Pokémon GO

Now that the stardust event is over, I can now report that I have gained almost 600,000 stardust during this time. Before event I was at around 220,000 and am finished at 809770 so I'll start powering up some stuff immediately giving higher priority to Omastar, Houndoom & Raikou.
Now that the stardust event is over, I can now report that I have gained almost 600,000 stardust during this time. Before event I was at around 220,000 and am finished at 809770 so I'll start powering up some stuff immediately giving higher priority to Omastar, Houndoom & Raikou.
Holy ***, did you really grind that much? I also did a bit of playing but I only gained roughly 200k.
I think I only accumulated like, no more than 150k, seeing that I immediately spent it on Raikou and a 'don to get to optimal level, and returned to around same amount before event. I had been very busy and I don't get along well with people....

And that's with around 9 10km eggs hatched, 7 of which were stored before for this event.
Just hatched her @95%.
So proud. Also during a Tyranitar raid I got 8 rare candy, has anyone seen increases in rare candy distribution ?


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Holy ***, did you really grind that much? I also did a bit of playing but I only gained roughly 200k.
I lost count in how many eggs hatched which included about at least 11 10k eggs using the special box a few times that had 3 incubators each. It also helped recently purchasing the Pokemon Go Plus where I save my regular pokeballs for that and use the great/ultras on the ones I prefer to catch. My stardust is now mostly depleted as I powered up a 100% houndoom, a 95% omastar that had the legacy move rock slide, a 95% raikou and a 100% vaporeon. Now that I'm at level 38, I also made final power ups on tyranitars and dragonites as they can't go any further than level 39.
I made nearly a million dust during the Equinox (realistically around 800-900K). You don't need to grind that much at all: The Go+ / Gotcha literally break the game in half with how much dust you can farm with them, despite the catch limits / pokestop limits existing. I have friends who just stayed an hour a day playing and made 500K with genuinely no effort.
I was really only able to play on the weekend and even then it wasn't much. Made about 200k Stardust and hatched some Dratini to help with leveling my Dragonite, not too disappointed with it overall.
Have managed to get both the 100% entei and 10/10/10 entei. So far, these are the only entei I've caught.
Dug into game code yesterday, and with the help of TSR, discovered two new things.


Pretty simple, new formes to pokemon added, fairly sure the first 26 or so are the unown formes, so we're closer to gen 3 release in october(still missing sound files)

The second is even more interesting:

Pokemon natures? they seem to have varied from the maingame ones, and likely with stoic/assassin/guardian being +hp/+atk/+def similarly. I'm really excited for this one personally.
They seem to have varied from the maingame ones, and likely with stoic/assassin/guardian being +hp/+atk/+def similarly. I'm really excited for this one personally.
Personally, I'm not. I hate it when something thrives so far away from the main series. Like certain impossible movesets on Pokémon, typing and effectiveness that work completely differently, you name it. Another reason why they shouldn't add natures: people are already getting fucked by RNG enough. People actually put real life effort into this game and get screwed by pathetic movesets/IVs/fleeing/bugs, which feels disgustingly unrewarding (we talked about this before).
Eh, this nature now sounds too far fetched. Seriously, they sound cool, but doesn't suit Pokémon. I might tolerate it if they make it with the usual nature name with Atk and SpA natures grouped together as duplicate, and idk with Speed, although then again I won't like hearing that my ferocious Tyranittar is actually Timid, or a Lonely Blissey.
Personally, I'm not. I hate it when something thrives so far away from the main series. Like certain impossible movesets on Pokémon, typing and effectiveness that work completely differently, you name it. Another reason why they shouldn't add natures: people are already getting fucked by RNG enough. People actually put real life effort into this game and get screwed by pathetic movesets/IVs/fleeing/bugs, which feels disgustingly unrewarding (we talked about this before).

I agree; natures are only tolerable ingame because of synchronize / everstone giving easy control. You can't change them like abilities, either.
To be frank, I haven't really been tempted anymore to play. Didn't even feel hyped when the legendary beasts rotated...
I haven’t done a raid at work during lunch in weeks, and this past weekend I tried to solo a Alakazam but because I switched my best Tyranitars to stone edge over Crunch I was like 1% HP away from winning each time...

