Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

actually with 187 HP and 148 defense (still hits 136 speed), latias will survive a CH meteor mash 100% of the time

needs to be bold though, with pretty much perfect IVs

and from your earlier list, rhydon needs a QC CH megahorn (1,3% probability is still "high"), QC CH stone edge is slightly weaker (200 atk) than the above metagross (205 atk) CH...of course QC horn drill turn one is the actual nightmare from rhydon (same as lapras, for that matter)

only claydol and lickilicky have ever boomed on me turn1, like 3-4 times total in those thousands of battles I had
looks like cursed myself lol lost at battle 82 but really like team idea so going to keep it up but gota quick question

i'm using bronzong as my gravity user with sassy 252HP/126D/126spD to ensure it stays around (only fainted 2 or 3 times on last run as remember 1 was because of OHKO and other a crit) so only going to carry 1 dedicated users but anyway not point, question i have is which to run heatproof or levitate?

on previous run i ran heatproof because levitate would be useless after gravity but i found alot of pokes earthquaking 1st turn, think i was hit by more ground moves then fire. but got feeling second i switch to levi i'l be bombarded with fire moves lol.

but then again no ground moves OHKO'd me so maybe its worth keeping as is, closest fire move to nearly ko was blaziken flare blitz if i recall correctly.

also which item do you concider best i'm running leftovers which is great and love the extra HP but i could switch it to a resistance berry to protect agaisnt which ever ability i pick?

i think i'm confodent in lefties and heatproof but just wondered your thoughts?
First thing I saw was 126 Def 126 SpD. Just make it 128 / 128. There's not point having 126/126 because 126 is not divisible by 4. Every 4 EVs contribute to one stat point (at level 100), so your EVs should always be divisible by 4 (except the last 2 extra EVs). Your EVs should add up to 508 (or 510), so make the best of it. Gotta run to school now.

I started another streak using another team, but didn't do much theorymon on it... I expect getting around 150 and losing, lol, but I'll see.

EDIT: Have a bit of time now. Also, Leftovers on Bronzong is not that useful in Doubles. You're only really going to make use of it if you're stalling, and that's not what you want to do in Doubles Trick Room. That's why most of the Double Tower records here involving Bronzong is Trick Room and then explode or trick room and then have a low level/HP use Endeavor for Bronzong to finish things off. It's better to have a Lum Berry to ensure getting Trick Room down without being fully paralyzed or frozen or asleep.

@Peterko: Cool! I didn't know that. I was pretty much just referring to PlatinumMage's Latias though, which has no hope surviving two mashes.

@ashez: I used Gravity before but without too much success (got to like 80-ish?). I think I used Bronzong (Trick Room, Explosion), Clefable (Follow Me, Gravity, Protect), Parasect (Defensive Sweet Scent, Spore), and Rhyperior as the main sweeper (Life Orb, Megahorn, Stone Edge, EQ and something else I forgot, maybe Rock slide or Protect). And from what I actually remember (it's over a year ago), Sweet Scent was more useful than Gravity lol. Clefable was just better off using Follow Me most of the time. Parasect worked well with Rhyperior since it takes Rhyperior's 4x resisted Earthquake like nothing (so it wouldn't have to worry about trying to protect on the EQ). Later on I actually got rid of Clefable entirely and used Slowbro to set up Trick Room and Surf to heal Parasect while Parasect sweet scents for Rhyperior's Megahorn/Stone Edge to always hit. That one still wasn't that great, but did better (got me to around 110-ish streak I think).
Yeah...thanks, Peterko. With defenses like that, Latias is sure to excel.
And it turns out I have an Uxie with a calm nature (I found it laying around in my PC)
so I EV'd it, and it's got 169 in both defenses, and 179 in HP, while on level 50. With the usual setup, but this time, I've got memento to really help out my Drapion's survival, AND flash. Would I even need to bother with Latias now? Sorry for being such a noob here,too...
cheers for heads up on the defensive Evs will sort that out asap, learn something new everyday haha.

sweet scent intresting idea how much of a boost does that give to blizzard/stone edge etc?

