Pokemon Sun and Moon Demo Datamine + Full Game Leaks Collection (Read the OP)

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I'm going 100% birds for my team. Rowlet, Pikipek, Pelipper, Baile Oricorio...Honchkrow, if I can get it early enough...and then the sixth will be played by ear; any other bird besides I guess Talonflame is a contender, it just depends on what's available when and what type coverage I do or do not need. I might even add another Oricorio form.
Yeah, and I honestly thought they were going to go with a sweet potato blossom, but nope

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It's just a straight up potato. All praise Tapu Tato!

I was hoping they would keep the animal theme and that this one would be like an octopus with its hair becoming the tentacles. It sucks not being able to see their animations to get a better idea.
Hmm... interesting how the Island Dexes are 120, 130, 130, and 100 pokemon long, respectively. The island to the far left seems smaller than the other islands, so it could be Island 4? Also, according to the Tapu colors, the other two islands are most likely named UlaUla and Poni (Hawaiian words for Red and Purple). Purple Tapu is on Island 4, so that would make it Poni, MeleMele, Akala, and UlaUla Islands (4, 1, 2, 3), from left to right...

Sorry, just speculating over here.
My potential team will likely be:
Popplio3 (Popplio was my choice since the beginning; love the design of the final evo)
Lilligant (Thank fuck its in the dex for this game. Hope its not exclusive to Moon)
Honchkrow (I just love its design; Plus haven't used one in a game before)
Arcanine (Fire-type; To get everything I want though I have to keep it as Growlithe for a long ass time)
Snorlax (from the event Munchlax, because why not)
Kommo'o (Psuedo-legendary + Fighting-type)

What stinks though is that while 4 of my team members are on the first island according to the Pokedex listing leaks, the other two are on island four only. A long ass wait if I do say so myself. Especially if Exp. Share returns and my team is several levels apart from the two of them.
Who is Big meyeti Claws? Is it crabowler´s evolution? Only their claws are somewhat similar.
Idk, when I put them Side to Side they kinda look similar. Maybe it's because Yeti's Tuff near to the mouth makes it look like spiky teeth or something
Do we know for sure that Kommo-o is the pseudo at this point?
If this is the full dex I don't see what else would be. Plus it's getting a lot of signiture move/unique typing/ beneficial defensive ability love.
Who is Big meyeti Claws? Is it crabowler´s evolution? Only their claws are somewhat similar.
I agree, they're just both crab like. That'd be like saying UB origami dude is related to leavanny because they're the same shape kinda. I don't know, maybe I'm being overly critical.
BTW, if you get a Litten and don't name it after a famous wrestler (mine will be John Cena) then you may be doing it wrong.

Was gonna call mine Macho Tigre =P

With the regional dex datamined, what are people's thoughts for their in-game teams?

1. Luchalitten - Since I'm fairly confident it's gonna be Fire/Dark (two of my favorite types), definitely going with it.
2. Alolan Exeggutor - This thing is just too goofy-looking for me to NOT use it.
3. Mudsdale - Strong, bulky Ground-type
4. Wishiwashi - Assuming there's no big restriction to its School Form (which I love the concept of btw), otherwise I'll just use the Ash-Greninja from the demo
5. Mimikyu - Great defensive typing, useful ability and is the cutest little spook I've ever seen
*Reads the Alolan Dex*

*Searches for Lunatone and Solrock*

*No results*

Well, to be fair, they are Meteors. But we have Minior so idk why they didn't add other meteorites

BTW, if you get a Litten and don't name it after a famous wrestler (mine will be John Cenya) then you may be doing it wrong.
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Because it would be the most obvious and thematic thing to do?

"Hey, what previous Pokemon should we put in Pokemon Sun & Moon?"
"I know, how about the Pokemon who look like a sun and moon."
Exactally. I may have worded myself in a bad way, but what I meant is that even tho Lunatone and Solrock are meteorites they could still add it to the game. (Well, tecnically Volcarona, Espeon and Sunflora re the "Sun Pokemon", but they aren't there either. Solrock and Lunatone would make more sense tho.)
Exactally. I may have worded myself in a bad way, but what I meant is that even tho Lunatone and Solrock are meteorites they could still add it to the game. (Well, tecnically Volcarona, Espeon and Sunflora re the "Sun Pokemon", but they aren't there either. Solrock and Lunatone would make more sense tho.)

Oops, sorry, I thought you said since they had Minior why would they add Solrock and Lunatone. I reed gud.
Because it would be the most obvious and thematic thing to do?

"Hey, what previous Pokemon should we put in Pokemon Sun & Moon?"
"I know, how about the Pokemon who look like a sun and moon."
"Nah, they'd expect that. Why don't we take a belly monster, Vexus from Cluster Prime, a mosquito on steroids, a bamboo water see-saw, a jellyfish from pikmin, the hermit shadow from Persona 3, and a bunch of Ba'al from Bravely Second?"
"James, you're off your meds aren't you?"
"Why do you always say that?"
"Because last time you created Mr. Bonding."
All I heard about Apricorn Balls from the data dump was that both the Apricorn Balls AND the Apricorns themselves were found in the code. Dunno if that's any different from previous gens' data, but there is a Johto Tent in SM I know. So we can only hope the tent can make Apricorn Balls or something lol
Guys, is it true? Have Apricorn Balls been found as useable in the demo?!

All I heard about Apricorn Balls from the data dump was that both the Apricorn Balls AND the Apricorns themselves were found in the code. Dunno if that's any different from previous gens' data, but there is a Johto Tent in SM I know. So we can only hope the tent can make Apricorn Balls or something lol

Apricorns and Apricorn Balls, like most items, have remained in the code of future Gens, despite being unobtainable. So yes, they are in SuMo's code, but they are likely still unobtainable.
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