Pokemon Sun and Moon Demo Datamine + Full Game Leaks Collection (Read the OP)

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I'm sorry but what? Do you have any experience doing this sort of thing or are you just talking out of your ass? Because I can guarantee that if you know what you're doing, making a shiny version of a texture for a model takes less than a minute to make.

Let's suppose they have every different color of a model on a different layer in a .psd file. If you look at existing textures, you can see that they have very basic shading, so those are probably on a separate layer as well. Now all you have to do is move around the hue slider a bit for each layer until you get your resulting shiny texture.

Pokemon with similar colors having similar shiny colors is an artifact of the old games and their sprite-based images. Since they all used palettes, shinies were made by just making the sprite use a different palette, which is why so many old pokemon have a bright pink or green shiny. Once they moved to standalone textures like in XY, they were able to color shinies however they wanted, which is why there's so few shinies (if any) that are either bright pink, green, or look almost identical to their base colors (like gengar and garchomp).
I do have experience with this so I can tell you that guaranteeing less than a minute is talking out of your ass. It's not hours per pokemon, but it takes a few minutes at least to do it right, but then there's a lot of them to do. It adds up and there's other things to do with their time. So what do they do? Make an algorithm that decides on all the color changes they don't want to spend time doing. It takes less time than recoloring a set of shinies by hand, is completely reusable for games on the same engine, and a starting point when they make a new engine.

Since those colors were the same before XY that doesn't help your point.
Zygarde Cells and Cores are a part of Zygarde and you still collect them.

I'd say there's more evidence pointing to UBs being catchable than them not. Think of the context of what this franchise is about and its most famous slogan (which is still in use).
Zygarde Cells and Cores are a part of Zygarde and you still collect them.

I'd say there's more evidence pointing to UBs being catchable than them not. Think of the context of what this franchise is about and its most famous slogan (which is still in use).
But gotta catch em all refers to Pokemon. But I think the better question is,: if you can catch them, can you train and field them. Or is it as was said before in this thread, after you capturing them to seal or remove them? Such mystery.

Huh, I've been looking over the island dexes and I just realized that Type: Null, Silvally, and Zygarde aren't listed on any of them, though in terms of the Alola dex they're between Island Two's pokemon and Island Three's pokemon. I wonder what this means?
Maybe there will be an aether dex
I do have experience with this so I can tell you that guaranteeing less than a minute is talking out of your ass. It's not hours per pokemon, but it takes a few minutes at least to do it right, but then there's a lot of them to do. It adds up and there's other things to do with their time. So what do they do? Make an algorithm that decides on all the color changes they don't want to spend time doing. It takes less time than recoloring a set of shinies by hand, is completely reusable for games on the same engine, and a starting point when they make a new engine.
How would an algorithm be able to decide what colors look nice? Why are there many many examples of pokemon with similar colors but completely different colored shinies? Do you think they just press a button and out pops a texture hue shifted by 128, and go "yeah let's go with that" every single time?

Since those colors were the same before XY that doesn't help your point.

If anything it helps prove my point because it means they manually had to decide how much to hue shift each layer by so the result would match the shiny coloration from previous games.
i know i am asking this again but can anybody really confirmed about the boost of water shuriken on ash greninja? some say its 50% other claims its doubled, i will be very glade if one can come up with a confirmed percentage boost number
How would an algorithm be able to decide what colors look nice? Why are there many many examples of pokemon with similar colors but completely different colored shinies? Do you think they just press a button and out pops a texture hue shifted by 128, and go "yeah let's go with that" every single time?

If anything it helps prove my point because it means they manually had to decide how much to hue shift each layer by so the result would match the shiny coloration from previous games.
All speculation about why UB's have shinies is potentially correct and i don't understand what this disagreement accomplishes? Not to piss on you's guys's points, but either or both of you could be way off base and speculating the intentions of how shinies are coded is.... Welp is a way to pass the time I suppose.
i know i am asking this again but can anybody really confirmed about the boost of water shuriken on ash greninja? some say its 50% other claims its doubled, i will be very glade if one can come up with a confirmed percentage boost number

Such things are far more difficult to find just by reading code. I guess we won't find out until the full games arrive and can be tested empirically.
Such things are far more difficult to find just by reading code. I guess we won't find out until the full games arrive and can be tested empirically.

ah, in that case i really cant wait lol so much hyped!!!! anyways thanx for the response

also, why isnt there a shiny sprite for ash greninja? am i missing something?

MOD EDIT: Do not double post. Also, put more effort into your writing.
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I hope this kind of theorizing is allowed on this thread, if not please feel free to remove.

