Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

only quick, and no time to read everything since i was here last, but i went past 413 a couple of days ago. not much since then... hope you're all having a great Christmas!
hello people I am new to this forum even though i have read alot particularly on this thread. anyway i was thinking of making a team like this

Latias@choice scarf
244 HP / 158 defense / 108 speed
-Thunder Wave

Dragonite@lum Berry
252 HP / 252 Atk / 6 Spd
-dragon dance

and then maybe an empoleon with moves like swords dance waterfall drill peck or maybe with special moves. also any help would be appreciated thank you in advance. oh and by the way the ev spreads are from peterkos lily and dragonites are similar to garos
let's assume you mean dragon dance on dragonite since it doesn't learn swords dance and then ask why you would prefer it to salamence? while i do like dragonite, intimidate is exceptionally useful in setting up.

and second we'll ask why you would want to try a trick based team with a dragon type tricker in latias, and follow it up with another dragon type in dragonite. Meaning your last Pokemon has to be able to set up on and beat each and every lead that has a dragon or ice type move (and rock if you count that dragonite is weak to rock every turn it isn't roosting). a pure psychic trickerster (cresselia, uxie, mesprit) is better suited with dragonite because they don't share any of the same weaknesses, meaning dragonite can switch in on signal beams aimed at the pixies much easier than it could switch into an avalanche aimed at latias.

while empoleon does fit the bill of walling all the moves the dragonite and latias are weak to, it really doesn't have the assets to fill out the team the way you want it to. on the special side, empoleon is quite powerful, but, with only a petaya berry to boost its special attack AND needing agility to boost speed, empoleon will rarely manage to effectively sweep a team. and swords dance is nice, but it still needs agility because it's slow, and now it is forced to use the lower attacking stat.

coming up with three pokemon that can handle countless combinations of pokemon is very tough, and while you may get lucky and get up to 100 or so with that trio, odds are against you and certainly against a more impressive streak.

what am i up to these days? hopefully getting a decent streak using a new team. i'm convinced that the crunch-sub-protect-dragon dance tyranitar is useful, and still wish that i could come up with a better way to set up NP infernape... i think i have found a way to utilize at least one of them better.

but dragonite and salamence are just so damn appealing... sigh. AND i really want to try spiritomb because pressure-spite seems so awesome, wasting 6 PP instantly, it's just too slow, has too low base HP, andddd really wishes it had recover instead of pain split.
Sub Petaya Empoleon can't 2HKO Snorlax, Cresselia, Blissey (and probably a couple others), so I am not sure it will be too good, since it can't boost its SpA outside of Petaya.

Jolly Sub Salac SD Empoleon with SD / Sub / Waterfall / Return at +6 can OHKO most things (sorry didn't do a lot of calcs but I am pretty sure), but only outspeeds up to +base 115 (will for sure lose to sash timid Jolteon and sash electrode).

Adamant Sub Salac SD Empoleon with SD / Sub / Aqua Jet / Return can OHKO a lot and 2HKO everything else with +6. (Torrent Aqua Jet is basically like Scizor's Technician Bullet Punch with a lower base attack but better coverage), but more things outspeed it (it outspeeds up to positive 100 or neutral 115... Jolly Garchomp outspeeds Empoleon). Of course +6 isn't guaranteed, nor is having a sub intact facing the remaining 2 pokemon.

So either Jolly waterfall or adamant aqua jet it's still risky in situations. There's also SD / Agility / Sub / Metal Claw (lol, that's Empoleon's most powerful physical steel move) or Drill Peck (which is 100% accurate and higher base power than metal claw and no immunes), but that's probably not that great either with such a weak attack. If not for water absorbers and dry skin, torrent boosted waterfall would have been good.

Anyway, I was going to test something out with Spiritomb too... ... But busy breeding for something else at the moment.
I do agree kingbattlus with the fact that i would attract alot of ice type moves but that is why my empoleon has a double resistance to it and with such high special defence can easily set up on an ice move. and thank you for pointing out the swords dance I meant to put in dragon dance. While reading over your post again maybe I should replace latias with uxie and have aqua jet on empoleon to fix speed problems.
Oeff, made it till 198 undefeated battles @ the Pearl Doubles Tower, lost because I've letten Bronzong set up on me :( Used the same team as I did on Platinum.

