Not sure what you meant by that. Tauros is quite a big threat to many pokemon. It's fast and attacks somewhat hard (can 2HKO many pokemon), with decent defenses and potentially with Intimidate.I got raped by a tauros of all things...
I wouldn't use a Gliscor personally. And having 3 pokes weak to water and 2 weak, 2 neutral to grass is not good synergy.I want to try out a Sandstorm Doubles Team in the various Battle arenas, and had a few questions.
Here's what I want to bring:
I want to use Gliscor as a Baton Passer. How does this moveset look?
Swords Dance
Baton Pass
I was thinking my first two pokes would be Tyranitar and Gliscor. Gliscor would either pass to Rhyperior or Empoleon.
Would it ever be worth it to pass Harden or Agility to either Rhyperior or Empoleon? Rhyperior is crazy slow, but maybe it might speed Empoleon so that it could hit first.
Are there any other stat enhancing moves, that Gliscor can learn, that I should use?
How many stat enhancing moves can I expect to play before passing?
What would a good EV spread be for a Gliscor like this?
As far as EV training goes, both my Empoleon (my starter pokemon), and my Rhyperior were never trained. I just used them to play the game. Is my best bet just to give them the appropriate berries to lose EVs and then train them? Are good IV's essential to get the gold print?
I'm not expecting any record streaks, but I would like to get the gold!
Harden seems too slow for passing Def boosts. I think you would probably get more mileage out of just giving him some sort of damaging attack. That way, you at least have a small chance of winning if the rest of your team is wiped out.I want to use Gliscor as a Baton Passer. How does this moveset look?
Swords Dance
Baton Pass
No and maybe. Harden is rarely going to be worth the turn it takes to use, but Agility is somewhat useful for both Pokemon. When playing against the level 50 field, the minimum pre-Agility speed to shoot for is 101 (so you beat everything slower than Electrode). Empoleon doesn't have too much difficulty hitting that, but Rhyperior requires a helpful nature and maxed IVs/EVs.Would it ever be worth it to pass Harden or Agility to either Rhyperior or Empoleon? Rhyperior is crazy slow, but maybe it might speed Empoleon so that it could hit first.
I wouldn't expect more than one, and even then you probably want a Focus Sash. That 4x Ice weakness and fairly low SpD means that it draws Ice Beams like moths to a flame.How many stat enhancing moves can I expect to play before passing?
Absolutely necessary? No. Very highly recommended? Definitely.Are good IV's essential to get the gold print?
It's hard to say scrap the idea after you've Ev trained and all, but i would.
Counter has a priority of -5, so it goes after all other damaging moves.How exactly does Counter work? A Gengar is super fast. If Gengar moves first, does Counter fail?
I'm sure you could find one if you looked hard enough (or make your own), but Sunny Day is at a significant disadvantage compared to Rain Dance.Is there a Sunny Day team?
EDIT: @EonADS: Did you have Rock Tomb specifically for Weavile? Because if I calculated correctly it's like 74% chance of winning with Rock Tomb + Extremespeed (92.5% chance of no freeze (or freeze+same turn thaw out) from ice punch * 80% chance of Rock Tomb = 74%). Rock Tomb + ES always 2HKOs.
@Wizened One
Gengar @ Focus Sash
252 Sp. Att / 252 Speed / 4 HP
-Shadow Ball
-Destiny Bond
This is a nice singles tower lead, where destiny bond is put to great use.
I like your team. Is there something else I could use in place of garchomp, or is Sand Veil just too good?
I aslo don't have access to any 3rd generation pokes. Is there a substitute move for Counter?
EDIT: @EonADS: Did you have Rock Tomb specifically for Weavile? Because if I calculated correctly it's like 74% chance of winning with Rock Tomb + Extremespeed (92.5% chance of no freeze (or freeze+same turn thaw out) from ice punch * 80% chance of Rock Tomb = 74%). Rock Tomb + ES always 2HKOs.
Sunny Boosts the damage of Fire attacks, reduces the damage of Water attacks, and gives boosts with abilities like Chlorophyll. The problem is that every Pokemon with an ability that gets a boost from Sunny Day is Grass type - meaning that no Pokemon can have both a STAB Fire attack and a boost from Chlorophyll, Solar Power, etc.. Basically, Sunny Day isn't sure what to help.
Additionally, Fire and Grass both have a number of fairly common weaknesses, while Water is only weak to Electricity and Grass. Not to mention Water Pokemon (and by extension Pokemon with Rain abilities) are far more common than Fire Pokemon or Pokemon with Sun abilities, so you have more choices.
TRE's basic stratergy was that explosion kills 2 pokes, the destiny bond will ~almost always kill the third. He got >800 so it obviously worked lol.I don't mind giving up on it! I've only just started breeding Gligar. Do you think a Sandstorm team can still work? That's a lot of water weakness... I'll research Explosion and Ghost/Destiny Bond. What makes Destiny Bond so special? You take out one Pokemon w/moves, and when you are weak, you drag the next one down when you die?
I'm sure if you can actually get in in-game, then that's fineIf I use an Azumarill with Belly Drum and Aqua Jet, would my record be voided? It is possible to get in-game without using a cheat device
If I use an Azumarill with Belly Drum and Aqua Jet, would my record be voided? It is possible to get in-game without using a cheat device
TRE's basic stratergy was that explosion kills 2 pokes, the destiny bond will ~almost always kill the third. He got >800 so it obviously worked lol.
Like most people on this thread, I dont have too much experience in doubles... But if you're looking for a weather team, rain is probably your best bet. (Swift swim, surf, thunder) and there's loads of good water types to try out.
If you are going to do doubles, the biggest piece of advice is remember it's not singles, most singles leads won't work. Stalling doesn't work. There's a lot more room for creativity also.
Oho, so that was your team. I got a spiffy star for my trainer card using it, even though I didn't have access to a self-destructing Snorlax. Used an Ursaring instead which worked well enough. :PActually you're mixing together a couple of my team. The team I used to get 770 in DP Double Battle Tower used Trick Room and Explosion. My Destiny Bond team was used to get 330 in DP Single Battle Tower. I'm working on it but none of my records are over 800 at the moment.