Seaking: Could be interesting as a Rain Pokemon now, able to absorb Will O Wisps and Electric attacks while Swift Swimming ahead of everything. Still weak, but it does have potential.
Venomoth: Half the time Status moves fail against it, all the time secondary effects fail against it (No Fake Out Flinch for you), and if it decides it wants to kill you it laughs at the idea that you resist its moves unless you're doubly resistant. (Such as Heatran) A better Baton Passer than ever, in short.
Snorlax: Can't be Poisoned, halved damage from Fire and Ice, and... eats Berries early. Well. I guess you could try Salac Berry Belly Drum?
Persian: No eating Berries for you, 50% harder hitting with weak moves, and is a lightning fast Pokemon that can't be Paralyzed. It's still not great, but that's actually an OK combination.
Hitmontop: No longer needs to pick between Technician and Intimidate, and since it would always Mach Punch Bisharp anyway, it isn't even that bothered by triggering Defiant. More concerning is triggering Competitive. Also, go faster when Flinched, which is a nice bonus.
Scyther: Has a better Ability set than Scizor, oddly enough, getting Swarm, Technician, and Steadfast. Not likely to be worth it.
Scizor: Swarm, Technician, and... Light Metal. Well, I guess having Low Kick and Grass Knot do reduced damage is nice? On the other hand, Heat Crash and Heavy Slam are harder hitting... frankly, you're not losing out on anything by Mega Evolving.
Pidgeot: Ignores Accuracy and Evasion modifiers, gets boosted Evasion when Confused, and you can't lower its Defense. Whatever. Mega Evolve without feeling bad!
Golem: Now you can combine Sturdy with recoil moves fearlessly! Also you're evasive in Sand. Unfortunately, there are better Pokemon with Sturdy+Rock Head.
Magnezone: Can't kill me in one shot, I murder you back if you went first, and you can't escape if you're a Steel type. Skarmory is screwed.
Steelix: Combine recoil with Sturdy! And you have Sheer Force! Now if only Steelix learned Flare Blitz... I'd say "Mega Evolve away", except people don't use Mega Steelix.
Muk: Can't remove its item, Flinch 10% of the time it hits you first, and it has a 30% chance of Poisoning you on any hit that makes contact. Pretty nice.
Electrode: Immune to Sound moves, Paralyzes you sometimes when you touch it, hurts you if you touched it while killing it. Lame.
Rhyperior: Harder hitting recoil moves, reduced super effective damage, and Lightning Rod. Would be kind of nice in Doubles, I guess.
Kingdra: SWIFT SWIM CRITDRA OH GODS. Oh, and you can't Explode if it's around, but nobody cares.
Cloyster: In addition to its classic, beloved Skill Link, it's now immune to Sandstorm and Spore (Hell yes) and can never, ever be critted. Pretty good for a Pokemon that gets by entirely on Skill Link anyway.
Kingler: No critting it, no lowering its Attack, boosted damage but no side effects. Not gonna save Kingler.
Lapras: Water moves heal it, auto-clears major statuses in Rain, and you can never crit it. This is a fantastic wall for Rain, actually, particularly in Doubles.
Omastar: Faster than you in Rain, can't crit it, Physical moves raise its Speed even further but lower its Defense. Could be worse. Could be better.
Arbok: Intimidate+Shed Skin+Unnerve is really cool. Unfortunately Scrafty does the first two better.
Chansey/Blissey: Paraflinchhax and laughs at major status and... uh, clears ally statuses in Doubles sometimes. From a Singles perspective, basically you have a 1/3rd chance of wasting the enemy's Trace.
Kangaskahn: Laugh at Sleep, laugh at Ghosts, laugh at Flinch. That's pretty cool.
Nidoking+Nidoqueen: In addition to the usual Sheer Force shenanigans, the enemy Poisons themselves when touching you and your Physical moves are harder hitting but less accurate. This might be the meta in which Nidoking turns its baleful Sheer Force gaze onto its Physical movepool -Earthquake hits harder than Earth Power due to Hustle, for instance.
Hitmonlee: Ultimate High Jump Kick abuser (Reckless) that is way faster than you after it uses an item and laughs at Paralysis. That's pretty good!
