Platinum/HG/SS Battle Frontier and DP Battle Tower Records

HG Singles Battle Tower - 158 ( Starting over with the same team )

New team, except I did a dumb mistake I can't recall since it was a few days ago I played this, but will get the picture up soon of the record. I'm still going to use these 3 since they proved to be reliable, yet my judgement of attacks was poor. I believe it was something, a Steelix with Fire Fang and other elemental attacks which took out Scizor after a weak Superpower, and a Sceptile that one shot Leaf Storm my Garchomp.

Latias /w Choice Scarf
Timid - Levitate
IV's : 31 HP / 11 Attack / 31 Defense / 31 Speed / 15 Special Attack / 31 Special Defense
EV's : 252 HP / 16 Defense / 240 Speed
Charm / Recover / Thunderwave / Trick

Scizor /w Leftovers
Adamant - Technician
IV's : 31 HP / 31 Attack / 31 Defense / 30 Speed / 13 Special Attack / 31 Special Defense
EV's : 70 HP / 252 Attack / 10 Defense / 168 Speed / 10 Special Defense
Bullet Punch / Substitute / Superpower / Sword's Dance

Garchomp /w Lum Berry
Jolly - Sand Veil
IV's : 31 HP / 31 Attack / 31 Defense / 31 Speed / 15 Special Attack / 31 Special Defense
EV's : 252 Attack / 6 Special Defense / 252 Speed
Earthquake / Outrage / Substitute / Sword's Dance <-- Streak
lol wow, just wow. just faced Palmer2 and i got anally haxed, that shit was cheap. it was down to his full hp Regigigas4 vs my 19HP Garchomp and a full HP sash Weavile (FO/IP/NS/BB). Garchomp is in play with 19HP left after facing Cresselia's IB and confused, he sends out Regigigas, i don't want to risk Garchomp because of confusion, so i switch out to Weavile.
Regigigas used EQ, CH! Weavile down to 1 HP
Weavile used FO doing a little damage, Regigigas flinched
Regigigas outspeeds Weavile (WTF!) and used Crush Grip for the kill
sent out Garchomp w/ 19HP used Outrage praying for a CH, which didn't happen, Regigigas used EQ for the kill

i almost threw my DS after that. i saved the video, however my shit router is acting weird and i can't upload it to the gts.

Ok so I was reading this post a while back and even though it's old I think I solved the mystery
Yes that's the only logical explanation, I'm guessing the turn you faked out was the last turn of slow start and on the next turn Regigigas was fully awakened his attack and speed were not halved anymore and PWND your weavile.
Think about's logical
Ok so I was reading this post a while back and even though it's old I think I solved the mystery
Yes that's the only logical explanation, I'm guessing the turn you faked out was the last turn of slow start and on the next turn Regigigas was fully awakened his attack and speed were not halved anymore and PWND your weavile.
Think about's logical
Weavile outspeeds Regigigas even if Regigigas is not under the influence of slow start even if Weavile has a hindering nature and a speed IV of six or higher. In addition, not a single one of the four Regigigas' that appear in the battle tower have a quick claw or a choice scarf, so the only conclusion left to be drawn is that the 'glitch' is simply a result of human error.
By the way, my streak in Diamond is now 231, 10x to Jumpman. Had a tough time with CB Peterko avatar that turned out not to be CB, so it was easy.

Just had the CRAZIEST match ever, full of dumb mistakes on my part, hax on the cpu's part and, weirdest of all, hax that favored me. Anyways, after a lot of hax against me and some misplays, it ended up as a full-health froslass vs. my choice specs timid latios locked into thunder with about 15 health left, and the weather was changed to hail. I did the calcs and, knowing that this was the stupid lax incense froslass modest set, I only had a 53.2% chance of even hitting the froslass with lax, snow cloak, and thunder's crap accuracy. Even if I did manage to hit, I only had a 2/3 chance of OHKO'ing froslass. Still, I somehow managed to hit and OHKO that stupid froslass, an event that only had a 35.5% of happening. Oh, and this is a high streak so I'm well into the hax zone.
Has anyone in here encountered a glitched Seaking in the Battle Tower? Because it just destroyed my team doing things completely impossible without a glitch of some sort, and that seemed awfully fair.

