Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

Ah I see. In that case I guess just put the remainder EVs into Sp Def instead of Def since that will at least let take more special hits (since Latias's charm covers for Scizor's already higher defense already).

Empoleon's Flash Cannon only has a low chance to break Scizor's Sub (only 2 in 7 chance to break Scizor sub if it's 58 HP 100 Sp Def vs 3 in 8 chance if it's 100 HP 58 Sp Def).

It turns out acetrainerzx's save (which he is publicly offering for free in his thread) had an Adamant Scyther, so I'm going to likely use that and give him 116 HP/252 Atk/36 SpD/100 Spe (116 HP for 160, so Leftovers heals 10, maxed Attack, 100 Speed to outspeed Heatran, and the rest in Special Defense.)
Top 10 Platinum, HeartGold & SoulSilver Battle Factory Single Records (Level 50):

1. TotalPotato (52) - rentals
2. Kamisutra (51) - rentals
3. Fatum (50) - rentals
4. Chinese Dood (43) - rentals
5. redreoicy (42) - rentals
6. Hutch3 (39) - rentals
7. Apfelflapfe (37) - rentals
8. Darkflagrance (36) - rentals
9. Wichu´s brother (36) - rentals
10. CBshuckle (35) - rentals
According the the original post, I have now cracked the top 10 here. I just finished a run of level 50 Battle Factory in Soul Silver, and made it to 36 wins, losing on my 37th match. Unfortunately my options of Pokémon to pick from since this round started have all been horrible except for one, so my team at this point was Miltank, Absol, and Slowbro (he's the good one).
Miltank @ Scope Lens
Nature: Adamant / Ability: Scrappy
- Dizzy Punch
- Fire Punch
- Ice Punch
- ThunderPunch

Absol @ Razor Claw
Nature: Jolly / Ability: Super Luck
- Night Slash
- Psycho Cut
- X-Scissor
- Aerial Ace

Slowbro @ Leftovers
Nature: Quiet / Ability: Own Tempo
- Surf
- Psychic
- Ice Beam
- Trick Room

The battle went like this:
I send out Miltank, opponent sends out SALAMENCE. Obviously. Whatever, Miltank has Ice Punch, time to get owned, dragon.
Salamence uses Draco Meteor. A critical hit! Obviously.
Peace out Miltank.
I send out Slowbro to face the now -2 SpA Salamence.
Salamence uses Draco Meteor, Slowbro loses about a third (roughly) of its health. Slowbro uses Trick Room like a boss.
Next turn Slowbro uses Ice Beam and shows us that big, angry dragons are no match for a derpy looking thing with a shell on its tail.
Opponent sends out Tentacruel next.
Slowbro outspeeds thanks to Trick Room and fires off a super-effective Psychic. Of course, it's not enough to KO Tentacruel, who replies with a Sludge Bomb, putting Slowbro into the red.
Next turn Slowbro uses Psychic and finishes Tentacruel. I manage to take the lead after some first turn hax.
My opponent's last Pokémon is... MILOTIC. Wooow. Of course it is. I have one turn of Trick Room left, and Slowbro is at the point where it dies to just about any attack, so I go for Psychic just to do some damage.
Slowbro uses Psychic, Milotic uses Mirror Coat. Slowbro faints, and Trick Room ends.
I send out Absol. Basically I need to score a critical hit to win. Absol has an ability that boosts its critical hit chance, an item that boosts its critical hit chance, and a STAB move with a high critical hit chance. So I'm feeling not too bad. I mean, if my opponent gets a crit on turn one, why can't I? Especially with all that going for me!
Absol uses Night Slash! It's a...........regular hit. Obviously.
Milotic uses Hydro Pump. A critical hit! !!!!!
I'm pretty sure that Hydro Pump would have OHKOd Absol anyway, but the computer getting the critical hit that I needed was just extra salt in the wound.

I'm pretty pissed, as if I had won that battle, I could have traded for Draco Meteor Salamence for the next round, and that plus my Trick Room Slowbro would have made for a pretty alright team. Ah well, welcome to Pokémon. =P

I still think it's a pretty decent record, and it's good enough to get me into the top 10, so I'll still count this as a victory. ^_^

Cheers, best of luck to everyone else Battle Frontier-ing, may the hax be on YOUR side. ;D
Nothing special, but I passed 150 wins so I might as well post. 154 and counting for Uxie, Salamence, Drapion.

