Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

Wow it seems that a bunch of people are getting haxed a lot by the AI in the Battle Factory, it doesn't seem to happen to me that much but, things can always change:) Anyways a team I created all on my own has just successfully passed the 1-49 battle phase and hopefully it will surpass 100 wins as I have yet to get the achievement. Good luck to everyone who is struggling to obtain a somewhat decent streak in the Battle Factory, I will soon be tackling that once I'm finished testing this team I currently have a streak with.
And, what do you do when Scizor can't set up? Then your next opponent can't be locked into a move, may or may not be able to have its stats lowered if Latias faints, and... worst-case scenario, you're stuck on a move that's NVE and a switch to Scizor would kill him.

That's the problem I had with Garchomp and Drapion setups, So I went with a faster set up with Scizor and a sweeper with Kingdra, since the teams I had before such as ( Latias, Drapion, Garchomp ), ( Umbreon, Kingdra, Garchomp ) and so forth were getting troublesome, even to the point of almost losing due to a random set up with Drapion ( Battle Armor is great though! ) and Garchomp, yet with high attack, and the possibility that I should use him again, I ran into waaaay too many Ice attacks that got me frustrated.
I started playing Frontier on Factory (my Diamond went missing before I got to Tower, and never played for the frontier in 3rd gen). I hadn't even attempted the other facilities for a long while, until I had trained a decent team for them. I played Platinum Factory like nobody's business. I had to get enough BP to buy out TMs and EV training items before I could tackle the others.

I guess what my point is, I'm used to getting haxed out like mad now. I barely ever get past Thorton, I usually lose on the 3rd round. My record is 40 right now, but it was no easy task to reach that streak. I don't know how long it will take, but I will never give up until I get that gold plate!

By the way, that Infernape hax is pretty devastating, EddieD, I'm sorry. Goes to show why Brightpowder is banned in OU.
That's the problem I had with Garchomp and Drapion setups, So I went with a faster set up with Scizor and a sweeper with Kingdra, since the teams I had before such as ( Latias, Drapion, Garchomp ), ( Umbreon, Kingdra, Garchomp ) and so forth were getting troublesome, even to the point of almost losing due to a random set up with Drapion ( Battle Armor is great though! ) and Garchomp, yet with high attack, and the possibility that I should use him again, I ran into waaaay too many Ice attacks that got me frustrated.

With Garchomp and Drapion there are very few attacks that you can't safely set up on or stall out of PP and then set up on with the help of Mesprit. Scizor is a fair chunk more frail defenses-wise than Garchomp and sports a 4x weakness and less hp than Garchomp. Also, Garchomp has two STAB moves and outspeeds all but around 10% of the battle tower and one hit KO's the majority of them to boot. Scizor, on the other hand, only has Bullet Punch to make up for its horrid speed, which is resisted by four types out of seventeen. Scizor just doesn't have the speed or survivability to take care of things when your go-to guy gets KO'd.
To be fair, though, he's still a great pokemon when you can account for his shortcomings, only problem is, Kingdra doesn't, especially not with only a choice scarf.
(Although, I have to say, if Kingdra could learn SD in addition to Agility it would be an amazing accomplice to Scizor.)
---Originally Posted by Fat orius747
So, basically I've tried a bunch of things you've already disproven and come to the conclusion that you were right, and my variations are fun, but fundamentally useless.
Also, just curious what the IVs are like for the Drapion you're using? I bred for one with perfect Defenses and HP, though with 4 attack and 11 speed. Worthwhile, or no?´

Hey i dont know if you have HG or SS but it is so easy to breed a 3x 31 IV pokemon. By juggling the power items. In the end I used a male with 31hp / 31def / 31sdef with the HP power item attached and a female with 31 def / sdef with everstone. I would recommend using careful, uhm no i mean you HAVE to use carefull this way a lot of 2HKO turn into 3HKO which is quite nice :) i got easily till 130+ but lost against regice, which I would have won with a careful nature.
I ran a 28 attack and 13 speed because I wanted to go into the battle tower quickly to try it out.