c your point tho but i'l give out bit more detail on how i was running the team so you can have better idea of it (i no you basicly got it nailed tho lol)

idea is using these two leads -

Evs:252Hp/126spd/126d (soon to be 128/128)
3.Gyro Ball
4.confuse ray/reflect/light screens
(unsure atm, started with both screens no GB but soon realised i needed an attack, so kept reflect but didnt really use it, currently got CR but havent tried it yet)

Name:starmie@life orb
3.hydro pump

basic idea was protect with star and set up gravity with bro, then use most fitting attack from starmie and use hypnosis from zong. most time starmie gets a clean KO while there 2nd poke snoozing. next turn attack awake poke then either set up screens or confuse the sleeping foe. and so on.

very simple and seemed to be working. star and zong sweeped most teams alone. its just the back up i cant get right atm.
@PlatinumMage: Uxie + Drapion and Latias + Registeel are two totally different team combos lol. You should just settle on a strategy and go with it. As "fun" as prepping is, it's much more fun playing the battles out. Uxie does work well with Drapion, so sure you can probably go with that. Just make sure you have a third pokemon that can take on strong bug moves like Megahorn and Bug Buzz.

@ashez: Interesting, but the team will not be extremely reliable. Critical hits on Bronzong could mean no Gravity set up, and a number of things will survive Starmie's move -> at least, KOing both pokemon with Blizzard isn't going to happen all the time, and plenty of things can KO Starmie.

I forgot to mention, the main issue with Gravity is that it doesn't help out the situation THAT much. Compare Thunder/Blizzard with Thunderbolt/Ice Beam. It's just 120 BP vs 95/90 BP, only around 1.3x higher power, which is a noticeable difference, but relying on havinig Gravity down to get just 30% more power might not be worth it.

Snorlax takes little from Gyro Ball and has good Sp Def to survive anything Starmie uses while doing plenty to Starmie.

E.g. Thunder is 120 x 1.3 = 156 BP. A Helping Hand LO Thunderbolt is 95 x 1.3 x 1.5 = 185 BP. I'm comparing Gravity with HH + lower base power move, because this shows that HH hits harder with guaranteed "0" turns of set up - i.e. you can just HH + Thunderbolt right on first turn (since HH has priority) instead of having to Protect first turn to set up Gravity... opponent can easily set up Sunny Chlorophyll or Rain Dance or Dragon Dance or Swords Dance, etc. during that turn.

Meh, my team didn't actually get that far haha. I was just impatient though. Could have fairly easy won the battle but didn't want to wait until struggle so switched into a crit super effective move instead heh pretty dumb. Maybe I'll just get back to double when I'm less busy next month.

EDIT2: Forgot to answer your question, Sweet Scent lowers both in-battle opponents' evasion by 1 stage (basically a 1.333333x multiplier) while Gravity lowers both opponents' evasion (for 5 turns) by 2 stages (1.6666666x multiplier). One stage lets 75% accurate moves have 100% accuracy. I suppose if you're going to use Hypnosis, Gravity would be better.
Strong Pokemon that can take on strong bug moves, eh? Yeah, that would be wise, Garchomp is great as a backup, but he'd never take a STAB megahorn from Heracross.
Should I use a tank, something that can take and deliver strong attacks, or a sweeper who can just come in for a quick KO? Maybe I could use a Scizor with sub, Swords Dance, Bullet Punch, and Brick Break instead?
It's mainly Yanmega and Heracross that are major concerns. Regardless of your third pokemon It's probably best to just Twave Yanmega - it might U-turn, or if it's the Bug Buzz one, then locking it Bug Buzz with a scarf is not good since it'll KO Uxie next turn and Bug Buzz will do heavy damage to Drapion. If it's Tinted Lens, then that's even worse.

