I got through 1 - 49 in Single Battle Tower in 98 minutes yesterday, primarily using this team:
Gengar / Timid @ Focus Sash: Shadow Ball / Thunderbolt / HP Ice 69 / Destiny Bond
Heatran / Timid @ Life Orb: Flamethrower / Earth Power / Dragon Pulse / Explosion
Flygon / Adamant @ Choice Scarf: Earthquake / Outrage / U-Turn / Fire Punch
I used this in place of Gengar (and Heatran had Choice Specs) in the first three or 4 sets though:
Jolteon / Modest @ Life Orb: Thunderbolt / HP Ice 70 / Shadow Ball / Signal Beam
Strategy should be obvious. Gengar and Heatran do most of the work. Actually Jolteon (in the early streaks) and Gengar do most of the work for most battles. Heatran resists all of Gengar's weaknesses, so Heatran can come in to KO stuffs fairly easily. Other than OHKOing all the opponents, the fastest battles would be Gengar 2HKOing something, Destiny Bond the 2nd, and Heatran explodes on the 3rd, if Heatran is faster, or surviving a hit and then explode, whatever works. Flygon is there for the Steel + Dragon combo so that after Gengar faints, the combo is still good, etc.
I'm using my real team to continue my streak now. It's proceeding a lot slower.
Gengar / Timid @ Focus Sash: Shadow Ball / Thunderbolt / HP Ice 69 / Destiny Bond
Heatran / Timid @ Life Orb: Flamethrower / Earth Power / Dragon Pulse / Explosion
Flygon / Adamant @ Choice Scarf: Earthquake / Outrage / U-Turn / Fire Punch
I used this in place of Gengar (and Heatran had Choice Specs) in the first three or 4 sets though:
Jolteon / Modest @ Life Orb: Thunderbolt / HP Ice 70 / Shadow Ball / Signal Beam
Strategy should be obvious. Gengar and Heatran do most of the work. Actually Jolteon (in the early streaks) and Gengar do most of the work for most battles. Heatran resists all of Gengar's weaknesses, so Heatran can come in to KO stuffs fairly easily. Other than OHKOing all the opponents, the fastest battles would be Gengar 2HKOing something, Destiny Bond the 2nd, and Heatran explodes on the 3rd, if Heatran is faster, or surviving a hit and then explode, whatever works. Flygon is there for the Steel + Dragon combo so that after Gengar faints, the combo is still good, etc.
I'm using my real team to continue my streak now. It's proceeding a lot slower.