Still have to breed one with carefull because i ran adamant. But I want to check out Skarmory in the B-tower
I tried running Sleep Talk over Substitute, which failed, too uncertain, and I end up KOing what I'm trying to set up on more often than not. OHKO moves are also a bitch to deal with. I also tried a Latias with Trick/Charm/Thunder Wave/Captivate, but found Captivate too little an advantage, and certainly not worth giving up Flash and gaining several unfavourable weaknesses.
I also tried Dragon Dance Salamence over Garchomp but found the six turn + Substitutes set-up to be too much. And in the largest culmination of failure the world has ever seen, I tried both your Drapion, and Peterko's Registeel with one Latias. Didn't even pass 49 wins with that one. :P

So, basically I've tried a bunch of things you've already disproven and come to the conclusion that you were right, and my variations are fun, but fundamentally useless.
Also, just curious what the IVs are like for the Drapion you're using? I bred for one with perfect Defenses and HP, though with 4 attack and 11 speed. Worthwhile, or no?

first, lol...does your browser have some plugin that autocorrects "imperfect" typing or did you actually correct my capitalization and punctuation by hand? kinda weird either way...

second, i considered sleep talk over sub but never tried it because i anticipated possibly killing things before being properly set up, and my decision to go with sub was confirmed when i realized it was the best and only way to combat OHKOs from pokes 2-3. and you can go back a couple dozen pages to read how heavily i endorse flash, i dont think i have to reiterate that here lol

you could actually probably get away with 4 attack, but 11 speed may annoy you if you ever have to combat gliscor with less than max attack and unboosted speed, even if you are subbed. two gliscor dont have any speed EVs for a 31 speed IV with 4 speed evs on your part eliminate any such threat

I changed Drapion's EV spread and nature for more bulk, switched leads and switched my backup. I originally had just changed the nature on Drapion, modified Mesprit's EV spread and nature, and used Salamence over Garchomp to help with the STAB Surf problem, but then I ran into the STAB T-bolt problem :/

I haven't started with the v.2 yet, but v.1 was an utter failure. Mesprit attracted far too many types of special attacks for my liking, and T-Bolt was a pain in the arse. Mence would sometimes even fail at setup, let alone be the Pokemon for my team to fall back on. It just had too many problems.

near-max SpD is the best for drapion, i learned it the hard way, so i'm not sure what you mena by "bulk" i cant help you any further without you posting your team (and im not scavenging serebii to do it, lol)
I could have a Kingdra set up as attack base with STAB moves such as Waterfall and Outrage, with EV's spread 252 Attack, 252 Speed, and 4 elsewhere, could also prove to be quiet powerful. But I'm going to see what works currently and move on from there in this battle tower go through, maybe even use Life Orb instead of Choice.
near-max SpD is the best for drapion, i learned it the hard way, so i'm not sure what you mena by "bulk" i cant help you any further without you posting your team (and im not scavenging serebii to do it, lol)

Yeah, mine is Careful with 220Sp.Def EVs. Max Hp, 32 in defense, and 4 in Speed. Gets it a statbase of 177/110/134/69/135/116 overall. Haha, I wouldn't expect you to go through the entire first page of IGRMT to find it either. Just letting you know in case you were interested.
Indignation over my correction of his post.
Sleep Talk sucks, Flash doesn't.
Gliscor is a douche.
If Captivate worked on everything I would use it over Flash in a heartbeat. That being said, it does not, so Flash is the better option of the two.
I agree with what you said about the attack IV, attack isn't a huge issue. I hadn't looked into speed too heavily, I merely thought that the extra speed could be handy for getting in an Accupressure before your opponent gets in a hit, possibly saving some HP.

Also, I did correct your post by hand, I'm an English major, so it irks me. I don't like making a huge deal about it, I just do it while I'm thinking over my post.

