Well, as I mentioned earlier, Blissey can stay in a good gym long enough to get candy. It might be a couple hours if it's busy, but I can berry feed her. Blissey = Coins. Coins = Raid Passes for Mewtwo Invites or Incubators.No you power attackers lol, defenders are useless - yes, but stuff like dragonite is not a waste due to generalist attacking.
But I agree, any other defender seems pointless for gyms. As for Raids, Lugia is even better than Snorlax, it was basically a Snorlax with resistances, coverage, and great longevity. Snorlax is for a weaker Blissey with more Attack, with less weaknesses than Lugia.
As for Attackers I have already maxed out my near perfect Dragonites, Tyranitars, perfect Alakazam, perfect Vaporeon, and almost maxed out my Machamp.
I want some better stardust bonus; as I feel that 200 per Basic Pokemon to boost to 9K is hard.