Aerodactyl: Pressure+Unnerve+Rock Head... frankly, just Mega Evolve, given its statline. YOU'RE NOT A WALL, AERODACTYL.
Slowbro+Slowking: Oh gods. Can't Taunt it, Encore it, etc, it heals when switching, and you can't Confuse it either. This would be a nightmare in Doubles. One meta it's really hard to decide when to go Mega Slowbro.
Lickilicky: Weather? No problem. Confusion? No problem. Taunt, Encore, etc? No problem. Not sure if it's really a useful combination for Lickilicky, but it's certainly cool.
Machamp: Go faster when Flinched, never miss anything, and Burning you just makes you angry. I'd wax poetic about Machamp's potential, except Conkeldurr is still Scarier Gen V Machamp.
Starmie: Glow in the dark! Restore status! More damage when slower! So basically it's plain old Natural Cure Starmie, unless the enemy uses priority and you survive. Not great.
Pinsir: Can't lower its attack, ignores tons of Abilities, raises Attack when it kills you... that's pretty good, except you'll just Mega Evolve it anyway.
Clefable: Ignores your stat boosts, ignores your residual damage, and Infatuates you if you touch it. Pretty evil combination.
Tentacruel: Heals in Rain, ignores Intimidate and Sticky Web and so on, and punishes leeching. Pretty neat, but not amazing.
Marowak: No recoil, no crits, and Lightning Rod. Game Freak, why do you hate Marowak so?
Tangrowth: Ridiculous Sun Pokemon, with doubled Speed, major status immunity, and it heals on switches. Yikes.
Hitmonchan: Ignores Accuracy and Evasion modifiers, hits slightly harder with punches, can't Flinch. Ehhhhh.
Alakazam: Perfect Focus Sash abuser -it won't Flinch from Fake Out, it won't take damage from hazards on the way in, and while it's at it you get hit whatever major status you toss at it. Very nice. Probably not worth Mega Evolving.
Farfetch'd: Can't flinch, spikes Attack if you lower its stats, unimpressed with Accuracy/Evasion shenanigans. But it's still Farfetch'd.
Dewgong: Heals in Hail, triply resistant to Ice and resistant to Fire, and clears major statuses in Rain. Now if only it was weather-synergistic.
Raticate: Guts+Hustle for 225% Attack that sometimes misses! Holy crap. Oh, and it has Dead Slot Run Away, to waste Trace attempts.
Hypno: Can't put it to Sleep, can't Flinch it, and it reveals moves. Eh.
Jynx: Can't Taunt/Encore/etc it, it has the lovely Dry Skin, and it reveals moves. Not good enough.
Arcanine: Immune to and boosted by Fire, Intimidates, and boosts when hit by Fire. Pretty cool.
Rapidash: Flashfire+Dead Slot+Touch Me And Burn. Whatever.
Mr. Mime: Ignores Sound, reduced damage from super effectives, and it can use Hidden Power as coverage if it wants. (Among other things) Pretty nice for the mime.
Dodrio: Dead slot, Evasion when Confused, Sleeps less. Meh.
Parasect: No Exploding for you, 5x Fire weakness, Effect Spore. Not remotely good enough.
Porygon2: Trace+Download+Analytic is really cool.
Porygon-Z: Adaptability+Download+Analytic is really cool too. Too bad Porygon-Z is not slow and bulky.
Poliwrath: No exploding, really fast in Rain, heals from Water moves. Pretty OK.
Politoed: Sets Rain, denies Explosions, heals from Water moves. Would be pretty amazing in Doubles, where one of Politoed's main flaws is that your Surfs hurt it.
Wigglytuff: Cute Charm, Competitive, Friend Guard. Could be a cool Doubles Pokemon, but from a Singles perspective it's barely better than your standard Competitive Wigglytuff.
Golduck: As has been much commented on; "I'M FASTER IN RAIN EXCEPT WEATHER IS INVALID BECAUSE OF ME DERP". Also no Explosions for you.
Kabutopts: Faster in Rain, ignores crits, faster but weaker when hit by Physical. Meh.
Dugtrio: Traps you, and if it's Sandstorm then murders you and dodges your stuff. Neat.