Uxie@Choice sash
-Thunder Wave

-Dragon Dance

Drapion@Black Sludge

No surprises how this works, really. But hey, no one used this particular combo yet, so why not. EVs are nothing special. I was gearing up for B&W and figured I might as well test the things I had bred up.

You trade setup time and base speed for intimidate, base power, and dragon dance in Garchomp vs Salamence. Security if Starmie + Latios pop up at spots 2 and 3 is always nice, but the lack of speed hurts if you trick some of the OHKOers. Longer setup time kinda sucks too.

Uxie vs Mespirit is trading Charm and Flash for Yawn and Memento. Intimidate makes up for the loss of Charm in most situations, and Yawn covers the other situations reasonably well. Memento is a great help vs special attackers though.

Looking ahead to Black/White, the singles subway looks like it will be pretty close to 'solved' once dream world truant Aianto is released. Befriend to pass the Truant over to the other pokemon and setup is free unless they switch or explode. I guess doubles will be the new challenge?


Aianto@Focus Sash
Baton Pass

Drapion@Black Sludge
Dark Pulse

Something like this should kill almost everything except Perish Song, ghost Curse, and Exploders..... Hmm. Does Safeguard block Perish Song and Curse? Or flinches for that matter?
I am fairly sure that Safeguard does not block any of those. It only blocks status (Sleep, Confusion, Paralysis, Freeze, Burn... I'm not sure about Attract but probably doesn't block that?).

I know Special Drapion is so that it doesn't even care about Static/Flame Body pokemon, but it's so weak even after being boosted. Doesn't even 3HKO 0 EV Blissey unless max damage all 3 times, which means Blissey has a good chance to PP Stall if it has softboiled.

Protect is interesting letting Drapion set up on loafing, but for 5 PP moves (especially things like Head Smash that has recoil) Drapion still might not have enough turns for setting up.
Protect is interesting letting Drapion set up on loafing, but for 5 PP moves (especially things like Head Smash that has recoil) Drapion still might not have enough turns for setting up.

It should work because the pokemon won't damage itself when protect is used, even when using Struggle.
interesting ideas there but i would rather run blaziken with speed boost (if released) so your not wasting the protecting turn something like

evs:252A/enough speed with +1 boost and rest in HP
1.hone claws/swords dance
3.Hi jump kick/brick break
4.shadow claw/night slash

think this rough set will work well. need SC/NS to deal with ghost, put earthquake 1st but then remembered gengar etc lol. was going to put blaze kick but then remembered fire/ghost.

blaziken can also come in on Aianto fire weakness

so in theory i think them 2 look rather sound

edit: tad bit gimicky but one my favorite pokes so here goes ha!

evs: 252HP/ rest into each HP
1. yawn/flash
2. charm
3. bark out
4. wish

like i sad tad gimicky but could work, yawn them 2 sleep then lower either there attacking stat with BO or C, BO shouldnt be doing to much damage coming of a uninvested SPA. and finally wish to heal. always wished umbreon got switheroo so kinda cluching at straws lol. main problem with this set tho would be all the new fighting types brought in this gen. prob darft set but o well ha
I am fairly sure that Safeguard does not block any of those. It only blocks status (Sleep, Confusion, Paralysis, Freeze, Burn... I'm not sure about Attract but probably doesn't block that?).

I know Special Drapion is so that it doesn't even care about Static/Flame Body pokemon, but it's so weak even after being boosted. Doesn't even 3HKO 0 EV Blissey unless max damage all 3 times, which means Blissey has a good chance to PP Stall if it has softboiled.

Protect is interesting letting Drapion set up on loafing, but for 5 PP moves (especially things like Head Smash that has recoil) Drapion still might not have enough turns for setting up.
But nothing's using Trick, so it doesn't really matter if the opponent's using 5 PP moves. Even with a set using all 5 PP moves, you'll be able to use all 16 Protects to set up. Recoil's not a problem, since the opponent will never actually hit you through Protect.

