
Damn, i really want to play this :O But i know nothing about coding or doing stuff so i can't help :S
Well, we need to find something to stop weather teams. I don't thin that Altaria will suffice.
In the same vein, here's a bit of a preface on what the metagame might look like:

Hands-down, the biggest threat (might even need suspecting) is Sand Offense. We have monsters like:
-Sand Stream + Sand Force Hippowdon
-Sand Rush + Sand Force + Mold Breaker Excadrill
-Sand Rush + Scrappy + Intimidate Stoutland
-Sand Veil + Dry Skin + Solar Power Heliolisk (while this one might not be broken, it's a huge asset as it absorbs Water moves and also doesn't take sand damage)
-Sand Veil + Sand Rush Sandslash (this'll just be a pain more than anything else)

Sand is gonna be a huge threat to contend with, and I really don't think the other weathers can keep up. The only threats that really jump out at me are Sun's Tropius (guaranteed Harvest + Solar Power boost + Chlorophyll) and Rain's Ludicolo (Swift Swim + Rain Dish.) Let me know if you guys think of anything else.
Actually, Heliolisk is pretty upset because it now loses a fourth of its health each turn to Sun. But yeah, sand looks terrifying, totally running a Stoutland + Excadrill core.
So Ghoul King's already done a pretty comprehensive breakdown of various mons, but since this looks like a really interesting concept (and one I had before I realized somebody beat me to it), I thought I'd try my own.

The eventual goal of this post is a comprehensive guide to how each Pokemon legal in this format (including the trash) has changed by gaining access to all of its abilities at once. These are sorted in National Dex order, with each mon listed in a folder by its region of origin. Feedback is welcome, and thusly this post will be constantly changing.

Eventually, once we've covered everybody, we'll be able to get into comparisons and, if this ever gets coded, how things work out in practice.

Note: A "no change" or any reference-laden equivalent just means the mon has no (useful, but more often period) other abilities to use. With Mold Breaker much more common as well as certain abilities being blocked by others (Gluttony or Cheek Pouch by Unnerve, Intimidate by Defiant/Competitive, etc.), everyone's role in the game changes at least somewhat.
Venusaur: If you wanted to try Chlorosaur and somehow it lives a hit with low health, that Solar Beam is gonna hurt. Overgrow+Chloro isn't going to change how anybody uses Venu.
Charizard: Those last couple of Fire Blasts are also gonna hurt...but let's face it, you're still Mega Evolving.
Blastoise: Boosted Water moves at low health and rain healing. Not the best, but usable.
Butterfree: Tinted Lens QD sweeper that...can hit most of its Sleep Powders. This makes it slightly more threatening, but it still sucks.
Beedrill: Like the starters, you can get in position for one huge hit with a Swarm-boosted crit U-Turn. Or you can Mega and have ridiculous U-Turns all the time. Besides, it's not like Bee's taking more than a moderate special hit.
Pidgeot: No accuracy drop, no Defense drop, boosted speed when confused. Just Mega.
Raticate: Run Away is useless, but Guts+Hustle Facade is gonna do some huge damage when it does hit. Not to mention Hustle gives an immediate power boost.
Fearow: More crits and no accuracy drops. Yawn.
Arbok: Between Coil and Intimidate/Shed Skin, Arbok's got some nice defensive capabilities despite its meager stats. This could be nice.
Raichu: Contact abilities are a nice bonus in general, but Raichu isn't doing much more than it would otherwise.
Sandslash: Hoo boy. It's been said sand might be a problem, and Sandslash is our first example, being a fast hitter with the ability to dodge attacks.
Nidoqueen/Nidoking: Poison Point is, as a contact ability, a nice bonus (maybe run a little Defense investment to take advantage of it?). Rivalry makes these guys a bit hit-or-miss due to random gender mechanics, which sucks.
Clefable: Oh, here we go! Screw Toxic, screw Leech Seed, screw burns, screw Life Orb recoil, screw setup sweepers (and, unfortunately, screw Moonblast-induced SpA drops). Meanwhile, Cute Charm as a bonus ability, which is hit-or-miss, but T-Wave+infatuation is not a combo anybody wants.
Ninetales: Another potential hoo-boy, this time involving simply switching in on a Fire move. For example, a Fire Blast with sun and FF boosts does 53-61% to stallbreaker Mew. Ninetales has actual merit as a sun-setter!
Wigglytuff: A Competitive user with...Frisk, which has its uses as a scouting ability. Oh, and Cute Charm to help its survivavbility a teeny bit.
Vileplume: Chlorophyll sweeper with the ability to potentially get mileage out of Effect Spore. Once Sleep Clause kicks in, Effect Spore only has a 19% chance of triggering and sticking, which does sucl.
Parasect: Hooray for taking 5x Fire damage! Water immunity can be nice and it blocks explosions and spreads status, but it's still pretty bad. Especially since Sporing reduces Effect Spore's chance of working.
Venomoth: A real improvement. Screw resists, no chance of secondary effects, and the ability to dodge status. This thing can really put in some work if used properly.
Dugtrio: What's worse than a trapper? A trapper that can reliably beat stuff. A great tool on sand, trading Sandslash's speed for raw power while retaining evasion and trapping.
Persian: Berry prevention plus a strong and fast Fake Out that retains its speed thanks to paralysis immunity.
Golduck: Our first example of Pokebilities nerfing a mon, Golduck can't Swift Swim because of Cloud Nine. Oh, but it can clear weather and prevent explosions. Okay then.
Primeape: Sleep switchin, Intimidate switchin, and Anger Point can punish Sniper or Super Luck mons, assuming it lives. Nice improvement.
Arcanine: Interesting ability set. Intimidate/Flash Fire/Justified has no particular synergy, but Intimidating a Dark type to safely grab the +1 is a nice bit of utility for it.
Poliwrath: An anti-rain rain sweeper, with again, the ability to block explosions. Doesn't really fix the movepool issue.
Alakazam: Normal Zam can take burns or Toxics and make you take them as well, laughing as you take the residual damage while it doesn't. Meanwhile, it's immune to flinching. Mega Zam could trace something very useful or not so much, but to an every greater extent.
Machamp: Guts STAB Dynamic Punch. This by itself can 2HKO Talonflame (with varying degrees of success depending on set), while Steadfast makes gives this thing speed if flinched to go with its power.
Victreebel: Chloro sweeper with early Berry consumption. There's some potential in that, though I'm not seeing it.
Tentacruel: No draining for you, no stat drops, and healing in rain. Rain's getting a couple of nice defensive toys here.
Golem: Sturdy/Rock Head! Plus Sand Veil! Shame it only has Double-Edge to abuse Rock Head with. Sturdy+Weakness Policy is slightly improved due to the potential to evade a revenge kill, but sand will likely look to other mons.
Rapidash: No trapping, Flash Fire, and a bonus Flame Body in case it survives a contact hit.
Slowbro: No infatuation or Taunting, no confusion, Regenerator. Mega Slowbro may go the way of Mega Latios, sadly.
Farfetch'd: Oh, the poor duck can't get any luck. Sure it can "punish" Intimidate and is immune to flinching...but it's Farfetch'd.
Dodrio: Evasion boost when confused while Early Bird makes it a nice sleep absorber. Some potential given that it hits decently hard. Run Away is useless.
Dewgong: Can work in rain or hail thanks to abilities for both and STAB weather-boosted attacks, plus Thick Fat gives it the Fire resist back and a triple Ice resist.
Muk: Stench+Poison Touch. So, let's review: Muk's Poison Jab has a 51% chance to poison (from its natural chance and PT) plus a 10% flinch chance, with 120 BP after STAB off 105 Atk. Oh, and screw Knock Off (though taking full damage from it sucks).
Cloyster: Not only Skill Link, but immunity to powders and spores and no crits ever. This could be fun to play with.
Gengar: Unchanged. Mega Gar is still banned, although Shadow Tag can't stop everybody now because Run Away.
Hypno: Immune to flinching, immune to sleep, and some move scouting with Forewarn.
Kingler: No attack drops, no crits, Sheer Force. Eh, it's got a bit of boosted defensive capability, but no significant change.
Electrode: Static is a nice bonus with Aftermath punishing its killer and Soundproof giving it free switches on Hyper Voices and the like. Dunno what you're gonna do with that ridiculous speed, though.
Exeggutor: Here's a nice tool for sun, with that ever-regenerating Sitrus and the speed boost.
Marowak: Lightning Rod is a joke, but no crits and no recoil on...Double-Edge. Okay then.
Hitmonlee: Reckless Unburden High Jump Kick. And immunity to paralysis, making this thing one hell of a (fiber)glass cannon.
Hitmonchan: Keen Eye is a joke, but immunity to flinching is nice with Iron Fist.
Weezing: Unchanged.
Chansey: There's some possible paraflinch abuse, but you'll need a lot of flinches due to the low damage. Best let a teammate take advantage
Kangaskhan: Sleep absorber and Scrappy. Alrighty then. Mega Mom remains Uber and unchanged.
Seaking: Uh-oh! One single weakness (as opposed to the double weaknesses of Kabutops/Omastar/Mega Pert), plus burn immunity. This thing could make a pretty good Swift Swimmer.
Starmie: Eh, Starmie is Starmie, just with Analytic boosts on top of being able to shed status when it leaves the field.
Mr. Mime: Its Technician movepool is lacking (although you do have Icy Wind and 90 BP Hidden Power), but the defensive boost of Filter plus Soundproof is nice.
Jynx: Water immunity, move scouting, Taunt immunity is pretty sweet. You are taking a bit more from Fire hits, so be careful.
Pinsir: Mold Breaker+Moxie is an interesting combo, and blocking Intimidate is also cool. Regular Pinsir is not the worst thing in the world, although Mega Pinsir is still badass.
Tauros: Anger Point as a bonus to Sheer Force and Intimidate, a nice offensive/defensive pairing.
Gyarados: Moxie/Intimidate, the first of several instances of this pairing. Grab a kill as regular Dos before hitting the button and unleash hell. Mega Dos has Mold Breaker to nullify a hella ton more, though there are more non-megas with this ability.
Lapras: My Baby, as I call my avatarmon, and a nice defensive tool on rain with Water Absorb and Hydration to heal off status, plus crit immunity.
Ditto: Well, Ditto will be Ditto. In the event Imposter fails, Limber has some niche uses for switching in.
Vaporeon: Another rain defense tool, trading the extra ability (vis-a-vis Lapras) for improved typing.
Jolteon: Electric switchin and beyond lightning quick when statused.
Flareon: As far as Guts sweeper potential goes, Flareon gets a slight improvement due to Flash Fire, but there are better.
Omastar/Kabutops: Swift Swimmers with a crit immunity that can go even quicker, in exchange for being more physically frail. Alright.
Aerodactyl: Pressure stalling plus Berry blocking plus useless Rock Head. You could try for a more defensive build to utilize the former abilities, or go mega.
Snorlax: Early berry consumption means little here, but Toxic and poison immunity plus Fire and Ice resistances makes this even more difficult to break.
Articuno: Hail? Anybody? Here's an evader who can PP stall...
Zapdos/Moltres: Status spreading and PP stalling. Zapdos can utilize a physdef build to make the most of this.
Dragonite: So you thought you'd Fake Out to break Multiscale? Well, it's gonna punish you.
Mew: Unchanged.
EDIT: So Run Away has no effect in Trainer battles. Noted and fixed.