Just had the CRAZIEST match ever, full of dumb mistakes on my part, hax on the cpu's part and, weirdest of all, hax that favored me. Anyways, after a lot of hax against me and some misplays, it ended up as a full-health froslass vs. my choice specs timid latios locked into thunder with about 15 health left, and the weather was changed to hail. I did the calcs and, knowing that this was the stupid lax incense froslass modest set, I only had a 53.2% chance of even hitting the froslass with lax, snow cloak, and thunder's crap accuracy. Even if I did manage to hit, I only had a 2/3 chance of OHKO'ing froslass. Still, I somehow managed to hit and OHKO that stupid froslass, an event that only had a 35.5% of happening. Oh, and this is a high streak so I'm well into the hax zone.
Just out of curiosity, why run Thunder over Thunderbolt? That's just begging to be haxxed to death.

Also, just going to say I'm very satisfied with my new doubles tower team, I'll post details about it in the coming days after I work out the last few kinks and get my streak a little bit further (currently at 294) but overall it's performing wondrously. :D

Has anyone in here encountered a glitched Seaking in the Battle Tower? Because it just destroyed my team doing things completely impossible without a glitch of some sort, and that seemed awfully fair.
No, but it does seem somewhat worrisome, what with Omoplata's encounter with Palmer. Could you perchance supply a few more details?
The only time I made it past Battle 14 in the Factory was the first time I tried, before I knew anything basically. Any advice?

1. When choosing my team, I try to put someone with good speed/attack as a lead, then pick the other two based on move types/power level of moves and stats. Anything I should do differently?

2. I always trade so that I can choose from better pokemon later. I'll see what pokemon are coming up, and pick one that might be good against them, or pick the one that probably has the best stats, or move types that I don't have covered. Anything I should do differently?

3. When it comes to battles, I try to use them most effective attack I can, or try not to use pokemon that can be vulnerable. (Duh)I'm thinking I don't switch often enough. This is because OTKOs seem to come after switches, even when I don't think the enemy has a super effective attack to use.

Should I pay more attention to items? I'm not good with attacks that don't cause damage (Sword Dance, etc...) I guess I don't know which ones I should use/when to use them. Does Fakeout only work the very first turn of a battle, or does it work when the pokemon who has it enters the battle for its first turn?

Thanks for any suggestions!

1. fast sweeper leads are good for the first few legs of 7 (thorton excluded) when you want things to go quickly. thorton+ i lead depending on what their lead mon is or, whatevever my best mon currently is.

2. trading is ideal. definitely trade every single time during the first two legs; this gives you one or two set4 mons for the third leg (which gives you a decent chance at getting something very powerful that will help you beat thorton, good shit like set4 outrage dragons always helps). i usually trade every time during the third and fourth leg too just to give me better IVs in later ones and i am convinced it has a bearing on opening with legendaries in later legs as well (though this might not be true).

3. switching is a waste of time, generally, until the AI starts making the right decisions. that's when you can start switching to exploit it (switching between immunities/resistances on bulky guys to pp stall, etc). anything before that is just way too risky; they use random moves and you'll often find yourself 'outpredicted' and incredibly frustrated. with only 3 mons switching is just way too risky unless the situation with your current mon is absolutely hopeless, and even then, it's usually advised to just sacrifice said useless mon to let your next mon get a safe switch in.
1. fast sweeper leads are good for the first few legs of 7 (thorton excluded) when you want things to go quickly. thorton+ i lead depending on what their lead mon is or, whatevever my best mon currently is.

2. trading is ideal. definitely trade every single time during the first two legs; this gives you one or two set4 mons for the third leg (which gives you a decent chance at getting something very powerful that will help you beat thorton, good shit like set4 outrage dragons always helps). i usually trade every time during the third and fourth leg too just to give me better IVs in later ones and i am convinced it has a bearing on opening with legendaries in later legs as well (though this might not be true).

3. switching is a waste of time, generally, until the AI starts making the right decisions. that's when you can start switching to exploit it (switching between immunities/resistances on bulky guys to pp stall, etc). anything before that is just way too risky; they use random moves and you'll often find yourself 'outpredicted' and incredibly frustrated. with only 3 mons switching is just way too risky unless the situation with your current mon is absolutely hopeless, and even then, it's usually advised to just sacrifice said useless mon to let your next mon get a safe switch in.

