Pokémon GO

No you power attackers lol, defenders are useless - yes, but stuff like dragonite is not a waste due to generalist attacking.
Well, as I mentioned earlier, Blissey can stay in a good gym long enough to get candy. It might be a couple hours if it's busy, but I can berry feed her. Blissey = Coins. Coins = Raid Passes for Mewtwo Invites or Incubators.

But I agree, any other defender seems pointless for gyms. As for Raids, Lugia is even better than Snorlax, it was basically a Snorlax with resistances, coverage, and great longevity. Snorlax is for a weaker Blissey with more Attack, with less weaknesses than Lugia.

As for Attackers I have already maxed out my near perfect Dragonites, Tyranitars, perfect Alakazam, perfect Vaporeon, and almost maxed out my Machamp.

I want some better stardust bonus; as I feel that 200 per Basic Pokemon to boost to 9K is hard.
I wouldn't mind a Dratini or two, either. I caught two Dragonites last summer (one 47 CP, one 48 CP) and it took me a year to finally gather enough candy to max one of them (88.9%) out. Even though I bought some super incubators to hatch all my eggs, being in the countryside with just 4 Poke Stops en route to work doesn't quite allow me to replenish them. Hopefully I get some over the weekend when I head out to the city...

Oh wow, but at least you got Dragonite to spawn! I think there are nesting areas for some rare Pokémon like Dratini but they’re super out of the way so the only times I’ve gotten two have been through 10 km eggs. Oh also I want Mareep since I only got one through a 10 km egg also. I literally have never seen one even pop up near me in the wild. Well, I get that some Pokémon are meant to be rare though!
Oh wow, but at least you got Dragonite to spawn! I think there are nesting areas for some rare Pokémon like Dratini but they’re super out of the way so the only times I’ve gotten two have been through 10 km eggs. Oh also I want Mareep since I only got one through a 10 km egg also. I literally have never seen one even pop up near me in the wild. Well, I get that some Pokémon are meant to be rare though!

Dratini and those rare pseudo-mons don't nest, but it's entirely possible to find them in biomes. For example, I live near the San Francisco Bay, and can find multiple dratini in a day. However, Dratini is incredibly rare outside of those specific biomes, which is why it's gonna be hard for you to nab any D:
Any update on Fluke with the pokemon in the gym too long? One of my raid buddies had a pokemon in a gym for 30 days until it automatically got kicked out as I was told to believe, not sure if there's a 30 day gym limit. I've only had few pokemon in gyms for 8 consecutive days at the most as all I care about is reaching 50 coins per day or targeting certain gyms towards gold badge status as possible. When this event started, I was at around 220,000 stardust, now I'm over 600,000 and will probably reach over 700,000 when this event ends. Even if suicune becomes the new regional pokemon in the Americas I'll probably still wait until the event is over before powering up my best raikou.
Dratini and those rare pseudo-mons don't nest, but it's entirely possible to find them in biomes. For example, I live near the San Francisco Bay, and can find multiple dratini in a day. However, Dratini is incredibly rare outside of those specific biomes, which is why it's gonna be hard for you to nab any D:

:( you think I should go somewhere near water? But I haven’t seen any Dragonite around there! I usually get a ton of Poliwag, Slowpoke, Psyduck, Staryu, Krabby, Goldeen, and Horsea. :/
When I was in Miami and SF, Dratini did pop up only near water, so I guess you should at least try
If anything you might get a shiny Karp and a good Gyarados
dratini and dragonair share a biome with magikarp and most of the other normal water pokemon, whereas dragonite's in the mountain biome along with clefairy etc.
Well! I definitely see Clefairy pop up out of nowhere all the time, but not Dragonite, though obviously fully evolved Pokémon don’t exactly appear willy-nilly. But also, I do see Magikarp all the time but never any Dratini. Maybe they’re just there but not at the time I’m there, or they’re just supposed to be rarer? I don’t know.
Any update on Fluke with the pokemon in the gym too long? One of my raid buddies had a pokemon in a gym for 30 days until it automatically got kicked out as I was told to believe, not sure if there's a 30 day gym limit. I've only had few pokemon in gyms for 8 consecutive days at the most as all I care about is reaching 50 coins per day or targeting certain gyms towards gold badge status as possible. When this event started, I was at around 220,000 stardust, now I'm over 600,000 and will probably reach over 700,000 when this event ends. Even if suicune becomes the new regional pokemon in the Americas I'll probably still wait until the event is over before powering up my best raikou.
It must've been kicked out by someone. It was in there for over 40 days (instant Gold badge lol).
Entei - USA
Raikou - AUS
Suicune - EU

These rotations are now live and will endure until November.
Yay, am glad Entei is coming to USA already at time of this post as I can now use vaporeon and golem with rock moves and not have to power up raikou so soon.
The new beast has come, and did two raids. One ran away and one caught. And this one's almost perfect with only 1 HP IV loss (14/15/15). And already comes with Wild Charge. Nyahahahaha~!

