Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

just got a 169 in the battle hall
lost to kingdra because it used yawn
big wth
am i able to get on the list and if soo what info do you need

Info that might be needed: It's generally useful to mention what Pokemon you were using...

i.e. Garchomp will always lose to Weavile.

Back when I did my Gold Print run in the Hall with the generic Garchomp Hall set, I always won against Weavile by temporarily using the move Fling for the Ice and Dark sets, which I always eliminated first during my 3 or 4 attempts before winning - while holding a Razor Fang to always flinch Weavile first, removing its Focus Sash. And Weavile was always too foolish to think of using Ice Shard on my full health, non-Sash Garchomp.

And on a random note, does anyone else think that perhaps Peterko has been purposely avoiding the thread and doesn't want to acknowledge on the records list that Jumpman beat him? I think it's probably more likely that he just doesn't care about Pokemon much now (don't blame him), judging by when he said "lol pokemon" recently.
And on a random note, does anyone else think that perhaps Peterko has been purposely avoiding the thread and doesn't want to acknowledge on the records list that Jumpman beat him? I think it's probably more likely that he just doesn't care about Pokemon much now (don't blame him), judging by when he said "lol pokemon" recently.
He will return, he's not gonna hide because Jumpman passed him, in fact, I actually think he is rechallenging to post a score like 3000+ or something, lol.
But I do think he has watched this thread after Jumpman posted his score, so it might have to do something with that fact that he haven't logged in ever since.

Well, if he never returns, the OP can't be edited so we might have to start a new topic.
No need, Peterko's not a little girl or something -_-

Edit: Bozo, nice streak, I also like your team and video :)
but, just being curious here, doesn't it bother you to use three Shiny's when playing the Battle Tower?
It annoy's me so badly to see those starts pop up every damn battle when I'm having a nice run =/
just wanted to let you all know i finally broke 500 with my battle tower team :)

smart aussie indeed, congrats. i wondered when someone would be smart enough to go back to diamond given the fleshing out of the best strategies in platinum, since 499 was a much easier number to shoot for than 693 or 1001 or 2363. smarter still because i'm not at all inclined to go back to pearl...actually the only thing that would so incline me would be to use a "DP Only" team to beat you but lol if i have that kind of time. you almost make me want to include dates on all the records so people remember TRE had it for a full year then me having it for 13 months of whatever ;) (not including november 2008 when peterko briefly caught me)

and how's this for a close match (somewhere around 520).

  1. latias vs medicham. latias used trick. missed. medicham used attract. latias falls in love.
  2. immobilized by love. ice punch - down to about 90hp. frozen.
  3. switch in registeel. ice punch. almost no damage.
  4. switch in latias (fire punch please?). drain punch - down to about 50hp.
  5. hmmm...... if latias is going to do anything it will have to unfreeze on its next available turn, so.... latias is frozen solid. ice punch KO's. switch in salamence for intimidate.
  6. switch to registeel. ice punch - lol damage, frozen.
  7. switch to salamence. focus punch - down to about 100hp. ok, registeel is frozen, so cant set up, and risks focus punch anyway while it does non-damaging moves (if it ever thaws out). so its pretty much up to salamence, and i havent even seen the other two pokes.
  8. salamence used outrage. OHKO on medicham (no bright powder hax this time).
i think i would have swap-whored at that point instead of outraging. if you go back to registeel, youre taking a negative net damage from -2 ice punch thanks to leftovers (probably, it does 9-11 HP damage and you recover 11), and then salamence comes in to take a -3 focus punch for 42-49 and is at 51 HP min. at this point you can roost up to 136 HP...while -3 ice punch could kill here because it does 112-136 to salamence normally, sala's roosting, and will only take 56-68 damage, leaving you at 68 HP if you so choose to roost there. ice punch will do 33-40% and you could win the "recover loop", but better still would be to go back to registeel to take shit damage from IP, then go back to salamence aiming to roost again. at -4, medicham does 96-116 to sala when it's not roosting (this all assumes medicham actually has a +atk nature, which is just a 16% chance to begin with), and i think it's less risky to chance a few hits on naked salamence from -3–-6 medicham than to fire away with outrage on...yeah this is the part where i realize you have EQ and not roost, lol. pretend i typed all that to show why "i think you should have roost"

Info that might be needed: It's generally useful to mention what Pokemon you were using...