Originally Posted by Fat orius747
Breeding. Careful nature. Etc.
I'm going with Impish right now, purely because it's a pain to find a female Careful Skorupi when all you're doing is breeding for it (1/50 eggs will be female/careful.) I have two Skorupis, male and female with perfect HP and defenses, so breeding for better speed and attack wouldn't be too hard, I'm just not certain if it's worth the effort if I may need to switch to Careful later. I have noticed that I can't stall out certain pokes locked into Surf or Ice Beam or the likes, so a point for Careful, I suppose. On the other hand, I do enjoy seeing opposing Garchomps do laughably poor damage to me.
The best I've done is 129 At the Battle Hall With Lucario
252 Sp.Atk/252 Speed/4 HP
Aura Sphere/Dragon Pulse/Dark Pulse/Psychic

I lost to a Solrock because for some reason I let myself believe a giant stone Sun would be a Rock/Fire Type and Foolishly used Aura Sphere and didn't survive more than one turn. Would I still be going if I had used Dark Pulse? The world may never know. Anyways, I still had a bunch of Fire Types left to fight, I don't think the Gold Print was in my reach.
It did teach me to always bring a Focus Sash to the Hall, though.
lol wow, just wow. just faced Palmer2 and i got anally haxed, that shit was cheap. it was down to his full hp Regigigas4 vs my 19HP Garchomp and a full HP sash Weavile (FO/IP/NS/BB). Garchomp is in play with 19HP left after facing Cresselia's IB and confused, he sends out Regigigas, i don't want to risk Garchomp because of confusion, so i switch out to Weavile.
Regigigas used EQ, CH! Weavile down to 1 HP
Weavile used FO doing a little damage, Regigigas flinched
Regigigas outspeeds Weavile (WTF!) and used Crush Grip for the kill
sent out Garchomp w/ 19HP used Outrage praying for a CH, which didn't happen, Regigigas used EQ for the kill

i almost threw my DS after that. i saved the video, however my shit router is acting weird and i can't upload it to the gts.
That's strange that Regigigas was faster than Weavile, the only way this could have been possible is if your Weavile was paralyzed which couldn't have been possible because none of Palmer2's pokemon know any paralyzing moves so I don't know how that would be possible, maybe you weren't paying attention while your Weavile attacked with an attack after the Fake Out and missed due to Regigigas's Brightpowder and Regigigas finished off Weavile with Crush Grip.
Lol, even though I won the battle, I just played a battle tower match against an armaldo. All on the same turn, Armaldo's QC activates, OHKO's salamence with a Critical Hit Ancientpower, and then Armaldo recieves the ancientpower bonus. Although I still won, that turn was 1/8x16x10 = .00078 probability of happening.
Lol, even though I won the battle, I just played a battle tower match against an armaldo. All on the same turn, Armaldo's QC activates, OHKO's salamence with a Critical Hit Ancientpower, and then Armaldo recieves the ancientpower bonus. Although I still won, that turn was 1/8x16x10 = .00078 probability of happening.
.078%* Still, props on coming back from that, lol.
i saved it in my vs. recorder and i watched it, Regigigas really did go first.
Is your Weavile by any chance Brave with a speed IV of 1-5 with no EVs? If so, mystery solved.
Is your Weavile by any chance Brave with a speed IV of 1-5 with no EVs? If so, mystery solved.
no, not at all. i'm using the team similar to Bozo's with Adamant nature and i used Garchomp instead of Salamence.
anyways, i'm over this thing, but still, it pissed me off.

i think Peterko updates this thread once a month (?) and it may take a while to be added to the list. i'm not sure though :)
SoulSilver Battle Tower Single: 113 Wins

Proof picture:

So, here's my team:

Garchomp (Virgin) @Focus Sash
EVs: 6/252/0/0/0/252 Adamant
Rock Slide

Heatran (LeberTran) @Leftovers
EVs: 252/0/0/252/0/6 Modest
Heat Wave
Flash Cannon
Earth Power

Porygon-Z @Choice Scarf
EVs: 154/0/0/252/0/104 Modest
Tri Attack
Ice Beam

Why this set to P-Z? Because with this speed EVs and choice scarf it's faster than timid Starmie and Trick is especially for Heracross. When P-Z is in fight with Heracross it uses Trick to trap Heracross in Megahorn. Then I switch to Heatran and Heracross has no chance.
I have to say the battle #100 was pretty easy compared with the previous battle when I almost lost.