Scizor does seem to be a good option being 4x resisted to Bug moves. The only thing I don't like about Scizor is that it's kind of meh when vsing Heatran (vs the sash one means Scizor will end up without a sub unless Magma Storm misses, vs the bright powder one could even mean losing if bright powder does its thing twice ... and that's not that unlikely). OF course, anything else will have their own other problems too, so Scizor isn't bad. Just make sure it has enough speed to outspeed Heatran (none of them run any speed).
Speed boosts from Choice Scarf can be a seriously threatening issue, so Bullet Punch with Scizor is better than relying on Garchomp's 102 speed stat, even if it's great, Garchomp can still have a broken sub from Aerodactyl, Starmie, Froslass, and the like.
Scizor has 9 resistances too, so he could essentially wall resisted attacks somewhat similarly to Registeel, except I'd be buffing up with swords dance and not defensive buffs, so perhaps Scizor COULD be even better than Garchomp. Only thing keeping it down is bullet punch's somewhat weak power to start with, even with technician.
Salamence > Garchomp for your team. Anything with Intimidate is good paired with Drapion. Salamence resists bug too so Intimidated Megahorns are "ok" to deal with (though doesn't help with Tinted Lens). For me I'd say it's a choice between Scizor or Salamence.
@CD cheers for answering question never even concidered sweet scent lol, looks interesting. havent tried out team yet still trying to work out team mates. yeah i no snorlax would be a problem so defo going to have a stab fighter in there somewhere. prob be back to streaking middle next week by time i've came up with idea and bred them etc unless i find more time this weekend but doubt it.
Most people don't consider sweet scent, lol. I don't ever recall seeing it anywhere on any doubles analysis (and obviously not single). With Doubles at least it's sometimes somewhat viable because switching is costly and 4 v 4 instead of 6 v 6 just makes it even more costly (but I guess most importantly, Battle Tower AI just about never switches).

It's just one of those small interesting moves that is largely useless in single competitive play that is only marginally useful in doubles - recall, as I mentioned, it didn't really work THAT well for me. It was ok, not ground-breaking or anything.

EDIT: Started another Single streak using a slightly different team currently at 112. Not sure if this one will break 300 for me, but for some reason I feel like using my LO Latios (Surf/Dragon Pulse/etc.) + Vaporeon (HH/Icy Wind/etc.) +2 others (Gengar & Metagross last time) Double Tower team again. Pretty sure I can break 109 streak on that. ... At least 200. Yah maybe I will actually try it again. Water is refreshing.
doubles analysis? never seen that never mind move ha!

wonder if there anymore useless moves which have a purpose for tower?

hows streak going? i still havent started yet hopefully 2day tho
I misplayed because I was being dumb and lost at 147. Meh. I was just using Latios - Mawile - Suicune, i.e. Latios instead of Latias... Memento instead of Charm. Memento was more useful than Charm for my team (due to Mawile having Intimidate and Iron Defense/Stockpile already) and having safe switch in is always good especially for something frail like Mawile.

The lower bulk for Latios compared to Latias was definitely noticeable but not detrimental (most Shadow Balls 2HKO Latios while they do not necessarily 2HKO Latias, but then it's not like the team relies on Lati@s surviving 2 Shadow Balls. Mawile still does its stockpiling job and baton passing even if Lati@s did not get the Twave down. I lowered Latios's speed to 151 (Latias had 158 for outspeed scarf no speed base 85) which outran scarf no speed base 80, so that it can have more EVs in defense. Overall, Latios was not apparently better or worse than Latias. I.e. some cases better but some cases worse. Anyway...

I just lost because I thought something's Struggle wasn't going to break Suicune's sub, but it did, so 2nd pokemon was Mismagius facing my near 100% health Suicune that had +6/+6/+6. Obviously I try to sub now, but Mismagius gets a crit Tbolt bringing Suicune down to 32 HP (not enough for a sub).

That pretty much game over because I know the Tbolt Missy has focus Sash and I doubt Suicune can survive 2 more Tbolts with 32 HP. Next turn Tbolt brings Suicune to 4 HP (before Leftovers). Suicune Surfs and activates Missy's sash. ... nothing much left to do there. Latios fainted already and Mawile didn't even have enough health to survive a Tbolt.

Anyway, I'm not going to be playing in the next few days. I'll probably re-EV my Latios back to offensive and try some Doubles with it. Maybe Double Tower, maybe Double Castle. Maybe not even using the Latios. I'll see in a few days.