Back when I did my Gold Print run in the Hall with the generic Garchomp Hall set, I always won against Weavile by temporarily using the move Fling for the Ice and Dark sets, which I always eliminated first during my 3 or 4 attempts before winning - while holding a Razor Fang to always flinch Weavile first, removing its Focus Sash. And Weavile was always too foolish to think of using Ice Shard on my full health, non-Sash Garchomp.

this made my morning, actually, since this is a 100% way for garchomp to beat ice punch/ice shard weavile@focus sash and anyone who knows anything about pokemon should double take at that. too bad razor fang garchomp can't beat the rest of the ice types reliably (at all) or you would have been onto something!!

And on a random note, does anyone else think that perhaps Peterko has been purposely avoiding the thread and doesn't want to acknowledge on the records list that Jumpman beat him? I think it's probably more likely that he just doesn't care about Pokemon much now (don't blame him), judging by when he said "lol pokemon" recently.

he's gone several days without "logging in" before in the past several months so i'm not that surprised. he does actually log in and log out though, so i think it's likely he knows by now that i passed his streak. i was going to wait until he came back before just editing myself in (something i can do anytime i want) but it's been long enough and outsiders arent going to check page 70-whatever for proof posts
If you're only aiming to reach 170, Infernape can do it without much trouble. The problems I was refering to are ones you face after 170 since you have to be able to defeat all 17 types with only 2 movesets.

After I thought about it, Counter + Fake Out + Focus Sash should take care of all the troublesome Flying Pokemon. You'll still have two more moves to deal with the other Flying Pokemon and Pokemon from at least 8 other types.

Slowbro, Starmie, Gyarados, Suicune. Water is a problem as well. I think you need Grass Knot to beat Slowbro. Starmie forces you to put in a lot of speed EV. You're probably going to need Hidden Power Electric for Gyarados since you probably can't afford Attack, Speed and SpAtk EVs. Infernape needs Mild + piles of SpAtk EV + Nasty Plot + Grass Knot to beat Suicune. That pretty much sets your moveset in stone and it looks pretty bad. I think Empoleon will still kill you due to Aqua Jet so it still doesn't even cover Water.
Jumpman16 said:
this made my morning, actually, since this is a 100% way for garchomp to beat ice punch/ice shard weavile@focus sash and anyone who knows anything about pokemon should double take at that. too bad razor fang garchomp can't beat the rest of the ice types reliably (at all) or you would have been onto something!!

Oh, I didn't even know other people played the Ice/Dark sets with the hope of not meeting Weavile... I just did it that way to save time... iirc I only employed that strategy from whatever the earliest battle of 10 is in which Weavile can appear, and went back to the normal set after all Ice/Dark types were eliminated. Interesting fact: my 170 Matron Argenta battle was against Blaziken - gg.

he's gone several days without "logging in" before in the past several months so i'm not that surprised. he does actually log in and log out though, so i think it's likely he knows by now that i passed his streak. i was going to wait until he came back before just editing myself in (something i can do anytime i want) but it's been long enough and outsiders arent going to check page 70-whatever for proof posts

Hmm, yes... he does seem somewhat inconsistent in his login patterns, so I guess it's not too unusual yet. I don't blame him for playing fun games now instead of Pokemon (you've gotta admit, it does get really boring...), as I do that more than I play the game now. I'm currently breeding my new team member for the Tower... anyway, I knew from observation that admins could edit other people's posts, so I wasn't worried about the records never being updated... we're lucky you still frequent this thread, Jumpman.