The Pokédex listings are very interesting and they give us an idea of how is progression around the islands. So I arranged the following images for the second (Akala) and fourth islands.

We're most likely starting in the city on the middle left (where there is a dock) and then moving up towards a ranch. At this point, Mudsdale will be registered in our Ride Pager since the following dexes have this Pokémon. Stoutland only appears on this dex, so it may only be required in this island to progress through crag. On the other hand, Tauros is featured in this and the fourth island's dex.

After this, I suspect we'll go to the water basin area followed by the volcano. The bridge that connects (2) to (6) will probably be under construction and unlocked once we do whatever task there is to do in the volcano.


Another interesting thing to note is that Sharpedo and Lapras both appear on the dex of the fourth island, which may mean that surfing may be a late-game addition. Similarly, Charizard is probably avaialble post-game once you unlock the National Dex.

Now moving to the fourth island. I think that upon arrival at point (1) we'll be given either Lapras or Sharpedo. I'm leaning toward Sharpedo being given first and used to travel to the small island on the left. Once we're done with our mission in point (2,3), Lapras should be added to the Ride Pager and access to point (4) made possible (see supporting screenshot).

its effectively an event mon received via the demo. event mons are usually hardcoded to be either shiny or not shiny. not both

It would still need a shiny sprite.

There would be no need to add it on the demo, regardless, and I guess that's what you meant. Since it must be impossible to get as shiny (after all, Ash's Greninja isn't shiny)...
Has it been confirmed (and I use that term lightly) that we know all of the Alolan forms? For some reason I see people claiming that since we "assume" we know the entire pokedex, that means we also know all of the alolan forms. However, I've looked at the dex info quite a bit and there doesn't seem to be any separation in forms (ex: Raichu is showns as just Raichu, no alolan form mentioned despite it being confirmed). Or am I just reading this wrong?
Has it been confirmed (and I use that term lightly) that we know all of the Alolan forms? For some reason I see people claiming that since we "assume" we know the entire pokedex, that means we also know all of the alolan forms. However, I've looked at the dex info quite a bit and there doesn't seem to be any separation in forms (ex: Raichu is showns as just Raichu, no alolan form mentioned despite it being confirmed). Or am I just reading this wrong?

We've seen forms with different stats, movepools or typings yet not being separated in the Pokedex since Deoxys. Not strange.
We've seen forms with different stats, movepools or typings yet not being separated in the Pokedex since Deoxys. Not strange.
That's exactly what I'm getting at. Deoxys, Giratina, Rotom, the genies, Kurem, etc... many pokemon have different forms but only a single pokedex entry. Therefore, I'm kinda surprised that some people think we know all of the alolan forms due to the dex leak. That's why I was asking if indeed it had been confirmed from the data mine or not.
It would still need a shiny sprite.

There would be no need to add it on the demo, regardless, and I guess that's what you meant. Since it must be impossible to get as shiny (after all, Ash's Greninja isn't shiny)...
It wouldn't need a shiny sprite and it doesn't quite function the same as normal shiny-locked events.

The ability; Battle Bond is a trigger and it's a completely separate alternate forme of an existing Pokemon. It exists solely on its own as an anime tie-in.

If you can hack a regular shiny Greninja to have Battle Bond (and have the trigger activate for it) or force it to be shiny then activate Battle Bond then maybe you can see a shiny model/sprite that way. Otherwise I don't think so.

Edit: It'd either work and have no textures, work and crash the game or just crash the game because it doesn't exist.
It wouldn't need a shiny sprite and it doesn't quite function the same as normal shiny-locked events.

The ability; Battle Bond is a trigger and it's a completely separate alternate forme of an existing Pokemon. It exists solely on its own as an anime tie-in.

If you can hack a regular shiny Greninja to have Battle Bond (and have the trigger activate for it) or force it to be shiny then activate Battle Bond then maybe you can see a shiny model/sprite that way. Otherwise I don't think so.
I think the real question that needs to be answered here is what happens when you directly hack an already-transformed Ash-Greninja into your team with the shiny flag set to true? Does it load the standard model, load an alt-colored model, or just crash? I'd also be curious to see whether an Ash-Greninja that was hacked to start in that form would still have a boost to Water Shuriken without having gotten a KO (and what happens when it does).
Does anyone think there's going to be a way to get Ash Greninja without the demo?

Yes. Otherwise, late adopters would be "punished". Or, well, it would be available for anybody since the download would probably stay up on the e-shop, but I don't think Game Freak would require people to play the demo to get all the content of the full game. After all, we got the Steelixite and the Glalite in ORAS.