People won’t show up except for Tyranitar or legendaries. And that’s if they happen to be at the right place at the right time... I’m so sick of feeling like I have missed opportunities for rare candies... who cares- at this point I walk eggs and Dragonites for candies, catch Pokémon for stardust and basically wait for more Mewtwo Raids. I want to ensure I save my Mewtwo candies long enough to get to 250, so by then the beta testing should be done, I can power up the best one.

Will Gen 3 matter if you have maxed out Dragonites outdoing Salamence in terms of winning 1v1, maxed Mewtwo outdoing Gardevoir in damage (being super effective with Fairy helps if the foe is Dark, but against Fighting and Dragon types Mewtwo is better), Entei/Moltres outdoing Blaziken, Vaporeon/Gyarados outdoing Milotic, Articuno/Lapras outdoing Walrein, Scizor / Heracross outdoing Armaldo, Tyranitar outdoing Regirock, etc.

I think beyond getting experience points and Pokedex entries, people are only going to bother with: Lati@s, Rayquaza, Metagross/Jirachi, Kyogre, Groudon, Aggron, and a few others.

Gen 3 max CP is here: https://pokemongohub.net/generation-3/max-cp-chart/
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I completely feel you. Gen III is getting me hyped for its aesthetic only. Real game changers that revive the fun aren't going to come, I feel.
The current battle system is pretty bad.

Legendaries mostly eclipse or outdo anything the regular Pokemon are going to bring to the table - particularly mascot legendaries and stat specialized ones. Hybrid attackers (something like Confusion / Dazzling Gleam Gardevoir or Counter / Overheat Blaziken) are going to be the only niches regular Pokemon are going to fill as more and more legendaries come out. In addition to the things OM! said might be worth looking at, the Regis (specifically Rock and Ice) outdo anything in the game of their respective typing, and Slaking (even with a stat nerf) will still be monstrously powerful with a moveset like Scratch / Hyper Beam or Body Slam.

So go into Gen 3 thinking about dex additions and enjoying the breath of fresh air. Hanke confirmed that there will be a new battle system coming out in 2018 (presumably PVP), and hopefully these battle mechanics change to allow Pokemon to have specific niches and the overall game not being a matter of "Use Raikou because otherwise every single Electric-type until Zekrom is completely outclassed by it".
The current battle system is pretty bad.

Legendaries mostly eclipse or outdo anything the regular Pokemon are going to bring to the table - particularly mascot legendaries and stat specialized ones. Hybrid attackers (something like Confusion / Dazzling Gleam Gardevoir or Counter / Overheat Blaziken) are going to be the only niches regular Pokemon are going to fill as more and more legendaries come out. In addition to the things OM! said might be worth looking at, the Regis (specifically Rock and Ice) outdo anything in the game of their respective typing, and Slaking (even with a stat nerf) will still be monstrously powerful with a moveset like Scratch / Hyper Beam or Body Slam.

So go into Gen 3 thinking about dex additions and enjoying the breath of fresh air. Hanke confirmed that there will be a new battle system coming out in 2018 (presumably PVP), and hopefully these battle mechanics change to allow Pokemon to have specific niches and the overall game not being a matter of "Use Raikou because otherwise every single Electric-type until Zekrom is completely outclassed by it".
I’m debating if Regice will outclass Lapras and Articuno. Articuno is not weak to fighting, Lapras is not weak to Steel or Fire, Regice is not weak to Electric, and Articuno resists Grass, Bug, Ground.

I think Regice will outclass Lapras, and will compete with Arcticuno the way Entei and Moltres, or Zapdos and Raikou compete with one another.

Some will say Walrein outdoes Lapras, but because Lapras has been out longer and doesn’t waste 125 candies to evolve, people will probably stick to Lapras for the previous investments they already put into it. Either way, Gen 3 brings something... new Raid Pokémon.

I want Tier 4 to be filled with only the best: Dragonites, Tyranitars, Salamence, Metagross, Snorlax, Slaking, Blissey. 3K+ non-legends club.