Starters: Meganium and Typholosion are always going to suck, though Gan gets status immunity in sun. Fearligatr at most has one hell of a Waterfall at low health, but that's really it.
Furret: Unchanged, as its other two abilities are useless.
Noctowl: Tinted Lens on something with zero offensive presence. Oh well, it's still a sleep switchin.
Ledian: Nothing's going to save this thing.
Ariados: No sleep plus better crits. It's something, but you weren't using it for its offensive presence, were you?
Crobat: Immunity to flinching added to its Sub penetration. Alright.
Lanturn: Two immunities that also heal it. This is actually awesome.
Xatu: Early Bird, and an excellent status punisher with Magic Bounce deflecting status moves and Synchronize inflicting secondaries.
Ampharos: Unchanged, as Plus has no effect in singles. Go mega and have fun with Mold Breaker
Bellossom: The one sun sweeper that could've really used a second ability doesn't get it. Sorry.
Azumarill: A ton of switchin oppurtunities. Sap Sipper gives it an immunity to Grass and potential +1 on top of Huge Power, while Thick Fat gives it double Fire and Ice resistances. This is one to watch out for.
Sudowoodo: Sturdy/Rock Head that has a good coverage move for RH (Wood Hammer). It needs to survive to get the Rattled boost, which Sturdy can ensure, but its low base speed is still a huge problem.
Politoed: Explosion blocker and a switchin to opposing rain. Much better for Toed's support capabilities.
Jumpluff: Chloro sweeper immune to status while the sun's up and able to ignore Subs. This guy's not looking too bad.
Sunflora: It's now actually better than something! Solar Power+Chlorophyll makes it one hell of a glass cannon under sun, with the added boost of reduced sleep.
Quagsire: Gets a Water immunity and healing on top of Unaware, a neat defensive enhancement. Plus, Damp blocks any last-ditch "must take this wall down" Explosion.
Espeon: See Xatu, but without a third ability. There is the difference in typing, if nothing else.
Umbreon: Picks up an immunity to flinching. Not much of a change.
Slowking: Like its brother, it has Taunt/infatuation/confusion immunities to add to Regenerator.
Unown: Unchanged.
Wobbuffet: Unchanged, Telepathy does jack in singles.
Girafarig: Immune to Grass and flinching, along with Early Bird. The potential is small, but there.
Forretress: Overcoat is somewhat helpful, since it is nearly impossible to put to sleep on top of being impossible to OHKO without residual damage.
Dunsparce: Still sucks, Rattled's not going to help that much. (Especially because it's immune to Ghost.)
Steelix: Unfortunately, it's rather lacking in Rock Head or Sheer Force abuse. You'll probably go mega here.
Granbull: It can switch in on Bug and Dark moves and pick up the Rattled boost, going even faster if statused, while retaining Intimidate. Considering Bull's low base speed, this is quite the change.
Qwilfish: Swimmer that can Intimidate and cause poisoning when hit with a contact move. Run a tank set and let rain take care of the speed issue, I say.
Scizor: Low Kick and Grass Knot hurt less, which is actually significant given how many mons use Low Kick as an answer to it (though Heavy Slam hurts more) on top of Technician, plus if it does end up getting low, Technician Swarm Bug Bite will hurt. Mega Scizor is still the badass it always was.
Shuckle: Give it a Berry for some reason? It can also utilize the old Contrary Shell Smash trick while retaining Sturdy. Yeah, this thing is going to get hazards up, period.
Heracross: A pretty awesome Guts sweeper thanks to Moxie and Swarm possibly pitching in. Mega evolving is not necessary, though Mega Cross can put in awesome work as well.
Ursaring: Guts+Quick Feet. What speed problem? (Just be sure to keep it alive turn one.) Oh, and Unnerve is a nice bonus.
Magcargo: Can't be frozen, burns on contact, loses Defense but gets faster when hit. Still not much to write home about.
Corsola: No physical Water move to take maximum advantage of Hustle, but Nature Cure+Regenerator does improve its pivoting.
Octillery: Can't be phazed and hits harder on crits. Meh.
Delibird: Wow, I'm impressed. I actually felt that Ice Shard. Nothing like potentially whiffing a Rapid Spin, though, so that plus sleep immunity is not enough to save it.
Mantine: Swimmer with an immunity to burns and healing from Water moves. It's an alright defensive option for rain, with the added bonus of speed.
Skarmory: Weak Armor...lets you get off the second layer in case a first hit leaves you out of Custap range? I can't help feeling like that's a nerf.
Houndoom: Blocks Berries, grabs a boost off Fire moves, wakes up early. There's worse sets, but you'll probably mega.
Kingdra: Rain-boosted, huge critical Hydro Pump. (And you can certainly run Critdra to have rain-boosted, always huge-critical Hydro Pumps.) Oh Lordy. Oh, and blocks explosions, although the sheer number of things with Damp is likely to mark the end of the suicide lead as we know it.
Donphan: Can survive a hit and possibly evade the revenging attempt. Sand has better options, but this isn't a bad one.
Porygon2: How are we handling Trace again? Because it'd be a shame to let Analytic+Download go to waste, letting this thing potentially match its evolution in offensive presence.
Stantler: Intimidate and Sap Sipper are nice defensive abilities, with the added bonus of item scouting. Thing still has some neat coverage.
Smeargle: Unchanged due to how we all use it, if we do.
Hitmontop: Becomes faster when flinched, but also can Intimidate. Technician Mach Punch and Fake Out are options as well.
Miltank: Defensive improvement for sure with a Grass immunity and Fire and Ice resists. Meanwhile, Return+EQ hits pretty much everything thanks to Scrappy, and Sap Sipper carries a potential +1 to boot.
Blissey: Serene Grace Ice Beam. Dunsparce gets it too but can't effectively utilize it, and while 20% isn't something you can hang your hat on, it's certainly enough to be scary. Especially because it's freezing.
Legendary Beasts: Since we get to play with unreleased HAs, we get Pressure and immunities to their own types, with Suicune's defensive capabilities being further enhanced, while Entei having insane power if it gets a Flash Fire boost. For example, a Banded Sacred Fire with that boost does 67-80% to physdef Gliscor (248/188+).
Tyranitar: Sand setter that blocks Berries. Mega Tar trades that situational ability for stat boosts.
Celebi: Unchanged. The pixies don't get any new toys. :(