Pimeape: No putting it to Sleep, and stat-downs and crits both increase its Attack. Eh.
Tauros: Intimidate+Sheer Force+Anger Point is actually pretty cool. Anger Point Doubles Tauros is already a thing sometimes, and now it would Intimidate on the way in and its Rock Slides would hit harder. (But never Flinch)
Eeevee: Dead slot, Adaptability, Anticipation. Lame. Kind of weird how Eevee has three Abilities but all its Eeveelutions have two.
Furret: Dead slot, Frisk, Keen Eye. No.
Noctowl: Can't be put to sleep, ignores Accuracy/Evasion stuff, Tinted Lens. Nice, not amazing.
Ariados: Swarm+Insomnia+Sniper. Meh.
Lanturn: No longer forced to choose between the glory of Water Absorb and Volt Absorb! (Which would be really cool in an Inverse Pokebilities, not to mention in Doubles) Also, it glows in the dark to waste Trace attempts.
Togekiss: Paraflinchhax with 50% more firepower, more critical hit chances, and a miss rate! Wow. Togekiss is just random.
Xatu: Synchronize+Early Bird is nifty. Too bad you don't Synchronize out Sleep. Also, it has Magic Bounce, so it's almost impossible to put to sleep/Toxic/etc anyway. This is kind of a sucky combination.
Azumarill: RUN FOR YOUR LIVES. Seriously, it's down to two weaknesses, gets Attack off its Huge Power when you stupidly try to throw Grass at it, and is doubly resistant to Fire and Ice. Yikes.
Sudowoodo: Another Sturdy+Rock Head Pokemon, this one with Rattled. Meh.
Jumpluff: Infiltrating Chlorophyll Leaf Guarder. This is actually pretty cool, being blazingly fast and immune to major status in Sun, while able to push Sleep past a Substitute or the like. It's too bad Whimsicott is overall the same thing but better.
Ambipom: Technician+Skill Link, holy crap, that means it hits harder than V-Create with 25 BP multi-hit moves, reliably! And it can steal your used items! Unfortunately, it has no 25 BP multi-hit moves -it has a 15 BP one, and a less accurate 18 BP one. That's still harder hitting than stuff like Close Combat... when you hit.
Sunflora: Chlorophyll+Solar Power is actually really good, and it throws in quickly waking up from Sleep. It's too bad Sunflora is really bad, and probably outclassed by Tropius, in spite of Tropius having lower Special Attack.
Yanmega: Yikes. Speed Boost+Tinted Lens with Frisk thrown in. Pretty scary.
Quagsire: Everyone's favorite derpy Unaware Pokemon now blocks Explosions and heals when hit by Water, period. Not huge, but certainly a clear improvement.
Honchkrow: Moxie+Super Luck is pretty cool, and you can't put it to sleep either. Not a great thing overall though.
Girafarig: Sap Sipper+Early Bird+Inner Focus is a weird combination of utility.
Dunsparce: Serene Grace+Rattled+Run Away is meh.
Gliscor: Dodges in Sand, you can't lower its Attack, and it still has Poison Heal. Not crazy good, but very good.
Granbull: Intimidate+Rattled+Quick Feet means it's got a lot of potential for speediness and can even be weakening a Crunch or whatever on the way in for triggering Rattled. So that's cool.
Qwilfish: Poison Point+Intimidate+Swift Swim is pretty nifty, especially Poison Point+Intimidate. Not amazing though.
Shuckle: Sturdy+Contrary is great stuff, oh and it throws in... Gluttony. Eh. Still usable.
Heracross: Swarm is whatever, but Guts+Moxie is amazing. Hard to argue to Mega Evolving it, honestly.
Sneasel: Oddly enough, it has three Abilities, but Weavile only has two. Inner Focus+Keen Eye+Pickpocket is kinda meh though.
Ursaring: Guts+Quick Feet is amazing, finally solving Ursaring's Speed problem and allowing it to catch up with a lot of faster Pokemon and deliver crushing blows. And then it throws in Unnerve, just to mess with Sitrus Belly Drum and the like.
Magcargo: Flame Body+Magma Armor+Weak Armor is crap, and Magcargo is crap.
Mamoswine: Can't Taunt it (Nobody cares), not vulnerable to Fire and resists Ice, and dodgy in Hail. Eh.