No need to add me though, will try again and hope I'll hit third place at least :)
Anyone that got over 100 in double battle. Did you get a trainer star for the 100 streak? Or is it singles only. Thanks I'd really like to know.
Anyone that got over 100 in double battle. Did you get a trainer star for the 100 streak? Or is it singles only. Thanks I'd really like to know.

It worked in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl. I imagine it works for the Platinum Double Battle Tower, but I haven't tried it myself.
Ok two sets of 7 with my new team and i haven't had any real scares... it's a trick team and i haven't seen Meta4 yet though so we'll see lol I did, however, run into a Gastrodon right off the bat in the fifth battle as the lead (I flashed it down and set up, made a stupid but not costly mistake on the Lapras that came in next and cruised since).

Sooo current streak of 63!! lmao it's a work in progress.

I finally got a win streak of 109.

My team:


Uxie @ Choice Scarf
IV´s: 31/30/31/x/31/31
EV´s: 252 Hp/ 152 Def/ 104 SpDef
~ Trick
~ Stealth Rock
~ Safeguard
~ Memento

My Lead. First Trick the oppenent a Choice Scarf, then set up Stealth to Destroy the Focus Shashes of the Remaining Pokemon or to simply damage them with up 1/2 of their HP. If their Lead used T-Wave, Confuse ray etc., simply Safeguard to help the other teammates and Memento at the end.


Garchomp @ Lum berry
IV´s: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EV´s: 4HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spe
~ Substitute
~ Swords Dance
~ Earthquake
~ Outrage

After Uxie´s Support, create a Sub, then SD up to 3x and own with Earthquake or Outrage. Lum Berry prevents the Confuse Damage.


Scizor @ Leftovers (Tecnician)
IV´s: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EV´s: 248 HP/ 252 Atk/ 8 Spe
~ Swords Dance
~ Bullet Punch
~ Super Power
~ Substitute

This covers Garchomps Weaknesses pretty nice. Additionally, it ´s very good in taking Uxie´s Ghost/Dark/Bug moves and gets the lost HP back with Lefties.

How I lost: In Battle 110, there was a Lead Dewgong with the OHKO move "Horn Drill" and the item which allows him to strike first sometimes (don´t know the English name, sorry). He first K.O. ed my Uxie and then broke 3x The Sub of my Garchomp, suddenly, the 4th time, he attacked my 2 times a row, when I couldn´t set up my my Sub ( I think I wouldn´t have left enough HP too). I forgot about Scizor, sorry because this really made me angry.

you have to upload the pic to a site like imageshack so it can be hosted there, and then you can use
tags to have the picture show up here

anyway, dewgong doesn't have Quick Claw (the english name for that item) in platinum (or DP). lapras does, but it doesn't have horn drill, it has sheer cold, and it would be odd for you to misremember both the pokemon and the move it used against you even if both pairs are similar. and even with that, garchomp's sub would have failed on "dewgong's" last sheer cold as it hit garchomp, and then dewgong would have been locked into a struggle that scizor definitely would have been able to set up on. are you saying you ran or turned off the battle after losing garchomp to dewgong's last "horn drill"? it makes more sense for it to have been lapras that beat you since it wouldn't have locked itself into an attack after Quick Clawing Uxie with sheer cold on turn 1, otherwise you were still very much alive so i'm confused
Sorry for the Confusing, then I must be wrong. But I really remembered K.O. moves and how they broke through my Sub many times...
However, I will restart again with new movesets and this time, I will record the last battle. I also visited imageshack and uploaded the picture, but when I previewed the Post, this Picure was extremely large. This is the small version, but I think nobody can read this lol. Is there a possibility to make this larger or the original smaller? (Just found out that this picture contains a direct-Link)
Just thought I'd mention, in the Platinum singles my record's actually 95 and I used Latios, Gyarados and Garchomp. Must've got mixed up during the editing or something lol.
For the sake of my rapidly-declining sanity, I shall not return to the Tower, or the Frontier at all, in 2010.

Basically, in a battle between 49 and my record, I got screwed by a PI using lead Rhydon:

Quick Claw, Stone Edge hits, also crits CritMagnet just for fun (would've killed anyway...)

Garchomp's Sub hit by non-QC Horn Drill, Sub again but he EQs, my EQ fails to KO so Chomp dies.

Quick Claw, Horn Drill hits Registeel.

Conclusion: To anyone who has passed 500 battles (Peterko, Jumpman16, probably Bozo by now...), you are f**king lucky. And how the f**k did Peterko last 2363 battles without such BS occuring until then?