Tier 3: Blaziken, Gardevoir, Aggron, Heracross, Etc. 2700-2900 club

Tier 2: Walrein, Feraligatr, and friends 2400-2600 club

Tier 1: Umbreon, and good enough Pokémon at 2000-2,400 club
Regice outdos every Ice type by virtue of its bulk. Even with the weaknesses, it has titanic bulk that I believe IS higher in the game counting those weaknesses. This will not only make it a fearsome raid boss but also a strong Pokemon. Walrein might be better than Lapras thanks to Avalanche access, but that remains to be certain.

Can we remove CP as a metric please lol. We all know the raid bosses will be something they'll do with a theme in mind (starters, trade evolutions, etc.):

Tier 1: Gen 2 or Gen 3 middle starters, maybe Metang / Shelgon / Vibrava that would massively help rurals

Tier 2: Camerupt, Sharpedo, Breloom | Zangoose, Seviper

Tier 3: Shiftry, Hariyama, Claydol, Cacturne, Grumpig, Altaria

Tier 4: Blaziken, Swampert, Sceptile, Milotic, Walrein, Aggron, Flygon, Gardevoir

Stuff that could go either way: Ludicolo, Exploud
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Regice outdos every Ice type by virtue of its bulk. Even with the weaknesses, it has titanic bulk that I believe IS higher in the game counting those weaknesses. This will not only make it a fearsome raid boss but also a strong Pokemon. Walrein might be better than Lapras thanks to Avalanche access, but that remains to be certain.

Can we remove CP as a metric please lol. We all know the raid bosses will be something they'll do with a theme in mind (starters, trade evolutions, etc.):

Tier 1: Gen 2 or Gen 3 middle starters, maybe Metang / Shelgon / Vibrava that would massively help rurals

Tier 2: Camerupt, Sharpedo, Breloom | Zangoose, Seviper

Tier 3: Shiftry, Hariyama, Claydol, Cacturne, Grumpig, Altaria

Tier 4: Blaziken, Swampert, Sceptile, Milotic, Walrein, Aggron, Flygon, Gardevoir

Stuff that could go either way: Ludicolo, Exploud
We don’t know Regice’s movepool, but here are the raw stats

I agree, it’s Defenses are strong, which would allow it to make up for its lower Attack by virtue of lasting longer in battle and doing more damage over a period of time, same for HP, however if one needs raw power Articuno deals more damage than either Lapras, Walrein, or Regice.
Why does this matter? Because you multiply damage with STAB and effectiveness modifiers, this puts Articuno’s Offense at a notable % higher when dealing with say Dragonite, Salamence, Rayquaza, Flygon, Etc. especially in Raid battles where there is a timer, or even regular gym battles with the timer.
1.2 X 1.4 X 1.4 = 2.352 X 13 (difference in Attack stats) = 30.576 more Atk points

That multiplied by the difference in Attack per hit allows it to deal notably higher damage and means the difference between finishing a raid in time or not. At the end of the day, you don’t care about survival for a single Pokémon in raids because you can replenish, you want as much damage to accumulate as quickly as possible. People can use Blissey with Dazzling Gleam if they need to avoid getting KOed.

God forbid they give Dragonite Focus Punch, then Articuno soars even higher to counter it.
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So will they also introduce Abilities? Because some Gen III Pokemon were built around their Abilities: Slakoth/Slaking, Shedinja, Castform, Kecleon, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, & Deoxys.

Some other things to note:
1. Abilities weren't the only thing introduced but also Double Battles. And there was an Ability to work with Double Battles: Plus & Minus, the gimmick of Plusle & Minun.
2. So will they carry over the way to get a Shedinja (evolving a Nincada into a Ninjask while also having an extra Poke Ball)? Like one way around this I can maybe see them doing is after evolving Nincada a wild Shedinja will spawn nearby.
3. Be interesting to see if they keep Spinda's spot pattern gimmick. Might make catching multiple of them interesting to see what spot patterns you get.
4. Right now you can get a Marill and Wobbuffet from an egg. So are they going to swap them out for Azurill and Wynaut?