Corsola: Natural Cure+Regenerator is the ultimate in "No" to Toxic etc, and it throws in Hustle. Now if only Corsola didn't suck unconditionally.
Octillery: Suction Cups+Sniper+Moody is meh.
Delibird: YOU CAN'T MAKE ME GO TO BED NU-UH NO WAY NO HOW. Also Hustle. (Whyyyy does it have Insomnia+Vital Spirit?)
Mantine: Swift Swim+Water Absorb is cool, and Water Veil is... not completely worthless... absorbing Burns is nice, I guess? Could be a nifty pair with Seaking, since they share no weaknesses and are both un-Burnable.
Skarmory: Keen Eye is bad, Weak Armor is bad, Sturdy is amazing. This is honestly a meta where Skarmory is downgraded.
Houndoom: Flashfire+Early Bird+Unnerve is a weird grab bag with no real synergy.
Stantler: Intimidate+Frisk is actually a cool combination, scouting and making it safer to scout, and Sap Sipper is non-terrible.
Smeargle: Own Tempo+Technician+Moody isn't half-bad.
Miltank: Laughs are Fire and Ice, laughs at Ghosts, laughs at Grass. Pretty cool.
Mightyena: Intimidate+Moxie is pretty awesome, but Gyarados does it better. Throws in Quick Feet, but that's hard to use.
Linoone: Pickup+Gluttony is actually a pretty interesting combination, albeit Berries aren't that popular. Quick Feet is cool too, but, again, hard to use. And it loves Extreme Speed, making Quick Feet less important.
Ludicolo: Heals and speeds in Rain is actually pretty cool, and it's immune to Confusion to boot. Not amazing, but nice.
Shiftry: Chlorophyll+Early Bird+Pickpocket is... OK.
Gardevoir: Trace+Synchronize+Telepathy is pretty cool from a Doubles perspective, but not really all that huge in Singles. Just Mega Evolve it from a Singles perspective.
Breloom: Poison Heal+Technician at last! Also Effect Spore, which is nice to have thrown in.
Hariyama: Guts+Sheer Force is actually very cool, but Conkeldurr does it better. Thick Fat doesn't help enough. Might see use if Conkeldurr ends up banned.
Probopass: Sturdy+Magnet Pull is excellent, and throwing in Sand Force is nifty if Sandstorm is up anyway. Magnezone is probably better though.
Delcatty: Cute Charm+Wonder Skin+... Normalize. sigh
Mawile: Intimidate+Sheer Force+Hyper Cutter would be cool, but if you're using it, it's to Mega Evolve it.
Aggron: Here comes the king of Sturdy+Rock Head. Also throws in Heavy Metal, just to ensure Heavy Slam is your go-to Steel STAB while slamming things with Head Smash. pls no Mega Evolve.
Manectric: Static+Lightning Rod+Plus is eh. Could be cool on Discharge teams though. From a Singles perspective? Just Mega Evolve it.
Volbeat: Swarm+Illuminate+Prankster. So, nothing.
Illumise: Oblivious+Tinted Lens+Prankster. Wait, why does the one without Tail Glow get Tinted Lens? aaaargh. On the plus side, Oblivious+Prankster is actually a really good combination, rendering you Taunt-proof with priority Status moves!
Roserade: Natural Cure+Poison Point+Technician is interesting, but not amazing.
Swalot: Can't remove its item, punishes leeching, eats Berries early. Lame.
Wailord: Water Veil+Oblivious+Pressure. What the heck man, Wailord ain't no Stall Pokemon, let alone Physical Stall!
Numel: Oblivious+Simple+Own Tempo is actually really really good for making those Simple Eviolite Numel sets much, much harder to stop, since they're Taunt-proof and throw in Confusion-proofing. Cool.
Camerupt: Magma Armor+Solid Rock+Anger Point is... not completely terrible... just Mega Evolve it.
Grumpig: Own Tempo+Thick Fat+Gluttony. Meh.
Whiscash: Oblivious+Anticipation+Water Absorb. Not amazing, not terrible. I've... never actually seen anyone run Whiscash. Ever.
