Poll: Would you still play Smogon BW OU if all perma weather is banned?

Would you still play Smogon BW OU if all perma weather is banned?

  • Yes I would still play on Smogon's server

    Votes: 74 70.5%
  • I would come and play on Smogon's server every now and then

    Votes: 13 12.4%
  • I would stop playing on Smogon's server forever

    Votes: 11 10.5%
  • Other (please specify)

    Votes: 7 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Is this poll supposed to be an argument in favor of banning perma weather? Just because almost everyone will continue playing doesn't and shouldn't have anything to do with whether or not weather is broken. -_-

Someone should start a thread asking "have you stopped playing on Smogon's server because perma weather is allowed." Lol not really, but I think you get my point.

And why don't we start making threads like these for Excadrill, Thundrus, etc. as well, I'm sure we could learn a ton from them /sarcarsm
This poll thread repeated the same mistake as the last one, because it doesn't have the following option:

I would play on Smogon's server, but I wouldn't be happy with the decision.

Having this option would be more revealing, because of course most of us would stick to Smogon.
I don't think this is a good thread. If you want a say in the construction of the tier you should try to get voting reqs and change it yourself. Asking if "would you still play on Smogon if weather is banned," is a pretty bad question too. I mean if you stop playing for such a trivial reason then you probably shouldn't be making the rules.

Either way I'll let this thread live a bit longer -- if the direction it goes is poor I'll lock it.
I'd still play on Smogon; while my current best team is a Drought (arguably the least broken of the main three weathers) team, another of my best teams is a team that would actually appreciate the banning of perma-weather (no, it isn't Rain Dance). However, I'd play UU/RU/Ubers/LC/NU when it comes out significantly more, as weather is really fun, and that's the entire point of Pokémon.
Well, yeah. I guess I would still play, but damn it, we just flushed all of our weather-based analyses down the drain and into the void of recognition. I'm also staying around because I've still got work to do in competitive Pokemon, and Smogon's the best way to do it. I would be very disappointed if weather were outright banned.
I would definitely play, but it would be rather dry as the variety of strategies would be cut down on.
Fuck no. Weather is the metagame of Gen 5.

If it gets banned, they might as well retest everything else in terms tiering. And really, I'm not feeling getting used to Gen 5 all over again.

*side note*

Retest Blaziken. It didn't even get a full round of testing.
better question would be "would you play more if weather was banned" and "would you play less"

even then people will play the same amount since play on smogon because we are the best.
This poll thread repeated the same mistake as the last one, because it doesn't have the following option:

I would play on Smogon's server, but I wouldn't be happy with the decision.

Having this option would be more revealing, because of course most of us would stick to Smogon.

i just figured that would be a better option, and if i could edit a poll i would change it, but i cant. at least most of us would stay at smogon, everyone that likes battling skilled players, at least. and Gen. Empoleon, im not trying to do anything to make the tiers myself, im just showing people (and myself) what people think
Meh, I would definitely disagree with weather being banned.
And while I appreciate the thought of my thread being revived if you'd contacted me I could have given you a bit of advice to avoid mistakes I made :X

anyways my ultimate recommendation is for this thread to be locked (sorry, man) and for a new poll with a better question be added
because we're never going to find out the answers we want this way

The only reason I made the thread in the first place was because I was arguing with someone over whether Smogon would lose a large percentage of its playerbase if it banned permaweather.

As for the poll itself, I might play Smogon every now and then but I'd definitely play less Pokemon in general; I'd probably still participate in the community but battling? not quite as much.
I would dislike banning weather very much so...

Primarily, weather based teams introduce an interesting chess-like series of events, where you're essentially trying to protect your king. It's really fun and it'd be a shame to see it go.
Yeah I'd still play. I don't care about weather being banned at all. I play because I like Pokémon and it's a fun game, and I'll play it wherever I can get matches.
Half the players on the servers probably couldn't win more than 2 battles out of 10 if weather was banned.

Fact is with weather around, you are always forced to carry checks for them because you know a majority of the teams are weather. Without weather, you don't know what you'll be facing and there will be more variety in teams.
Unfortunately we know how this thread will go basically, and while the intent is good no matter how you apply it, it won't go well.
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