You could use Choice Scarf on Aianto, since it should live through all priority except maybe crit Vacuum Wave (but it should live through that with investment...maybe?), and if you've given your opponent Truant, the match should be as good as won. Of course, that's if they ever release Truant Aianto, which could be a LONG time, given that Unova Pokemon aren't programmed into the Dream World at the moment...
Puns aside, I think it would actually be pretty bad. There's a lot that can mess up the strategy, not the least of which is dropping your own stats in crucial setup time. The Submerge idea is cool, but it doesn't get around Herbivore/Volt Absorb/Motor Drive Pokemon. Sandstorm and Hail mess up your only recovery. Setup Pokemon, particularly ones with Hone Claws to boost their accuracy, will hurt you badly, especially if you don't get accuracy and defense boosts early on. Memento support could help, but Octillery still isn't that bulky. Without checking the lists, I'm guessing there are probably a handful of Pokemon who use Rain Dance and Thunder/Hurricane (too lazy to look up its English name right now), and another handful who use 100% accurate moves. Remember, the AI will use sets no human player would ever dream of using, and some of those will actually mess up Octillery pretty badly.

Also, Calm Mind Blissey. Hoooly crap. Even without Softboiled, that thing just will not die to any special attacker.

Aaaand, I just noticed there's a Choice Specs Latios. That's not super good against Inconsistent Octillery or anything, but it will definitely be massive pain, particularly in the lead position. What switch-in wants to take a Specs Draco Meteor?
Oh, yah, I forgot about Protecting on struggle not having recoil. So it should work! Probably might as well have Lum instead of recovery then in that case, for Static/Flame Body.

EDIT: By that token, since Drapion's not taking any hits anyway (or at least... does not need to), more attack EVs can be used instead to get more KOs. And also, similarly, because the stat booster does not even need to take any hits, things like Acupressure Dodrio (with Drill Peck) is totally viable as well... any stat booster that has a no-immune mono-attack (preferably STAB) can work probably, not as fail-safe as Acupressure though I guess, but faster set up.

EDIT2: O yeah, I'm currently just alternating between my Latios-Metagross-Suicune non-Trick team and my Uxie-Mismagius-Scizor fast trick team (literally a set of 7 this team and a set of 7 the other team)... currently at 84-ish... I wonder how far I'll get and which team will end up be the "losing" team. Both teams have pretty fast battles, which is nice.
Aaaand, I just noticed there's a Choice Specs Latios. That's not super good against Inconsistent Octillery or anything, but it will definitely be massive pain, particularly in the lead position. What switch-in wants to take a Specs Draco Meteor?

Does anyone know where to get the subway movesets? The link in the OP doesn't work for me. I tried a Google search, but couldn't find them.

Thank you, Team Rocket Elite.
I might as well make it official, Uxie/Heatran/Garchomp lost after 489 wins. I faced some bad luck and decided to break one of my rules. Toxicroak poisoned Ux turn 1. I think I used Scary Face twice, and continued to stall it out of Poison Jab, so that Ux could Yawn and Memento. Struggle got a crit on the switch, causing Uxie to only be able to Yawn. Garchomp put up a sub and Sword Danced on the next turn. I was supposed to attack. One sub and one SD is usually better than two SDs and no sub. I knew that a Toxicroak crit would kill it and leave me subless. I was irritated and went for it, much to my regret. Anyway, it only gets worse. I took out the next pokemon, and then Infernape shows up. It had a plus speed nature(16%). Down went Garchomp. I was happy to see that Heatran survived a Close Combat and did like 75% with Flamethrower.

Peterko, I'll update my OP with that, so that you don't have to link to this post.

The good news is, this happened a while ago, my new team is currently at 448 wins.
Good job FastHippo! Interested to know about your new team too! I wish I got 400+ win hehe.

Nothing much from me other than more misplays stopping me from even reaching 200, and today I was trying for a speed run, but I LOST at the last pokemon of #48 at a time of 73 minutes ... had a pretty good chance to beat Peterko's 78 if only I didn't lose hah. O well. It's not like that's an extremely serious record anyway.

Was using Latios-Metagross-Suicune. Suicune only showed its face once before losing this one. I was just trying to get through the battle too quickly.

