Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

I got 174 wins in the battle hall with a lvl 50 garchomp, Surprise! I didn't realise it would be all rank 10's after 170. I just started doing them in the order I did them originally and got killed by a slowbro.

I went with Adamant (Atk and Speed EV), Rock Slide, Outrage, Earthquake, and Flamethrower. Ice, Water, Dark, Ghost, Normal, then whatever. I died maybe twice trying to get the gold print most of which was due to watching TV and spamming A to much. Garchomp really just makes the hall a grind...

Question, does it make any difference to use a higher level poke in the hall?
It does make a slight difference, but it's very slight. And I've no idea what any of the differences are, mostly just a few points difference in a few stats, though, nothing major.

Edit: Ahh, I wasn't aware it was quite so large, my mistake.
The level of the Pokemon you use affects the relative level difference between you and the opponent. Using a lower level Pokemon will start you off with a larger relative level gap in early rounds, but it quickly closes as you get to a higher record. For example, the first Rank 10 Pokemon you'd face with a level 36 Pokemon will be level 29. Which is roughly equivalent to facing a level 80 with a level 100, compared to the level 88 you would have faced if you used a level 100. However, by about the 14th run or so, the Rank 10 Pokemon you'd face with a level 36 will be equal to your level. Which is worse than dealing with a level 94 Pokemon if you used a level 100.

Beyond 170, it is best to use a level 100 Pokemon, since you will have the largest relative level gap over the opponent. Even if this is only worth 1-2 stat points in all stats more over them, it makes quite a difference when you have to make your stats fit to give you a proper chance at defeating all the Pokemon in the hall.
While on the topic of battle hall if I use any pokemon at say level 42 could the opponent AI use a pokemon that would normally evolve at lvl 55 (Dragointe,Tyranitar) against me at A lvl where it is legally impossible to obtain it at that level?
what´s up girls?


as always, post in this topic errors in the records (if you find any)

yeah the lowest level you can enter the hall is lv.30 (you´ll face lv.24-24-25 IIRC in 10-20-30 or was is 23-24-24 lol?), TRE´s exp. with lv.36 is there because he can´t get a lower lv. pert :)

obviously above >170 challenging at any other lv. beside lv.100 is stupid...the oponents are lv.96 with 26 IVs and that´s quite a difference in stats that helps, well, gives you a chance to beat some of the counters

by the way, I have no clue how it worked, but last time I hovered above the postcount of this topic it showed a list of people who posted in this topic along with the number of posts, it was somewhat cool (any idea?)...hmm maybe it wasn´t the "replies" one

oh OK, nvm, you just have to click on "replies" :D
FINALLY got the 100 streak in the Diamond battle tower! I'm quite happy right now! I lost at battle 101, but I don't even care, I'm just happy I finally got the 100 streak!

Well, this is my team,

Garchomp-Adamant-Choice Band
Ev's-252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4HP
Fire Fang

Basically I just spam outrage and earthquake, I never used crunch, and I only used fire fang for Forretress and Scizor.

Starmie-Modest-Expert Belt
EV's-252 SpAtk, 252 Spd, 4HP
Ice Beam

You're standard Starmie, I would switch Starmie into any water pokemon that I thought would ice beam Garchomp and Thunderbolt to kill it. Nothing else really needed to explain here.

Metagross-Adamant-Life Orb
EV's-252 Atk, 130HP, 126 Spd (I'm not positive about this, I don't really remember what spread I used)
Meteor Mash
Hammer Arm

Metagross was the deal breaker so many times! I would switch Metagross into anything that threatened Garchomp or Starmie, it had enough HP to withstand 2 hits from just about anything except fire, which I would never switch it into. It would kill most anything with Meteor Mash, EQ, or Hammer Arm in 1-shot. Depending on how many pokemon I had left, I was more than willing to sacrifice Metagross and use Explosion on the next pokemon they would send out, which was a OHKO every time! And after that it was pretty much over!

I lost on 101 to a major hax! Lead Gengar, which I'd seen quite a lot, and never had any problems with it, it uses shadow ball, garchomp survives with a little over 1/2 health, outrage, and Gengar is dead. Well I got hit with a crit hit shadow ball and it one shot Garchomp. Can't bring in Starmie, so I send out metagross, he uses shadow ball, does like 2/3 damage, meteor mash kills it. Sends out Togekiss next, I use meteor mash, takes it down to red, aura sphere and I'm dead. Starmie is last now, I use Thunderbolt and Togekiss is dead. Sends out a scizor last and I'm screwed! I use Surf, doesn't kill it, X-Scissor and I'm dead and out! No crit hit shadow ball and I run over that team, but ohh well, it did the job and got me my 100 streak!