Thank for the suggestions guys. Once again, I got beat on Battle 14! I'll try again soon. I think I need to learn how to use Sword Dance, Light Screen, Sleep/Paralyze effects properly. I'm pretty much all offense!
Just out of curiosity, why run Thunder over Thunderbolt? That's just begging to be haxxed to death.

Also, just going to say I'm very satisfied with my new doubles tower team, I'll post details about it in the coming days after I work out the last few kinks and get my streak a little bit further (currently at 294) but overall it's performing wondrously. :D

No, but it does seem somewhat worrisome, what with Omoplata's encounter with Palmer. Could you perchance supply a few more details?

Well, I'll give you a hint as to why run thunder over thunderbolt - this is for doubles. Also, I'm currently at a high streak as well (but not quite as high as yours yet).
Well, I'll give you a hint as to why run thunder over thunderbolt - this is for doubles. Also, I'm currently at a high streak as well (but not quite as high as yours yet).
Ah, that would make sense. Is it a rain dance team, then? Your odds of hitting both opponents are only slightly better than 50% without it. (I like the yet you tacked on there. ;D)
No, but it does seem somewhat worrisome, what with Omoplata's encounter with Palmer. Could you perchance supply a few more details?

In my HeartGold, and my very first actual attempt at the Battle Tower, I decided to try a little Baton Passing. It isn't working very well, just for the record. Full team:
Ninjask @ Leftovers
Adamant nature
Swords Dance
Baton Pass

Shedinja @ Focus Sash
Adamant nature
Swords Dance
Shadow Sneak

Garchomp @ Lum Berry
Jolly nature
Swords Dance
I just really like the Nincada family and I thought I'd use Pokémon I like and an original enough strategy. (Garchomp is kind of like a super mutated Nincada, right?) I'm actually probably going to make a team with Ninjask, Nincada, and Shedinja next, but that's not the point. Okay, here's how it went, and I believe it was around battle 16, and I didn't record it because I was pissed.
I sent out Ninjask, they sent out Seaking. (I figure at this point I will use Substitute instead of Protect while they use Rain Dance so I can work from there)
Seaking outsped my Ninjask and used Aqua Tail, and knocked by Ninjask down to about 17% health, then I fail to use Substitute. (Okay what the hell, it must be a Choice Scarf, because there's no Rain. Now I'll boost my Speed as much as possible and Baton Pass to Shedinja who will wall this Seaking)
Ninjask used Protect, Seaking used Aqua Tail. (Now my Ninjask is +2 thanks to Speed Boost, so I'll Baton Pass)
Seaking used Poison Jab! And obviously killed my +2 Ninjask before I could Baton Pass.
Seaking can't learn Aqua Tail in the Battle Tower movesets from what I've seen, but back to the battle.
I got really pissed and distracted at this point so I wouldn't break my DS, and it seems that the Seaking outsped and killed my Garchomp and Shedinja with Horn Drill and Peck respectively. Sorry I don't know more about the last part, but I could bet my life on the part about the Seaking outspeeding and killing my eventually +2 Ninjask without Rain Dance or a Choice Scarf
What are talking about? Thunder only hits one Pokemon in Double Battles.
Oh, duh. My bad. I was thinking of Blizzard.
...Which brings me back to my original point, Thunder will just get you Haxxed to death unless it's a Rain Dance team. (Not you, you, I mean CBShuckle.)

In my HeartGold, and my very first actual attempt at the Battle Tower, I decided to try a little Baton Passing. It isn't working very well, just for the record. Full team:
Ninjask @ Leftovers
Adamant nature
Swords Dance
Baton Pass