In the Tower, Luck > Skill. I've known that for a long time, but........

screw it, I'll play some fun games. The only thing I still play Pokemon for is a real-life tournament next July (2010) in my city, where I intend to win, as opposed to being ridiculously haxed to a loss in the quarter-finals this year (2009).

Anyway, I hope this message doesn't come across as overly moody (kind of hard to talk about hax with a neutral tone), it's just that I probably won't have much to say in this thread any more.

I'll still be around Smogon though, since this site is FTW. Don't get much internet time though.

"Good luck" (smirk) to all current and future Tower/Frontier enthusiasts who still play it.
Awww... That's really too bad.

I was originally going to go play Battle Castle because I was thinking that that's probably the facility where HAX can actually be controlled / avoided (with the use of CPs), just have to plan a way to make CPs in non-haxxy battles. I never really quite thought of up a plan yet, but I thought of something to try out for Tower (similar to but not quite the same as the top records on the current list) so I'm doing that first now (just breeding atm). I'm going back to revisit Castle after this test for sure.

But maybe you can give Castle a try? You probably aren't going to be using Trick leads (but maybe that's a good thing since they probably get boring after a while anyway), but if you can think of a good team you can probably go for a long streak, making enough CPs to avoid potential hax by skipping battles or lowering opponents' levels.
Conclusion: To anyone who has passed 500 battles (Peterko, Jumpman16, probably Bozo by now...), you are f**king lucky. And how the f**k did Peterko last 2363 battles without such BS occuring until then?

In the Tower, Luck > Skill. I've known that for a long time, but........

screw it, I'll play some fun games. The only thing I still play Pokemon for is a real-life tournament next July (2010) in my city, where I intend to win, as opposed to being ridiculously haxed to a loss in the quarter-finals this year (2009).

Anyway, I hope this message doesn't come across as overly moody (kind of hard to talk about hax with a neutral tone), it's just that I probably won't have much to say in this thread any more.

No offense taken. Mainly because:

252 Adamant Quick Claw Rhydon Stone Edge (CH)
vs. 252/12 Bold Cresselia : 64.8% - 76.7%

252 Adamant Quick Claw Rhydon Stone Edge (CH)
vs. 252/4 Bold Mesprit : 88.2% - 104.3%

And vs. a 21-IV Trainer:

252 Adamant Quick Claw Rhydon Stone Edge (CH)
vs. 252/4 Bold Mesprit : 85.6% - 101.1%

As you can see, nothing I've ever used is very threatened by even QC CHes. While MH does more, Rhydon's fetish with using Horn Drill and the AI's with Stone Edge in general (pokes using it without STAB an awful lot because of the CH chance) explains why I've never been QC CHed by Megahorn (which Cresselia still has a remote chance of surviving if used by a 21-IV trainer), since this is even less likely to happen than the 5.3125% it is on paper.

And as a reminder, I lost with my Startarchomp team at 204 two years ago when 204 was still impressive to the same exact thing you did, a mere Quick Claw activation (Megahorn there) with no CH. I vowed then never to use a pokemon that could put me in a world of shit since then if I wanted a big streak. Even Lopunny had to be CHed by Rhydon's QC SE/EQ to die (and again, from a 21-IV trainer Lopunny had about an 18.75% chance of surviving such a CH). By the way, Rhydon isn't guaranteed to kill your Togekiss with a CH Stone Edge: it does 93-110%

I commend you for using a poke no one has tried before. But you can either quit forever now, or come over to the dark side like Peterko finally had to and use a much more reliable Trick lead (he tried Persian at first) to get a big streak. I gave up on expecting much from "fun" teams two years ago, and someone with your signature wouldn't be faulted for having even less mercy on the Battle Tower/Frontier since you can't have your cake and eat it too.
Hey I got 50 at the Battle Castle with this team:

252 Att / 252 Speed / 4 HP
-Swords Dance
-Stone Edge

Basically just yache chomp without the yache, I'm so cheap I didn't even give my pokes items. Later on I never really got the chance to SD, but he still had enough power anyway.

252 Att / 252 Speed / 4 HP
-Close Combat
-Stone Edge
-Shadow Claw

Just an all-out attacker, with 252 speed he outspeeds a lot since the battle frontier doesn't max iv's before battle 49.

