Pokemon Shuffle General Discussion

Poisonous Mist activates more often than Vitality Drain. It activates 15% of the time on 3-matches, 25% on 4, and 30% on 5. With Vitality Drain, it's 5%/10%/30%.

I find that I average 300-400 on Meowth (on 3DS), going for 5 coins most times. It's much harder on mobile, with the RNG determining whether coins or blocks spawn.
Yah mobile meowth sucks, the worst part is that it can spawn disruptions along your coin lines too.
Also surprised that poisonus mist has a decent activation rate, it's similar to vitality drain's on mobile iirc.
Still waiting to find Crobat. Any tips if the stage has anything concerning? I don't want to mess up when I do get the encounter.
To be sure that you catch it, use Mega Gar, because you don't want to miss that opportunity ! I have encountered Crobat 3 times in 75 lives so keep money for Great Ball in case of
Crobat's not a hard stage specially if you bring Garchomp along, you can even put it to sleep with sleep charm from Darkrai if you're not using giratina for some reason. It's still a bit rough at the beginning for Gengar because of the initial metal blocks but once they're gone on the 5th turn you should be also unleashing a huge combo.
Crobat's not a hard stage specially if you bring Garchomp along, you can even put it to sleep with sleep charm from Darkrai if you're not using giratina for some reason. It's still a bit rough at the beginning for Gengar because of the initial metal blocks but once they're gone on the 5th turn you should be also unleashing a huge combo.
My current line up is Gengar, Mewtwo, Victini, basic Gengar + 2 SE mons set up.

How many Metal Blocks would Crobat have? Gourgeist has those two columns, is Crobat more, less, arranged differently, etc?
The whole of the left and right columns.
No that's Golbat's stage. Crobat's stage has Metal blocks on the first and last row when you begin the stage.
The stage begins without a timer up until 5 turns have passed and the metal blocks clear themselves then it begins freezing a whole row randomly every 3 turns.
Finally got all Safari mons. c: Gonna catch things I haven't + Dusclops in the next 9 days and slowly earn money from that 30 lol.
If you guys have a few hearts to waste like I did, as I'm now trying to S rank a bunch of stages, try going into the Shelgon stage with a team of Mega Gengar, Diance, and Shelgon. Before I could even make ONE move, due to the way the board was set up I got a combo of 15. It's really funny to watch that go off the second the stage is loaded. I believe it's possible, myabe with a mega boost for ghost types instead of Diance, to get a 0 move KO on it due to the amount of shelgon present when it's loaded LOL.
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If you guys have a few hearts to waste like I did, as I'm now trying to S rank a bunch of stages, try going into the Shelgon stage with a team of Mega Gengar, Diance, and Shelgon. Before I could even make ONE move, due to the way the board was set up I got a combo of 15. It's really funny to watch that go off the second the stage is loaded. I believe it's possible, myabe with a mega boost for ghost types instead of Diance, to get a 0 move KO on it due to the amount of shelgon present when it's loaded LOL.
Same thing can be done with Bannette. I have seen combos break 50 without input in a good starting arrangement.
New basic stages (Grimer first !)
New EX stages (EX 28 : Bisharp)
Return of Giratina Escalation. Can we get the bonus one again ? (Especially Mega Turbo)
Return of Banettite.
Nice set of events for this week and plenty of things to do (Good thing I Meowth Farmed)! Did the competition and after getting an awful run with Gengar, managed to score a credible 39k with an all-Dark team using Mega Absol to clear those blocks at the beginning. Should be really comfortable since it is top 16k for Banettite in EU (top 1k for speedups though).

Also did the first new main stage and at least it wasn't awful. Comfortably beat it and even caught the Grimer. Base 50 with Crowd Control isnt too bad.

Apparently Mega Medicham is the end of town mega with a mega effect of "erasing a group of Pokémon in the middle at once". That doesnt really look like a good effect at a first glance though I could be horribly wrong. Might need to spend some time catching Medicham though... >_>

I just hope the rest of these new stages are as not awful as Grimer (except for Mega Medicham which will be guaranteed to be hell). Gardevoir looks like it might be a paywall though based on HP/Turn ratio.
Medicham's fighting, correct? That Mega Ability sounds tailor made for the Bisharp Expert Stage, which starts with the two Middle columns full or Rocks/Steel Blocks, and drops Blocks as a complexity.
From Serebii

Stage 231
8 Turns33609%
Stage 232
13 Turns
Restricted to 3 Pokémon135209%
Stage 233
15 Turns810019%
Stage 234
16 Turns78404%
Stage 235
11 Turns105603%
Stage 236
14 Turns596214%
Stage 237
25 Turns136802%
Stage 238
18 Turns168756%
Stage 239
5 Turns
Restricted to 3 Pokémon6003%
Stage 240
Mega Medicham
22 TurnsN/AN/A

Stage EX28

45 seconds
Unlocked after S Ranking 221 normal stages118081%Stage EX29

45 seconds
Unlocked after S Ranking 230 normal stages85861%Stage EX30

1 minute
Unlocked after S Ranking 240 normal stages207901%
Any pokemon/team reccomendations? <_<
Staraptor is kind of a jerk. I recommend Mega Ampharos over your other options for the Mega since the random Lightning is better at clearing the disruptions.

There's a specific opening move that clears most of the Starly line blocks they had, and Tyranitar can remove stragglers. (

Staraptor is one of those mons where I recommend getting the S-Rank run in your "clear" attempt to save time later. I have managed to beat it itemless for the capture, but not consistently enough to recommend that for a regular clear.
Used every item on it...the move after the one that cleared the birds.....got me a combo of 38 and half the HP bar down and then 2-3 moves later I clear the stage with 20 moves left (I used +5 moves) and guess what the catch rate was? It went from 11% to 86 and I caught it without using a great ball MLIA, thank you pika pal! : D
UGH now it's stupid Gothitelle please help I'm down to barely 3k coins so I'm back to meowth grinding any idea on how to do it for the cheapest amount of coins and get S rank?
UGH now it's stupid Gothitelle please help I'm down to barely 3k coins so I'm back to meowth grinding any idea on how to do it for the cheapest amount of coins and get S rank?
For Gothitelle, do you have Lugia? Eject+ Helps a lot to remove those stray icons at the bottom, and getting those cleared early is imperative to give you space for combos. I used Lugia for the regular clear, well worth losing the SE damage, and Gengar helped make up the difference for combos.