Starters: Well, Blaze is still banned, and Sceptile and Swampert still just get starter abilities plus whatever their HA was, and odds are you're still going to Mega Evolve them.
Mightyena: MoxieDate with Quick Feet as a bonus. Quick Feet makes it a hell of a cleaner if it can switch in on status and not die.
Linoone: Quick Feet helps when it has to resort to coverage, although to be honest, you're still BellySpeeding everything. Gluttony does zip, unfortunately. Note that because of Unnerve, it may not get to eat the Sitrus every time, so be careful when setting up.
Beautifly: Gender mechanics could screw you or help you, but unfortunately this poor thing is probably the poorest of the Quiver Dancers.
Dustox: No secondary effects and better accuracy. Outclassed by Venomoth simply by having a third ability (and a useful one at that; see also its better speed and actual offensive presence).
Ludicolo: Swimmer with healing in rain and immunity to confusion. Between STAB Giga Drain and Rain Dish, it's quite good at keeping itself healthy, but faces greater competition for a teamslot since many Swimmers have gotten better.
Shiftry: Chloro that wakes up early and can steal items if it's Knocked Off. With a number of sun sweepers getting more useful toys, Shiftry isn't looking so hot, although hey, if you need hazard control, here you go.
Swellow: Well, you're definitely going physical now. STAB very fast Guts Facade that now can hit Ghosts. Not bad for a mere regional bird.
Pelipper: Unchanged, Keen Eye is useless.
Gardevoir: This will depend on Trace mechanics. If Trace grabs the single ability-y, then who knows what Gardy could do? With a few Soundproofers on the field, Mega Garde may not be so quick to toss out Hyper Voices.
Masquerain: Berry blocker with Intimidate. That'll really screw over Belly Drummers and do a little bit to aid in setup.
Breloom: Another possible "yikes", it can keep itself healthy and utilize nice Technician options in Bullet Seed, Mach Punch, and Rock Tomb. Effect Spore is a bonus.
Slaking: No new toys for you, I'm afraid.
Ninjask: Extremely fast and able to hit through Subs. Note that is something Scolipede cannot do.
Shedinja: With more Mold Breakers in play and sand possibly becoming huge, Sheddy could be in serious trouble.
Exploud: More Soundproofers, including itself, make Boomburst less of a win button than it has been. Still absurdly good under the right conditions.
Hariyama: Guts sweeper with added Fire and Ice resists and Sheer Force-boosted...well, it has the elemental punches. Guts+SF is awesome, if only it could fit moves that could use it.
Delcatty: Now officially a Jokemon because Normalize. That is all.
Sableye: So Prankster+Stall makes it go last in the +1 bracket on status. Stall's kind of hindering, which makes non-Mega Sab a tad worse.
Mawile: Intimidate+Sheer Force, and Hyper Cutter to block opposing Intimidates. This is looking pretty good. Mega Mawile remains Uber.
Aggron: Sturdy+Rock Head, this time with Head Smash and a hugely powerful Heavy Slam thanks to Heavy Metal. Vanilla Aggron's catching up to its mega a bit.
Medicham: Just mega, Telepathy is useless.
Manectric: Another Static+Lightning Rod. Just mega.
Plusle and Minun: Unchanged.
Volbeat: If it lives a hit it can fire off a pretty sweet Bug Buzz!...anybody?
Illumise: Definitely got the better deal here. Prankster status with Taunt immunity! Oh, and if you're worried about Mold Breaker Taunt, a Bug Buzz that hits everything not Soundproof neutrally (though not particularly hard.)
Swalot: Early berry consumption, no item theft or Knocking Off, screw draining moves. Meh.
Sharpedo: Its Rough Skin is frankly inferior to Aftermath, since it's not taking a hit to save its life anyway. Go mega--but wait for the Speed Boost.
Wailord: No burning, Pressure, no Taunting. Defensive--wait, crap defenses. Never mind.
Camerupt: Solid Rock helps its ability to stick around, while it's immune to freezing. Anger Point...if only it had a better Fire move than Flame Charge. Mega Camel remains the awesome wallbreaker or TR sweeper of old.
Torkoal: No crits, no stat drops. Meh.
Grumpig: No confusion, early Berry consumption, Fire and Ice resists. Meh.
Spinda: Shame its stats suck, because Contrary with confusion immunity and boosted speed when statused isn't half-bad.
Flygon: Unchanged. Poor guy.
Cacturne: Hey, let's be an annoying little sand devil with a Water immunity!
Altaria: Clears weather coming in, can cure itself of status if forced right back out. I mean, it isn't bad, but when you're one of the best megas in the entire game...
Zangoose: Immunity cancels out Toxic Boost. Sorry, Zangoose, you just took a huge hit.
Seviper: Screw Subs, screw status. Not a bad deal.
Solrock and Lunatone: No other abilities, the poor fellows. You'll always languish, it seems.
Whiscash: Anticipation might help with not getting caught out by a lure/random coverage move, while being immune to confusion and being status-immune in rain.
Crawdaunt: Can we make this thing any better? Sure, let's make it Intimidate-immune and crit-immune! Oh, have fun with this one.
Claydol: Same as it ever was.
Cradily: There are better rain stops. At least it can't be phazed.
Armaldo: Swimmer that isn't Grass-weak or Electric-weak (though it is neutral to both), can spin, and is critproof. At least it hits like a Mack truck.
Milotic: If you give this thing a +2, it can wreak havoc. Marvel Scale and Cute Charm could actually work fairly well together, although at the cost of health, speed, or turns.
Castform: Will always suck. Sorry.
Kecleon: Not every type resists itself (and two are weak to themselves), so Color Change to make up for its low Speed isn't the most helpful thing. But it can be nice.
Banette: Sleep immunity, item scouting, and possibly disabling moves. All pretty helpful on or before the Mega turn. Going mega means a sky-high attack and Prankster, but the set vanilla has may be a little hard to give up.
Tropius: One of the best ability sets--fast and powerful sun attacking with Sitrus Harvesting to mitigate Solar Power damage--on one of the worst mons.
Chimecho: Unchanged.
Absol: Super Luck Night Slash plus Pressure plus grabbing +1s on Knock Offs equals a serious "to mega or not to mega" question. Probably still "to mega".
Glalie: Healing in hail and flinch immunity. If you're using this, it's still for Refrigerate Explosion (in which case, watch out for Damp).
Walrein: Hey, enjoy your triple Ice resist (and Fire neutrality), along with Taunt immunity and healing in hail. Return of Stallrein, perhaps?
Huntail: Well, it can't SmashPass anymore, but the burn immunity helps. It also has Coil, a unique attribute for a Swimmer.
Gorebyss: Its counterpart one-ups it by being completely immune to status...in rain. These aren't your first picks for Swimmers, but they're not terrible at all.
Relicanth: Recoil-less and decently fast Head Smash, plus Sturdy. This is pretty good even off base 90.
Luvdisc: Another Swimmer with Hydration. It's also Luvdisc.
Salamence: MoxieDate again. Hard to say if this combo is enough to lift it back into the upper echelon of Dragon Dancers.
Metagross: No stat drops, less from Low Kick (which is, again, potentially quite beneficial). This isn't a simple matter of "just go mega", even if said mega was at one point thiiiis close to getting the banhammer.
Regirock: No stat drops and Sturdy. Meh.
Regice: Ice Body plus no stat drops. If you want to run hail for some reason...
Registeel: Having Low Kick not hurt as much actually helps.
Lati@s: Everything is still the same.
Jirachi: Still cute. Still going to flinch you to death.