Faced something that Latios couldn't OHKO that can OHKO Latios in return (forgot what it was), Metagross finished off with Bullet Punch. Snorlax 2nd pokemon. EQ did less than half. Snorlax's EQ did more than half (got Gross to low yellow I think). Snorlax's life orb made Snorlax have less than half. I didn't want to risk not KOing Snorlax, so switched to Suicune (who took a LO Double Edge), and was greedy (and also not sure if Surf would KO anyway) and Calm Minded once taking another Double Edge, Surf KOs Snorlax, around 30% health left after leftovers. Last pokemon was Raichu and I knew I was screwed since both my pokemon were outsped and in KO range of for Raichu, which used Volt Tackle twice and KO'ed both my remaining pokemon. 73 mins. D'oh.
I uploaded my first video! My team has 560 wins.

Latias @Choice Scarf


Empoleon @Leftovers

Stealth Rock

Salamence @Lum Berry
170/205/101/xxx/100/152 If I overcome my inertia, I'll change to

Dragon Dance

The goal is to PP stall the tricked pokemon, put SR down and then put it to sleep just as it uses its last attack. Salamence needs 3 DDs to be more powerful and faster than Garchomp with one SD.

I usually try to keep Latias available. I often switch it back in after a pokemon goes to sleep so that I can usually Charm, but to sometimes use the other moves. Sometimes I can Charm and Flash something, unTrick it and let Salamence setup after it falls to sleep.

Empoleon resists everything that Latias doesn't resist, and of course has that 4x Ice resistance.

The key is knowing how to handle the different types of Strugglers. HAVING A SUB UP FOR SALAMENCE WHEN I'M DONE IS VERY DESIRABLE. There are at least 4 major types.

Pokemon that can't break Salamences sub with a crit.

I DD until I get to 6 and then sub. Or I sub on its last struggle.

Strong pokemon that can break Salamences sub with a crit.

I put up a sub right away. I continue to DD and attack when one crit will leave Salamence naked.

Weak pokemon that can break Salamences sub with a crit.

I DD until a crit would prevent me from being able to sub and still have more than 25% health.

Pokemon that require Outrage to be used.

I often sacrifice Latias after the Yawn, that way Salamence gets an extra turn to setup.

Of course, it becomes much easier when something has been Charmed.

Troublesome pokemon for this team are Tupac '96, just kidding, if you get it, holla back.

Fast OHKO users- no explanation needed

Abomasnow leads- the snow makes it very difficult to get setup properly

Blizzard users- I HATE getting frozen, at least they usually have a weak struggle

Strong physical attackers that KO Latias turn 1- two crit struggles after an immediate wake up can be bothersome

Insomnia pokemon- I have to switch on the 1st struggle, costing me at least one turn of setup

STAB Outrage users- Outrages are difficult to count because of the confusion caused by Confusion. I usually end up Charming and Flashing to -6. Or I just Charm and sacrifice Latias after the Yawn

2nd and 3rd pokemon with Bright Powder,LxIn, or Quick Claw- it usually takes both activating, or a double BP miss

I'm proud to say that on more than one occasion I have withdrawn a fully setup Garchomp or Salamence, in order to win a match, rather than risk a naked BP miss. Once I had to switch because a pokemon MIGHT have had a Quick Claw, turned out that it did.

This is a video of one of my tougher battles, Latias fainted turn 1 to Megahorn.
#525- Latias survives a crit IB from Vaporeon, Empoleon is frozen on the switch and doesn't thaw out. I make several mistakes, especially missing out on knowing the opposing trainer, forcing me to sub 1 turn early.
#530- An example of the power of the reTrick. Recover and Flash working TOGETHER.