Lightsabre said:
so if you're holding a flinch item and you fling it, the opponent will automatically flinch? I think I need to look into that

Yes, 100% of the time as long as you move first (obviously) and they don't have Inner Focus. Random useless gimmick I thought of: Weavile using Fake Out followed by Flinging a Razor Fang - double flinch, lol.
Well, if he never returns, the OP can't be edited so we might have to start a new topic.

my guess is he has seen the posts (reading while not logged in) but hasnt had enough time to log in properly to update everything (theres a lot to update) and didnt want to log in even briefly or else heaps of people would PM him asking why he hasnt done it. a few people have things to do in real life too ;)

Edit: Bozo, nice streak, I also like your team and video :)
but, just being curious here, doesn't it bother you to use three Shiny's when playing the Battle Tower?
It annoy's me so badly to see those starts pop up every damn battle when I'm having a nice run =/

thanks :) and yeah, it takes a little extra time, but i have always liked shinies, so im happy to see the starts every battle :) and i usually only see two of my pokes each time!

smart aussie indeed, congrats. i wondered when someone would be smart enough to go back to diamond given the fleshing out of the best strategies in platinum, since 499 was a much easier number to shoot for than 693 or 1001 or 2363. smarter still because i'm not at all inclined to go back to pearl...actually the only thing that would so incline me would be to use a "DP Only" team to beat you but lol if i have that kind of time. you almost make me want to include dates on all the records so people remember TRE had it for a full year then me having it for 13 months of whatever ;) (not including november 2008 when peterko briefly caught me)

yeah, thats kinda why i tried it :) but to tell you the truth, i think it probably took double the time my 459 on platinum did because of the slowness of the battles.

i think i would have swap-whored at that point instead of outraging. if you go back to registeel, youre taking a negative net damage from -2 ice punch thanks to leftovers (probably, it does 9-11 HP damage and you recover 11), and then salamence comes in to take a -3 focus punch for 42-49 and is at 51 HP min. at this point you can roost up to 136 HP...while -3 ice punch could kill here because it does 112-136 to salamence normally, sala's roosting, and will only take 56-68 damage, leaving you at 68 HP if you so choose to roost there. ice punch will do 33-40% and you could win the "recover loop", but better still would be to go back to registeel to take shit damage from IP, then go back to salamence aiming to roost again. at -4, medicham does 96-116 to sala when it's not roosting (this all assumes medicham actually has a +atk nature, which is just a 16% chance to begin with), and i think it's less risky to chance a few hits on naked salamence from -3–-6 medicham than to fire away with outrage on...yeah this is the part where i realize you have EQ and not roost, lol. pretend i typed all that to show why "i think you should have roost"

i didnt have roost, oh wait..... :) besides, a single crit and it was all over. im pretty the best thing would have been to switch out as soon as trick missed and i got infatuated. going to steel and then coming back to try tricking again would have been better.

how it ended:

  1. i was watching tv so i dont even remember the first pokemon. but it was some legend which registeel set up on easily.
  2. next pokemon is heatran. at full health these guys are pretty easy to handle. i select substitute just in case i had taken enough damage from the previous foe, and it uses fire fang and doesnt break the sub. this is good because fire fang heatran is so easy to beat usually.
  3. next turn FF breaks my sub and i sub again.
  4. FF, iron head. i can see it will be a 5HKO as usual.
  5. i select IH again, but this time FF crits and breaks the sub (usually takes about 3 hits to break otherwise). IH gets it to just over half hp.
  6. FF burns, and i sub. FF did 20hp here, so i know i would have survived a non-crit FF the turn before.
  7. i figure now i need to KO this in 3 hits and then scramble for the last pokemon, which could be any legend. so, FF then IH which does hardly anything thanks to the burn which i had sorta forgotten about. i figure i am going to die of the burn before KO'ing heatran, so i switch back to latias, hoping i can maybe lower its attack and set salamence up with at least one DD.
  8. latias comes back in. FF, burns. this burn is hardly important, but the AI just thought it should throw it in i guess.
  9. charm, explosion. it doesnt quite KO me, but burn takes me down to 5hp. what will the last pokemon be......
  10. out comes regice. ok, this might not be as bad as it sounds. i thunderwave, seeing as not much else will be any good. (i could have recovered, but it would be risky at best, since i'd have to hope it didnt use ice beam.) it kills me with thunderbolt.
  11. i thought about looking up the sets to see what it might have had, but decided to stick to my guns of not consulting the lists.
  12. in the end i decided i'd have to try and weaken it with burned iron head for a couple of turns and then see if i could finish it with outrage. and you never know, it might be FP for one turn which would basically give me a victory.
  13. IH, thunderbolt. IH does about 30% or so. leftovers restores its health.
  14. protect! IH does nothing. now i have really only one more IH unless it is FP.
  15. IH, thunderbolt crit! noncrit would not have killed me, but i would prob have died to burn, so whatever. again, the AI just wanted me to know it was in charge of this battle!
  16. out comes salamence. im pretty sure outrage cannot do 75% to regice, which is roughly what its at after lefties. so i choose sub, hoping for a FP, but....
  17. sub, ice beam.
  18. sub, ice beam.
  19. sub, ice beam.
  20. sub, ice beam.
  21. i am now naked at 2hp, while regice is pretty much at full hp. it could still be FP, or i could get a crit.
  22. outrage (about 65% damage, meaning i could not have KO'd it previously). ice beam. the end!
and now for a jumpman-style analysis of the hax. these things needed to happen for me to lose this match:

  1. crit FF to break my sub. 1/16
  2. FF burn the very next turn before i subbed. 1/10
  3. regice moving 9 times in a row while it was paralyzed. (3/4)^9
  4. regice not flinching in the two turns IH hit. (4/5)^2
  5. grand total = 1/3329 - for comparison, 6 OHKO moves hitting you in a row has odds of 1/1371.
note that i didnt even count things like "odds that the last poke is regice" or the random burn on latias and CH on registeel. (maybe i should also have counted "three non-CH's on regice which would take the odds to 1/4040.) well, i feel sad that the streak had to end, but at least it ended in the way most good streaks end, with stupid hax.

If peterko reads this, i've added this post to the one above so the team info, proof pic, and tale of my demise are all in the same post.
I want to use Salamence as Mixed sweeper in the battle tower
Item: Life orb

Dragon Pulse

Is the moveset fine? (I dont want less than perfect accuracy attacks because I hate to miss)
I want a +speed nature...Shall I reduce defense or special defense?
I want to use Salamence as Mixed sweeper in the battle tower
Item: Life orb

Dragon Pulse

Is the moveset fine? (I dont want less than perfect accuracy attacks because I hate to miss)
I want a +speed nature...Shall I reduce defense or special defense?

Great job utilizing Mences great spA and using it as a mixed sweeper. I dont see anything wrong with the moveset but you could put in aerial ace in for crunch as its stronger with stab and maybe fit outrage in their but it depends on mences role on your team. Becuase of intimidate you probally use the + speed - defence nature but it dosnt really matter that much, Also if you can explain what the other team members would be (if you have then yet of course) I could elaborate more (if you want me too lol)
Great job utilizing Mences great spA and using it as a mixed sweeper. I dont see anything wrong with the moveset but you could put in aerial ace in for crunch as its stronger with stab and maybe fit outrage in their but it depends on mences role on your team. Becuase of intimidate you probally use the + speed - defence nature but it dosnt really matter that much, Also if you can explain what the other team members would be (if you have then yet of course) I could elaborate more (if you want me too lol)
I was planning to use Salamence, Metagross and Vaporeon...

Item: Leftovers
??? (I don't know at the moment)
Ev'd to be a mixed wall (I think the nature will be bold, and I will put the Ev in order to reach almost the same score in defense and special defense, the rest will be put in Special attack or Hp)

Item: Choice band
Bullet punch
Ice punch
Thunder punch
Ev'd to be a tank (Hp and Attack, I found a Metagross with very good Iv in everything but low speed, an IV of 11 if I recall right)

Note: I don't want to break any record, I just want to reach 100 wins and have fun while playing the battle tower
ANY suggestion is welcome, please don't be harsh
I'm not too sure who your lead is but salamence would be good as a lead because intimidate also you could try this