EDIT: Actually, I'll give Singles and Mawile another try using (yet another) slightly different team. Will need re-EVing some stuffs.
EDIT2: Currently at 91. Not getting very many battles in these days... But anyway, I have my "next team" lined up after this Mawile run finishes and I'm most likely "retiring" Mawile indefinitely after this run. I doubt this current Mawile team will get to 300, seeing how there have been several close calls already just getting to 91, but well, I'll see. Hopefully at least 150. My next team will be a "boring" standard one, just because I haven't used one that's super standard before... so I'll see how far I can get using one that's pretty standard (not exactly like anyone's team in the top few records, but using various pokemon that are all fairly common in BT records).
Hi people..... was lurking around this thread for sometime, but are carried away Pokemon BW for the past 4 months.

Anyway, I had done the following feat:!/video/video.php?v=184662648222216&oid=139551846103198&comments
(Facebook Video)
Sub-punching Azumarill
Basically I am really lucky for this one, as Azumarill survive all STAB electric attack and scrape through with Ice Punch + Aqua Jet.
Ice Punch
Aqua Jet
Focus Punch.

The other is a little special;
WIFI Rank 5, 7 streaks

KIKI's role is a scout and Anti-trick using pokemon.
Move set as follows:
KIKI the Meowth, Focus Sash, Jolly (3rd Gen Emerald, OT: Soon)
ト ゲピー the Togekiss, Choice Scarf, Calm Nature (3rd Gen Japanese game, OT: はつき, trade from a Japanese ~3 years ago, evolved to Togetic in Emerald, thus the name)
Thunder Wave
Air Slash
CAESAR the Scizor, Leftovers, Adamant Nature (OT: Boku, a fabulous warrior from my friend)
Bullet Punch
Quick Attack
Sword Dance

My WIFI team is a hybrid Trick team, with KIKI as the lead, mainly to scout for pokemon with Choice item. Her role is mainly just flash, with focus sash, it is guaranteed to fire at least 1 flash.
So once I am confidence that opponent is not holding any choice item, I will trick and lock on the opponent's move, giving chance for the 3rd pokemon to setup.

See ya, I will be back to BW random battles. XD
Is it a good idea to switch after my TrickScarf Mespirit is done? Usually I trick, and if its still kicking it get a twave before switching but now I'm starting to wonder if switching is helping or hindering my process. For reference sake I use a TrickMespirit, DD mence and standard curse registeel
Switch as opposed to ...staying in? You have to switch eventually since the whole point of using Trick lead is to have an easier time setting up with your set up sweeper. So, when you switch really depends on which move is being locked. If your Registeel / Salamence can set up without any additional help (Twave/Flash/Charm) from Mesprit, then sure, you might as well set up early.

Just use Mesprit stat lower your opponent's lead to the point where you think your set up sweeper will be able to set up. That's when you switch. If letting Mesprit faint to have a free switch in is needed, then do that (might be a good idea sometimes since I wouldn't imagine your Registeel or Salamence to have rest or roost, so switching into a crit might sometimes be bad). I personally put much value in saving trick lead for later crippling.
That's generally what I wanted to confirm, especially since later in the Tower I'm more likely to double, triple check my tactics, only to find myself losing when in theory it should have been an easy victory. However I would like to know how Trick leads are useful later in the battle as I'd like to cover all my bases.

I would also like to know if striving for perfect iv's are necessary to succeed. When i first started to Tower a year ago I had the impression it wasn't too important what stats I had as long as I had the moves, and EV covered. I had checked on a calculator that my ivs were more or less average. What's more is since I use Mespirit and Registeel I found it difficult trying to wait out on decent IVs. so my following question would be is it even possible to get good ivs? ;)
It's certainly possible to catch Mesprit or Registeel with good nature and IVs (btw, always remember nature is more important than IVs). You can learn about RNGing in this thread: Basically, IVs and nature are determined by a pseudo-random number generator inside the game. Since the number generator is not actually random, if you can actually (calculate and) time things correctly according to how the IVs are generated, you can catch pokemon with good nature and IVs.

Good IVs are important, but it's not absolutely necessary to have totally perfect IVs for the team to work. You should just use smogon's damage calculator and test out damage calculations to see what the difference is if you have certain good IVs verses having bad IVs. Sometimes it's really important, sometimes not, and obviously it depends on your team and strategy. A fast hard attacking sweeper (like Garchomp) wouldn't be too too bad with lower defenses, but having 31 Speed IV and jolly is pretty much needed, unless you only care about outspeeding base 100s (in which case probably at least 27 or so Speed IV is needed?).

