Top 10 Platinum, HeartGold & SoulSilver
Battle Factory Single Records
(Level 50):
1. TotalPotato (52) -
2. Kamisutra (51) -
3. Fatum (50) -
4. Chinese Dood (43) -
5. redreoicy (42) -
6. Hutch3 (39) -
7. Apfelflapfe (37) -
8. Darkflagrance (36) -
9. Wichu´s brother (36) -
10. CBshuckle (35) -
According the the original post, I have now cracked the top 10 here. I just finished a run of level 50 Battle Factory in Soul Silver, and made it to
36 wins, losing on my 37th match. Unfortunately my options of Pokémon to pick from since this round started have all been horrible except for one, so my team at this point was Miltank, Absol, and Slowbro (he's the good one).
Miltank @ Scope Lens
Nature: Adamant / Ability: Scrappy
- Dizzy Punch
- Fire Punch
- Ice Punch
- ThunderPunch
Absol @ Razor Claw
Nature: Jolly / Ability: Super Luck
- Night Slash
- Psycho Cut
- X-Scissor
- Aerial Ace
Slowbro @ Leftovers
Nature: Quiet / Ability: Own Tempo
- Surf
- Psychic
- Ice Beam
- Trick Room
The battle went like this:
I send out Miltank, opponent sends out SALAMENCE.
Obviously. Whatever, Miltank has Ice Punch, time to get owned, dragon.
Salamence uses Draco Meteor. A critical hit!
Peace out Miltank.
I send out Slowbro to face the now -2 SpA Salamence.
Salamence uses Draco Meteor, Slowbro loses about a third (roughly) of its health. Slowbro uses Trick Room like a boss.
Next turn Slowbro uses Ice Beam and shows us that big, angry dragons are no match for a derpy looking thing with a shell on its tail.
Opponent sends out Tentacruel next.
Slowbro outspeeds thanks to Trick Room and fires off a super-effective Psychic. Of course, it's not enough to KO Tentacruel, who replies with a Sludge Bomb, putting Slowbro into the red.
Next turn Slowbro uses Psychic and finishes Tentacruel. I manage to take the lead after some first turn hax.
My opponent's last Pokémon is... MILOTIC. Wooow. Of course it is. I have one turn of Trick Room left, and Slowbro is at the point where it dies to just about any attack, so I go for Psychic just to do some damage.
Slowbro uses Psychic, Milotic uses Mirror Coat. Slowbro faints, and Trick Room ends.
I send out Absol. Basically I need to score a critical hit to win. Absol has an ability that boosts its critical hit chance, an item that boosts its critical hit chance, and a STAB move with a high critical hit chance. So I'm feeling not too bad. I mean, if my opponent gets a crit on turn one, why can't I? Especially with all that going for me!
Absol uses Night Slash! It's a...........regular hit.
Milotic uses Hydro Pump. A critical hit!
I'm pretty sure that Hydro Pump would have OHKOd Absol anyway, but the computer getting the critical hit that I needed was just extra salt in the wound.
I'm pretty pissed, as if I had won that battle, I could have traded for Draco Meteor Salamence for the next round, and that plus my Trick Room Slowbro would have made for a pretty alright team. Ah well, welcome to Pokémon. =P
I still think it's a pretty decent record, and it's good enough to get me into the top 10, so I'll still count this as a victory. ^_^
Cheers, best of luck to everyone else Battle Frontier-ing, may the hax be on YOUR side. ;D