Salamence @life orb
-Dragon pulse(or other SpA move)

roost would be for more survivability cause of LO and outrage gives you lot of power and is goof as your only physical move. As for your strat what is it I guess you could sweep with sala and meta a wish pass when their low that would be good and original.
I'm not too sure who your lead is but salamence would be good as a lead because intimidate also you could try this

Salamence @life orb
-Dragon pulse(or other SpA move)

roost would be for more survivability cause of LO and outrage gives you lot of power and is goof as your only physical move. As for your strat what is it I guess you could sweep with sala and meta a wish pass when their low that would be good and original.
Maybe it's just me, but I fail to see why I should use roost
Salamence is fast and strong, I want to kill things using his high offensive stats...
With Dragon pulse, Earthquake and Flamethrower I can hit every pokemon for at least neutral damage, and I can use Both attack stats
Aerial ace gets stab and can't miss, but I fail to see against who is useful, because I already have flamethrower to hit grass type...maybe Fighting type, but since Salamence has flying as secondary type they're stab attack won't do much damage
Outrage seems a good idea, but If I use


Which attack shall i use in the last slot?
I want a special one, otherwise It's almost physical-only, and I could use Garchomp, which gets stab on EQ, but since the only notewhorty special attack is Hydropump that has 80% accuracy, I don't see how to replace it..
P.s: Thanks for the lot of suggestion you are throwing around, btw ^_^
I was thinking of using shipship's team of tyranitar garchomp bronzong except I'm not sure whether I should use his special attacking CM version or the standard physical attacker. My lead will be a standard lum berry jolly DDtar with crunch, stone edge (or rock slide?), and EQ while Chomp will be Banded (no need for too many stat-boosters). For bronzong in the final slot, I'm considering one of the following two options:

Bronzong @ Leftovers
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp. Def
-Flash Cannon
-Calm Mind


Bronzong @ Leftovers
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp. Def
-Iron Head/Gyro Ball (which one?)
-Light Screen

While I do already have 2 physical attackers, skarmory can't touch either zong so I'm not too worried about that.
@Dome: For Vaporeon's last move, if you're bothered to breed for hidden power, Hidden Power Grass may be fairly useful since your other members won't do extremely well vs water/ground types (LO Salamence Outrage or Draco Meteor won't OHKO 252 HP Swampert, for example). Otherwise, I think Toxic is also a very good alternative, as it works well alongside Protect. Of course, there's ice beam for covering grass / dragons if you want, but I think toxic is better.
@Dome: For Vaporeon's last move, if you're bothered to breed for hidden power, Hidden Power Grass may be fairly useful since your other members won't do extremely well vs water/ground types (LO Salamence Outrage or Draco Meteor won't OHKO 252 HP Swampert, for example). Otherwise, I think Toxic is also a very good alternative, as it works well alongside Protect. Of course, there's ice beam for covering grass / dragons if you want, but I think toxic is better.

i would definitely recommend toxic - it works great in the battle tower, and is actually quite fun to use in a sadistic kind of way...... i used it on milotic.
Hm, yah, actually, ... Toxic is THE option to go with, as it covers way more things than something like HP Grass. Toxic (with Wish and Protect) should take care of those water/grounds just fine anyway. I was just thinking, with Toxic, Vaporeon can probably take care of Palmer #2 all by itself, whereas without, it just sits.
I just lost at 169 in battle hall with

Salamence@focus sash
-Aerial Ace

Mostly I just used Outrage and Earthquake and the occasional AA against Brightpowder pokes (hardly ever used Flamethrower).

Argenta is such a cheater I done the ypes in this order Ice, Dark, Water, Rock, Ground and bug and Grass last. But it dosnt matter which type I choose she just uses whatever poke she wants. Anyway this is how it went.
Battle hall argenta sends out regirock so I earthquake and it does over 50% and i go yes But then I go no when Its sitrus berry kicks in and it then stone edges me to 1hp and I go come on give a critical hit but no i fail to ko and it then ko's me. theirs no way A garchomp would of lost to this because it resists stone edge and has stab on earthquake So I might try that next
I just lost at 169 in battle hall with

Salamence@focus sash
-Aerial Ace

Mostly I just used Outrage and Earthquake and the occasional AA against Brightpowder pokes (hardly ever used Flamethrower).