252 HP / 252 Att / 4 Def
-Meteor Mash

Switch him into the ice attacks, choice band set without the choice band. He survives a lot of things, explosion is pretty much a OHKO.

I basically saved all of my bp, only using it to heal, for 28 battles. Then I skipped the next 20, beat the castle valet, won the next match, and then lost to a team with 3 ice pokemon.

Also, I got 186 in the battle hall with standard sash chomp, the only change I ever made was using a yache berry in the ice round. I lost on battle 187 vs. a glaceon, I used outrage, it survived with a small amount, it used blizzard, I survived due to focus sash, then it killed me with ice shard.

I used:
Garchomp @ Focus Sash
Sand Veil
252 Att / 252 Speed / 4 HP
-Swords Dance
-Aerial Ace (this moveslot didn't really matter except to hit shedinja and DT'ers)
has anyone else here had amazing luck like i had on this match against thorton?

this was at lvl 50

Thorton had sent out a umberon and i sent out my berloom.

i sky uppercut and umberon curses,
i sky uppercut again: ko

Thorton sends out meganium

meganuim ancientpowers and i sky uppercut
meganium sunny days and i sky uppercut
meganium ancientpowers and i use seed bomb: ko ( i used seed bomb so i wouldn't miss)

Thorton sends out wailord

i use seed bomb: ko

i win easily
has anyone else here had amazing luck like i had on this match against thorton?
Yea, it happens to most people. THe difference is that most people don't warstory a good or lucky game, but only the games that go badly wrong.

Also Dr.D, I would look into what jumpman said. This thread, although partly designed to help others, is competitive. If you want a high streak, no-one here will get annoyed or upset if you use "safer" options like garchomp, Scizor etc, or more reliable leads like Cress or Uxie or Latias. If you do want to be different, you must realise that you are limiting your potential streak in not using the best options availible to you.

and anyone who is going to the castle, the golden rule is "better safe than sorry". Don't think you can "get away" (i.e. not healing and not checking their pokemon) after every battle after 21.

I haven't been active much, some of you may know I was Llewellyn. Also my commiserations and congratulations to Peterko and Bozo. Both streaks were incredible.
I just lost at the tower with a streak of 89 and, oddly enough, I didn't lose due to hax or a major misplay on my part. I pretty much played the optimal strategy from what I knew and I still lost, kind of funny.
I believe that I have achieved a record here, I am working on getting a picture, I will edit it into later.

I got 188 record in the battle hall in pokemon platinum.

I did this with my salamence nicknamed emomence

I used a sashmence, it carried focus sash, its EV spread was 4HP/252Atk/252Spe, it is adamant, its moveset was fire fang, earthquake, outrage and dragon dance, I usually outraged, except for steel types and abomasnow/snovers, on those I either used fire fang or earth quake depending on which. the focus sash allowed me to get 2 hits in, which outdamages CB.

I lost because when I battled a scizor on my 188th battle, I missed twice with fire fang as it KOed me with iron head and bullet punch, it went like: fire fang missed, foe used iron head, fire fang missed, foe used iron head, foe used bullet punch and I got KOed
Having reviewed the list I noticed a lack of [reported] attempts at Battle Arcade Doubles.
I took a shot at it on vacation however I accidentally chose the 'time and space is distorted' icon and my streak ended due to hax.

P-Z/Cresselia v Lapras/Swampert. It never occured to me Swampert would carry Ice Beam and my Garchomp was ohko'd due to lack of items. Lapras' Waterfall flinched Cresselia thrice rendering her unable to kill Swampert while P-Z evaded Muddy Water five times, killing Lapras but being killed by a double team of Vaporeon and Swampert's Muddy Waters.

I got to 36, a terribly small number compared to many streaks but I'll build it up once I'm done with my Hall attempt.

So Battle Arcade Doubles Streak: 36
This is small enough I don't think anyone really needs proof but I'll upload a pic tomorrow if need be, since it is the current #1.

I feel as though I need a team less reliant on items, since I use this team for the Tower and Hall (individually) as well.

Garchomp @ Yache (when not Arcading)
252 AT / 252 SP / 4 HP
Swords Dance
Fire Fang

Cresselia @ Lefties (sans Arcade)
I actually don't remember her EV spread but it was defensive with some speed IIRC, full spread
Energy Ball
Sleep Talk

Porygon Z @ C Scarf (usual exception)
252 SpA / 252 SP / 4 HP as I recall
Ice Beam
Swift (this was originally a VGC team and the lv 50 cap posed a problem for Tri Attack)
Hidden Power (unfortunately I don't remember what HP this is..)