It's best to just GO with something and then test it out so you have a better idea of what's up and what's hard to beat, etc. Yes, people like Jumpman and Peterko and others here can theorymon and potentially save a lot of time thinking things through and writing things down instead of spending the time getting the needed pokemon to test something out. But those people have already spent their many hours playing through the tower and just have the experience already and just won't need to go through all that.

Lol, in a way, it's like that in the real world getting a good job. Education matters and is important, but it's the experience that actually counts. So, go try things out and if it didn't work out, at least you learned something from it hopefully. :P
OK, there we go, just lost my streak of 117 with this team:

Latios / Levitate / Timid @ Choice Scarf
IVs: 31 / x / 31 / 30 / 30 / 31
EVs: 252 HP 96 Def 60 Speed
Level 50 Stats: 187 / x / 125 / x / 130 / 151
Moves: Trick / Twave / Flash / Memento

Mawile / Intimidate / Calm @ Lum Berry
IVs: 31 / x / 31 / x / 31 / 31
EVs: 252 HP 4 Def 252 Sp Def
Level 50 Stats: 157 / x / 106 / x / 117 / 70
Moves: Iron Defense / Stockpile / Substitute / Baton Pass

Raikou / Pressure / Timid @ Leftovers
IVs: 31 / x / 30 / 31 / 31 / 31 (HP Ice 70)
EVs: 92 HP 248 Def 12 SpA 156 Speed
Level 50 Stats: 177 / x / 126 / 137 / 120 / 170
Moves: Calm Mind / Substitute / Thunderbolt / Hidden Power Ice 70


- BASICALLY same as my Latias-Mawile-Suicune team. Only 2 Differences...
- First difference is that Latios has Memento instead of Charm and I thought Memento was better than Charm (EDIT: Oh, and Latios has lower speed because I wanted it more physical bulk). I dunno. They're around the same. I did have a higher streak with Latias but even with Latios I got 200+ twice before deciding to try something else other than Suicune.

- 2nd difference is of course it's Raikou instead of Suicune this time. Raikou actually has pretty decent bulk, but of course its main selling point is its high SpA and Speed. Originally back when I used Latias I just had 4 HP 252 SpA 252 Speed, but it was actually pretty hard to set up sometimes. The other main selling point for Raikou was that it only has one weakness which Latios is immune to, so basically Raikou is setting up on a neutral attack.

- Obviously Raikou's EVs are not totally random:
--> 170 Speed for outspeeding Garchomp, which also outspeeds all OHKOers other than Fissure Dugtrio (which Raikou can't outspeed even with max speed anyway). I didn't just use max speed because Raikou actually needed the defense EVs.
--> 248 Defense because of 30 Defense IV (252 will still give 126 Def stat)
--> 177 HP = Leftovers# + 1 (i.e. sub costs exactly 4 turns of leftovers and lets me sub 5 times with 1 HP leftover). HP together with defense lets Raikou's sub survive all unSTAB Earthquakes and some STAB Earthquakes when it's at +6 Def (which also means it's not OHKO'd by un-STAB EQs when at +0 Def and no sub).
--> the rest of the EVs (12) just put into SpA for more power, since its sub will survive basically any Earth Power at +6 Sp Def too.

For most 5 PP moves Raikou won't be able to set up (unless it's something like Trick Room, where Latios can Trick-Flash-Flash-Flash-Trick (Get scarf back)-Trick to lock opponent into another move, but sometimes I just Trick-Twave-Memento and sometimes able to set up to +6/+6 depending on how many Full Paralysis).

How I lost:
Lead Heracross
1. Trick, Megahorn OHKO.
2. Mawile Intimidate, Megahorn, Iron Defense. (need to in order for sub not to be broken)
3. Megahorn Critical Hit, Mawile fainted. (low chance to win now)
4. Megahorn, Calm Mind. (Looks like 3 or 4HKO after leftovers ... hard to say).
5. Megahorn miss, Calm Mind.
6. Megahorn, Tbolt, didn't KO, heracross in red.
7. Megahorn KO (so it was 3HKO after all).

