known as pokemon. Forgot a lot about it but still remember quite a bit. Hitting the single battle tower for my first run just to get me groove back ya know. So i found 3 random pokemon that go together and I have tried in the past thanks to fasthippo was it? Basic yawn strategy.
Here are the players:

Gyarados @ Leftovers
Forgot the spread but its split between hp/def/sp.def/att

Now I need you guys to tell me what I am missing. Any major threats that can kick my arse in a couple of moves or can i pretty much fight anything and win apart from the obvious hax. Any gaping holes??

I used this team with Sub instead Taunt(D/P). I got 192 wins on my only try. I really enjoyed the team. I barely lost to a Togekiss lead that had DT and Sub. I couldn't hit it, even when it was asleep and only had 1 DT.

I would highly recommend Sub over Taunt.
Haha, sorry about that. My streak is kind of a big gap from the previous one, and it's about to get even bigger =P

Congrats on getting that far using Mawile of all things. That's extremely impressive; regardless of what you used, 290 is nothing to sniff at, and you did it with a Mawile.

I miss this place, being so inactive has been a bore. C&C eats all my time online nowadays. Not to mention I was trying another team (TrickScarf Memento Chain, horribly flawed) when I found FastHippo's team and created my own based on it.

Well, for this new team, I found inspiration from FastHippo's newest team, and I've been playing it ever since. It's been in use since September 28th, and it's still going strong. I was originally going to at least pass up garo's record before posting this, but since I go back to school on the 3rd, I'll have a lot less time, and it'll take me a while to ger there. So, I just went to 392 (the end of the 56th set) and decided to stop there.

Platnium Battle Tower Singles Streak: 392

Mence's Setup Time Constraints:
Much as I love Mence and his Dragon Dance, he takes twice as long to set up as Garchomp does, and thus increases to possibilities for hax to strike. It's been mostly just irritating so far, but I'm betting it will become a full-blown problem in the near future.

I'm still at it, still aiming for at least 500 wins, and this team is still going. So don't count me out yet >:)

Still no pics or stuff. Jesus, I need more money to buy some decent hardware... and I've already got a job, lol.

-Eon Out, for now

It's great to see that you were inspired by my team. I really like Heatran, I'm having some success using it to take out 1 1/2 to 2 pokemon on my newest team, with different moves, of course.

Congratulations, and good luck.
What is an advised plan for if you lock your opponent into something ridiculously powerful, like X-scissor from Scizor, Megahorn from Heracross, Meteor Mash, flare blitz, etc. Especially Flare Blitz, with that, drapion AND Registeel would have a hard time putting up with that, plus recoil damage.
It really depends what your tricker is and what your two set up sweepers are. After a Charm or Memento, Drapion can set up on X-scissor fine and I'm pretty sure Megahorn also. Registeel can take Megahorns fine as well, just keep cursing. Metagross Meteor Mash is always a problem and yeah, you have to make your team to plan for that.

The point of trick-scarfing is to provide for locked down moves that your set up sweepers can set up on, and usually this is done by some sort of Levitating/Flying Dragon + Steel combo (since between those 2 almost every type is resisted), or the trick-scarfer itself can be a Dragon (e.g. Latias) or Steel (Metagross, not as common) to make that combo. Alternatively, Drapion's a bit different in that it has the special ability Shell Armor - preventing critical hits, and it has good neutral typing with only ONE weakness. And obviously it also has fairly decent bulk, and together with Acupressure for boosting all stats including accuracy and evasion, that's quite the ideal non-haxxable pokemon to use after it's fully set up. After opponent gets a Memento, Drapion can set up on basically ANY neutral move and even unSTAB earthquakes and earth powers (and even some STAB ones) --> As long as it takes less than 37.5% from any hit it is not 3HKO'd by anything (with leftovers/black sludge), so it can use rest to stall out whatever move it is. With Charm (instead of Memento) Drapion might have a slightly harder time on the special side, but it can still take on (and set up on) a lot of neutral moves that aren't too powerful, especially after a thunderwave and potentially some flashes.

Flare Blitz I think wouldn't be too big of a problem for Drapion if I remember things correctly when I tried using an Uxie + Drapion combo some time ago (as long as Uxie isn't 2HKO'd by Flare Blitz, it can Trick, Twave, Memento, and things are fine). I believe Mesprit has a small chance to be 2HKO'd by Arcanine Flare Blitz. If you have an Intimidator like Gyarados or Salamence, then that's probably also fine as well (after Intimidate Gyarados/Salamence should be able to set up with their resistance and decent bulk). Garchomp is "not as good" at taking Flare Blitz... I dunno if you are using him or not... If you are using Jumpman's team exactly (I dunno... maybe you totally aren't haha), then Drapion should be able to set up fine (Drapion takes like 23% max from Flare Blitz after Memento).

Meteor Mash is really annoying if it gets a few Attack boosts... I dunno if there's really much that can be done about it unless you can make it such that the Metagross with Meteor Mash will be locked into something else instead of Meteor mash (Trick Scarf Starmie, Metagross, or lol Switcheroo Arbok can do that, though none of those are that common, but I mean, obviously you gain some, you lose some, depending on what trick scarf lead you use). Registeel can set up on Metagross Meteor Mashes decently too as long as Metagross doesn't get like 4 attack boosts or untimely crits or something.

EDIT: Oh! I realize... maybe you're using Cresselia. That's what Reflect is there for. Trick, Twave, Reflect, and if still alive then flash until you're dead... or just flash if it's Megahorn... I dunno actually, it might not be the best to do this since Heracross might have guts boost from Twave. That's why Mesprit with Charm might be better. It can just charm right off the bat without tricking since you know all Heracrosses are physical while with Cress... it's hard to say.