Over the course of two battles, Empoleon was frozen for 19 consecutive turns. This is not an exaggeration, I have to count the opponents PP so that I know when to Yawn. Fortunately, in the second battle, it woke up in time to at least Yawn. Did I mention that I HATE being frozen?
I just got to 161 in the pearl battle tower (singles). Not sure if it really matters, since most people are focused on Pt/HG/SS BT records and the upcoming B/W subway (upcoming for me, anyway, as I lack access to a japanese version). At this point the streak is still going (sorry peterko), but I was proud to hit the top 25 on my first 100+ streak.
(begin +words)
At first, I was only interested in getting to 100 (105) to get the 5th trainer card star, and once I did I set the game down for a bit. after perusing the smogon forums for B/W info and downloading the giveaways, my anticipation built to the point that I had to see how far I could push my standing streak. so without further digression:
(End +words)

Rotom@ Choice Scarf
Ivs: 11/28/1/29/28/29
Evs: 252/0/40/0/32/186
Stats: 147/75/87/114/90/133
Thunder Wave
Confuse Ray

(going to fix this guy so his spread will be 147/75/88/114/88/134)

Registeel@ Leftovers
Clear Body
Ivs: Pending
Evs: Pending
Stats: 264/139/233/114/269/84
Curse (12 pp, allowing for multiple +6 setups)
Iron Head

Garchomp (F)@ Lum Berry
Sand Veil
Ivs: 31/8/31/24/31/31
Evs: 6/248/0/0/4/252
Stats: 184/185/115/87/106/154
Swords Dance

(Begin +words)
Standard Tricksteel team with a dragon backup. the natures and Iv spreads on the rotom and registeel are subpar because they were both caught before I ever started even thinking about obtaining perfect pokes. the steel is from my ruby from back in the day, and the rotom I caught a loooong time ago. I'll have to update later with exact IV and EV spreads on the two, because I recently moved and misplaced my logbook.
Garchomp is my current pride & joy, though I messed up it's evs slightly and haven't felt like testing my luck and changing them. I achieved the IV spread though standard, non-PRNG abuse breeding. I had not even attempted to start understanding RNG abuse when I bred this chomp. Yes, it took forever, and yes, it has a subpar Atk IV. When this lady came around, I had just discovered the PRNG abuse guide, and thought I could use it to get the final 31 onto her. after many hours of learning, I came to the conclusion that I do not have the time to dedicate to PRNG abuse without an action replay.
(End +words)

As I said, standard trick team with sub and stat boost abuse. not 100% on this, but with 133 speed rotom hits 200 speed, which outspeeds everything in the bt save scarf absol 4 and electrodes 1/2/3 (16%), and is on-par with Aero 2/3/4, crobat 1/3/4, & jolt 3/4 (16%). not as good as he could do, as he could outspeed the whole tower. I debated alot about reflect vs light screen, and decided that it's mainly useful if I'm trying to set up chomp on something; if I'm setting up on something locked into a special attack, steel has amnesia so light screen would be useless, and chomp has crappy SpD anyway so he shouldn't be setting up on specials. the exceptions that come to mind are my stupidly locking something into flamethrower etc. in which case a lightning wave to slow it down would be a better choice anyway, to give steel the chance to amnesia prior to getting hit, or allow chomp to get a sd/sub.
Steel is a beast, and most of my wins i can attribute to his prowess. Someone said he's the hardest head in OU, and that's the truth.
Chomp is amazing, a brilliant revenge killer and one of the most reliable pokes for the bt. No explanation needed, you can find exhaustive amounts of info elsewhere.

As a team, I like how many shadow balls rotom attracts. Steel loves setting up on a shadow ball, even when it's stabbed. Same with crunch/dark pulse.

Alright, I think I have surpassed my word limit, as this is also my first post in the forums. Hopefully I'll be able to get a photo of my record soon; I know it's only required for the top 3, but I'll put it up if I can anyway. Sorry for all the words!

I will update with ev/iv spreads for tom/steel, photo, and when my streak ends, but will not spam with every successful 7 streak.
Good job in your new team and its streak, FastHippo!

I thought about using Latias + Empoleon combo too, but with Featherdance instead of Sub for Empoleon... and then I never got around to breeding for one. Nicely done. Hope you will at least break 500 this time.
Good job in your new team and its streak, FastHippo!

I thought about using Latias + Empoleon combo too, but with Featherdance instead of Sub for Empoleon... and then I never got around to breeding for one. Nicely done. Hope you will at least break 500 this time.

Thanks, I also had my eye on Featherdance. Empoleon has lot of potential. I added something, about the agony of being frozen, to my last post.

