I hope this kind of theorizing is allowed on this thread, if not please feel free to remove.
The Pokédex listings are very interesting and they give us an idea of how is progression around the islands. So I arranged the following images for the second (Akala) and fourth islands.
We're most likely starting in the city on the middle left (where there is a dock) and then moving up towards a ranch. At this point, Mudsdale will be registered in our Ride Pager since the following dexes have this Pokémon. Stoutland only appears on this dex, so it may only be required in this island to progress through crag. On the other hand, Tauros is featured in this and the fourth island's dex.
After this, I suspect we'll go to the water basin area followed by the volcano. The bridge that connects (2) to (6) will probably be under construction and unlocked once we do whatever task there is to do in the volcano.
Another interesting thing to note is that Sharpedo and Lapras both appear on the dex of the fourth island, which may mean that surfing may be a late-game addition. Similarly, Charizard is probably avaialble post-game once you unlock the National Dex.
Now moving to the fourth island. I think that upon arrival at point (1) we'll be given either Lapras or Sharpedo. I'm leaning toward Sharpedo being given first and used to travel to the small island on the left. Once we're done with our mission in point (2,3), Lapras should be added to the Ride Pager and access to point (4) made possible (see supporting screenshot).
It might not be in one consistent location (hence the form change) - but may I ask where you'd put Oricorio? Thanks
The other two Pokemon in the trio are Psychic, so I'm guessing Psychic/Poison. The only other unique secondary option was Bug and Poison doesn't seem like a bad choice a potential embodiment of an event where the sun or moon is blocked.
Something people haven't pointed out (I'm not sure if it's from thinking it's obvious or not enough People playing Zoo Tycoon growing up,) that Shiny Litten being White is probably a reference to the White Bengal Tiger.
'The other two are Psychic'. What makes you so sure?
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