Peterko, in cooperation with gamefreak,
proudly presents
The personification of pure evil a.k.a. biggest pokémontroll a.k.a. "simply" FUCKER Thorton
since monday, I did several Battle Factory runs
I achieved a streak of 19 & 20 on monday (losing to Thorton in 4 turns, pimp-hypnosis-pimpCH-pimp
a streak of 16 and 18 on tuesday
the 16 one I had a team of gallade, kazam and victreebel
oponent was machamp3, slowbro3 and claydol3...what can I say, QC quake CH turn one on gallade, kazam (the cool 4 attacker moveset) beat champ and hurt bro, vicy (iirc the power herb one) finished bro off, but freaking gaydol has like 5 more base speed so it OHKOed before I did :(
the 18 one hurt sooo much that something else got almost hurt...I am talking about pure anger that only this facility is able to produce
anyway, #17 was rampa2, claydol2 and togekiss2 and I was told I would have to face a milotic with toxic, I quickly checked the set and saw no attacks, but somehow didn´t see c-ray among them (thought attract but that´s a different set)...
I had like the most awesome "core" in gyarados and salamence as #2 and #3
plus flygon as #1, but I´m swapping each battle so I got togekiss and planned to set up gyarados (DDer with rest), sala was the lum outrage one
basically went like DT, I got to +6 and missed but then hurt myself in confusion and died to toxic, got an AP boost (hustle) but kept missing, died to toxic...salamence hit like the first outrage, then hurt itself 3 times, then hit again, but whatever, awful shit
who creates pokémon sets with zero attacking moves? that´s true pokétrolling at its finest
anyway, after a burst of anger (swearing) that took like 15 seconds I said seriously? I´m never gonna ever enter this motherfucking fucker facility again, I´m
not a person that enjoys being induced by pain
what a surprise!
I came back the next day, thinking "what the fuck am I doing here?" ...basically I´m not giving up that easily, there´s absolutely no logic behind it whatsoever
I only did one streak yesterday as I slept after work for like 2, but whatever...
being the awesome pokébattler I am, I got to 21 again
I had this absolutely brilliant weavile as my starter (the CH one with n-slash, ice punch, AA, BB) since the startup choice, this thing simply killed a lot of stuff
second poké was the special nidoking, which, in hindsight, really disapointed me as it does crap damage...third poké was the one I swapped
sceptile, quagsire, dewgong
hypno, aggron, salamence
kingdra2, croak2, floatzel2
wailord3, bat3, noir3
ambipom2, phan2, harry2
meta3, mime3, pory-z3
again, everyone´s favourite (not) fucker...I´m told that he owns a lead skarmory, now isn´t he a cheater? of all the stuff he could choose he gets brave bird skarmory that kind of laughs at weavile and OHKOs it...perfect
maybe this was a mistake on my side (although I bet I would´ve lost 100% anyway), but I let this guy as my lead and swapped #3 and got metagross (hammer+elepunches) as my switch in to skarm and hopefully take him down (LO+recoil+tpunch)
here we go (68%)
I switch to meta, skarmory uses steel wing....and gets a CH (of course)
skarmory brave birds, meta tpunches...good, I´m getting yoo next turn BB
shouldn´t KO me
skarmory uses brave bird, A critical hit! metagross fainted...way to go sir, way to go...
vile got rid of skarmory
in comes...wailord (great, what a fucker you are thorton, one of the worst kind)
weavile night slashes for around 40%, wailord used fissure, vile fainted (hahaha)
game over, gogo nido!
wailord´s QC activates, hydro puuuuuuuuump, KO
another streak bites the dust :/
today...I´m on fire like always (haha funny as we´re speaking about freaking 14 battles)...
glaceon2, nidoking2, blissey2
armaldo2, amphy2, flareon2
walrein, lickilicky, espy
rhydon2, milky2, quag2
muk3, flareon3, bro3
vicy3, walrein3, froslass3
and now, the star of the show, we all know who he is although we´d rather forget he even existed
#2 is leaf storm sceptile, #3 is muscle band brave bird avatar, #1 I swap
I´ve been told that he uses a lapras with surf
now I had muk, scep and starapetor (by the way, set1 is awesome as a lead in 1-7)
vicy can powerherb solarbeam, wailrein can sheer cold, froslass can expert belt bolt, kind of unusual because there´s more to choose from
I do a damage calc that shows me that lapras will survive the solarbeam (seriously fuck this), obviously lapras would ice beam me to death...going for walrein asks to lose, so I took lass, which does like 45-53% with bolt (I didn´t consider IVs, question here: does he use flawless pokémon or 16 IV ones?)
here we go (51%)
bolt, 48%, surf
d-bond, ice beam, takes lapras with her down to hell
I sent in avatar to intimidate I don´t know what
I face a latias, intimidate, white herb (oh fuuuuuu.k) know what´s coming
latias used draco meteor, avatar fainted (good god, why in the world does that (BAN ME PLEASE) have to use a freaking latias of all things?)
gogo sceptile
dragon pulse, more than 50%, draco meteor, I´m at like 120HP
dragon pulse, latias fainted
COME ON! please something I can freaking STORM WITH MEH LEAFS BADLY!!!!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Thorton sent out
motherucking blissey
that´s right, a blissey...hahaha there´s no word for what a cheater he is
so I start to focus blast, hit 3 times, get a def drop, pissey (like the only poké I hate) misses sing but then softboils, laughing off the super effective 120 base power hits
I miss the next 2 focus blasts, pissey lullaby, dream eater x2, gg (not)
this got rather long :/
long story short, don´t play the factory
if you like pain, there´s a billion other things you could do to yourself instead of playing the factory (although I recommend to stay away from harm, life and health is precious you know)
19-20-16-18-20-20, yeah I´m that good in the factory :(