Yeah, I know if I TBolt on Turn 5, I could have beaten Heracross, but at only +1/+1 and low health, I'm not too confident beating the other pokemon anyway.

There wasn't even that much hax. Like I mentioned earlier, I had plenty of close calls even before 100, so not at all surprised I lost here. Time to try something different now! :D

EDIT: O yeah, Latios NEVER even used Flash once in this streak. Always, just Trick-Twave-Memento (sometimes Trick-Memento). For Latias, I kind of "wanted" to Flash a bit for things like Shadow Ball or Signal Beam, but with Memento lowering SpA, Mawile can set up fine even without Stockpile. Mawile only "needs" to stockpile when it's a STAB Shadow Ball or Ice Beam (which 2HKO's Latios so Latios can't Memento unless it outspeeds even after trick). Anyway...
Hehehe, time to triple post.

I just tried out my new team for Single Battle Tower and lost my streak at 174 (Yes, all 174 battles in the past 2 days... you'll see why).

Here's the team:

(None of the members in this team is RNG'd, and my record of their IVs and EVs are on another computer, so I'll just list Level 50 Stats instead of IVs and EVs since I'm not totally sure what they were)

Uxie / Levitate / Bold @ Choice Scarf
Level 50 Stats: 180 / x / 165 / x / 157 / 134
Moves: Trick / Twave / Stealth Rock / Memento

Mismagius / Levitate / Timid or Bold? @ Focus Sash
Level 50 Stats: 167 / x / 112 / x / 125 / 136
Moves: Twave / Torment / Memento / Skill Swap

Scizor / Technician / Adamant @ Leftovers
Level 50 Stats: 160 / 200 / 119 / x / 102 / 98
Moves: Swords Dance / Substitute / Bullet Punch / Superpower

- Should be obvious, so I'll just mention what's not "as obvious"
- I ALWAYS try to stealth rock with Uxie even if it means not being able to get the Memento down. Uxie's sequence of moves is: Trick -> Twave (if not immune or potential Natural Cure) -> Stealth Rock -> Memento.
- Mismagius not needed if Scizor can set up fine. If locked into a fire move or any move that hits Scizor neutral, Mismagius always Torment and then Memento.
- Skill Swap for Clear Body obviously, but sometimes also for Volt Absorb or Natural Cure or potential Static/Flame Body lead so Scizor won't get paralyzed/burnt after the first lead.

- Why Mismagius?
1. Mainly just because I already have one and don't have to breed for another one. I was going to go with Grudge instead of Torment, but mine was already a Mismagius and didn't have Grudge (Misdreavus learns Grudge from level up), so, maybe I'll get another one with Grudge and see how that goes.
2. Immune to all OHKO moves other than Sheer Cold is nice
3. (Forgot about this one even though it's probably most important haha) Memento.

- Why always try to Stealth Rock?
1. Focus Sashers obviously. (Focus Sash Heatran or Houndoom no longer a problem as first is KO'd by Superpower and latter is KO'd by Bullet Punch)
2. Just as important as the first reason is that it enables Scizor to OHKO quite a few more things with +6 Bullet Punch that it otherwise wouldn't. Examples would be Gyarados, Zapdos, Moltres and a bunch of other fire types that would otherwise cause trouble.

Other Notes:
- These battles are so much faster than before. Each set of 7 always takes <19 minutes (whereas with my previous teams it's always 25 - 30 mins, 35 mins even when using Drapion).

How I lost:
Team was:
822,Drifblim 4,Docile,Lax Incense,257,132,64,110,74,100,Shadow Ball,Air Cutter,Silver Wind,Explosion,HP/Attk
763,Typhlosion 4,Modest,White Herb,153,93,98,177,105,152,Overheat,SolarBeam,Focu s Blast,Sunny Day,Sp.Attk/Speed
786,Raichu 4,Adamant,BrightPowder,135,156,75,99,100,152,Volt Tackle,Return,Brick Break,Thunder Wave,Attk/Speed

It was a combination of misplay and hax, but mostly misplay. O well.

