Pokémon Pokébank changes discussion thread

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Is it possible to get the alternate forms of deerling/sawsbuck/shellos/gastrodon in xy? If you can, what happens if you breed/evolve them?
And what, entei was the only legend to get a new move? None for suicune and raikou?
Is it possible to get the alternate forms of deerling/sawsbuck/shellos/gastrodon in xy? If you can, what happens if you breed/evolve them?
And what, entei was the only legend to get a new move? None for suicune and raikou?
You can transfer the alternate forms of shellos/deerling to X/Y. I assume Shellos will pass down the female parent's form, while I have no idea about Deerling.
I don't know about Deerling, but nothing for Raikou and Suicune. Not like it's new for GF to show favoritism (read: Mega Blaziken and Mega Charizard X AND Y)

Edit: Cress gets Moonblast at level 99.
Yeah i thought so. Gf has this odd love/hate fixation with fire types for some reason.
Rewrote the OP:
Pokebank is live in Japan, and with it being released we have all new info regarding Pokemon and Moves! Pokebank will be out in North America on Friday, 12/27/13. Here are all the known discoveries:
- Entei now learns Sacred Fire at Level 0
- Techno Blast has been buffed to 120 Base Power
- Snorunt now gets Switcheroo as an egg move via Cottonee
- Klefki now gets Switcheroo as an egg move via Cottonee
- Cresselia learns Moonblast at Level 99
- Misdreavus learns Dazzling Gleam via TM 99
- Mismagius learns Dazzling Gleam via TM 99
- Mismagius learns Phantom Force at Level 0
- Feebas now has Oblivious as a second ability
- Milotic now has Competitive as a second ability
- Genesect now learns Fell Stinger at Level 0
- Whimsicott learns Moonblast at Level 50 (Cottonee doesn’t at all)
- Whimsicott learns Dazzling Gleam via TM 99
- Cottonee learns Dazzling Gleam via TM 99
Keep discussion to confirmed new, don't make this a speculation thread as it will derail the thread from the actual purpose.

I've got some good news and bad news. The bad news is that pokebank is a failurefor stopping hacked pokemon. Nintendo have always been a failure at this. The good news is that we can still use pokedit and pokegen. Fuck yeah. Check this out: http://tay.kotaku.com/pokebank-hilariously-fails-to-stop-hacked-pokemon-1489449874
Legitimately hacked mons were never a concern. It's stuff like unobtainable shinies/abilities and stuff that make Bank worrisome.

Oh Kotaku. *sigh*
Inform if there are any more Pokemon that are able to learn Parting Shot! Oh, Whimsi, if only you had it I'd be abusing the hell out of you. :c
Does anyone here use pokedit. Some may call it cheating, but you can easily make perfectly legit mons (as long as you know your secret id) theyre even random matchup compatible. Theyre definitely able to go through pokebank.
On the GTS (RIP in pieces orz) they certainly do go through! Not sure about rated battles, though. I wouldn't be surprised, if they did.
Krikitune gets sticky web at lvl 44 (according to serebi...). It also gets technition PuP and felt stinger (most likely being useless as it has swords dance and bug bite but still. The only problem is that its slow and has no bulk and its attacks aren't great but at least it gets some niche. Krikitot doesnt get it but it learns a tm (infestation)!!

Persion gets play rough at lvl 0. Cherrim gets petal blizzard at lvl50 and dazzling gleam (tm)
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