Pokémon Minus - Street Pokémon with Mimic Glitch Allowed

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anything at spore/spore/spore/spore

I win

(guts, quick feet, poison heal (breloom only unfortunately), and the odd insomnia/vital spirit will be... vital.. in this metagame)

also I have no fucking clue how you guys could have ignored this

lvl 5 Aron Skarmory @ Shell Bell
EVs/Nature are whatever the fuck they want to be
Ice Shard

win by getting pursuit anything and killing ghosts

also everybody must remember that eveyr pokemon with access to mimic only has access to 3 moves; the third must be able to be obtained by normal means

Lv 1 Bonsley@shell bell
Ice shard
Magic coat
^ that's basically just CB Azu with Flare Blitz, I'd rather use Belly Drum Aqua Jet Mach Punch or something like that.
If you want, I may sort out a bulky Belly Drum set with Recover:

Azumarill @ Leftovers / Life Orb
Ability: Huge Power
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 Atk / 128 Def / 128 SpD
- Aqua Jet
- Belly Drum
- Recover
- ExtremeSpeed

Priority Belly Drummer with STAB Aqua Jet. Normal & Water have excellent coverage and Recover is here to regain your HP lost by Belly Drum. However, don't go out without JelliThorn counters.
Mewtwo with Tail Glow, Petal Dance, Psycho Break, and Aura Sphere.

Chansey with Cotton Guard, Leech Seed, Night Shade, and Seismic Toss.

Let's add Wonder Launcher, too, for good measure!
Actually any Poke that can learn Baton Pass and is bulky, can work as a "better" Smeargle in some sense. Putting Magic Coat along is a good idea.

Spore/boosting move/Magic Coat/Baton Pass in general.
I would love to see this metagame. The sheer number of creative options is awesome. Jirachi with Shell break or gear change/earthquake/rock slide/spore @ white herb/life orb/balloon is like offense in a can.
Kingdra@Sitrus Berry
Belly Drum
Extremespeed/Aqua Jet

Best rain sweeper ever? I think so. Hell, you might not even need Waterfall, seeing how ridiculously powerful Outrage is.

Also, Life Gambit Blissey. Let the horror of that one sink in for a bit.

And for some bizarreness, how about Perish Trapping Trapinch?

Trapinch@Evolution Stone
Perish Song
Slack Off
How about this:

Jirachi @ White Herb
Hasty Nature
Shell Smash
Sacred Fire
Hi Jump Kick/Close Combat
Iron Head

Shell Smash when you can and use Sacred Fire on every physical attacker in sight. Thanks to Serene Grace you will always burn them and do massive(and passive) damage in the process. Iron Head is your move that you actually learn and provides good STAB. Close Combat/HJK lets you roll right through everything else, though you're still walled by Gyarados.
I'm a bit afraid that even with all of these moveset possibilities, the most OP pokemon in this metagame is still going to be:

5th gen Glalie @ Leftovers
-Ice Breath
If you guys want to actually play this, I can make a PO client (well, set of data files) which allows it in probably less than an hour, maybe a bit longer (I'll throw in 4th gen and third gen versions too if there is interest). If anyone can open a port (pretty easy with most routers, just google it) I can give them server database files to run it. PO servers pretty much set themselves up, so dw about that. Guide is here. Not going to mess around with it unless enough people really want to try this out to avoid it being dead 24/7 (so if you want it post).
In a Metagame dominated by Spore...

Deoxys-A @ Wide Lens / ?
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Sleep Talk
- Dragon Tail
- ?
- ?

Plus, I assume there's no Species Clause, right?

Jirachi @ King's Rock
Serene Grace
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Atk
Any Nature
- Assist
- Night Burst / Seed Flare / Shell Blade / Flame Dance / Cross Poison / Grass Mixer
- Luster Purge / Discharge / Muddy Water / Charge Beam / Blaze Kick / Crush Claw
- whatever

...well, you get the point. A roulette of Serene Grace Abuse. Obviously the Mimic glitch means you can disperse these moves around pokemon that aren't Jirachi too.

If you guys want to actually play this, I can make a PO client (well, set of data files) which allows it in probably less than an hour, maybe a bit longer (I'll throw in 4th gen and third gen versions too if there is interest). If anyone can open a port (pretty easy with most routers, just google it) I can give them server database files to run it. PO servers pretty much set themselves up, so dw about that. Guide is here. Not going to mess around with it unless enough people really want to try this out to avoid it being dead 24/7 (so if you want it post).

Sounds awesome. The beauty of the metagame is the ability to play around with the rules of Pokemon, so this would be an interesting experiment.

I imagine plenty of non-smogonites would give it a go, especially those who specialise in DW (it's a theoretical game in the first place)
If you guys want to actually play this, I can make a PO client (well, set of data files) which allows it in probably less than an hour, maybe a bit longer (I'll throw in 4th gen and third gen versions too if there is interest). If anyone can open a port (pretty easy with most routers, just google it) I can give them server database files to run it. PO servers pretty much set themselves up, so dw about that. Guide is here. Not going to mess around with it unless enough people really want to try this out to avoid it being dead 24/7 (so if you want it post).

I would love you for doing this.

Hell, what could be better and more challenging than a completly broken, unbalanced metagame where luck is one of the biggest factors (while this may seem like sarcasm its not, the massive amount of possible sets is too delicious).
Electrode @ Leftovers
-Tail Glow
-Ice Beam


Alakazam @ Focus Sash
-Tail Glow
-Psycho Shock
-Aura Sphere

Nice sweeper in your hands.

Aggron @ Life Orb
-Gear Change/Shell Smash
-Head Smash
-Flare Blitz
-Wood Hammer

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