Pokemon Sun and Moon Demo Datamine + Full Game Leaks Collection (Read the OP)

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I don't think so, as Cosmog accompanies Lillie is both games

Also, Lunaala's Potential Stats:

HP: 140
ATK: 120
DEF: 98
SPA: 130
SPD: 95
SPE: 99

It looks like they're going for something similar to Xerneas and Yveltal.

So what purpose does the spike ball have then? The tcg box showed they evolve from it, not Cosmog. Is it an alternate form for Cosmog?
I don't know if anyone could answer this but how does the "Pokemon SM is the end" theory hold up?

People said the same about Ruby/Sapphire. And Platinum. And BW. And XY. And ORAS. And, probably, all the other Pokémon games too.

It's STUPID. As long as Pokémon makes money, new games WILL be made. Just look at Sonic the Hedgehog, which refuses to die as a franchise even though the games have been crap for the past decade or so, and whose popularity peaked before the days of the N64.
So much info while I was asleep.

80 BP Leech Life at least means we won't see Mega Scizor use it thanks to no Technician boost... or will we? That being said, I notice a suspicious lack of X-Scissor in the TM moves. Fine, it must be replaced that move, but X-Scissor get a BP buff or it's getting 100% outclassed.

85% accuracy Swagger... goodbye Swagplay. The paralysis and confusion nerfs AND this is too much.

The Dark Void nerf sounds a little too much IMO. Fine, it was extremely powerful in doubles... but it now kind of sucks. Should have only given it a Hyperspace Fury-like effect so that Sketching it would be pointless.

About the starter stats and HAs:
- Decidueye has a bad HA but it makes sense flavor-wise. Seeing as it gets no Speed-boosting moves, it will need the nerfed Sucker Punch, or U-Turn to pivot around.
- Incineroar has Landorus-T-like stats so it's going to take physical hits just as well thanks to Intimidate. Although, its typing is much worse from a defensive standpoint...
- Primarina gets Liquid Voice. Now, it just mentions sound moves become Water-type moves... but the -ate abilities had very similar descriptions in Gen VI. I can see that happening here as well, a 30% damage boost on sound moves.

Still picking Decidueye. No lack of competitive potential is going to take me out of making a reptile/dino Gen VII-only team for in-game.
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So much info while I was asleep.

80 BP Leech Life at least means we won't see Mega Scizor use it thanks to no Technician... or will we? That being said, I notice a suspicious lack of X-Scissor in the TM moves. Fine, it must be replaced that move, but X-Scissor get a BP buff or it's getting 100% outclassed.

85% accuracy Swagger... goodbye Swagplay. The paralysis and confusion nerfs AND this is too much.

The Dark Void nerf sounds a little too much IMO. Fine, it was extremely powerful in doubles... but it now kind of sucks. Should have only given it a Hyperspace Fury-like effect so that Sketching it would be pointless.

About the starter stats and HAs:
- Decidueye has a bad HA but it makes sense flavor-wise. Seeing as it gets no Speed-boosting moves, it will need the nerfed Sucker Punch, or U-Turn to pivot around.
- Incineroar has Landorus-T-like stats so it's going to take physical hits just as well thanks to Intimidate. Although, its typing is much worse from a defensive standpoint...
- Primarina gets Liquid Voice. Now, it just mentions sound moves become Water-type moves... but the -ate abilities had very similar descriptions in Gen VI. I can see that happening here as well, a 30% damage boost on sound moves.
X-Scissor is still present and accounted for. Leech Life is TM28, meaning it dethroned Dig after its 20 year reign.
Primarina is the only starter that looks like it has any potential. The other two however......I'm just going to follow the lead of a poster on the previous page and not comment on those guys, I'll just end up getting angry and writing an essay long rant.
Something else I noticed from the videos. Seems we are back only having Draco Meteor, the Pledges and the elemental Hyper Beams as tutor moves. As usual.

One tradition they could have broken, and yet they didn't...
OK so it looks like Z-moves are going to be much more prominent then I thought they would be. Not necessarily for the attacking moves but certainly for the status moves. If Z-Geomancy loses its 2-turn wait and gets +1 on all stats on top of the +2 to its special + speed then Xerneas is going to be HELL to fight. Steels and P-Don are no longer going to be solid answers anymore due to extra bulk + power, and don't forget the paralysis nerf meaning at +3 it will still out-speed most opponents. If this assumption is correct then I struggle seeing it stay in Ubers.

Darkrai on the other hand looks like its heading to OU with hypnosis being its main sleeping move in singles LOL! 50% dark void is a brutal nerf and means it can no longer reliably abuse bad dreams and set up like it used to. Very happy news indeed as this mon was always OP and horrible to fight against. Won't miss it at all in Ubers and especially AG :-)

Other buffed mons include Porygon Z with conversion + download meaning it can get a lot of stat boosts to start sweeping. Same thing applies to other hold-hands etc users but this guy stands out as speed was the one thing this guy lacked and with +1 or 2 special attack it can break most opponents easily.

As for the starters the only one I see with real OU potential is Decidueye thanks to spirit shackle. With access to roost, ghost curse (which is legit if you can trap your opponent and heal yourself, especially as his bulk is decent) and a physical ghost 180 BP Z-move it should be able to reliably trap and eliminate a threat as long as your opponent mis-switches. I doubt trap + baton bass works but if it does it will be a huge threat. Gen 7 already looks like a very fun place to me.
They really want our starters to be the first to explore the Poke Pelago don't they.

Is there a reason the little models in the movepool videos don't have the right lighting and stuff? I do like Primarina's tail slam animation though. Also, Sparkling Aria has higher damage than I was expecting, though still no hints whether it's an AOE like Surf or not (I think it could be, if the wording of 'any' is any indication, but eh).
I could see intimidate into pursuit being handy for inciniroar. Then again if we went on past data mine predictions Rampardos and Haxorous would be in uber with Heatran and Talonflame struggling to make UU.
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Do we have confirmation on whether or not Z-Geomancy retains the charging turn, and whether the +1 to all stats is in fact additive to the +2 in three stats instead of replacing the original boosts?
Hm. Technician Alolan Persian with Fake Out and STAB Brutal Swing (hopefully), which hits everything around... Might be decent in Doubles. Right?
wow the starters are slow for this generation that's probably gonna keep them the lower tiers this is the first generation were none of the starters get to at least 100+
Inciniroar has a ton of potential, actually.

95/90/90 defenses are incredibly solid, and tacking Intimidate on top of that makes this a reliable check to some scary threats.

The Stealth Rock weakness and disappointingly slow speed are absolute concerns however, but I could definitely see this thing having a niche in OU and absolutely kicking ass in UU / RU.
Incinerator looks neat. Primarina and the Owl look to be pretty awesome in my books as well. Liquid voice is my favorite part about the water starters for sure.
Forgot about this...

Z-Celebrate, Z-Happy Hour, Z-Hold Hands, and Z-Conversion raise all stats +1 stage.

ooo, gettin' fancy in here


All AG players (or Ubers if he dropped for a while), prepare for +1/+1/+1/+1/+1 Mega Rayquaza.
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