Battle 100: 58-25016-31100
Battle 114: 98-68466-73109
If Captivate worked on everything I would use it over Flash in a heartbeat. That being said, it does not, so Flash is the better option of the two.
I agree with what you said about the attack IV, attack isn't a huge issue. I hadn't looked into speed too heavily, I merely thought that the extra speed could be handy for getting in an Accupressure before your opponent gets in a hit, possibly saving some HP.

Also, I did correct your post by hand, I'm an English major, so it irks me. I don't like making a huge deal about it, I just do it while I'm thinking over my post.

I'm going with Impish right now, purely because it's a pain to find a female Careful Skorupi when all you're doing is breeding for it (1/50 eggs will be female/careful.) I have two Skorupis, male and female with perfect HP and defenses, so breeding for better speed and attack wouldn't be too hard, I'm just not certain if it's worth the effort if I may need to switch to Careful later. I have noticed that I can't stall out certain pokes locked into Surf or Ice Beam or the likes, so a point for Careful, I suppose. On the other hand, I do enjoy seeing opposing Garchomps do laughably poor damage to me.

yeah its even funnier now because i have a degree in english american literature and language from harvard and i type like this on purpose when i feel like it, lol. good practice for you (or anyone) though i suppose

anyway if you have hgss you should entertain the idea of using the power items for breeding skorupi, and fetching a careful ditto so you can get a careful skorupi via not sure you're familiar with the concept of everstone breeding actually cause it's 1/4 for a female careful if you have a careful ditto hold an everstone. you can get everstones pretty easy and actually utilize the goldenrod game corner's 200-coin abra by soft resetting till you get a synchronize careful one. read this guide if anything i said didn't make sense:
yeah its even funnier now because i have a degree in english american literature and language from harvard and i type like this on purpose when i feel like it, lol. good practice for you (or anyone) though i suppose

anyway if you have hgss you should entertain the idea of using the power items for breeding skorupi, and fetching a careful ditto so you can get a careful skorupi via not sure you're familiar with the concept of everstone breeding actually cause it's 1/4 for a female careful if you have a careful ditto hold an everstone. you can get everstones pretty easy and actually utilize the goldenrod game corner's 200-coin abra by soft resetting till you get a synchronize careful one. read this guide if anything i said didn't make sense:
Okay, if you were being lazy I would understand, but on purpose?
I do have HG/SS, and I do understand the breeding mechanics and I know how to RNG abuse for natures, IVs, shininess, etc... Which learning was an exercise in futility, as I'm completely against abusing RNG, but, whatever.
I have synchronizers for 21/25 natures now, except careful. I also have a ditto for every nature with at least one perfect IV... excluding careful.
I've been having too much fun stocking up my PC boxes with near-perfect IV-bred everything elses to bother breeding another Drapion right now, anyways. It's likely I'll breed for another one as soon as this streak ends, but that doesn't seem too likely the way things have been going. ;D
(Also, is Light Screen at all viable on a Mesprit lead? I've had a fair bit of luck with it so far, just wondering if there are any situations where it could be the death of me to run Light Screen over Flash. Also, how do you put a smiley at the end of a statement in parentheses? It just looks so... Ridiculous.)
174 in the Hall!

I got 174 wins in the battle hall with a lvl 50 garchomp, Surprise! I didn't realise it would be all rank 10's after 170. I just started doing them in the order I did them originally and got killed by a slowbro.

I went with Adamant (Atk and Speed EV), Rock Slide, Outrage, Earthquake, and Flamethrower. Ice, Water, Dark, Ghost, Normal, then whatever. I died maybe twice trying to get the gold print most of which was due to watching TV and spamming A to much. Garchomp really just makes the hall a grind...

Question, does it make any difference to use a higher level poke in the hall?