Starters: You know the drill. Torterra's is useful, while Infernape can fire off one last-ditch Flare Blitz, and Empoleon can't do jack with Defiant.
Staraptor: Intimidate can help its survivability just a teeny bit, while still having dual Reckless STABs.
Bibarel: Another case of "good abilities, bad mon". Unaware+Simple wins Calm Mind wars, except Bibs has Curse, and poor stats overall.
Kricketune: It's basically starter ability plus what it already used.
Luxray: Guts+Intimidate works similarly to MoxieDate except more immediately, with Rivalry possibly boosting its attack even further. Even with a Rivalry drop it's still formidable.
Roserade: Natural Cure plus Technician HP Fire. And then Poison Point as a bonus.
Rampardos: Awesome Sheer Force movepool plus Mold Breaker. Who needs Banded Head Smash when you can never take a Life Orb hit ever?
Bastiodon: It resists pretty much every sound move anyway (including doubly-resisting Boomburst!), so Soundproof's not too-too much an improvement. Preserving Sturdy is always good, though.
Wormadam Formes: Move scouting and powder/spore immunity (and hail, and sand for Plant Cloak). Still Wormadam.
Mothim: QD+Tinted Lens+...Swarm. It had enough trouble trying to compete with Butterfree as it was.
Combee: Counting this because male Combee is FE. It still sucks. Let me count the ways: stats, typing...Hustle with a grand total of one physical move. (It learns Bug Bite by tutor.)
Vespiquen: Pressure+Unnerve. Flavor-wise, that's great, and gameplay-wise it's not terrible, either. Typing is the trouble here, as it always was (its stats aren't even that bad!).
Pachirisu: If you really are trying to make Pickup+Volt Absorb work on this thing, you're trying too hard.
Floatzel: A Water Veil Swimmer isn't much by itself. It does hit as hard as Huntail while being much faster, although Huntail has Sucker Punch.
Cherrim: Is still Cherrim.
Gastrodon: A Water switchin for sand that can hit hella hard with sand up and can't lose its item.
Ambipom: Cincinno does the Technician+Skill Link combo better. Not to mention Fury Swipes will leave you Furious when it does inevitably miss. Oh, and Pickup.
Drifblim: Unburden+Flare Boost=Sanic. Not to mention Aftermath, a nasty surprise for whatever brings it down.
Lopunny: Paralysis switchin and Cute Charm before you mega evolve to start High Jump Kicking everything in sight.
Mismagius: Still Mismagius.
Honchkrow: Seriously, Night Slash is so good on these Super Luck Dark-types. Plus it has Moxie, and that sleep immunity.
Purugly: U-G-L-Y, it ain't got no alibi, it's...immune to confusion, able to nab the Defiant +1, and resistant to Fire and Ice. We're going somewhere.
Skuntank: A little flinch chance on everything, plus some hefty damage when it dies. This is pretty usable.
Bronzong: Ground immunity, Fire neutrality, and while Low Kicks will hurt more, it does learn Heavy Slam to compensate.
Chatot: Two situational abilities (Big Pecks, Tangled Feet) and one completely useless (Keen Eye). Meanwhile, both of its STABs are sound moves, not that that means that much.
Spiritomb: Another Pressure+Infiltrator combo. These plus its stats and typing make it an excellent defensive mon.
Garchomp: Not only can it dish out residual damage like a champ, it can dodge hits in sand. Mega Chomp remains a terrific sand mega.
Lucario: Inner Focus shuts down Steadfast, but at least it has Justified to grab +1s. Mega Luke remains its insanely broken self.
Hippowdon: Able to set sand and then fire off a killer EdgeQuake in addition to walling stuff. No set-and-get-out for this guy.
Drapion: Critproof while able to dish out huge crits itself.
Toxicroak: Move scouting, Water immunity (though watch the Fire semi-weakness), and it can fit a couple of moves for Poison Touch abuse onto a set.
Carnivine: Unchanged.
Lumineon: Rather weak for a Swimmer, but can use opposing Water attacks to remedy that. Nor can it be worn down through burns.
Abomasnow: Soundproof helps with Bug Buzzes, and whether in vanilla or mega, it's a key piece of hail. Mega Snow trades that for improved stats all around (except Speed).
Weavile: It can Pressure and steal items. I mean, it's still going to be a threat, it's Weavile.
Magnezone: Nothing like hanging on with Sturdy and delivering an Analytic shot in return. Throw those Scarves away. Oh, and it still traps Steels.
Licklicky: Got that Own Tempo/Oblivious combo, and then Cloud Nine, which is a more valuable ability given the sheer number of things that can abuse weather.
Rhyperior: Can't abuse either of its other two abilities, sadly.
Tangrowth: Speed and immunity to status under sun, and then Regenerator should it be forced out.
Electivire: Sleep switchin, Electric switchin. Fairly straightforward.
Magmortar: Sleep switchin with the ability to burn on contact. Again, fairly straightforward.
Togekiss: Now it can crit-flinch you to death! As to why they gave Hustle to something with 50 Atk, I'll never know.
Yanmega: It keeps getting faster while ignoring resists and item scouting. This thing might be a little dangerous.
Leafeon: Another sun sweeper immune to status while it's up.
Glaceon: A hail tool, what with evasion and healing enabled with it up.
Gliscor: Poison Heal plus Intimidate blocking and evasion under sand. Sand Veil itself is enough to elicit an "oh boy", but it being a physical tank and not a wall...
Mamoswine: Tauntproof to make it a beautiful rocks lead, while it has a Fire neutrality and regains its Ice resist. And then give it hail, and watch it dodge things.
Porygon-Z: Imagine a Tri Attack with Download, Adaptability, and Analytic boosts all active at once. Yeah. This duck came to play.
Gallade: Justified and Steadfast boosts may not be as easy to acquire. There's then its mega, a subject of some debate in standard play.
Probopass: Sturdy+Magnet Pull again, but this time best under sand. Of course, the double Ground weakness makes it prey to opposing sand.
Dusknoir: Item scouting and Pressure. Alright, I guess.
Frosslass: Give it hail and it can dodge, plus disable moves. Nothing like having your Specs wallbreaker forced to switch or Struggle.
Rotom Formes: Will be Rotom.
Lake Guardians, Cresselia, Mythicals: Same. Manaphy won't necessarily have to worry about setting its own rain, if nothing else.