It might not be available immediately, though. The Blazikenite attached to the event Torchic in XY was unavailable through normal means until ORAS released.
Again, everything in the pokedex is a pokemon. So, thats what ultra beasts are. I would like to know how the movies will deal with ultra beasts. For every gen, the movies go like this:
First movie features one or both cover legendaries, maybe a mythical
Second movie and third movies features unreleased mythicals, third sometimes has a pokemon from next generation.

Since magearna already has her own movie, marshadow will be the only mythical to be released on movies. Maybe there are some mythical ultra beasts, but i cant imagine an ultra beast being a main character , or something that will stay with the heroes. They also dont seem to have any interesting lore to set them apart from each other, so the gen 8 will have to come by the time the the third movie from this gen is released, and cant have more than 1 legendary on each movie.
And yet it's true. Did you honestly expect that Game Freak had people painstakingly swapping the palettes of every Pokemon? That's too time consuming and expensive to dedicate their resources on. Look at shiny sprites again. Virtually any Pokemon with the same base color has the same palette swap, as the games developed better graphics and more colors, palettes diversified so in earlier generations you see a lot more of it. Even still, Ferrothorn's spikes and Trevenant's leaves have the exact same green and both turned the same red in the shiny versions. There are a few exceptions where Game Freak wanted specific palettes or specific colors on the palette to remain the same, but those remain rare.

You've got your correlation backwards. They don't shiny lock Legendaries for giving away shinies at events. They give away shinies at events because they shiny locked the Legendaries. 13 Legendaries and Mythics distributed as shiny. Out of a total of very nearly 50 (not including Sun and Moon). If they were shiny locking just to distribute the shinies later, we'd be seeing a much wider spread distribution.

Technically nothing's stopping you from doing the deed... but if you hack Greninja as a base form and "flip the shiny switch" you'll crash your game like when people hacked Pokestar Studios' opponents and tried to flip that switch or tried to catch them. Or there will be an asset added to the main games to prevent that from happening.

I'm asking for proof, mate, not an assumption. In gen 2 and maybe gen 3 you see that pattern because of pallet limitations. Past that you can't really say that shiny colors aren't inspired by other mons or that they share certain themes.

There's nothing time consuming about changing a few colors around, and you're ignoring the fact that there doesn't even need to be different colors in the first place. The game won't magically crash if two models are identical.

They made a conscious decision to shiny lock legends... Twas no accident. You could maybe argue that Resh and Zek were done because of the story, but the rest have no other purpose then distribution. Victimi in particular is Masuda's favorite Pokemon, so obviously they're saving him for something special.

Pokestar props crash because of extra baggage... In reality there's nothing stopping them from calling the normal Ash Greninja model if you flagged it as shiny. Games call the same model to different objects all the time.
Mm, richi3f, great analysis though I don't necessarily agree with you that the reason for certain pokemon being in multiple dexes is because they're ride pokemon.

Your placements for Akala are good...though I do wonder if perhaps Fletchling might be more widely distributed? I know it's grouped with the other 'hot/dry' pokemon but it just seemed to me like Akala could use another bird flying around its forests.

Also regarding Akala, I wonder where Phantump/Trevenant factor in. Hell, the entire bottom end of the AkalaDex is weird to me; why didn't they put Nosepass, Pyukumuku, and Chinchou before the fossils with the rest of the beach pokemon? But they're not as seemingly random as Phantump/Trevenant...there's plenty of suitable locations for them, but them not being grouped with the other forest/jungle pokemon is throwing me for a loop.

And then for Island 4, I'm thinking both Scyther and definitely Jangmo-o are gonna be in that canyon/plateau area; that whole stretch of pokemon have a pretty solid 'rugged badass training' theme to them I think. Snubbull is probably gonna be at 1 or 2 on that map of yours.

Oh, and after sorting out the dexes...I'm kinda getting the feeling that Drifloon and Misdreavus might be version exclusives this gen?
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Just letting everyone know what the currently done Dual typings are.
And yes, I meant to put Bug/Psychic in red.
Once we know what the typings are when the game actually comes out - I'll be sure to update this.
The other two Pokemon in the trio are Psychic, so I'm guessing Psychic/Poison. The only other unique secondary option was Bug and Poison doesn't seem like a bad choice a potential embodiment of an event where the sun or moon is blocked.

Something people haven't pointed out (I'm not sure if it's from thinking it's obvious or not enough People playing Zoo Tycoon growing up,) that Shiny Litten being White is probably a reference to the White Bengal Tiger.
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