Wait...you could get Flare Blitz on Flareon this way!
Forget Flare Blitz- You can have Sacred Fire!
Wait...you could get Flare Blitz on Flareon this way!
People need to start paying attention.
If it can't learn mimic, it can't have an 'illegal' moveset. Neither Darkrai nor Garchomp learn mimic, so cut it.
Also, I think someone posted this before, but if sketch can be glitch'd onto pokemon, then can they learn any move, instead of just 1-4th gen moves?
also everybody must remember that eveyr pokemon with access to mimic only has access to 3 moves
No, that's only if you try to do it with Rage in HGSS or whatever. If you have a Japanese D/P copy (either a retail cart or rom), you can go all Spore / Sacred Fire / Judgment / Butterfly Dance Ninjask if you want to.
Not sure if it's changed in gen V, but in gen IV No Guard doesn't effect OHKO moves.They're not limited to only 1 gen V move. Unless I'm mistaken, you could still use gen V TMs, plus any gen V moves that have been added to their level-up movepool. Unless you mean they're limited to only 1 Gen V move that can be anything.
Also, none of them can have DW abilities, and a few pokemon from gens 1-3 can't have their 4th gen ability.
Lastly, no clauses, you say? Then I have a Pokemon for you.
Machamp@Choice Scarf
Sheer Cold
Sleep Talk
Hi Jump Kick/---
HJK and V-generate are for taking out Sturdy mons. You cover all of them except Donphan and the Rock/Bugs. Sleep Talk is for sleep absorption, of course. In fact, if you want, you can run just Sheer Cold and Sleep Talk. You're walled by sturdy mons, but you can absorb a sleep and still throw out OHKOs.
No Guard is still possible by giving this moveset to him as a Machoke, then evolving into Machamp.
EDIT: Oh, god, I just realized that no clauses also means no Species Clause. Meaning you can have more than one of this guy, or any other stupidly broken set, on your team.
Not sure if it's changed in gen V, but in gen IV No Guard doesn't effect OHKO moves.
As for the topic itself, I've though of this before, but with (standard) rules, as in standard rules, except all mimic glitched moves are allowed. If this turns into a little metagame/tournament I may give it a shot!
This is more interesting than CAM actually (since everyone and their mother that learns Mimic in gen 3 tutor can basically get any move). Sorry don!
Are you sure about this? I could swear it took up a moveslot.
(If you can provide a video that would be very kind)
Instead of using the glitch for stupid stuff that's obviously broken, why not create something that should have been in the game anyways, like female torchics with baton pass for example??