Crawdaunt: Hyper Cutter thrown in for free with Adaptability is actually really, really good (Landorus-Therian thinks it can switch in because it has Intimidate? HAH), and crit immunity is a nice bonus.
Milotic: Marvel Scale+Competitive+... Cute Charm? The heck? Well, it's not a terrible combination anyway.
Banette: Insomnia+Frisk+Cursed Body is non-terrible, making it switching in more useful than ever, since it can absorb Spores, scout the enemy's item, and if they do attack instead possibly Disable their move.
Tropius: The reason why other Sun Grass types are disappointing. Behold: Chlorophyll+Solar Power+Harvest! Yeah, Tropius itself is pretty godawful, but holy crap look at that Sun abuse!
Absol: Super Luck+Justified+Pressure is interesting. In particular, double-punishing Dark moves with Justified and Pressure is vaguely useful, given it resists them.
Glalie: Inner Focus+Ice Body+Moody is meh.
Walrein: Thick Fat+Ice Body+Oblivious makes Stallrein better than ever, able to Rest in the face of Taunt while healing in the Hail and laughing at your Fire moves. Cool stuff.
Relicanth: Another Sturdy+Rock Head abuser, this one bringing the Head Smash Pain In The Rain. Two thumbs up, would use on Rain team.
Bibarel: Simple+Unaware+Moody is actually pretty obnoxious, though Bibarel isn't in much of a position to abuse it.
Luxray: Rivalry+Intimidate+Guts is actually pretty cool. Not great, but not terrible.
Pachirisu: Dead slot+Pickup+Volt Absorb is meh.
Gastrodon: You can't remove its item, it absorbs Water moves, and it's stronger in Sand. This is actually a nice Sandstorm team Pokemon, particularly from a Doubles perspective.
Drifblim: Aftermath+Unburden+Flare Boost. This would actually be an obnoxiously cool combo... except Drifblim doesn't get Fling, because. Whyyyyy.
Lopunny: Cute Charm+Limber+Klutz. Well, automatically absorbing Thunder Wave on the way in has use. But really, just Mega Evolve it.
Purugly: Thick Fat+Defiant+Own Tempo. OK. Defiant doesn't save it, adding these things isn't going to save it. Though, it could actually be a nifty Doubles Pokemon for Swaggering it while it gets boosts off Intimidate, Icy Wind, Sticky Web...
Bronzong: Super heavy metal that floats and resists Fire. Yep. Would be really awesome in Gen IV/V. Less so in VI, where it's still vulnerable to Dark and Ghost. Still decent though.
Skuntank: Stench+Aftermath+Keen Eye. Eh.
Chatot: Keen Eye+Big Pecks+Tangled Feet. Nobody cares.
Lucario: Steadfast+Inner Focus rendering Steadfast invalid+Justified. Bleh. That's OK, because Lucario is good regardless.
Drapion: Can't crit it, it hits harder with crits, and you can't dodge it. Eh.
Toxcroak: Anticipation+Dry Skin+Poison Touch. Anticipation is meh, but Poison Touch+Dry Skin is actually pretty nice, since they're normally hard to choose between, outside of Rain teams -and being able to Poison with Fake Out is awesome regardless.
Lumineon: Can't Burn it, faster in Rain, powers up when hit by Water moves. Could be a nifty Doubles Rain Pokemon, with lightning-fast boosting going on.
Watchog: Glows, hits harder when going second, has a keen eye. Whatever.
Stoutland: Ghosts are screwed, Sand makes it fast, and it Intimidates. That's actually nice.
Liepard: Can't be Paralyzed, doubles in Speed when losing its item, is a Prankster. Well. You never have to worry about going second...
Musharna: Forewarn+Telepathy+Synchronize. Meh.
Unfezant: Can't lower its Defense, it's lucky, it hates its own gender. Meh.
Zebstrika: Well. Here's a question: do Motor Drive and Lightning Rod both trigger? Does one have priority? Does it draw in Electric attacks and raise its Speed? Not sure. If they both trigger... well, Zebstrika is that much better in Discharge teams. Oh, and it has Sap Sipper, so that's cool.
Swoobat: Klutz+Simple+Unaware. Better able to abuse it than Bibarel, except it can't use its item. Might as well carry a bad item and switch it in on Trick attempts.