Starters: Serperior gets an even stronger Leaf Storm or Giga Drain, Emboar gets one hell of a last-ditch Flare Blitz, and Samurott...doesn't get much.
Watchog: Two useless abilities. No change, still sucks.
Stoutland: Oh lordy. Not only a Sand Rusher, but now with Scrappy to click Return and not care, and Intimidate to aid its defensive capability.
Liepard: Because screw anything going before you. Prankster, then Limber to screw paralysis, and in case it should take a Knock Off, thanks! Unburden!
Elemental Monkeys: Starter ability plus Gluttony. Well, who knows if Gluttony will come in handy.
Musharna: Can move-scout as well as punish (some) status.
Unfeazant: Still got the short end of the stick for elemental birds. Rivalry+Super Luck Air Cutter might be threatening if it didn't come off 65 SpA.
Zebstrika: Motor Drive is the big one (as if it needed to be faster already), while between Sap Sipper or Lightning Rod, you're sure to grab at least one beneficial power boost.
Gigalith: Five guys and a...Sand Forcer with Sturdy. Meh.
Swoobat: Simple+Unaware wins Calm Mind wars. Sadly, it doesn't even get Trick or Switcheroo to make something out of Klutz. Still an improvement.
Excadrill: Everybody was excited about this, and with good reason. Improved speed and power for sand, and it gets to keep Mold Breaker!
Audino: Go mega or go itemless. At least as a non-mega it keeps Regenerator.
Conkeldurr: Sheer Force+Iron Fist, hello. Oh, and then it can utilize Guts to boost even further. Geez, was base 140 not enough?
Seismitoad: Swimmer, Water Absorber, and hey, let's throw around poison for the heck of it.
Throh: Guts Mold Breaker with a flinch immunity. Mold Breaker distinguishes it from Hariyama, the other fat Guts mon.
Sawk: Mold Breaker with flinch immunity and...Sturdy. At least it can usually get off two hits.
Leavanny: But it's already powder-immune! At least it's not taking sand damage. Oh, and it's a Chloro sweeper that can fire off one hell of a Bug Buzz in a pinch.
Scolipede: Everyone's favorite Speed Booster, now with a couple of bonus abilities in Poison Point and Swarm.
Whimsicott: It Pranksters! Through Subs! And give it sun and it goes even faster! One of the best support mons in this format.
Liligant: Sun sweeper with confusion and status immunities (the latter only under sun). Click Petal Dance and win. (Well, you could, if Grass weren't such a crap attacking type.)
Basculin: Super hard Waterfalls that bypass the many Water immunities, and a forme-specific third ability. Unfortunately, it lacks the recoil moves (besides the common Double-Edge) to take advantage of either.
Krookodile: MoxieDate with Anger Point as a bonus ability.
Darmantian: Zen Mode is now mandatory. Prepare accordingly.
Maractus: Oh Lordy, switch in on a Water move and grab a +1 and healing. And then it has Chlorophyll.
Crustle: Weak Armor, but critproof and Sturdy. Still, just because it has 70/125 physical bulk doesn't mean it likes to compromise that (especially as a Shell Smasher).
Scrafty: MoxieDate with the ability to get rid of status.
Sigilyph: Tinted Lens doesn't help with immunities, and Wonder Skin is nice to dodge status. If you want to use something other than the Flame Orb set.
Cofagrigus: Mummy is so much more powerful when it can take two or three abilities away and not just one.
Carracosta: Solid Rock and Sturdy. Great pair for a Shell Smash Swift Swimmer. Also, Costa becomes possibly the best Weakness Policy user in the game, since barring Mold Breaker it pretty much will survive an SE hit (that isn't Grass).
Archeops: If Archeops had another ability, everybody would be using it.
Garbodor: Stench is a nice improvement when it can flinch things, while Aftermath hurts what brings it down. And then it has Weak Armor, which can help it get fast enough to flinch things.
Zoroark: Illusion mindgames galore. (At least until Rotom uses Flamethrower.)
Cincinno: This will be its "Who's laughing now?" moment. Technician+Skill Link gives you a nearly 300 BP STAB and 187.5 BP coverage. The end, who cares about Cute Charm?
Gothitelle: Now it can do more than trap! Dangerous with a Competitive boost, and Frisk lets you scout for a Shed Shell or Mega Stone, so you can trap and Trick with confidence.
Reuniclus: Pivot without fear of hazards, and laugh at your newly-acquired Spore immunity. This one's gonna be tough to crack.
Swanna: No Defense or accuracy drops, no status in rain. Meh--which sucks, because I really like Swanna.
Vanilluxe: Healing in hail might help on top of Weak Armor. But of course, you need hail.
Sawsbuck: No Serene Grace movepool for you. But give it sun and it can go hella fast, while grabbing a +1 off Grass moves.
Emolga: Static+Motor Drive. Yay. It's Emolga.
Escavalier: Picks up a crit immunity, and of course Swarm has its uses.
Amoongus: An unwanted Effect Spore activation won't cease to annoy you. But it's a nice bonus with Regenerator.
Jellicent: Disabling a move and being Water-immune is a great combo, plus it blocks explosions.
Alomomola: Give it rain, and it can shrug off status in addition to resting up while benched and passing those huge Wishes.
Galvantula: Poor guy didn't pick up much. It can block Berry consumption, and there's Swarm, but it'll always be Compound Eyes Thunder.
Ferrothorn: No more worrying about a surprise HP Fire, which is pretty big, even if it's in-battle effect is minimal.
Klinklang: Got nothing, with its other abilities being Plus and Minus.
Eleektross: Go on with your no-weakness bad self. Just be careful, there's a lot of Mold Breakers out there.
Beheeyem: Picks up Synchronize in case of status, which is something.
Chandelure: Infiltrator is just a nice ability in general, and now Chandy can have that and its Flash Fire boosts, with Flame Body as a bonus ability.
Haxorus: Can also block Berries, but Rivalry's hit-or-miss nature is a slight downgrade.
Beartic: Like Ice Body means anything for a Swimmer. It also has very fierce competition, even as a Grass check.
Cryogonal: Still the same.
Accelgor: Heals status in rain. Now, this whole Sticky Hold+Unburden thing...basically, use a Berry, so you're guaranteed to keep it until you need it, and then Unburden kicks in.
Stunfisk: Static is now a joke, and Sand Veil and Static aren't particularly valuable by themselves or in a combo.
Mienshao: Whiffed your Reckless High Jump Kick? Just head to the bench and rest up. Inner Focus provides a nice bonus as well.
Druddigon: Another Sheer Force Mold Breaker, with Rough Skin as a bonus (TankGon?).
Golurk: Shame the item slot's useless. Ah well, there's still Iron Fist No Guard Dynamic Punch!
Bisharp: Yes, it has other abilities. Enjoy a flinch immunity and Pressure to boot.
Bouffalant: With immunities to Grass and sound moves, it's a bit easier to get this in and start wreaking havoc with Reckless Head Charge.
Braviary: This thing has a couple of Sheer Force moves, it just can't fit them. Poor guy. Still a great Defiant user.
Mandibuzz: Sadly, Weak Armor drops count as self-inflicted (source)
Heatmor: Gimme dat Flash Fire, and blocking stat drops is also nice.
Durant: Entrainment is pretty much necessary, or else you've just gone full Slaking. Never go full Slaking.
Hydreigon: Same old, same old.
Volcarona: Adds Swarm. Neither ability would be more than a bonus on anybody else anyway. It's still good.
Swords of Justice: Still Justified.
Forces of Nature, Therian Formes: Only have the one ability. Perhaps we should be grateful.
Tornadus-I: Defiant boosts are always nice, plus it can Prankster Bulk Up. (Cro set, though. Prankster Sleep Talk for the win.)
Thundurus-I: Usually goes special, but maybe Defiant will change your mind. Maybe. Still has Prankster as well.
Kyurem, Kyurem-B, Keldeo, Meloetta: Same as they ever were.

