Some Generation 4 VR Nominations (EDIT: sniped by Manyy for some of the noms)
Victreebel A+ --> S
One of the things I like about Poliwrath is that it has the same checks (Bellossom, Gastrodon, Pelipper, etc.) for almost all of its sets. However, Victreebel has completely different checks for each of his sets. Metang sufficiently checks LO and Scarf variants, but gets OHKO's by Weather Ball in the Sun. Kadabra can outspeed and kill it with Psychic, but alas it got outsped by the Scarf variant. Pelipper can come in and KO it with Air Slash, but Oh No, it used Swords Dance. This is the new Pokemon all DPP PU Players need to run checks for in order not to get swept and I think VR should reflect how much of a threat Victreebel has become since its greatest GSI, Drifblim, is now gone.
Muk A+ --> A+
Muk served as one of its best checks to Drifblim when it was in the tier. However, after Drifblim became suspected and banned, Muk lost alot of its utility. When Gastrodon was discovered as a Pokemon that could check "The Big 3" of which Muk was included, Muk's utility sank even further. Muk also has to compete with Victreebel/Golbat as an Offensive/Defensive Poison-Type respectfully, each having admiral traits that can outshine Muk for the right teambuild. Overall, Muk still is a fantastic DPP PU Pokemon that checks top tier Pokemon such as Poliwrath and Cacturne, but the current metagame has not been kind to our favorite Gen 1 Sludge Monster. Keep it A+ for now.
Rhydon S --> A+
Another one of "The Big 3" that has lost its touch in the current metagame. Along with the dreaded "Big 3" check Gastrodon, Rhydon is checked by Poliwrath, Cacturne, Victreebel, Misdreavus, Machoke, Pelipper, Metang, Electabuzz, and more, which gives it little opportunity to set up a Rock Polish and attempt a sweep. Furthermore, a weakness to the 3 most popular forms of priority (Bullet Punch, Vacuum Wave, and Ice Shard) along with weakness to all forms of entry hazards spell disaster for Rhydon. Additionally, two 4x weaknesses to types that are primarily specially-based are unadvantageous with Rhydon having a measlely Base 45 Special Defense stat. Overall, Rhydon is nowhere near as viable as Poliwrath or Victreebel, and I believe deserves to drop.
Gastrodon A- --> A+
As the metagame has shifted away from the "Big 3," Gastrodon's ability to check a multitude of threats with reliable recovery and only one weakness has been invaluable to all team archetypes. Gastrodon's team compression has lead to more variety in the tier and he's overall just a great glue Pokemon. If you've played the tier for any amount of time since the Drifblim Suspect, it's evident how much Gastrodon has affected the metagame, and a raise in viability would reflect how much he's impacted the tier. Not much else to say, other than this Pokemon is completely underrated for his abilties currently on the VR.
Electabuzz A- --> A
Electabuzz is by far the best Electric-Type Pokemon in the tier with its fantastic Base 105 Speed and great Base 95 Special Attack. LO Electabuzz has the ability to 2HKO almost the entire tier, which very few Pokemon can claim title to. It also can run a Scarf set that outspeeds the entire metagame. Overall, its a great revenge killer and I think it gotten better recently.
Metang B+ --> A-
Metang's coveted Steel/Psychic typing, good defensive stats, and access to both hazards and priority makes itself a solid Pokemon to form a defensive core with. Most notably, it's found with Cacturne and Gastrodon, whom stack hazards and whittle away at the opponent's Pokemon little by little. Metang doesn't lack offensive presence either, as Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, and Earthquake come off of its not-too-shabby Base 75 Attack Stat.
Articuno B --> A- or B+
While it may have a 4x Stealth Rocks weakness, Articuno's massive 90/100/125 bulk makes SubRoost not only a viable option, but a lethal weapon as it Toxic-Stalls your team away. The Ice Birb works extremely well in tandem with HP Lure Purugly, who eliminates Rhydon and Onix from the game extremely early. It does require adequate support, but overall performs well on the battlefield. Just don't bring it in while Rocks are present.
Murkrow B- --> B+ or B
I'm going to just echo what GeneralAnnoyance has said a few posts back about how good Murkrow is. It's Dual STAB hits neutral against almost the whole tier, and it sits at a wonderful Base 91 speed stat, so it can outpace a large portion of the metagame. It also has Pursuit, Sucker Punch for priority, and Roost for reliable recovery. It's pretty underrated, although one has to ask, Why does GA love all the underappreciated Birbs of the tier? Hmmm...
Pelipper B --> B+
Pelipper functions similarly to Gastrodon in the fact that its a Water-type wall with few weaknesses and reliable recovery. The main difference here is that Pelipper trades a Stealth Rock weakness for U-Turn momentum. It also checks Poliwrath offensively better than Gastrodon with STAB Air Slash.