Excadrill: Sand Rush+Sand Force+Mold Breaker is nutty. This thing will be a terror in Sand.
Audino: Can't use its item, clears ally status effects, heals on switching... bleh.
Conkeldurr: WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE. Sheer Force+Guts+Iron Fist is ridiculous -even without the Guts boost factored in, its elemental Punches are almost equivalent to being off-STAB Close Combats with no disadvantage! And then you can hand it a Flame Orb and stack 50% off its 140 Attack and these two boosts. That's insane!
Seismitoad: Poison Touch+Swift Swim+Water Absorb. Nifty for Rain teams, and if it runs Physical it'll sometimes Poison things with its Waterfall, so that's cool.
Throh: Guts+Inner Focus+Mold Breaker. That's OK.
Sawk: Sturdy+Inner Focus+Mold Breaker. Who needs a Sash? Without multi-hit moves, Sawk will always get in at least one move, and it will ignore Abilities while it's at it. Cool.
Leavany: Swarm+Chlorophyll+Overcoat. Eeeeeh.
Scolipede: Speed Boost+Swarm+Poison Point. The main notable thing here is that things trying to touch it to kill it are risking Poisoning.
Whimsicott: The fastest thing ever in Sun, and it's still a Prankster, and it laughs at the idea that Substitutes protect you from its moves. Yikes.
Lilligant: Fast in Sun, immune to major status in Sun, and can't be Confused. Could make for an interesting Doubles Pokemon, between no-Confusion Petal Dance, Quiver Dance, and strong Sun abuse.
Red-Striped Basculin: Boosted recoil moves, boosted STAB moves, ignores Ability-based protections. Too bad there's no Water type recoil move.
Blue-Striked Basculin: Ignores recoil damage, boosts STAB moves, ignores Ability-based protections. Too bad there's no Water type recoil move. Or does this also throw in Reckless for a fourth Ability?
Krookodile: Another Moxie+Intimidate Pokemon, this one with Anger Point too. That's kind of cool.
Maractus: Healed by Water moves, gains Special Attack when hit with Water moves, double Speed in Sun. Again, how do combinations like this work?
Crustle: Sturdy+Shell Armor+Weak Armor. Eh.
Scrafty: Shed Skin+Moxie+Intimidate. Probably the ultimate Moxie+Intimidate abuser, since it can ignore Burns, Toxic, Paralysis, Sleep, and even Freeze. Get off a Dragon Dance, get to sweeping.
Sigilyph: Status fails half the time against it, immune to residual damage, and laughs at resists. Pretty neat.
Carracosta: Sturdy+Solid Rock+Swift Swim is actually a nifty combination. Still needs Rain support to be really relevant, though.
Garbodor: Stench+Aftermath+Weak Armor. sigh
Cinccino: Skill Link+Technician means Tail Slap hits harder than V-Create, off of only 5 less Attack than Victini. Oh, and it throws in a free Cute Charm.
Gothitelle: Traps you, checks your item, and punishes stat-downs by raising its Special Attack. Given nobody runs anything but Shadow Tag normally, this is a fairly nice upgrade, especially for Trick Scarf variants, who don't have to worry about being surprised to discover the enemy is holding an un-Trickable item.
Reuniclus: Magic Guard+Regenerator+Overcoat is awesome stuff, making it really hard to kill or disable Reuniclus.
Swanna: Keen Eye+Big Pecks like several other birds+Hydration. Lame.
Sawsbuck: Chlorophyll+Sap Sipper+Serene Grace is kind of interesting. A Sun Pokemon that turns attempted Solar Beams into an Attack boost is cool.
Escavaliar: Free Swarm is OK, free Overcoat for Spore immunity is cool, free Shell Armor for crit immunity is cool. Nothing amazing.
Jellicent: Healed by Water moves and punishes moves with Disabling and... prevents Explosions, which is actually bad from a Singles perspective since you'd rather they blow up to no effect because you're a Ghost.
Alomomola: Healer+Regenerator+Hydration. Healer is eh, but the big winner here is Regenerator+Hydration, ensuring that you can both do amazing Wish passing and be a wonderful Rain team supporter -switch in on Toxic, ignore it, switch in on Spore, ignore it, whatever, even Rest off severe damage instead. Very nice.