Shedinja @ Focus Sash
Adamant nature
Swords Dance
Shadow Sneak

Garchomp @ Lum Berry
Jolly nature
Swords Dance
I just really like the Nincada family and I thought I'd use Pokémon I like and an original enough strategy. (Garchomp is kind of like a super mutated Nincada, right?) I'm actually probably going to make a team with Ninjask, Nincada, and Shedinja next, but that's not the point. Okay, here's how it went, and I believe it was around battle 16, and I didn't record it because I was pissed.
I sent out Ninjask, they sent out Seaking. (I figure at this point I will use Substitute instead of Protect while they use Rain Dance so I can work from there)
Seaking outsped my Ninjask and used Aqua Tail, and knocked by Ninjask down to about 17% health, then I fail to use Substitute. (Okay what the hell, it must be a Choice Scarf, because there's no Rain. Now I'll boost my Speed as much as possible and Baton Pass to Shedinja who will wall this Seaking)
Ninjask used Protect, Seaking used Aqua Tail. (Now my Ninjask is +2 thanks to Speed Boost, so I'll Baton Pass)
Seaking used Poison Jab! And obviously killed my +2 Ninjask before I could Baton Pass.
Seaking can't learn Aqua Tail in the Battle Tower movesets from what I've seen, but back to the battle.
I got really pissed and distracted at this point so I wouldn't break my DS, and it seems that the Seaking outsped and killed my Garchomp and Shedinja with Horn Drill and Peck respectively. Sorry I don't know more about the last part, but I could bet my life on the part about the Seaking outspeeding and killing my eventually +2 Ninjask without Rain Dance or a Choice Scarf
307 Seaking - Adamant - Quick Claw - Aqua Tail - Poison Jab - Aqua Ring - Facade
No Horn Drill or Peck on any Battle Tower Seakings, though. Perchance it was on a different pokemon?
im finally finished playing through soul silver and just started playing the factory again, just beat thorton for the silver print :>

something that i thought was interesting though was that thorton's pokemon were tyranitar1/houndoom1/ambipom1. in platinum he could only use legendaries (of any set number) and set 4 non-legendaries, but im guessing this has changed? i know ill end up battling thorton many times on my quest for the gold print, so ill keep track of what he uses from now on to figure out what he can and cant use now
It has changed in HGSS. In Open Level Thorton 1 will use Pokemon 351-486 in HGSS instead of 759-950 in Platinum.
Really? I faced a Raikou vs Thorton 1 (I know it's 1 because I never got the gold print), and the lowest # Raikou is 898. I only have HG, so there's no way this could be Platinum. I know it was Raikou because it outsped my Mismagius:

685 Mismagius Timid Wise Glasses Shadow Ball Energy Ball Icy Wind Destiny Bond.

It used Thunderbolt while I used Destiny Bond, then it used Thunderbolt for the KO, which allowed me to KO with Destiny Bond. Unfortunately I don't have the battle vid because it's saved over with my highest win streak.
Oh, duh. My bad. I was thinking of Blizzard.
...Which brings me back to my original point, Thunder will just get you Haxxed to death unless it's a Rain Dance team. (Not you, you, I mean CBShuckle.)

307 Seaking - Adamant - Quick Claw - Aqua Tail - Poison Jab - Aqua Ring - Facade

307 Seaking - Adamant - Quick Claw - Aqua Tail - Poison Jab - Aqua Ring - Facade
No Horn Drill or Peck on any Battle Tower Seakings, though. Perchance it was on a different pokemon?

Wow, Quick Claw hax? I wasn't paying too much attention after it destroyed my Ninjask, but it killed Shedinja... Peck? Knock Off? It doesn't have access to much else
Thanks for the info. Do you know if anything else at all in Factory (and the entire frontier at that) has also changed in HGSS?

The Thorton 1 change is the only one I know of at the moment.

Really? I faced a Raikou vs Thorton 1 (I know it's 1 because I never got the gold print), and the lowest # Raikou is 898. I only have HG, so there's no way this could be Platinum. I know it was Raikou because it outsped my Mismagius:

685 Mismagius Timid Wise Glasses Shadow Ball Energy Ball Icy Wind Destiny Bond.

It used Thunderbolt while I used Destiny Bond, then it used Thunderbolt for the KO, which allowed me to KO with Destiny Bond. Unfortunately I don't have the battle vid because it's saved over with my highest win streak.

I'm not sure what could be the cause of that. I've fought Thorton 1 numerous times in SoulSilver and he always used Pokemon 351-486. You mention you play HeartGold instead of SoulSilver. It would be really strange but I wonder if that's the cause.