Here's the picture, I think you may have to right click and open it in a new window to be able to see it, but it's there!
just so you know, you would have won if you have gone with starmie on turn two, the gengar you faced is modest and starmie would have OHKOed of course, then 2HKOed togekiss easy allowing you to switch to a winning boom from meta. if scizor came out second instead you would have had a slightly harder time but EQ has a chance of 2HKOing where its XS does not so even if you die to life orb recoil starmie will 2HKO kiss clean regardless of whether it has to finish off scizor
just so you know, you would have won if you have gone with starmie on turn two, the gengar you faced is modest and starmie would have OHKOed of course, then 2HKOed togekiss easy allowing you to switch to a winning boom from meta. if scizor came out second instead you would have had a slightly harder time but EQ has a chance of 2HKOing where its XS does not so even if you die to life orb recoil starmie will 2HKO kiss clean regardless of whether it has to finish off scizor

Damn, I was worried about it being faster because of Starmie's modest nature. Can you point me in the direction of the link where it list all the pokemon you face in the battler tower and the details about each?
I got a streak of 179 in the battle hall using...well....Garchomp.
Garchomp @focus sash
Evs: 252 attack 252 speed 6 hp Jolly
Fire fang
Swords dance

I lost on 180 to a Drifblim who survived outrage (dang it 23 attack Ivs), then used shadow ball. After that It got to go again and finished me off with air cutter.
Damn more hax... Just lost a match cause of 6 turn freeze and 2 critical hits.

I somehow survived a double battle in which my Ursaring was frozen for twenty-three turns. I counted. Luckily, it was paired with a Follow Me Togekiss and a wishing Vaporeon... But facing "Okane-Kuma is frozen solid!" twenty-three friggin' times was a bit over the top. And it's meant to be a 25% chance to unfreeze each turn, too. ._.
And yes, I could have finished the battle before then, but I was in the castle and couldn't quite remember if status effects carried over or not, so I let him thaw out.
Wow, that's certainly a record. I thought I heard that it was only 20% each turn, but still I lost a swampert vs. porygon 2 matchup that I should have been able to win blindfolded.
Wow, that's certainly a record. I thought I heard that it was only 20% each turn, but still I lost a swampert vs. porygon 2 matchup that I should have been able to win blindfolded.
Ohh, ouch. I'm not sure what the odds are, but either way mine was an impossibly slim chance. I believe someone in the research thread mentioned it was a 60/255 chance or something of the sort, I'd check but I'm pressed for time.
Was your brush with hax in the hall?
I got a streak of 179 in the battle hall using...well....Garchomp.
Garchomp @focus sash
Evs: 252 attack 252 speed 6 hp Jolly
Fire fang
Swords dance

I lost on 180 to a Drifblim who survived outrage (dang it 23 attack Ivs), then used shadow ball. After that It got to go again and finished me off with air cutter.

a tip for future situations like this: if you SD, you will never lose. drifblim can't ko garchomp even with a CH. the only time it is troublesome (especially for an electric) is when you let Unburden and Petaya come into play

but I was in the castle and couldn't quite remember if status effects carried over or not, so I let him thaw out.

yeah status doesnt carry over, "unfortunately". i had a nifty strategy planed out with ursaring coincidentally that revolved around a first-battle toxic orb purchase for Guts then a choice scarf for rounds 2-7 to whore guts facade/EQ/Fire Punch but sadly status doesnt carry over, would have been fun to murder everything with essentially a CB and Scarf on the same poke and a 210 BP move that has a shot of ohkoing even armaldo and scizor (jolly too though jolly's kind of necessary cause you beat over 70 pokemon you wouldn't otherwise)
SoulSilver Battle Hall Singles: 185 w/ Garchomp



Jolly, with 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe (AFAIR).

- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Fire Fang
- Crunch

For the first matches (Ice, Water, Ghost -because of Froslass-, Grass, etc) I use Yache Berry to endure a potential KO. After finishing off all the types I'm afraid of, I take out Yache Berry for Choice Band. With a Choice Band, Outrage almost always OHKO all Pokemons except those bulky ones. In my 180 set of matches I was afraid from Psychic, Bug, and Steel because of Scizor and Bronzong. I believe a Fire Fang against a Heatproof Bronzong would suck, so I changed Choice Band with Life Orb, in order to switch between FF and EQ when needed. I think that's what caused me the lose; for Bug I faced Forretress and OHKO it with FF. For Steel it was Steelix and 2HKO it with EQ while he used Curse. Can't remember what was the Psychic Poke, though I believe I OHKO it with Outrage. Poliwrath almost ended my streak when he Hypnosis me, but thank god Chomp woke up right after and ended it with Outrage.

