Pokemon Sun and Moon Demo Datamine + Full Game Leaks Collection (Read the OP)

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How do you read "redirects to the user" as "reflects the attack to the attacker"

it is drawing the attack to you
it was directed at someone else and is now redirected to hit you instead
He probably read it as in "the user" meaning the user of the redirected attack rather than the z-move's user.
How do you read "redirects to the user" as "reflects the attack to the attacker"

it is drawing the attack to you
it was directed at someone else and is now redirected to hit you instead

Might just be because I watch Yu-gi-oh in dubs and they often switch between card effects that bounce things back at the opponent as Reflect = Redirect = bounce, etc :P But if thats the cause does its lose its "If I die I kill you" effect?
Might just be because I watch Yu-gi-oh in dubs and they often switch between card effects that bounce things back at the opponent as Reflect = Redirect = bounce, etc :P But if thats the cause does its lose its "If I die I kill you" effect?

It was confirmed Geomancy gives you the +1s on top of the +2s. So presumably all status moves grant both effects? Or is it because Geomancy is a 2 turn move?
doesn't azumarill really like having an actual held item, though
As far as Belly Drum Azumarills are concerned, this is a new, alternative way for them to sweep without needing to keep its health that high.

Guys, can we talk about how terrible Darkest Lariat is? It has 5 base power more than Crunch, but defense drops are way more common than defense boosts, so the secondary effect actually hurts more than helps. Crunch's defense drop chance is way more useful.
I don't think Incineroar has the longevity to attempt to fish for Defense drops if that's what you're implying, and Darkest Lariat can probably be come in handy against random things like Acid Armor Reuniclus or those Kee Berry Baton Pass mons or whatever.

It'd probably come down to PP comparison, and considering Darkest Lariat is pretty much the physical variant of Secret Sword (down to the 85 BP), it'd likely have just 10 PP so Crunch may win out. With that said, I wouldn't call a Dark-type physical Secret Sword a 'terrible attack'.
My face when reading Decidueye's Hidden Ability

My reaction when they dropped Incenroar's Speed from Torracat.

My face when learning about liquid sound and Primarina

Tl:dr these starters are very meh
As far as Belly Drum Azumarills are concerned, this is a new, alternative way for them to sweep without needing to keep its health that high.

I don't think Incineroar has the longevity to attempt to fish for Defense drops if that's what you're implying, and Darkest Lariat can probably be come in handy against random things like Acid Armor Reuniclus or those Kee Berry Baton Pass mons or whatever.

It'd probably come down to PP comparison, and considering Darkest Lariat is pretty much the physical variant of Secret Sword (down to the 85 BP), it'd likely have just 10 PP so Crunch may win out. With that said, I wouldn't call a Dark-type physical Secret Sword a 'terrible attack'.

If a wall switches in on Crunch and gets a defense drop, it no longer walls usually. That's useful.

If a an opponent uses Shell Smash or Close Combat, Darkest Lariat will ignore the defense drops from those moves and do less damage than Crunch. Pretty bad.

Is it worth for 5 more base power?
So is it a mistake that, in Kaphotics's video, all of the starters' stages can learn the elemental Hyper Beams via tutor while only the final stages can learn the Pledge moves, as opposed to the other way around?
If a wall switches in on Crunch and gets a defense drop, it no longer walls usually. That's useful.

If a an opponent uses Shell Smash or Close Combat, Darkest Lariat will ignore the defense drops from those moves and do less damage than Crunch. Pretty bad.

Is it worth for 5 more base power?
I'm pretty sure Sacred Sword doesn't ignore defense drops? With that in mind, I'd be very surprised if Darkest Lariat did.
And we have a Lunaala:

Night Daze?! RIP Zoroark's Signature...

So is it a mistake that, in Kaphotics's video, all of the starters' stages can learn the elemental Hyper Beams via tutor while only the final stages can learn the Pledge moves, as opposed to the other way around?
That seems to be a problem in all games. They show the Hyper Beams instead of the other way round. In game, it's normal.
If a wall switches in on Crunch and gets a defense drop, it no longer walls usually. That's useful.

If a an opponent uses Shell Smash or Close Combat, Darkest Lariat will ignore the defense drops from those moves and do less damage than Crunch. Pretty bad.

Is it worth for 5 more base power?

People prefer to use Dark Pulse over Night Daze on Zoroak for being situationally better in many scenarios. I don't see Darkest Lariat being any better than crunch. The only time it can be good is if you run into a weakened curselax. Let's hope Z move+dark Lariat is amazing lol
So it is Cosmog -> Lunala & Spike ball -> Solgaleo? Also do we have confirmation on whether they're breedable then?

I don't think so, as Cosmog accompanies Lillie is both games

Also, Lunaala's Potential Stats:

HP: 140
ATK: 120
DEF: 86
SPA: 130
SPD: 95
SPE: 99

It looks like they're going for something similar to Xerneas and Yveltal.
The Lunaala is Lax (+Def, -SpD) and doesn't look to be EVed (no experience, so could be freshly caught), so here are the possible ranges. If the 3 max IVs for legendaries still holds true, we can pinpoint them easier.

HP: 137 - 152
Atk: 113 - 146
Def: 77 - 92
SpA: 129 - 144
SpD: 107 - 122
Spe: 96 - 111

One possible stat combination I can foresee is 137/130/77/130/107/99 (or 137/120/77/140/107/99), assuming HP, Def, and SpD are maxed IVed. I made that assumption since they all ended in neat 7s, while the other combination of 3 max IVed stats don't look as "clean". Then again, Xerneas and Yveltal's stat spreads are wonky as shit so idk
But still, all of this...
Holy crap...

Anyway - what about Crabrawlers' evo? Or that Anchor thing? Take it i'll have to wait until later?
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