Starters: The usual change of starter ability+HA. Greninja, if it weren't banned, would be slightly more predictable, since it would likely carry a Water move to take advantage of Torrent.
Diggersby: Tho! Give it a Berry and abuse Cheek Pouch (be wary of Unnerve and/or Pickup activating at the wrong, though) while keeping Huge Power.
Talonflame: It can take a weaker physical hit or two, so now it can spread burns (if it hasn't Will-O'd already) and retain that sweet, sweet priority Brave Bird.
Vivillion: Compound Eyes Hurricane, hello, plus immunity to Scald burns (and other secondary effects, but mostly Scald burns).
Pyroar: Moxie on a special attacker, that's a nice touch. So is Rivalry to possibly make it weaker (or stronger). Plus a lot more stuff gets Unnerve.
Florges: Neither of its abilities help it much.
Gogoat: I mean, you could set Grassy Terrain for it, but unless you want that, no change.
Pangoro: Scrappy on a Dark type always struck me as funny, but it works. Also, Drain Punch gets an Iron Fist boost, and it has Mold Breaker too.
Furfrou: No change.
Meowstic-M: Prankster+Infiltrator again.
Meowstic-F: Competitive+Infiltrator. The Sub will not save you in either case.
Aromatisse: Still Tauntproof bar Mold Breaker.
Slurpuff: Now immune to sleep as well as having Unburden. It's something.
Malamar: Contrary Superpower through Subs, as well as being immune to phazing. That is actually a scary combo.
Barbaracle: Harder crits, plus harder contact hits in general, and it can steal an item (if it's been Knocked Off or a Berry eaten).
Dragalge: Poison all the things! Except it relies on special moves. Aww.
Clawitzer: Still a Mega Launcher.
Heliolisk: On sand, it can dodge. On sun, it hits hella hard with a Water immunity but basically has to be handled like a Guts sweeper.
Tyrantrum: It actually learns every Strong Jaw-boosted move, but has trouble fitting most of them onto a set. Just in case "Click Head Smash and win" isn't doing it.
Aurorus: Hail setter, which means Refrigerate doesn't do much when perfect-accuracy Blizzard exists. (Hail really needs to boost Ice moves.)
Sylveon: Can potentially spread infatuation alongside Pixilate Hyper Voice. Okay.
Hawlucha: Enjoy the Unburden boost plus Mold Breaker and then shrugging off paralysis.
Dedenne: Still Dedenne. Poor thing.
Carbink: Blocks stat drops, plus Sturdy. Still has those monster defenses.
Goodra: Great bulky guy for rain: Grass immunity, no status while raining, can provide speed control just by taking physical hits, and even has a rain-boosted Muddy Water or Thunder.
Klefki: Eh, there's some situational Magician use in there somewhere, but it probably won't affect it much.
Trevenant: It can switch out to cure status, while still having Harvest and item-scouting.
Gourgeist Formes: Sleep immune, item scouting, can grab an item. Meh.
Avalugg: Sturdy, can dodge in hail, confusion immune. Meh.
Noivern: Can item scout in addition to hitting through subs.
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Blastoise: Boosted Water moves at low health and...no explodey. Well, use it against a suicide lead and laugh. Or just go Mega.

Rain Dish is not Damp. It's passive healing in Rain.

Chansey: Unchanged. It can't make use of either of its other abilities.

Actually, Chansey can spread Paralysis with Body Slam and then Headbutt targets. Thunder Wave Paralyzes things too, of course, but Body Slam bypasses Magic Bounce.

Jynx: Water immunity, move scouting, Taunt immunity is pretty sweet...enjoy the double Fire weakness.

Dry Skin is just 25% more damage, not x2. At single weakness level it's taking 250% damage, which isn't fun, but isn't especially awful. More concerning is its problematic Speed tier and awful Physical bulk.

Gyarados: Moxie/Intimidate, the first of several instances of this pairing. Grab a kill as regular Dos before hitting the button and unleash hell. Mega Dos' value as a Mold Breaker may be slightly diminished due to improved non-mega options, but we'll see.

Honestly, Mold Breaker is probably a lot more relevant of an Ability, since there's a decent pool of Abilities a Pokemon normally never runs. For instance, Mega Gyarados is glad to not only ignore Quagsire's Unaware but also glad to ignore its Water Absorb.

Ditto: Well, Ditto will be Ditto. Limber presumably has no effect due to Imposter, so unchanged.

Actually, when faced with an Imposter or Illusion, Imposter will fail, leaving Ditto as Ditto. Limber also cures Paralysis, though it will also un-cure it if you lose Limber, but you could, for instance, switch in on Zoroark tossing out Toxic while you're currently Paralyzed. So it does matter, albeit only in extremely edge case scenarios.

Xatu: Synchronize is useless thanks to Magic Bounce, but at least it wakes up early.

And then Porygon-Z tosses out a Tri Attack, procs Burn or Paralysis, and suddenly is itself Burned or Paralyzed.

Synchronize applies to status inflicted as a side effect of an attack.

Sudowoodo: Sturdy/Rock Head that has a good coverage move for RH (Wood Hammer). It needs to survive to get the Rattled boost, though, and it still sucks in general.

Sturdy ensures it will survive at least one hit to get the Rattled Boost. The real issue is that it's Speed is way too low to actually get use out of the Rattled boost.

Quagsire: Gets a Water immunity and healing on top of Unaware, a neat defensive enhancement.

The inability to Explode on it isn't completely irrelevant, either, as a way to push past Unaware is to have extreme high base power -such as by Exploding on Quagsire. Which isn't possible anymore.

Scizor: Low Kick and Grass Knot hurt less (though Heavy Slam hurts more) on top of Technician, plus if it does end up getting low, Technician Swarm Bug Bite will hurt. Mega Scizor is still the badass it always was.

... you know, the fact that Low Kick is weaker is actually more relevant than I'd previously considered, as there are actually a few Pokemon where Low Kick is their best bet against Scizor.

Kingdra: Rain-boosted, always-critical Hydro Pump. Oh Lordy. Oh, and blocks explosions, although the sheer number of things with Damp is likely to mark the end of the suicide lead as we know it.

Sniper increases the damage of critical hits, not the chance. But yeah, Kingdra looks like an utterly terrifying Rain 'mon, outspeeding everything while hitting for something like 337.5% damage with Hydro Pump.

Porygon2: How are we handling Trace again? Because it'd be a shame to let Analytic+Download go to waste, letting this thing potentially match its evolution in offensive presence.

Honestly depends on the coder. There's an existing set of code -not compatible with main- that my recollection is it replaces the Pokemon's entire Ability set when they Trace.

Blissey: Serene Grace Ice Beam. Oh, there's a niche for you--only thing in the game with that combo. And remember, there's no Freeze Clause to save you.

Actually, Dunsparce can do it too. 20% Freeze chance isn't really all that reliable, though. Better than 10%, but not something you can mostly count on like 30%.
Rain Dish is not Damp. It's passive healing in Rain.

Actually, Chansey can spread Paralysis with Body Slam and then Headbutt targets. Thunder Wave Paralyzes things too, of course, but Body Slam bypasses Magic Bounce.

Dry Skin is just 25% more damage, not x2. At single weakness level it's taking 250% damage, which isn't fun, but isn't especially awful. More concerning is its problematic Speed tier and awful Physical bulk.

Honestly, Mold Breaker is probably a lot more relevant of an Ability, since there's a decent pool of Abilities a Pokemon normally never runs. For instance, Mega Gyarados is glad to not only ignore Quagsire's Unaware but also glad to ignore its Water Absorb.