Argenta is such a cheater I done the ypes in this order Ice, Dark, Water, Rock, Ground and bug and Grass last. But it dosnt matter which type I choose she just uses whatever poke she wants. Anyway this is how it went.
Battle hall argenta sends out regirock so I earthquake and it does over 50% and i go yes But then I go no when Its sitrus berry kicks in and it then stone edges me to 1hp and I go come on give a critical hit but no i fail to ko and it then ko's me. theirs no way A garchomp would of lost to this because it resists stone edge and has stab on earthquake So I might try that next
so she cheated because you can't crit on demand?
so she cheated because you can't crit on demand?

No She cheated because of using one of the only pokemon that can beat me excluding brightpowder, quick claw even when She SHOULD of used a grass type because that's what I chose. It is also frustrating when your goal was to get to 170 wins and lose at 169 to argenta who used regirock out of all the others that I could of easily beaten
going through platinum again - icant believe how FAST it is compared to d/p. anyway, i get past battle 49, and then lol'ed at what happened fist move in the 50th. im up against walrein. trick misses, sheer cold hits. here we go... anyway, this is how it turned out:

  1. trick misses. sheer cold hits. latias dead. out comes registeel.
  2. fissure misses. sub.
  3. fissure misses. sub (fails).
  4. fissure misses. sub (fails).
  5. fissure misses. sub (fails).
  6. fissure misses. sub (fails).
  7. sheer cold misses. sub (fails).
  8. sheer cold misses. sub (fails).
  9. sheer cold misses. sub (fails).
  10. sheer cold misses. sub (fails).
  11. rest x9 as i power up (already had a sub).
  12. rest. iron head misses!
  13. sleep talk x2 as i kill it.
  14. cant remember last two pokes. registeel handled them pretty well.
i absolutely kid you not, and i saved the video as proof. might youtube it at some stage.

the odds of all that happenning (up to iron head missing) are 1/8260. compared with 1/8192 of the walrein being shiny lol......

PS. i believe this shows that the AI will choose the OHKO move which is supereffective on you if it has a choice. also, ive wondered for a while, given that it makes the "its supereffective" sound when it uses sheer cold on say latias, i wonder if the berries like yache berry would halve the damage from a OHKO - anyone tried this?
yeah i fell in love with platinum all over against after my run to "lol 499", every single move selection takes a full second longer to kick in than in plat, was probably some very redundant code in there. anyway the trick miss and ohko hit first turn is classic horrible BT hax, but i'm not sure the rest of the stuff you calculated really matters all that much—when it missed with fissure, you were almost bound to get out of that with a sub and at least 25% HP because you played it the way you were supposed to and subbed preemptively eight more times. it was the bad luck of the first turn vs. the great luck of nine OHKOs missing in a row, which is 3% vs. 4.03% even if you didnt need all that good luck. walrein would had to have hit six out of the eight remaining times to really screw you there, which is a 1.13% probability.

No She cheated because of using one of the only pokemon that can beat me excluding brightpowder, quick claw even when She SHOULD of used a grass type because that's what I chose. It is also frustrating when your goal was to get to 170 wins and lose at 169 to argenta who used regirock out of all the others that I could of easily beaten

list of Lv100 pokemon your salamence probably loses to:

H462 | Yanmega | Rash | Petaya Berry | Bug Buzz | Air Slash | Endure | Reversal | Def/SpA ft does 99% max
H464 | Glaceon | Rash | Icy Rock | Hail | Blizzard | Ice Shard | Swift | Spd/SpA
H454 | Weavile | Adamant | Focus Sash | Night Slash | Ice Punch | Ice Shard | Quick Attack | Atk/Spd
H461 | Togekiss | Modest | BrightPowder | Air Slash | Aura Sphere | Thunder Wave | Roost | SpA/SpD
H449 | Bronzong | Quiet | Leftovers | Extrasensory | Flash Cannon | Trick Room | Protect | Def/SpA
H284 | Slowbro | Modest | Sitrus Berry | Water Pulse | Psychic | Ice Beam | Flamethrower | HP/SpA
H371 | Abomasnow | Adamant | Sitrus Berry | Wood Hammer | Avalanche | Brick Break | Iron Tail | HP/Atk (FT only does 88-105%)
H329 | Manectric | Modest | Focus Sash | Thunder | Flamethrower | Swift | Signal Beam | Spd/SpA
H398 | Articuno | Modest | Apicot Berry | Blizzard | Air Cutter | Reflect | Roost | Def/SpA (if it reflects then roosts)
H423 | Tyranitar | Brave | Quick Claw | Stone Edge | Crunch | Dark Pulse | AncientPower | Atk/SpA
H440 | Registeel | Brave | Sitrus Berry | Iron Head | Flash Cannon | Giga Impact | Thunder Wave | Atk/SpA (you will always activate sitrus and need 100% max damage twice to kill [52.5-62.5%] meaning you only 3HKO, it will TW and only need to flinch you once which is a 47.5% chance)
H386 | Gengar | Timid | Razor Fang | Shadow Ball | Sludge Bomb | Hypnosis | Nightmare | Spd/SpA (one hypnosis and you're kinda screwed)
H471 | Uxie | Bold | Focus Band | Extrasensory | Yawn | Dream Eater | Swift | Def/SpD (outrage never 2HKOs and yawn is trouble)
H353 | Relicanth | Brave | Shell Bell | Head Smash | Aqua Tail | Earth Power | Double-Edge | HP/Atk (EQ isn't 2HKOing after shell bell in spite of 50/50 Rock Head chance)
H457 | Rhyperior | Brave | Quick Claw | Rock Wrecker | Earth Power | Giga Impact | Reversal | Atk/Def (EQ never 2HKOs Solid Rock and this loves using reversal first turn even on resists, RW OHKOs afterwards if used)
H452 | Hippowdon | Adamant | Liechi Berry | Double-Edge | Earthquake | Yawn | Slack Off | Atk/Def (outrage doesnt 2HKO and this likes to yawn, so slack off + DE is trouble)
H303 | Tauros | Adamant | Persim Berry | Frustration | Iron Tail | Outrage | Zen Headbutt | Atk/Def (you can't 2HKO after intim, it can)
H314 | Granbull | Adamant | Focus Band | Return | Crunch | Close Combat | Stone Edge | Atk/Def (you can't 2HKO after intim, it can)
H321 | Miltank | Adamant | Leftovers | Body Slam | Zen Headbutt | Hammer Arm | Iron Tail | Atk/Def (almost never 2HKO with outrage after leftovers, body slam may 3HKO and can PAR turn 1-2)
H456 | Lickilicky | Adamant | Expert Belt | ThunderPunch | Ice Punch | Fire Punch | Body Slam | Atk/Def (outrage may not 2HKO)

so that's 20 pokes out of the 207 argenta can's obviously lame that she can use whatever she wants but a roughly 10% chance of beating you straight up isn't really that low
I know what you mean, it definitely ticks me off that Platinum designed the Battle Hall like that. I actually made it to 212 on the Battle Hall using a MixNape; Here it is

Infernape@Expert Belt
-Close Combat
This is an amazing set, some of my streak was due to luck, but it still got me really far.

On a side note, I think that the hardest streaks to get going are the Battle Factory ones, mainly because you have no idea what Thorton is going to use, and often lose to him due to having zero knowledge basis.

Peterko, I read your Emerald Battle Tower list and I thought it was amazing, It really helped me, do you think you could do one for Platinum also, I am willing to help you, I know it is very hard work.
there's several similar lists for platinum linked in his first post

anyway how did you beat any dragon types with that set lol

or most ground types

or most psychic types

or like half the water types (there's 39 of them)

or like half of the fighting types too lol what is this