Pokemon Sun and Moon Demo Datamine + Full Game Leaks Collection (Read the OP)

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i dont see why UBs cant be maingame bosses that are basically glorified Totems with all the perks - autobuff, uncatchable, calls in reinforcements - and be relegated to postgame only for catching them with that Aether Ball(name mine, it's not in the datamine).

it doesnt really stop them from being 'threats' as advertised. the fact that they need a unique pokeball also points to them being not-pokemon that, well, function as pokemon anyway. so they're the same, but different... but still same.

sidenote: does anyone else find it crazy that humans in the pokemon world took a short look at these UBs, presumably tried to catch them with pokeballs, and decided they really wanted them to the point that they made compatible capturing devices? that's pretty hardcore.
Yeah I can see it being like Black/White Kyurem. A "boss" battle and then you can actually catch them later on after beating them with the special ball(s).

At the very least if Beauty isn't a SOS battle i'm not sure what else could be.
It's really fast. That's all it's saying. Absorbtion doesn't detail that at all, just that it's pretty strong and probably uses its beak to attack things.

This is standard pokedex fare. See also slugma being hotter than the sun, ponyta's hooves being harder than diamonds, any given ghost type pokedex, alakazam's 5000 IQ, etc

e: Shoot the speed seems irrelevant entirely considering UB-02, regardless of which one it is, just decides to roar menacingly and then ram at tapu koko

I will give you that dex entries in the past have been greatly exaggerated. That's were the whole meme of them being written by 10 year olds comes from. But you also have to notice that in this gen the dex entries seem to be more detailed, grounded, and with lore that is actually canon to the games. There's a lot of reasoning behind the alola forms evolution, and you mentioned salandit and how it's Dex entry makes a point to signal gender differences, and it's evolution ended up being more feminine. when new Pokemon were revealed in the past we mainly only got its image and type, now every new Pokemon has a short bio that tells us something about it, and in many cases hints at its evolution. It seems they are thinking about what they are writing for the Dex entries instead of random things. I could see UB2 expansion beating Tapu with sheer brute force while beauty outspeeds him. Just what I think.
(Fail with CB acro, it's late here x'DD)

The thing is, would Queenly Majesty prevents moves which priority is triggered by abilities?

Hasn't it been confirmed that Queenly Majesty stops moves with ANY priority (even negative) from being used? If so, a Queenly Majesty Popplio3 would be a hard counter for (non-Liechi) Talonflame.
I will give you that dex entries in the past have been greatly exaggerated. That's were the whole meme of them being written by 10 year olds comes from. But you also have to notice that in this gen the dex entries seem to be more detailed, grounded, and with lore that is actually canon to the games. There's a lot of reasoning behind the alola forms evolution, and you mentioned salandit and how it's Dex entry makes a point to signal gender differences, and it's evolution ended up being more feminine. when new Pokemon were revealed in the past we mainly only got its image and type, now every new Pokemon has a short bio that tells us something about it, and in many cases hints at its evolution. It seems they are thinking about what they are writing for the Dex entries instead of random things. I could see UB2 expansion beating Tapu with sheer brute force while beauty outspeeds him. Just what I think.
It's still just a trait of it. Like how Mudsdale can go for 72 hours straight hauling 10 tons without a break. Work that stamina, bro. And it still doesn't prove these are these weird super bosses that we can't hope to battle normally ever? We don't even see it beating Tapu Koko. And even if they did it would just prove that they're strong enough to go head to head with it
Oh, and after sorting out the dexes...I'm kinda getting the feeling that Drifloon and Misdreavus might be version exclusives this gen?
That was "confirmed" (very strongly implied) in this Japanese trailer from September when they showed off the time differences between Sun and Moon:
(@ 30 seconds)

Either that or they're simply time-of-day equivalents in the same area in both games. But we haven't seen much about version differences yet and this would fit the theme that we know, so I'm expecting them to be exclusive.
It's still just a trait of it. Like how Mudsdale can go for 72 hours straight hauling 10 tons without a break. Work that stamina, bro. And it still doesn't prove these are these weird super bosses that we can't hope to battle normally ever? We don't even see it beating Tapu Koko. And even if they did it would just prove that they're strong enough to go head to head with it

Yeah and there's a reasoning behind that, in Mudsdale's case its ability is Stamina. UB1 has one random sentence about how it looks like a girl, which is likely to be a hint to events in the story. The fact that they mention UB2 is faster than lighting as its shown battling an electric type seems to hint that Tapu will lose the fight. And I'm not saying UBs can't be battled regularly, I'm saying all the descriptions of them stress that they are stronger. So they could have legendaries stats, and I don't want them to become the new genies of the meta. Of course we only have both UB2s as reference. If other UBs are revealed before launch we will have to see what their descriptions say about them.
Yeah and there's a reasoning behind that, in Mudsdale's case its ability is Stamina. UB1 has one random sentence about how it looks like a girl, which is likely to be a hint to events in the story. The fact that they mention UB2 is faster than lighting as its shown battling an electric type seems to hint that Tapu will lose the fight. And I'm not saying UBs can't be battled regularly, I'm saying all the descriptions of them stress that they are stronger. So they could have legendaries stats, and I don't want them to become the new genies of the meta. Of course we only have both UB2s as reference. If other UBs are revealed before launch we will have to see what their descriptions say about them.