I hope to break 500, but I'm shooting for over "9,000!". I want to see that look on Vegeta's face, again. And just sayin', not saiyan, I introduced my kids to Dragonball, not the other way around.
ugh this was a tough one after accidentally hitting escape twice and had to start all over again...

updated the list after 51 days, hope I made no mistakes, everyone better check their records and post here

I´ve played doubles over the last 2-3 weeks in-between memorising/learning stuff for the bar exam (written part is in 2 weeks, oral part 2 weeks after that), immense amount of stuff to memorise, hope I don´t lose my sanity...well, 6-8 hours per day so far isn´t that bad, leaves me with plenty of time for relaxing...I´ll be forced to up that rate the closer I get to the exams

oh yeah, pokémon...I lost at battle #213 with my starmie-croak doubles team (the 415 one) a few days ago, don´t remember the start of the battle and too lazy to check (saved the video), it was 2-2

my 100% latios, 100% scizor VS pkmn breeder peter (lol me) with a 20% chomp and 35-40% metagross, garchomp outrage one-hit starmie the turn before I think, actually I was a bit surprised that chomp lived with as much HP after sucker and surf...

I intended to bullet punch chomp and finish (hopefully, yeah dmg calc says around 44% min) with a LO bolt on meta, garchomp fell and meta QC boomed both of my pokémon does 155-182 with 100% power against scizor, lol I don´t even remember how much HP I have (I checked, 156 heh ._.)...

it felt good to play, I mean I didn´t have troubles with remembering stuff/how to play/make the right decisions despite the break since I don´t know october...

BW is supposed to come out next week iirc, I´d like to open a BW topic (which would include these records) later in march, after my exams, maybe on april 1st (lol this one was created on april 4th, 2009)...I don´t think people will have records just a few days after the release...OK maybe from the japanese games...we´ll see

congrats to everyone with streaks and good luck as well, hey Hippo ;)
congrats to everyone with streaks and good luck as well, hey Hippo ;)

I was wondering why you were so quiet. I thought that you might be approaching Jumpman16's record. A long time ago, I seem to remember you saying that you were considering another run with Protect on Latias.

Would you be so kind as to explain why you prefer Garchomp over Salamence for your team. I looked around, but couldn't find it. I found some other good stuff from you, though. If I missed it, please just direct me to it.

I hope you do well on your exams.
I was wondering why you were so quiet. I thought that you might be approaching Jumpman16's record. A long time ago, I seem to remember you saying that you were considering another run with Protect on Latias.

Would you be so kind as to explain why you prefer Garchomp over Salamence for your team. I looked around, but couldn't find it. I found some other good stuff from you, though. If I missed it, please just direct me to it.

I hope you do well on your exams.

From what I can tell, the problem for Salamence is the lack of speed vs OHKO users just as much as the SD vs DD thing. Someone posted a useful list of OHKOer speeds after tricking them the scarf and Garchomp is 'safe' for a lot more than Adamant Salamence. I've gotten lucky with misses so far trying to work around it, but Garchomp's speed would be useful. I'm still trying to find that post again and see if Jolly would be better...

Nice to see all of these new one sweeper +stealth rock teams. I was kicking around something similar ages ago with a sturdy pokemon as the second crippler that I could never quite get to work.


Here we go. And Bozo had the same Jolly vs Adamant Salamence discussion as well earlier. And the EV spread analysis. Hmm.

Incidentally, why are you using the EV spreads you picked? It looks like you have the potential to be screwed over by OHKOs, perhaps pushing Empoleon to 81 speed to outrun Sheer Cold Lapras and Abomasnow would be useful? I have 252Attack/6SpD/252Spe at the moment on my Salamence without any real good reasoning behind it. And any chance you have a list of struggle strength categories you wouldn't mind sharing?
BW is supposed to come out next week iirc, I´d like to open a BW topic (which would include these records) later in march, after my exams, maybe on april 1st (lol this one was created on april 4th, 2009)...I don´t think people will have records just a few days after the release...OK maybe from the japanese games...we´ll see

congrats to everyone with streaks and good luck as well, hey Hippo ;)

I've got token Single and Double Battle Subway streaks. Neither is all that great but I guess it at least sets the bar somewhere. I haven't been having much luck in the Battle Subway.