Galvantula: Compound Eyes+Swarm+Unnerve. You'll almost never notice the difference.
Klinklang: Plus+Minus+Clear Body. Lame.
Beeheeyem: Telepathy+Analytic+Synchronize. Eh.
Chandelure: Flashfire+Infiltrator+Flame Body. Not hugely synergistic, but still quite nice.
Haxorus: Mold Breaker+Rivalry+Unnerve. Eh. Could be worse, but nothing great.
Accelgor: Can't remove it's item, doubles in Speed when it loses its item, and laughs at major statuses when it's Rain. Sticky Hold+Unburden is actually a neat combination, ensuring you use the item properly to trigger Unburden.
Stunfisk: Can't be Paralyzed (ha ha), Paralyzes contacters, dodgy in Sandstorm. Still lame.
Mienshao: Reckless+Regenerator is great+Inner Focus is great too. They Fake Out, you smash their face in with a boosted High Jump Kick, and then U-Turn out for a heal later. Awesome.
Druddigon: Sheer Force+Rough Skin+Mold Breaker. Now if only Druddigon was in a good position to abuse this combination.
Golurk: Effectively 120 BP undodgeable Dynamic Punch. Nice. Also Shadow Punch is no longer resentment-worthy. Klutz is a little unfortunate, but Golurk is actually really hard to find a good item for anyway -so just give it a bad item and switch it in on Trick and the like.
Bisharp: Defiant+Inner Focus+Presssure is... interesting. Main thing of any note is that Fake Out is no longer free on Bisharp.
Bouffalant: Sap Sipper+Reckless+Soundproof. OK.
Braviary: Keen Eye+Sheer Force+Defiant. Too bad Braviary isn't super-heavy on Sheer Force-able moves.
Mandibuzz: Overcoat+Weak Armor+Big Pecks. OK. That's... not great...
Heatmor: Flashfire+Gluttony+White Smoke. And nobody cares.
Durant: Hustle+Truant+Swarm. Ugh.
Diggersby: Huge Power+Pickup+Cheek Pouch is actually pretty neat. Give it a Sitrus Berry for a super heal and then hope you steal enemy Berries!
Vivillon: Shield Dust+Compound Eyes+Friend Guard. And nobody cares, because Vivillon is not viable.
Pyroar: Moxie+Unnerve+Rivalry. Whatever. Makes Entrainment Regigigas sets slightly better I guess.
Pangoro: Your fists break Ghosts, Abilitity, and indeed everything else just a little bit. Good death-panda, good.
Meowstic, male: Keen Eye+Prankster+Infiltrator. Like Whimsicott, it pushes past Substitutes with its Prankster-ed moves. Yikes.
Meowstic, female: Keen Eye+Competitive+Infiltrator. Competitive and Infiltrator is a cool combination, but alas, I don't think anybody is liable to use female Meowstic anyway. ;(
Malamar: Contrary+Suction Cups is quite nice, and it throws in Infiltrator too, so it's not impressed with Screens or Substitutes. Very nice.
Barbaracle: Tough Claws+Sniper+Pickpocket. OK.
Dragalge: Poison Touch+Poison Point+Adaptability. OK.
Heliolisk: Wilts horribly in Sun (1/4th of its HP each turn!), dodgy in Sand, heals in Rain and when hit with Water. Well... it could be worse.
Hawlucha: Limber+Unburden+Mold Breaker! Very nice, for much the same reasons as with Hitmonlee -only Hawlucha replaces Reckless with Mold Breaker, which is a lot more useful.
Dedenne: Cheek Pouch+Plus+Pickup. So bad Diggersby.
Goodra: Hydration+Gooy+Sap Sipper. That's pretty nice.
Trevenant: Natural Cure+Frisk+Harvest is pretty cool.
Gourgeist: Insomnia+Pickup+Frisk is... whatever.
Avalugg: Own Tempo+Sturdy+Ice Body. Kind of nice.
Noivern: Frisk+Telepathy+Infiltrator makes for a nice Doubles Pokemon, particularly when paired with other Telepathy-accessing Pokemon, but from a Singles perspective it's a small boost.