Good thing I had raised few useful ground fighters. He's immediately joining Anti-Vaporeon raid team.
Focus Explosion sounds pretty cool Ill admit

What does Duel Rating mean?
poke genie said:
Damage Output is a measure of the amount of damage the Pokémon deals. It is calculated by multiplying the moveset DPS by the Pokémon's attack stat.

Tankiness is a measure of the amount of damage the Pokémon can take. It is calculated by multiplying the Pokémon's defense stat by its HP

Duel rating is a measure of the Pokémon's overall strength in combat. It is calculated by multiplying Damage Output by Tankiness.

It's the stat I care less about. They generally use it for ranking and simulation.

grats :) explosao facalizada is the coolest move name i've ever seen

Yeah. Some of the translations are way too awesome.
Got my entei today. 88.9%, CP 1903 with 15 HP, 15 attack & 10 defense so I'm thrilled. Also got over 700k stardust as was a recent goal. Among the stuff I intend to power up soon includes an omastar with water gun and the legacy move rock slide, a 100% houndoom with snarl & foul play I recently hatched, and my 95% raikou.
The new beast has come, and did two raids. One ran away and one caught. And this one's almost perfect with only 1 HP IV loss (14/15/15). And already comes with Wild Charge. Nyahahahaha~!

Good thing I had raised few useful ground fighters. He's immediately joining Anti-Vaporeon raid team.
Lucky you. I battled three yesterday, the first two ran away and then I caught the third one on the last ball. Ended up being only 11/15/14, but at least it already has Volt Switch and Wild Charge...
Lucky you. I battled three yesterday, the first two ran away and then I caught the third one on the last ball. Ended up being only 11/15/14, but at least it already has Volt Switch and Wild Charge...
Well, to be fair, I had a perfect Thunderbirb ran away before, and only caught few Firebirb. My best catch there were only 43/45IV Freezerbirb and 42/45IV Lugia. This is indeed my best luck ever in GO, never any other time (I can only recall my best lucks were only an outstanding Larvitar at high level).

Well, I'd say -5IV is good enough to be kept and considered raising once beast migration happens again. After all Raikou is already better than any other electrics including Thunderbirb. We have a full month, but these beasts have atrocious catch rate. To hit excellent curveballs with all balls is a must. I hope I can catch more since Raikou may be currently the best Electric non-cover Legendary across all generations, it seems (well, there's still insane-Atk Xurkitree? but that's long and is pretty much glassier cannon than all-round Raikou).

Still, it'll eventually happen that one will catch very fantastic Raikou. Around 31 raids minimal is good, focusing on good attackers and throwing skills will very much help.

Now what I wonder is when Pokebank happens for GO (hopefully Masuda don't forget that). Suikun is useless here, but transferred to main games, a decent battler. Same with other legendaries (... well, at least the two NU birbs can be trade fodder....) and including those with subpar IV (viva Hyper Training).

Sorry, I kinda like using "birb".
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Honestly I think consistently hitting greats and maximizing the number of balls you get is the best thing to do. Of course if you really are a master thrower and hit excellents with >90% accuracy by all means go for it, but I'd rather hit 11+ great curves everytime. So far i'm 2/2 on Raikou and 1/1 on Entei. (My raikou's suck in terms of ivs/movesets tho, and he's gone for me now ;_;)
Honestly I think consistently hitting greats and maximizing the number of balls you get is the best thing to do. Of course if you really are a master thrower and hit excellents with >90% accuracy by all means go for it, but I'd rather hit 11+ great curves everytime. So far i'm 2/2 on Raikou and 1/1 on Entei. (My raikou's suck in terms of ivs/movesets tho, and he's gone for me now ;_;)
I learnt the trick to lock the ring to desirable size before throwing, enabling me to get Excellent throws, and had been practicing on Vaporeons to get Excellent curveballs. But true, the curveball discredit bug is still there, hurting catch rate. Hitting greats give more consistent curveball bonus than excellents which may discount it by bug and one can't tell if that happens until it's caught. So it is either praying to Random Number Arceus to not hit the bug or go safely with less optimal catch rate.

This said I usually have one or two botched throw in trying Excellent throws too....
I sure hope pokebank will be available to transfer from Pokemon GO as I have kept all my legendary catches and had no intentions of transferring any of them yet. Of course I would only keep the best ones in GO.
From the official pokemon website, we have this:

Screen Shot 2017-10-02 at 1.45.17 PM.png

Really, it looks like the drop of generation 3, but it depends. Delibird? Smeargle? Ho-Oh? what do you guys predict for halloween?