I think my problem with catching UBs is the fact that they have been presented as these strong Boss battles that don't follow the regular rules of the Pokemon world, and that regular Pokemon will have a hard time battling,

They are weird, they are otherworldly and I can see that leading to the assumption that they're these things that break all the rules in a battle. But we don't have proof of them breaking the rules or being hard for pokemon to handle. They have traits listed that can easily be represented in the universe and we will no doubt see that first hand when we inevitably battle them. We've seen (2 of) them clash with 1 pokemon and presumably they retreat or run off regardless of how that shakes out.

The clash is probably just to indicate that they are hostile invaders here for some unknown reason and that they're strong. But not so strong you can't battle them normally (which i'm guessing will loop around and tie in with Type Null and the legendaries and blah blah errors of man blah blah) or much stronger than other legendary pokemon throughout the series.
They are weird, they are otherworldly and I can see that leading to the assumption that they're these things that break all the rules in a battle. But we don't have proof of them breaking the rules or being hard for pokemon to handle. They have traits listed that can easily be represented in the universe and we will no doubt see that first hand when we inevitably battle them. We've seen (2 of) them clash with 1 pokemon and presumably they retreat or run off regardless of how that shakes out.

The clash is probably just to indicate that they are hostile invaders here for some unknown reason and that they're strong. But not so strong you can't battle them normally (which i'm guessing will loop around and tie in with Type Null and the legendaries and blah blah errors of man blah blah) or much stronger than other legendary pokemon throughout the series.

They don't follow regular rules of the world because they come from another dimension and you most likely need a unique type of ball to capture them.
Regular Pokemon will have a hard time because their description hints that they have the upper hand battling a legendary/guardian/ stronger than usual Pokemon. And I'm not saying these are facts, but that game freak is presenting them that way. but like I said, we will have to wait to see what other UBs are like. I am sharing my concerns behind UBs being catchable, and my reasoning behind these concerns, which I think are sound.
Also for people discussing Marshadow:

It probably is a "baby form"/pre-evo for the real deal, which will only be available (as in, in the game code) in the third version.

Don't ever expect anything like DLC from Game Freak. Don't ever expect anything good from Game Freak at all, tbh.
Cynical much? This is my favorite game series of all time fo sho, it's hard to say that in the same breath as not being able to expect anything from the company that made it.

They are weird, they are otherworldly and I can see that leading to the assumption that they're these things that break all the rules in a battle. But we don't have proof of them breaking the rules or being hard for pokemon to handle. They have traits listed that can easily be represented in the universe and we will no doubt see that first hand when we inevitably battle them. We've seen (2 of) them clash with 1 pokemon and presumably they retreat or run off regardless of how that shakes out.

The clash is probably just to indicate that they are hostile invaders here for some unknown reason and that they're strong. But not so strong you can't battle them normally (which i'm guessing will loop around and tie in with Type Null and the legendaries and blah blah errors of man blah blah) or much stronger than other legendary pokemon throughout the series.

My greatest hope that I think isn't going to come true, especially if the UB's have a capture mechanic, was that there'd be more multiplayer connectivity and they'd have something like raid bosses. Probably a pipe dream but all this talk of them being OP and non standard when facing our poor pokes made me think of it.
They don't follow regular rules of the world because they come from another dimension and you most likely need a unique type of ball to capture them.
Regular Pokemon will have a hard time because their description hints that they have the upper hand battling a legendary/guardian/ stronger than usual Pokemon. And I'm not saying these are facts, but that game freak is presenting them that way. but like I said, we will have to wait to see what other UBs are like. I am sharing my concerns behind UBs being catchable, and my reasoning behind these concerns, which I think are sound.

Yeah I think the main problem with UBs being catchable is that they are specifically being presented as "something else". If we can catch them and battle with them, how are they different from any other pokemon? And if they aren't different, why present them that way? The only way that it makes sense to me is if Ultra Beast is just a name for a certain class of pokemon, like Legendaries or Mythicals.
Huh, I just realized that UBs being catchable implies we can also potentially play with them in Pokemon Refresh.
I was all right with capturing them but playing with them sounds kinda weird.