1. Trick missed. Drifblim used Air Cutter (dunno why?).
2. Trick. Drifblim used Shadow Ball.
3. Shadow Ball KO.
4. Shadow Ball Mismagius. Mismagius Twave.
5. Mismagius Memento. Shadow Ball hits nothing.
6. Scizor Sub. Shadow Ball.
7. Scizor SD. Shadow Ball.
8. Scizor SD. Shadow Ball.
9. Scizor SD. Full Paralysis.
10. Scizor Bullet Punch. Drifblim faints. Aftermath. Typhlosion.
11. (Mistake move, I used Superpower instead of Bullet Punch... lol dunno why). Overheat breaks sub. White Herb. Superpower KO. Raichu
12. (Not sure if this next one was mistake, but I was pretty sure Bullet punch won't KO, so I use Superpower again). Raichu Volt Tackle. Recoil. Paralyze. Scizor fully paralyze, dang. But Raichu's in low enough health for Scizor to Bullet Punch KO now... so maybe can still win with Bullet Punch.
13. Scizor fully paralyzed. Game over. Raichu Return KO.

Should have Bullet Punch twice at 11. Then at 12 would have just Bullet Punch to KO Raichu (or at least Raichu would have KO'd itself from Volt Tackle recoil afterwards). But then again, maybe Scizor would have missed from Bright Powder.

Anyhow, I misplayed. I'll give this another try. I like how battles are so fast.

EDIT: Lol, o yeah, ... didn't really think about this before, but Stealth Rock also lets me kill Shedinja if I were to actually use it in the early battles haha.

EDIT2: LOL +5 Bullet Punch on Raichu = minimum 116% ... ... so yes turn 12 was totally a mistake.
Just got a streak of 60 in the battle castle singles in SS...still pretty upset about the ridiculous hax that screwed my streak over so I'll post details and a picture later sometime.

Edit: Well still not over the loss yet, but I've started another streak so I figured I'd update this. My team is the standard bolt/beam expert belt Starmie with Physic and Surf (mine is modest, I'm gonna change it for a +speed nature because the Jolly Aerodactyl gave me trouble), LO Metagross with EQ, MM, Hammer Arm, and Explosion, and a CB Garchomp, again standard.

Now I had accidentally passed on the first trainer in the set before this one, which would have been an easy 40+ CP, so instead I lost 90+ CP, so my CP when I started this battle was 148

How I was Donphan, Yanmega, Probopass, nothing to threatening. Starmie can OHKO Donphan with surf, CPU most likely sends out yanmega, switch to Metagross, MM for the KO, then just take out probopass easy. Seemed pretty routine, so I raised all three 5 levels to get the max CP possible and didn't bother checking moves/items/natures or anything. Well the battle went something like this...

Turn 1:
Quick Claw activates-Donphan uses EQ, OHKO Starmie...fuck this! All hope is not lost, I send out Garchomp bc I know EQ is at worst a 2HKO and he can survive an EQ
Turn 2:
Garchomp uses EQ-Donphan in the yellow, next EQ is a KO, then it should be GG after that.
Donphan uses's a OHKO, Garchomp faints! WTF, you've got to be kidding me!!
Turn 3:
Quick Claw Activates-Donphan uses EQ, Metagross survives with 3HP left
Metagross uses EQ, doesn't even KO Donphan and then dies to LO!

And here's the proof...
Not sure why the image won't work...but if you open it in a new window/tab it shows up just fine.
Just a very small update. I haven't played much lately from too much work, but currently at 84 streak using a non-Trick team. I'll just keep using it and see how far I get and post when I lose.

EDIT: Currently at 175 streak. :) I'm pretty proud of that already for a non-Trick team (not Yawn/Memento either). I'll disclose team details when I lose or break 200... hopefully it's going to be the latter.

EDIT2: Sweet, got 203 streak just now (didn't lose yet). I'll post details when I have time. Just wanted to "get that over with" so I can concentrate on work lol. I'm like that. I wonder if this will be able to break my 290 streak now. There have been a few close calls though, but mostly from misplay - no extremely close calls between 175 and 203... Well, one where I could have lost if opponent got a crit (but I also misplayed a little). I guess that's kind of close.