Hehehe, time to triple post.
I just tried out my new team for Single Battle Tower and lost my streak at 174 (Yes, all 174 battles in the past 2 days... you'll see why).
Here's the team:
(None of the members in this team is RNG'd, and my record of their IVs and EVs are on another computer, so I'll just list Level 50 Stats instead of IVs and EVs since I'm not totally sure what they were)
Uxie / Levitate / Bold @ Choice Scarf
Level 50 Stats: 180 / x / 165 / x / 157 / 134
Moves: Trick / Twave / Stealth Rock / Memento
Mismagius / Levitate / Timid or Bold? @ Focus Sash
Level 50 Stats: 167 / x / 112 / x / 125 / 136
Moves: Twave / Torment / Memento / Skill Swap
Scizor / Technician / Adamant @ Leftovers
Level 50 Stats: 160 / 200 / 119 / x / 102 / 98
Moves: Swords Dance / Substitute / Bullet Punch / Superpower
- Should be obvious, so I'll just mention what's not "as obvious"
- I ALWAYS try to stealth rock with Uxie even if it means not being able to get the Memento down. Uxie's sequence of moves is: Trick -> Twave (if not immune or potential Natural Cure) -> Stealth Rock -> Memento.
- Mismagius not needed if Scizor can set up fine. If locked into a fire move or any move that hits Scizor neutral, Mismagius always Torment and then Memento.
- Skill Swap for Clear Body obviously, but sometimes also for Volt Absorb or Natural Cure or potential Static/Flame Body lead so Scizor won't get paralyzed/burnt after the first lead.
- Why Mismagius?
1. Mainly just because I already have one and don't have to breed for another one. I was going to go with Grudge instead of Torment, but mine was already a Mismagius and didn't have Grudge (Misdreavus learns Grudge from level up), so, maybe I'll get another one with Grudge and see how that goes.
2. Immune to all OHKO moves other than Sheer Cold is nice
3. (Forgot about this one even though it's probably most important haha) Memento.
- Why always try to Stealth Rock?
1. Focus Sashers obviously. (Focus Sash Heatran or Houndoom no longer a problem as first is KO'd by Superpower and latter is KO'd by Bullet Punch)
2. Just as important as the first reason is that it enables Scizor to OHKO quite a few more things with +6 Bullet Punch that it otherwise wouldn't. Examples would be Gyarados, Zapdos, Moltres and a bunch of other fire types that would otherwise cause trouble.
Other Notes:
- These battles are so much faster than before. Each set of 7 always takes <19 minutes (whereas with my previous teams it's always 25 - 30 mins, 35 mins even when using Drapion).
How I lost:
Team was:
822,Drifblim 4,Docile,Lax Incense,257,132,64,110,74,100,Shadow Ball,Air Cutter,Silver Wind,Explosion,HP/Attk
763,Typhlosion 4,Modest,White Herb,153,93,98,177,105,152,Overheat,SolarBeam,Focu s Blast,Sunny Day,Sp.Attk/Speed
786,Raichu 4,Adamant,BrightPowder,135,156,75,99,100,152,Volt Tackle,Return,Brick Break,Thunder Wave,Attk/Speed
It was a combination of misplay and hax, but mostly misplay. O well.
1. Trick missed. Drifblim used Air Cutter (dunno why?).
2. Trick. Drifblim used Shadow Ball.
3. Shadow Ball KO.
4. Shadow Ball Mismagius. Mismagius Twave.
5. Mismagius Memento. Shadow Ball hits nothing.
6. Scizor Sub. Shadow Ball.
7. Scizor SD. Shadow Ball.
8. Scizor SD. Shadow Ball.
9. Scizor SD. Full Paralysis.
10. Scizor Bullet Punch. Drifblim faints. Aftermath. Typhlosion.
11. (Mistake move, I used Superpower instead of Bullet Punch... lol dunno why). Overheat breaks sub. White Herb. Superpower KO. Raichu
12. (Not sure if this next one was mistake, but I was pretty sure Bullet punch won't KO, so I use Superpower again). Raichu Volt Tackle. Recoil. Paralyze. Scizor fully paralyze, dang. But Raichu's in low enough health for Scizor to Bullet Punch KO now... so maybe can still win with Bullet Punch.
13. Scizor fully paralyzed. Game over. Raichu Return KO.
Should have Bullet Punch twice at 11. Then at 12 would have just Bullet Punch to KO Raichu (or at least Raichu would have KO'd itself from Volt Tackle recoil afterwards). But then again, maybe Scizor would have missed from Bright Powder.
Anyhow, I misplayed. I'll give this another try. I like how battles are so fast.
EDIT: Lol, o yeah, ... didn't really think about this before, but Stealth Rock also lets me kill Shedinja if I were to actually use it in the early battles haha.
EDIT2: LOL +5 Bullet Punch on Raichu = minimum 116% ... ... so yes turn 12 was totally a mistake.