Victreebel A+ --> S
One of the things I like about Poliwrath is that it has the same checks (Bellossom, Gastrodon, Pelipper, etc.) for almost all of its sets. However, Victreebel has completely different checks for each of his sets. Metang sufficiently checks LO and Scarf variants, but gets OHKO's by Weather Ball in the Sun. Kadabra can outspeed and kill it with Psychic, but alas it got outsped by the Scarf variant. Pelipper can come in and KO it with Air Slash, but Oh No, it used Swords Dance. This is the new Pokemon all DPP PU Players need to run checks for in order not to get swept and I think VR should reflect how much of a threat Victreebel has become since its greatest GSI, Drifblim, is now gone.

Muk A+ --> A+
Muk served as one of its best checks to Drifblim when it was in the tier. However, after Drifblim became suspected and banned, Muk lost alot of its utility. When Gastrodon was discovered as a Pokemon that could check "The Big 3" of which Muk was included, Muk's utility sank even further. Muk also has to compete with Victreebel/Golbat as an Offensive/Defensive Poison-Type respectfully, each having admiral traits that can outshine Muk for the right teambuild. Overall, Muk still is a fantastic DPP PU Pokemon that checks top tier Pokemon such as Poliwrath and Cacturne, but the current metagame has not been kind to our favorite Gen 1 Sludge Monster. Keep it A+ for now.

Rhydon S --> A+
Another one of "The Big 3" that has lost its touch in the current metagame. Along with the dreaded "Big 3" check Gastrodon, Rhydon is checked by Poliwrath, Cacturne, Victreebel, Misdreavus, Machoke, Pelipper, Metang, Electabuzz, and more, which gives it little opportunity to set up a Rock Polish and attempt a sweep. Furthermore, a weakness to the 3 most popular forms of priority (Bullet Punch, Vacuum Wave, and Ice Shard) along with weakness to all forms of entry hazards spell disaster for Rhydon. Additionally, two 4x weaknesses to types that are primarily specially-based are unadvantageous with Rhydon having a measlely Base 45 Special Defense stat. Overall, Rhydon is nowhere near as viable as Poliwrath or Victreebel, and I believe deserves to drop.

Gastrodon A- --> A+
As the metagame has shifted away from the "Big 3," Gastrodon's ability to check a multitude of threats with reliable recovery and only one weakness has been invaluable to all team archetypes. Gastrodon's team compression has lead to more variety in the tier and he's overall just a great glue Pokemon. If you've played the tier for any amount of time since the Drifblim Suspect, it's evident how much Gastrodon has affected the metagame, and a raise in viability would reflect how much he's impacted the tier. Not much else to say, other than this Pokemon is completely underrated for his abilties currently on the VR.

Electabuzz A- --> A
Electabuzz is by far the best Electric-Type Pokemon in the tier with its fantastic Base 105 Speed and great Base 95 Special Attack. LO Electabuzz has the ability to 2HKO almost the entire tier, which very few Pokemon can claim title to. It also can run a Scarf set that outspeeds the entire metagame. Overall, its a great revenge killer and I think it gotten better recently.

Metang B+ --> A-
Metang's coveted Steel/Psychic typing, good defensive stats, and access to both hazards and priority makes itself a solid Pokemon to form a defensive core with. Most notably, it's found with Cacturne and Gastrodon, whom stack hazards and whittle away at the opponent's Pokemon little by little. Metang doesn't lack offensive presence either, as Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, and Earthquake come off of its not-too-shabby Base 75 Attack Stat.

Articuno B --> A- or B+
While it may have a 4x Stealth Rocks weakness, Articuno's massive 90/100/125 bulk makes SubRoost not only a viable option, but a lethal weapon as it Toxic-Stalls your team away. The Ice Birb works extremely well in tandem with HP Lure Purugly, who eliminates Rhydon and Onix from the game extremely early. It does require adequate support, but overall performs well on the battlefield. Just don't bring it in while Rocks are present.

Murkrow B- --> B+ or B
I'm going to just echo what GeneralAnnoyance has said a few posts back about how good Murkrow is. It's Dual STAB hits neutral against almost the whole tier, and it sits at a wonderful Base 91 speed stat, so it can outpace a large portion of the metagame. It also has Pursuit, Sucker Punch for priority, and Roost for reliable recovery. It's pretty underrated, although one has to ask, Why does GA love all the underappreciated Birbs of the tier? Hmmm...

Pelipper B --> B+
Pelipper functions similarly to Gastrodon in the fact that its a Water-type wall with few weaknesses and reliable recovery. The main difference here is that Pelipper trades a Stealth Rock weakness for U-Turn momentum. It also checks Poliwrath offensively better than Gastrodon with STAB Air Slash.
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