Actually, when faced with an Imposter or Illusion, Imposter will fail, leaving Ditto as Ditto. Limber also cures Paralysis, though it will also un-cure it if you lose Limber, but you could, for instance, switch in on Zoroark tossing out Toxic while you're currently Paralyzed. So it does matter, albeit only in extremely edge case scenarios.

And then Porygon-Z tosses out a Tri Attack, procs Burn or Paralysis, and suddenly is itself Burned or Paralyzed.

Synchronize applies to status inflicted as a side effect of an attack.

Sturdy ensures it will survive at least one hit to get the Rattled Boost. The real issue is that it's Speed is way too low to actually get use out of the Rattled boost.

The inability to Explode on it isn't completely irrelevant, either, as a way to push past Unaware is to have extreme high base power -such as by Exploding on Quagsire. Which isn't possible anymore.

... you know, the fact that Low Kick is weaker is actually more relevant than I'd previously considered, as there are actually a few Pokemon where Low Kick is their best bet against Scizor.

Sniper increases the damage of critical hits, not the chance. But yeah, Kingdra looks like an utterly terrifying Rain 'mon, outspeeding everything while hitting for something like 337.5% damage with Hydro Pump.

Honestly depends on the coder. There's an existing set of code -not compatible with main- that my recollection is it replaces the Pokemon's entire Ability set when they Trace.

Actually, Dunsparce can do it too. 20% Freeze chance isn't really all that reliable, though. Better than 10%, but not something you can mostly count on like 30%.

Implemented, and Hoenn should be up soon.

EDIT: Every OU-legal mon has been analyzed. Now seeking feedback on revisions and expansions--how do the things with only one ability fair? Better? Worse?
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It's a crying shame that this metagame couldn't be approved as a regular OM, it would've probably gathered a lot more interest in the main subforum.
After reading the thread, someone seems to have posted code that lets us do this, so forgive my ignorance, but what would be the steps to getting this hosted somewhere?
Can we just talk about Gumshoos for a moment? It has Adaptability + Strong Jaw + Stakeout. Hyper Fang is now 80 x 2 x 1.5= 240 Base Power with no downside. With Stakeout boost it's even more (Not sure how much it boosts tho). It has also a great attack stat at 110.

On the other hand you have to actually survive a hit before attacking, and that might be a bit of a trouble.

Also Komo-o has a hilarious amount of moves it is imune to like Sludge Bomb and Hyper Voice, and most importantly, Spore. Gotta know what ya hitting that dragon with.
Wow, Look at Cinccino with Skill Link+Technician+Cute Charm. Wonderful!
ok so I came to know of this meta when Diogo-Gamer (Fuleno) told me about it. I was interested, and I tried coding it :)
I have some replays for y'all.
Test Replay 1, Test Replay 2, Legit Match 1
(I was using my OU team btw)
Will post code soon
Also this doesn't feel like a pet mod :^)
i think you've already exhausted soon

Can we just talk about Gumshoos for a moment? It has Adaptability + Strong Jaw + Stakeout. Hyper Fang is now 80 x 2 x 1.5= 240 Base Power with no downside. With Stakeout boost it's even more (Not sure how much it boosts tho). It has also a great attack stat at 110.

On the other hand you have to actually survive a hit before attacking, and that might be a bit of a trouble.

Also Komo-o has a hilarious amount of moves it is imune to like Sludge Bomb and Hyper Voice, and most importantly, Spore. Gotta know what ya hitting that dragon with.
choice scarf on gumshoos?

Also Kommo-o is immune to sand and hail as well.
i think you've already exhausted soon
           name: "Pokebilities",
           desc: ["&bullet; <a href=\"http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/pok%C3%A9bilities.3510241/\">Pokebilities</a>"],
           section: "Experimental Metas",
           mod: 'pokebilities',
           ruleset: ["OU"],
           onSwitchInPriority: 1,
           onBegin: function() {
            let statusability = {"aerilate":true,"aurabreak":true,"flashfire":true,"parentalbond":true,"pixilate":true,"refrigerate":true,"sheerforce":true,"slowstart":true,"truant":true,"unburden":true,"zenmode":true};
               for (let p = 0; p < this.sides.length; p++) {
                   for (let i = 0; i < this.sides[p].pokemon.length; i++) {
                       let pokemon = this.sides[p].pokemon[i];
                       let template = this.getTemplate(pokemon.species);
                       this.sides[p].pokemon[i].innates = [];
                       for (let a in template.abilities) {
                           if (toId(template.abilities[a]) != pokemon.ability)
                               this.sides[p].pokemon[i].innates.push("other" + toId(template.abilities[a]));
           onSwitchIn: function(pokemon) {
               for (let i = 0; i < pokemon.innates.length; i++) {
                   if (!pokemon.volatiles[pokemon.innates[i]])
           onAfterMega: function(pokemon) {
               for (let i = 0; i < pokemon.innates.length; i++) {
'use strict';
exports.BattleScripts = {
    init: function()
            Object.values(this.data.Abilities).forEach(ability => {
                let abi = {};
                let statusability = {"aerilate":true,"aurabreak":true,"flashfire":true,"parentalbond":true,"pixilate":true,"refrigerate":true,"sheerforce":true,"slowstart":true,"truant":true,"unburden":true,"zenmode":true};
                for(let i in ability) abi[i] = ability[i];
                    this.data.Statuses["other"+ability.id] = abi;
                    this.data.Statuses["other"+ability.id].effectType = "Ability";
                    this.data.Statuses["other"+ability.id]["name"] = "Other "+ability["name"];
                    this.data.Statuses["other"+ability.id].noCopy = true;
                    this.data.Statuses["other"+ability.id]["id"] = "other"+ability.id;
                    this.data.Statuses[ability.id] = abi;
                    this.data.Statuses[ability.id].effectType = "Ability";
                    this.data.Statuses[ability.id].noCopy = true;
                this.data.Statuses.trace = {
                    desc: "On switch-in, this Pokemon copies a random adjacent opposing Pokemon's Ability. If there is no Ability that can be copied at that time, this Ability will activate as soon as an Ability can be copied. Abilities that cannot be copied are Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Stance Change, Trace, and Zen Mode.",
                    shortDesc: "On switch-in, or when it can, this Pokemon copies a random adjacent foe's Ability.",
                    onUpdate: function (pokemon) {
                        let possibleTargets = [];
                        for (let i = 0; i < pokemon.side.foe.active.length; i++) {
                            if (pokemon.side.foe.active[i] && !pokemon.side.foe.active[i].fainted) possibleTargets.push(pokemon.side.foe.active[i]);
                        while (possibleTargets.length) {
                            let rand = 0;
                            if (possibleTargets.length > 1) rand = this.random(possibleTargets.length);
                            let target = possibleTargets[rand], abe=target.innates[this.random(target.innates.length)];
                            let bannedAbilities = {flowergift:1, forecast:1, illusion:1, imposter:1, multitype:1, stancechange:1, trace:1, otherzenmode:1};
                            if(!bannedAbilities[abe]) {
                                this.add('-ability', pokemon, abe, '[from] ability: Trace', '[of] ' + target);
                                pokemon.removeVolatile("trace", pokemon);
                                pokemon.addVolatile(abe, pokemon);
                    id: "trace",
                    name: "Trace",
                    rating: 3,
                    num: 36,
                    effectType: "Ability",
                    noCopy: true,
    pokemon: {
        hasAbility: function(ability) {
            if (this.ignoringAbility()) return false;
            if (this.volatiles[ability] || this.volatiles["other"+ability]) return true;
            let ownAbility = this.ability;
            if (!Array.isArray(ability)) {
                return ownAbility === toId(ability);
            return ability.map(toId).includes(ownAbility);
If you go through the code, you'll find that it's.... really shitty yeah, but also, you can use the scripts.js for any format that uses multiple abilities.
Pls forgive for shit code
I did it wen I was bad
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A while ago I wrote up a long masterpost that basically speculated how every notable Pokemon would perform with all of its abilities. With a new generation upon us and some form of code now allowing us to actually maybe play this someday, here's some speculation for how the Alolan mons will fare.