Then I had Electric, Water and Ice left out, I believe. Chose Water and Slowbro OHKO me with Ice Beam. I got him down to maybe 20% with Outrage and then Sitrus Berry activated. Maybe switching to Life Orb was a bad idea, but whatever. I believe the LO recoil (in case I used C Band) lost me this match because I remember facing a Lickilicky at Normal Lv10 that got me down to maybe 20HP with its Ice Beam. I dunno, I'm just guessing as I don't do damage calcs like you guys.

Might tackle it again.

Currently trying to get trainer card's star at the Tower while casually playing the Castle. Azelf is my lead and I'm doing good so far (not a trick team).

Long time lurker, amazed by everyone's strategies. Keep it up, fellas. :heart:
Battle Hall Singles: 185 w/ Garchomp


Long time lurker, amazed by everyone's strategies. Keep it up, fellas. :heart:
The Battle Hall has more hax than the rest of the Battle Frontier combined. But I have a very hard time believing you because you never mentioned Dark types. Dark and Ice in my opinion are the two biggest threats to Garchomp because of Weavile. I used a perfect Garchomp, (Jolly, 252 Atk 252 Spe 4 filler, with Outrage, Earthquake, Crunch, and Aerial Ace) and my record was 155 or so I do believe. On that run I ended up losing to a Yanmega due to major hax, but I only got that far because I didn't run into Weavile. Once again, Weavile is the biggest threat to Garchomp. So I question your streak.

But either way, I've given up on the Battle Hall because it really does suck, and I've been focusing my full attention on the Battle Factory, but my records never get to great levels. Somehow everybody gets an easier time than me in there too
God dammit, I'm so sick of getting haxxed. Specifically by Heatran. Brightpowder Tran comes in on Scizor, who's Subbed and at +6. I use Brick Break, and hooray, it misses. Flamethrower breaks sub. I use Brick Break again. IT FUCKING MISSES. Is that even possible? KO with flamethrower. Latias comes in, T-Wave. Heatran used Dragon Pulse, CRITICAL HIT! LATIAS FAINTED! Grr... I know I'm screwed, so I just shut the game off. That was the most BS I've ever experienced in the Bullshit Tower. Battle 163, btw.

I'm taking a break from the BT, going off to play the Hall again and see if I can improve my streak.
I don't. He did hit on most of the major threats, and maybe didn't clue in to Weavile, forgot to write him in, or just didn't ever encounter him due to purest luck. Seems to me you're more upset about your own experiences with the hall than his supposed lack of proof. He has a picture, detailed his streak, and listed some of what he believed to be the threats to his streak. Seems about right to me.
I got a streak of 175 with almost the exact same Garchomp, just with SD over Crunch and a Focus Sash all the way. While it is possible to be haxxed to death, it's surprisingly easy to get past 170 after eliminating Ice/Dark.
Hax, battle 163.
1% chance for two misses, 6.25% chance of a crit, .0625% chance for all three. Very unlucky all the same.
The Battle Hall has more hax than the rest of the Battle Frontier combined. But I have a very hard time believing you because you never mentioned Dark types. Dark and Ice in my opinion are the two biggest threats to Garchomp because of Weavile. I used a perfect Garchomp, (Jolly, 252 Atk 252 Spe 4 filler, with Outrage, Earthquake, Crunch, and Aerial Ace) and my record was 155 or so I do believe. On that run I ended up losing to a Yanmega due to major hax, but I only got that far because I didn't run into Weavile. Once again, Weavile is the biggest threat to Garchomp. So I question your streak.

But either way, I've given up on the Battle Hall because it really does suck, and I've been focusing my full attention on the Battle Factory, but my records never get to great levels. Somehow everybody gets an easier time than me in there too
Seriously? Do you want me to video tape it for you?

I never ran into Weavile once and yes I'm afraid of it, but didn't think of it AT ALL in my attempt after Argenta2, maybe because I was so freakin' afraid of Ice/Water and Bronzong that I didn't even thought of Weavile the entire day. I honestly can't remember what was the Dark poke I faced, but that's probably because I didn't give a damn about that battle. Sometimes I forget about dual-typing, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I was afraid of Bronzong and I went and removed Stone Edge for Fire Fang (I rarely use it and it freakin' miss a lot), as well as Scizor. The problem with Scizor is that he may 2HKO me with an attack + Bullet Punch, and I wasn't sure if a Choice Banded EQ would kill it. I don't damage calc like all of you.