But I think I found a way to clear this out. If you watch Steven Universe, think Gems as the Humans and Ultra Beasts as Corrupted Gems
When gems become corrupted, they turn into a monster-like creature and have a kind of a brain illness, forggeting who they were and acting as animals. I think Ultra Beasts might be the same, afterall a human/gem likely turned into a monster. And I was really finw with Steven playing around with Centipeetle back in Monster Buddies, so I think it's okay to play and Battle with Ultra Beats.
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Sweet Potato is a legendary guardian. All hail potatos.
Yeah, and I honestly thought they were going to go with a sweet potato blossom, but nope

Tapu Tato.png

It's just a straight up potato. All praise Tapu Tato!
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Um, I don't know, grooming and playing with abominations of nature is something I can't picture myself doing. Specially the, erm, pillar/rolled leaf/bamboo shoot/whatever thingy. Or the big-mouthed one, that's Nightmare Fuel in physical form.
But I think I found a way to clear this out. If you watch Steven Universe, think Gems as the Humans and Ultra Beasts as Corrupted Gems
When gems become corrupted, they turn into a monster-like creature and have a kind of a brain illness, forggeting who they were and acting as animals. I think Ultra Beasts might be the same, afterall a human/gem likely turned into a monster. And I was really finw with Steven playing around with Centipeetle back in Monster Buddies, so I think it's okay to play and Battle with Ultra Beats.

ngl you guys are getting almost as obnoxious as bronies with the whole YEAH BUT IN MY TV SHOW thing
With the regional dex datamined, what are people's thoughts for their in-game teams?

I think for my first playthrough I'm going to go with a team of underdogs. So far I'm looking at Vikavolt, Sandslash-A, Salandit, and Clefairy. I'm a little concerned because the stats and movepool of Vikavolt and Salandit's evolved form aren't known yet, but I love their typing and design so unless they're way too strong I'll be using them. Clefable is a pokemon I've been itching to use in story-mode ever since it got its type change, and this is the first time since that it's shown up prior to post-game. Seeing as I'm going for an underdog team, I'll just deny it the moonstone and keep it a Clefairy until post-game. There are lots of other pokemon that are catching my eye, in particular Zygarde 10% which may be the first legendary pokemon to legitimately be an underdog. However, until I know for sure that I can prevent it from assuming its other formes I won't commit to it. Butterfree is one of my favorite pokemon, but it's sadly redundant with Vikavolt. I'll probably still raise one out of tradition, but I won't be taking this one to the Hall of Fame (or whatever Alola's equivalent is, what with the no league thing). Another pokemon that caught my eye was Sableye, but since I do a "no items in trainer battles" rule I'll probably need Recover, which is an egg move, so way too inconvenient for my liking. In any event, it sure is nice that I don't need to worry about HM's anymore and can just pick a balanced team based on preference alone and have room left over.

How about everyone else? Any thoughts on what you'll be using on your first playthrough now that you know what's available?
ngl you guys are getting almost as obnoxious as bronies with the whole YEAH BUT IN MY TV SHOW thing
It could be a theory. But I guess we can't compare things to other things. I can't defend bronies or the toxic part of the SU fandom online but I think that rather than pooping on it I'd say probably that the reason I don't buy into the "corrupted pokemon" theory here is that one of the only confirmed facts about UB's is that they come from another dimension, so we have no uncorrupted thing to compare them to except for pokemon. It's hard to imply that they are a corrupted form of something when they are a completely alien force in our world and we don't yet know exactly if they do compare to pokemon. Or the circumstances of their capture or training. There's a lot of possability and the UB's are the hardest thing to speculate about so far.
With the regional dex datamined, what are people's thoughts for their in-game teams?
How about everyone else? Any thoughts on what you'll be using on your first playthrough now that you know what's available?
Mine's probably going to be:
Popplio (Stefrano. Yup, I'm naming it Stefrano)
Slandit (Toffee)
Vikavolt (Zikavolt)
Pallossand (Idk)
Alolan Raticate (Rammy), Ninetales (Aurora) or Persian (Garfield)
Firecorio (Hot Wingah)
Litten (Shere Khan)
Wimpod evo (Idk)
Lyncanrock (Marley)
Mimikyu (NoticeMe)
Pikipek (Zazu or ToucanSam)
Passimian (Julien)
May change, tho, as I really like Lurantis, the Bonsweet line and Wisiwashi.
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With the regional dex datamined, what are people's thoughts for their in-game teams
Pokemon- nickname (reason)
Rowlet- Orly (memes)
Wishiwashi- Whirlpool (washi/washer machine)
Type: null- Kai: mera (chimera+ wierd name logic)
Flomantis- Kimono (it looks like its wearing one)
Rockruff/night- Sho (after sho from twewy)
Sandslash- Tenjian (after the gunvolt boss)
Mine's probably going to be Popplio/Slandit/Vikavolt/Pallossand/Alolan Raticate, Ninetales or Persian/Firecorio in Moon and Litten/Wimpod evo/Lyncanrock/Mimikyu/Pikipek/King Julien (Forgot the real name) in Sun
Meanwhile I have a few Touhou themed names i kinda want to use for my Sun playthrough, like Cirno for Alola Ninetales (Ice/Fairy and has (9) in the name. come on, it's obvious!) and Murasa for Anchor-mon... I'm gonna have to think a while between Horo/Holo and Momiji for Lycanrock. Although i don't really have ideas for a team i'll stick with for the entire time. (Alola Ninetails for SURE though.)

EDIT: BTW, if you get a Litten and don't name it after a famous wrestler (mine will be John Cenya) then you may be doing it wrong.
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