To properly incorporate form and ability changes for old mons as well as the new kids on the block, this list will be in Alolan Dex order, rather than just tacking the Alolans on in Nat-Dex order. It'll also be in a hide tag for your convenience, and focuses primarily on what the ability set does for each mon (since that is the focus of this format). Enjoy, and feel free to add to or correct anything I say.

It should be noted that not every ability has to perfectly synergize (though I'll be noting if I think some do). Sometimes an ability set is just various positive effects, and that's okay.

Decidueye: Long Reach is soooo neat. Considering how many contact-based abilities are in play here (Rough Skin/Iron Barbs, Effect Spore, Static, Flame Body, Cute Charm, Gooey/Tangling Hair), it's definitely a boon to dodge all of these, especially for a pivot, which wants to avoid those extra bits of chip damage. As usual, Overgrow helps with last-ditch Grass attacks.
Incineroar: Intimidate is Intimidate, as always, helping an already decent base 90 Defense. And Blaze is Blaze, as always.
Primarina: Liquid Voice really should have given a boost. If we ever get a Doubles version of this, Primarina at least has a spread Water move that won't hit its ally, which is actually useful. Also, Torrent exists.
Toucannon: Braviary is relieved something makes worse use of Sheer Force. Noivern is relieved something makes worse use of Boomburst (which it has as an Egg move). Actually, this thing is more of a flying Cincinno, right down to the predictable Bullet Seed/Rock Blast coverage, U-Turn, and even the same base Attack. Can't win 'em all, I guess.
Gumshoos: Here's a dare for you: Try switching into a Stakeout/Strong Jaw/Adaptability Hyper Fang without being a Ghost/Rock/Steel-type. Go on, try it. Shame about the Speed and defenses, because it has these plus EQ and Crunch to potentially catch those who would try it.
Raticate-A: Aww, no Guts+Hustle fun, especially with the burn nerf being such a boon for Guts sweepers! Instead, Hustle with Gluttony (when the only berry you'll be holding, if any, is Chople) and Thick Fat, which given the Alolan form's boosted defenses actually gives it a few switch-in opportunities.
Raichu-A: Basically a weather ability. Raichu can set its own Electric Terrain, so it doesn't necessarily need Tapu Koko, but in singles building around at least this terrain like you would a weather team might be helpful.
Vikavolt: It has Levitate. Ho-hum, especially given that it's neutral to a Mold Breaker Ground move).
Pelipper: So, this or Politoed as your rain setter? Politoed has bulk, Encore, less of an Electric weakness, and Water Absorb to somewhat block opposing rain sweepers. Pelipper has better physical Defense, U-Turn, and more incentive to stay in with the combination of Rain Dish, Roost, and oh yeah, STAB Hurricane.
Persian-A: I'm digging Rattled+Fur Coat on a Dark-type, which resists Dark and Ghost and has Fur Coat to improve its chances against physical Bug-types. Technician remains the offensive ability, which is not so useful: most of its Technician-boosted moves are physical when the stat redistribution favors a special attacker, and while it does have Snarl, Dark Pulse might still be the better option because it doesn't miss and can pick up flinches.
Muk-A: Power of Alchemy is Trace except requiring an ally to faint first. Have we worked out Trace mechanics yet (especially as part of a set and not a standalone ability)? Fortunately, it won't come into play in singles. Otherwise it has Gluttony, ho-hum, and Poison Touch as always.
Crabominable: Ooh, that typing is gorgeous. So is being Intimidate-proof, and Iron Fist is somewhat nice. Unfortunately, GF gave it an Ice-type Hammer Arm but not Hammer Arm itself for some reason, though it still has some nice coverage.
Gengar: They actually did it. And just for Gengar, too, apparently. Shame--Cursed Body could've been a neat ability alongside Levitate, but certainly not replacing it.
Dugtrio-A: Because Sand needed another tool, right? Not having Sand Rush, especially given those defenses (which need to hold up to get significant mileage with Tangling Hair) kinda hurts, though.
Oricorio: Doubles-exclusive ability. If only it could use Swords Dance or Revelation Dance twice per turn.
Ribombee: Highly status-resistant, only being vulnerable to Toxic, Will-o-Wisp, Thunder Wave, and Glare (and Toxic Spikes, Poison Powder and Stun Spore). This set really lets it down otherwise, especially with the useless Honey Gather.
Gigalith: Now has Sand Stream. Gigalith can set rocks (like Hippowdon) and maybe fire off a strong hit or two of its own (like Tyranitar)...before taking a hit down to Sturdy and Custap-Exploding into Excadrill. Such is one possibility.
Lycanroc-Midday: Sand Rush+Steadfast. Because screw anything going before you.
Lycanroc-Midnight: No Guard is pretty nice on a Rock-type. No need to worry about Stone Edge misses! Instead, worry about not getting EQ. Oh, and sleep immunity.
Toxapex: As of this writing, Toxapex is widely considered next in line for a quickban (Aegislash having just gotten the boot). It gets better here. Sure, Limber is effectively useless outside of switching in because Toxic Orb makes it immune to paralysis anyway. But the one issue offensive Toxic Orb users have always had has been longevity. Guess what? Regenerator!
Mudsdale: Stamina isn't Fur Coat's immediate boost, but it's pretty nice, too, especially with some synergy with Steadfast. Own Tempo also has its uses.
Lurantis: It'll have to wait for the move tutors to get any significant mileage out of Contrary. Until then, it's immune to status under sun and has a physical Solar Beam to work with, so that's a thing.
Shiinotic: Your regional shroom. It has Spore. It has Effect Spore. It has a useless ability. It also has Rain Dish, allowing it to better check rain teams.
Talonflame: How the mighty have fallen. Gale Wings is incredibly difficult to use now, as it either can do so effectively once per battle (Brave Bird) or at the cost of power or longevity (Acrobatics).
Salazzle: Corrosion/Oblivious is a great combo for defensive teams, as it gives them a mon that can Toxic almost anything while being Taunt-proof. It also has some nice support moves and offensively-oriented stats, so you can use it a couple of ways.
Marowak-A: There is some great synergy here. It has an Electric immunity, sure, but how about Rock Head Flare Blitz and having the defenses (and low Speed) to make effective use of Cursed Body?
Bewear: Really, why not just give it Fur Coat? Sure, Fluffy protects against some special moves too, but in exchange for all physical non-contact moves and a Fire weakness. Unnerve has certain uses, while it has Klutz without Trick. (Slap a Z-Crystal on it.)
Tsareena: Another one largely built for doubles, although it does have immunities to sleep and priority (and all status with sun up). Also, High Jump Kick? She's got legs and knows how to use 'em. (Sorry, had to.)
Comfey: Well, this one won't have trouble keeping itself alive. A +3 priority heal makes it difficult to revenge kill, and it has Natural Cure to rid itself of status. (And Flower Veil--it's also built for doubles.)
Oranguru: Also built for doubles, with only one ability being useful in singles, and even that (Inner Focus) is pretty clutch in doubles as well.
Passimian: Another Defog-blocker! Which has the same not-quite-dilemma as Alolan Muk (Receiver and the whole Trace-mechanics thing).
Golisopod: Basically an Eject Button as an ability. If this thing gets Regenerator down the line, things could get interesting.
Palossand: All this would need is Water Compaction making it immune to Water. That's it. Ugggh. Oh, and Sand Veil. Granted, sand tends to be an offensive playstyle, but can you imagine the potential if sand teams had a Water switchin?
Pyukumuku: Obviously the sell here is Innards Out as the universal emergency check. But Unaware also helps in its defensive role as well. Watch out for Taunt, though.
Silvally: So basically baby Arceus. Not much I can say.
Minior: Complete immunity to status as long as it stays above half health. Just be sure to pack Rest, because it gets no other recovery.

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