Gallade @ C Band
252 AT / 252 SP / 4 HP as memory serves
Ice Punch
Psycho Cut
Brick Break
Shadow Sneak

Suggestions for the team for the Arcade would be appreciated - I got messed up in Singles as well from the lack of my usual items.

P-Z was on a roll in the Hall until I hit a Wobby.. had I not I'd have gotten to 170 at least.

In case anyone wants to see an extremely long Cresselia stall battle (me v Palmer for the gold): 13-19664-70564
After that I got to 59 iirc.

P-Z's HP hits Aron/Lairon, Magneton and Houndour SE but hits Medicham NVE. Skarmory takes neutral.
I thought it was HP Fighting but I could be wrong.
Oh, interesting. I will give Double Arcade a try in the next 2 or so hours using Vaporeon + Starmie + something else to see how far I get (and then re-edit this post).

EDIT: @Yeti, it should be Hidden Power Fighting.

EDIT2: OK, I lost at 39. I'm kind of glad I lost since it wasn't that great of a team (I basically just put it together on the spot), and plus it's almost 3am. I should sleep.

Lead1: Starmie - Timid - Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP 252 SpA 252 Speed
IVs: 29 / 29 / 25 / 29 / 30 / 31
Psychic / Surf / Ice Beam / Thunderbolt

Lead2: Vaporeon - Bold - Water Absorb
EVs: 152 HP 248 Defense 100 SpA 8 Speed
IVs: 31 / 16 / 30 / 31 / 31 / 30
Brine / Toxic / Protect / Helping Hand

3rd Pokemon: Jolteon - Modest - Volt Absorb
EVs: 4 Def 252 SpA 252 Speed
IVs: 22 / 30 / 26 / 31 / 31 / 31
Thunderbolt / Shadow Ball / HP Ice 70 / Discharge (had Protect for a while up until 29 or so).

Basic Strategy:
- Surf + Helping Hand 2HKO (or better) nearly everything neutral.
- Facing Grass types = Helping Hand + Ice Beam (or Psychic for Grass/Poison).
- Toxic Bulky stuff.

How I lost:
- Got "Trick Room" effect for the roulette, facing Miltank, something slower than Starmie that OHKOs Starmie (I can't believe I forgot what it was since the battle was less than 5 mins ago lol), and Toxicroak.
- What it boiled down to was that after Trick Room was finally over my Vaporeon with about 60% health was facing a paralyzed Toxicroak. My Vaporeon has nothing to hit Toxicroak (it was a dry skin one), so I'm dead after a few turns.
- Interesting to note that I might have been able to win if I kept Jolteon's Protect (Jolteon needed one more turn to stall out Trick Room). Discharge was really beneficial a number of times though (Quite a few times, Surf + HH leaves both opponent leads at low health, and then Starmie is KO'd. Discharge + Protect then easily dispose of both without being attacked due to Jolteon's speed).

But meh, even though I didn't have problems when I faced them, I'm pretty scared when I see an Abomasnow (which is neutral to Ice Beam), especially leading. Bulky Grass types are in general threatening, but it's cool that most of the ones that can be specially defensive (i.e. not Leafeon / Tangrowth which Ice Beam takes care of) are part Poison, letting Starmie use STAB Psychic. That's why Ludicolo could potentially be tough to beat too (only faced one as the 3rd pokemon, which isn't that threatening). Snorlax could also be potentially deadly. I faced one only. Vaporeon used Toxic, hits, no immunity, so it got down after it took Starmie out but fails to take out Vaporeon.

Anyway, this was just a sort of break from my breeding (I don't RNG abuse. It's going to take a while).
Also, I got 35 at the stupid battle factory. I lost in the absolutely cheapest way - it was physically impossible for me to win. I was starting a new challenge, and here were my 6 pokes:
Tangrowth, Shiftry, Steelix, Lickylicky, Ambipom, and Muk.

In the first round, I was put against a heatran.

Heatran OHKO's tangrowth, shiftry, ambipom, and steelix with flamethrower, 2HKO's muk with earth power while the best I can do with it is explode which doesn't even KO, and 3HKO's lickylicky whose best option is return, which does next to nothing. The only ground move was known by tangrowth who would have been easily OHKO'ed by flamethrower.