So much info while I was asleep.
80 BP Leech Life at least means we won't see Mega Scizor use it thanks to no Technician... or will we? That being said, I notice a suspicious lack of X-Scissor in the TM moves. Fine, it must be replaced that move, but X-Scissor get a BP buff or it's getting 100% outclassed.
85% accuracy Swagger... goodbye Swagplay. The paralysis and confusion nerfs AND this is too much.
The Dark Void nerf sounds a little too much IMO. Fine, it was extremely powerful in doubles... but it now kind of sucks. Should have only given it a Hyperspace Fury-like effect so that Sketching it would be pointless.
About the starter stats and HAs:
- Decidueye has a bad HA but it makes sense flavor-wise. Seeing as it gets no Speed-boosting moves, it will need the nerfed Sucker Punch, or U-Turn to pivot around.
- Incineroar has Landorus-T-like stats so it's going to take physical hits just as well thanks to Intimidate. Although, its typing is much worse from a defensive standpoint...
- Primarina gets Liquid Voice. Now, it just mentions sound moves become Water-type moves... but the -ate abilities had very similar descriptions in Gen VI. I can see that happening here as well, a 30% damage boost on sound moves.