yeah i fell in love with platinum all over against after my run to "lol 499", every single move selection takes a full second longer to kick in than in plat, was probably some very redundant code in there. anyway the trick miss and ohko hit first turn is classic horrible BT hax, but i'm not sure the rest of the stuff you calculated really matters all that much—when it missed with fissure, you were almost bound to get out of that with a sub and at least 25% HP because you played it the way you were supposed to and subbed preemptively eight more times. it was the bad luck of the first turn vs. the great luck of nine OHKOs missing in a row, which is 3% vs. 4.03% even if you didnt need all that good luck. walrein would had to have hit six out of the eight remaining times to really screw you there, which is a 1.13% probability.
No She cheated because of using one of the only pokemon that can beat me excluding brightpowder, quick claw even when She SHOULD of used a grass type because that's what I chose. It is also frustrating when your goal was to get to 170 wins and lose at 169 to argenta who used regirock out of all the others that I could of easily beaten
list of Lv100 pokemon your salamence probably loses to:
H462 | Yanmega | Rash | Petaya Berry | Bug Buzz | Air Slash | Endure | Reversal | Def/SpA ft does 99% max
H464 | Glaceon | Rash | Icy Rock | Hail | Blizzard | Ice Shard | Swift | Spd/SpA
H454 | Weavile | Adamant | Focus Sash | Night Slash | Ice Punch | Ice Shard | Quick Attack | Atk/Spd
H461 | Togekiss | Modest | BrightPowder | Air Slash | Aura Sphere | Thunder Wave | Roost | SpA/SpD
H449 | Bronzong | Quiet | Leftovers | Extrasensory | Flash Cannon | Trick Room | Protect | Def/SpA
H284 | Slowbro | Modest | Sitrus Berry | Water Pulse | Psychic | Ice Beam | Flamethrower | HP/SpA
H371 | Abomasnow | Adamant | Sitrus Berry | Wood Hammer | Avalanche | Brick Break | Iron Tail | HP/Atk (FT only does 88-105%)
H329 | Manectric | Modest | Focus Sash | Thunder | Flamethrower | Swift | Signal Beam | Spd/SpA
H398 | Articuno | Modest | Apicot Berry | Blizzard | Air Cutter | Reflect | Roost | Def/SpA (if it reflects then roosts)
H423 | Tyranitar | Brave | Quick Claw | Stone Edge | Crunch | Dark Pulse | AncientPower | Atk/SpA
H440 | Registeel | Brave | Sitrus Berry | Iron Head | Flash Cannon | Giga Impact | Thunder Wave | Atk/SpA (you will always activate sitrus and need 100% max damage twice to kill [52.5-62.5%] meaning you only 3HKO, it will TW and only need to flinch you once which is a 47.5% chance)
H386 | Gengar | Timid | Razor Fang | Shadow Ball | Sludge Bomb | Hypnosis | Nightmare | Spd/SpA (one hypnosis and you're kinda screwed)
H471 | Uxie | Bold | Focus Band | Extrasensory | Yawn | Dream Eater | Swift | Def/SpD (outrage never 2HKOs and yawn is trouble)
H353 | Relicanth | Brave | Shell Bell | Head Smash | Aqua Tail | Earth Power | Double-Edge | HP/Atk (EQ isn't 2HKOing after shell bell in spite of 50/50 Rock Head chance)
H457 | Rhyperior | Brave | Quick Claw | Rock Wrecker | Earth Power | Giga Impact | Reversal | Atk/Def (EQ never 2HKOs Solid Rock and this loves using reversal first turn even on resists, RW OHKOs afterwards if used)
H452 | Hippowdon | Adamant | Liechi Berry | Double-Edge | Earthquake | Yawn | Slack Off | Atk/Def (outrage doesnt 2HKO and this likes to yawn, so slack off + DE is trouble)
H303 | Tauros | Adamant | Persim Berry | Frustration | Iron Tail | Outrage | Zen Headbutt | Atk/Def (you can't 2HKO after intim, it can)
H314 | Granbull | Adamant | Focus Band | Return | Crunch | Close Combat | Stone Edge | Atk/Def (you can't 2HKO after intim, it can)
H321 | Miltank | Adamant | Leftovers | Body Slam | Zen Headbutt | Hammer Arm | Iron Tail | Atk/Def (almost never 2HKO with outrage after leftovers, body slam may 3HKO and can PAR turn 1-2)
H456 | Lickilicky | Adamant | Expert Belt | ThunderPunch | Ice Punch | Fire Punch | Body Slam | Atk/Def (outrage may not 2HKO)
so that's 20 pokes out of the 207 argenta can's obviously lame that she can use whatever she wants but a roughly 10% chance of beating you straight up isn't really that low