I don't see what's so hard to believe, and I'm amazed that even with a clear image you are actually questioning me. I bothered to take an image with my BlackBerry's poor camera just because I thought "people will question me since I'm a junior". I didn't record a video of the match and will never record a Battle Hall video unless I'm 100% sure that my current video is uploaded, because BH has the most boring battles ever to be recorded.


That at least shows that I beat Argenta2. No hard feelings man, and I see where you're coming from (yes, I am new, 1st post etc etc) but come on.
yeah status doesnt carry over, "unfortunately". i had a nifty strategy planed out with ursaring coincidentally that revolved around a first-battle toxic orb purchase for Guts then a choice scarf for rounds 2-7 to whore guts facade/EQ/Fire Punch but sadly status doesnt carry over, would have been fun to murder everything with essentially a CB and Scarf on the same poke and a 210 BP move that has a shot of ohkoing even armaldo and scizor (jolly too though jolly's kind of necessary cause you beat over 70 pokemon you wouldn't otherwise)
I have to say, I'm quite fond of Ursaring all around, I've used him on both a trick room doubles team, and now this Follow Me + Belly Drum team, and he's worked beyond my expectations both times.
Just saw this thread and realized that while I was having a lot of trouble getting the second badge... so were a lot of other people.
On Platinum I just got a streak of 41 on battle factory level 50, but lost.
Earlier I'd gotten a streak of 42 and lost.
I don't remember the 42 win streak, it was a while ago, but I can tell about the 41 streak's final battle (I recorded it)

My team:

Blastoise (shell bell)
- hydrocannon
- icebeam
- hyper beam
- focus blast

Ursaring (toxic orb, quick feet)
- facade
- superpower
- protect
- crunch

Lapras (lum berry)
- dragon dance
- waterfall
- outrage
- earthquake (I think, don't remember for sure.)

This round I was lucky to find ursaring, and it carried me through most of the round. One thing I found funny was that I'd traded for a lickylicky, traded it away, then traded for one, then traded it away again.

opponent's team:


Blastoise vs. Machamp

Blastoise uses hydrocannon, Machamp uses cross-chop

I thought that even though focus blast would hit thanks to no-guard, I was worried about a critical hit from cross-chop. So, i got machamp to where my ursaring could KO it.

Blastoise recharges, Machamp uses cross-chop

I send in ursaring as planned.

ursaring used protect machamp uses cross-chop

ursaring used facade


They sent in swampert

ursaring used facade swampert used EQ

I was happy to survive this with enough health leftover to survive to hopefull hit the third pokemon with facade.

ursaring used facade


they sent in yanmega

yanmega used psychic, yanmega's speed rose


I thought i might have a chance here if lapras could 2HKO while yanmega 3HKO'd

yanmega used bug buzz, lapras's special defense fell, lapras used waterfall, yanmega's speed rose.

Lapras's special defense fell, turning from a 3HKO to a 2HKO, and waterfall didn't do enough anyways.

Yanmega used air slash


Looking back, if I'd used focus blast, then hydrocannon, I could have sent in lapras to finish off machamp, then weaken the swampert to where ursaring could KO it. then ursaring might have beaten yanmega. However, this is all guesswork, and not knowing that at the time, I might have still done the best moves.
Battle Factory Help?

The only time I made it past Battle 14 in the Factory was the first time I tried, before I knew anything basically. Any advice?

1. When choosing my team, I try to put someone with good speed/attack as a lead, then pick the other two based on move types/power level of moves and stats. Anything I should do differently?

2. I always trade so that I can choose from better pokemon later. I'll see what pokemon are coming up, and pick one that might be good against them, or pick the one that probably has the best stats, or move types that I don't have covered. Anything I should do differently?

3. When it comes to battles, I try to use them most effective attack I can, or try not to use pokemon that can be vulnerable. (Duh)I'm thinking I don't switch often enough. This is because OTKOs seem to come after switches, even when I don't think the enemy has a super effective attack to use.

Should I pay more attention to items? I'm not good with attacks that don't cause damage (Sword Dance, etc...) I guess I don't know which ones I should use/when to use them. Does Fakeout only work the very first turn of a battle, or does it work when the pokemon who has it enters the battle for its first turn?

Thanks for any suggestions!
Make sure you use the information given to you by the assistant; it can be very helpful (lol 4th round: "the foe has Rock Wrecker." Who could that be?). Go for Pokémon that have synergy usually and that can cover weaknesses. Tanky Grass types, Birds (Swellow and Dodrio in particular), and varied attackers are all good.

I play level 50 so I see a different set of Pokémon that most do.