HG Singles Battle Tower - 158 ( Starting over with the same team )
New team, except I did a dumb mistake I can't recall since it was a few days ago I played this, but will get the picture up soon of the record. I'm still going to use these 3 since they proved to be reliable, yet my judgement of attacks was poor. I believe it was something, a Steelix with Fire Fang and other elemental attacks which took out Scizor after a weak Superpower, and a Sceptile that one shot Leaf Storm my Garchomp.
Latias /w Choice Scarf
Timid - Levitate
IV's : 31 HP / 11 Attack / 31 Defense / 31 Speed / 15 Special Attack / 31 Special Defense
EV's : 252 HP / 16 Defense / 240 Speed
Charm / Recover / Thunderwave / Trick
Scizor /w Leftovers
Adamant - Technician
IV's : 31 HP / 31 Attack / 31 Defense / 30 Speed / 13 Special Attack / 31 Special Defense
EV's : 70 HP / 252 Attack / 10 Defense / 168 Speed / 10 Special Defense
Bullet Punch / Substitute / Superpower / Sword's Dance
Garchomp /w Lum Berry
Jolly - Sand Veil
IV's : 31 HP / 31 Attack / 31 Defense / 31 Speed / 15 Special Attack / 31 Special Defense
EV's : 252 Attack / 6 Special Defense / 252 Speed
Earthquake / Outrage / Substitute / Sword's Dance
http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s312/rdrdghd/DSC00842.jpg <-- Streak
New team, except I did a dumb mistake I can't recall since it was a few days ago I played this, but will get the picture up soon of the record. I'm still going to use these 3 since they proved to be reliable, yet my judgement of attacks was poor. I believe it was something, a Steelix with Fire Fang and other elemental attacks which took out Scizor after a weak Superpower, and a Sceptile that one shot Leaf Storm my Garchomp.
Latias /w Choice Scarf
Timid - Levitate
IV's : 31 HP / 11 Attack / 31 Defense / 31 Speed / 15 Special Attack / 31 Special Defense
EV's : 252 HP / 16 Defense / 240 Speed
Charm / Recover / Thunderwave / Trick
Scizor /w Leftovers
Adamant - Technician
IV's : 31 HP / 31 Attack / 31 Defense / 30 Speed / 13 Special Attack / 31 Special Defense
EV's : 70 HP / 252 Attack / 10 Defense / 168 Speed / 10 Special Defense
Bullet Punch / Substitute / Superpower / Sword's Dance
Garchomp /w Lum Berry
Jolly - Sand Veil
IV's : 31 HP / 31 Attack / 31 Defense / 31 Speed / 15 Special Attack / 31 Special Defense
EV's : 252 Attack / 6 Special Defense / 252 Speed
Earthquake / Outrage / Substitute / Sword's Dance
http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s312/rdrdghd/DSC00842.jpg <-- Streak