I finally got a win streak of 109.
My team:
Uxie @ Choice Scarf
IV´s: 31/30/31/x/31/31
EV´s: 252 Hp/ 152 Def/ 104 SpDef
~ Trick
~ Stealth Rock
~ Safeguard
~ Memento
My Lead. First Trick the oppenent a Choice Scarf, then set up Stealth to Destroy the Focus Shashes of the Remaining Pokemon or to simply damage them with up 1/2 of their HP. If their Lead used T-Wave, Confuse ray etc., simply Safeguard to help the other teammates and Memento at the end.
Garchomp @ Lum berry
IV´s: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EV´s: 4HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spe
~ Substitute
~ Swords Dance
~ Earthquake
~ Outrage
After Uxie´s Support, create a Sub, then SD up to 3x and own with Earthquake or Outrage. Lum Berry prevents the Confuse Damage.
Scizor @ Leftovers (Tecnician)
IV´s: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EV´s: 248 HP/ 252 Atk/ 8 Spe
~ Swords Dance
~ Bullet Punch
~ Super Power
~ Substitute
This covers Garchomps Weaknesses pretty nice. Additionally, it ´s very good in taking Uxie´s Ghost/Dark/Bug moves and gets the lost HP back with Lefties.
How I lost: In Battle 110, there was a Lead Dewgong with the OHKO move "Horn Drill" and the item which allows him to strike first sometimes (don´t know the English name, sorry). He first K.O. ed my Uxie and then broke 3x The Sub of my Garchomp, suddenly, the 4th time, he attacked my 2 times a row, when I couldn´t set up my my Sub ( I think I wouldn´t have left enough HP too). I forgot about Scizor, sorry because this really made me angry.