Pokemon Sun and Moon Demo Datamine + Full Game Leaks Collection (Read the OP)

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There are probably exactly three mythical Pokemon in each modern generation because some focus group has calculated the ideal time period between releasing new Pokemon for people to keep interest, and it's x/3, where x is the time between releases. It's a matter of logic and business sense.

Either you mean x/4 is optimal or it doesn't make any sense

See the problem with that is azure flute was released in japan but shiny pichu wasn't released anywhere it can be said that they intended to but it's unlikely also victini's shiny has existed since gen 5 yet they have not allowed you to catch it that a long time to just hold a shiny form and not release unless it isn't meant to be released

No, the Azure Flute has never been released anywhere in the world. That's why 100 EVs is the max legal on any stat for Arceus in gen 4, it is only available through a level 100 event and you can't get EVs outside of proteins and such
There's the persisting rumor that the stats of the Pokémon are reduced to make the demo easier - although the Base Stats revealed for the 5 Gen 7 mons look pretty normal to me, thus I think no such thing was done. If that really were the case, wouldn't they have to lower Golbat's stats as well?

I didn't noticed before but it's mouth appears to have a diagram for atoms. Again tying up the alchemy theme :P
Sorry but that's a pretty big stretch. Especially this model has been long outdated, the current one is the electron cloud model.

But I do hope the alchemy theme does end up holding some credence eventually. I really liked that one (even if it mostly got dropped since the reveal of the first U.B.)
Isn't one of Static's abilities increasing the encounter rate of Electric types? So you got weird RNG yesterday, then one today which skewed your RNG.

Makes sense now. Was a little freaked.

I find the weather icons kinda cute, although I'm not sure where they'll appear. Will it be a clickable on the bottom screen, along with the mini sprites? If so, hope that the tooltips are thorough about the weather effects (hopefully even touching upon the Sp. Def buff on Rock-types during Sandstorm).

Still, I wonder why we get the weather icons, but not ones for the terrain moves. Woulda liked to see those too.
Updated the OP with the 5th video, OD's notes on Z-moves (scroll down to see that), and the alolan, national, and Island dexes. With regards to the last point especially, shut up with the conspiracy theories this is all we have for now if by some miracle this changes upon release all the better but stop posting your own theories on the matter.
as someone pointed out in my gfaqs thread, 'The battlefield turned weird!' might be a setup for UBs.

The fact that it's under Totem summoning text also makes it possible that the UBs are mid/lategame ala-totem fights as well.

I think it's the text for Wonder Room, isn't it? (Or that room that items have no efect)
The island dexes are pretty interesting, lots of overlap between them. I do wonder exactly how the progression is gonna be from one island to the next, whether we clear one island in full before moving on to the next or if we're gonna be doing some backtracking.
Quick question... can we use a z-move and mega-evolution in the same battle? like can I use Gigavolt Havoc Pikachu and mega Alakazam in the same team? or its either a z-move or mega...
Quick question... can we use a z-move and mega-evolution in the same battle? like can I use Gigavolt Havoc Pikachu and mega Alakazam in the same team? or its either a z-move or mega...
I think you can have both.

But VGC 2017 bans all mega stones.
The UBs having shiny forms isn't strange at all from a programming point of view so I don't think we should use that to speculate too much.

I also feel the special ball might just send them back to where they came from.

There's a really compelling theory that the UBs come from dreams based on the professor from the pokemon dream radar spin-off appearing in one of the trailers (you only see the name in the german trailer though). It would explain why they seem to resemble some characters and also why they're so damn weird.
No offense, but anyone who's still trying to seriously entertain the possibility that UBs won't be catchable is in denial. Putting aside the UB ball and shiny sprites, this is Pokemon. The series' motto is Gotta Catch Em All - do you seriously think they're going to introduce and -promote- a monster you aren't able to catch?
No offense, but anyone who's still trying to seriously entertain the possibility that UBs won't be catchable is in denial. Putting aside the UB ball and shiny sprites, this is Pokemon. The series' motto is Gotta Catch Em All - do you seriously think they're going to introduce and -promote- a monster you aren't able to catch?

Putting aside the UB ball and shiny sprites, this is Pokemon. The series' motto is Gotta Catch Em All - do you seriously think they're going to introduce and -promote- a monster you aren't able to catch?

The motto has not been used for a long time...

Anyways, as long as they are not catchable with regular Poke Balls, I won't complain. I mean, they are supposed to be from another dimension. Regular Poke Balls (even the Master Ball) should not work.
That symbol that Kaphotics said was like megas and primals...

Is it possible that Radiant Sun Solgaleo and Full Moon Lunala actually do something mechanically, or does the revealed Alola Dex completely rule it out?
3) 802 pokemon total including alolan formes, past gen pokemon as well as any other formes. Dex images for most can be viewed in the videos, downloaded form here (courtesy of Kazo https://twitter.com/KazoWAR/status/788279824796229632 or viewed this link: https://sli.mg/a/4HOcnq

Is this not wrong? If we're looking at the same Pastebin (this one), it's 802 Pokemon total including past gens but excluding Alolan Formes as well as other forms like Ash-Pikachu/Greninja/Zygarde.
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Guessing that Protect CAN block Z moves since it's been blocking BP 250 Explosion for like, 17 years (?). Gigavolt Havoc from Thunderbolt is only 175 BP. Guessing one from Thunder hits 200 at most.

Strongest Z move is probably gonna be the one based on Explosion (330 BP I guess), which is still weaker than its mechanics before gen 5: effectively 500 BP. Protect didnt fail then so I dont think it will fail now.

(330 Explosion sounds ... too good)
the site blurb explicity states these guys cant even fight, so im not sure what you're getting at here.


do you seriously think they're going to introduce and -promote- a monster you aren't able to catch?

Zygarde core and cell fit that description.

To take another page out of yokai watch, it has its own version of the pokedex. In addition to just listing everything you've seen and befriended (caught), it also lists the boss yokai you've defeated. If you see them but then lose, they're listed as "seen", but if you actually win the fight then they're displayed the same way as if you caught them.

I think the pokedex will do something similar for UBs.

EDIT @ below: no you can't catch them
Huh, I've been looking over the island dexes and I just realized that Type: Null, Silvally, and Zygarde aren't listed on any of them, though in terms of the Alola dex they're between Island Two's pokemon and Island Three's pokemon. I wonder what this means?
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