Rating scale manifesto

my scale for rating girls is kinda logarithmic:

1 - physically disfigured
2 - never in a million years
3 - only if really desperate/drunk
4 - just maybe
5 - probably would
6 - would fuck, no questions asked. nothing wrong with her
7 - attractive yeaaa
8 - very hot but not whoa
9 - holy jesus
10 - perfect, unreal

although realistically i only use 4-9 because below 4 is just 'damn you ugly'
Let me address something, Morm. one of my reason for making this thread was exactly for people like you. After all, this issue is as important as

Thank you.
I forgot the problem with being a high school girl and not having had sex before. Remind me?
Oh right, sorry because you're a girl it doesn't matter you're a virgin. NOT! LOL YOU'RE A VIRGIN (BAN ME PLEASE) LMFAO.

I don't really think that ten is all that bad.
I do enjoy 5 though
throwing accusations of being a virgin? on a pokemon forum? seriously guys

EDIT: take it to pm nobody cares morm/v0x
^ depends whichever gender let's me screw around more

Also, I guess the bagged milk meme hasn't run around in this alley yet.

Now then, there wasno intention of seriously changing anyone into a six scale user, as society has entrenched to 10 scale into everyone and deviating from the status quo is bad. Also, cookie, see you end up only using 6 numbers anyway.
Now then, there wasno intention of seriously changing anyone into a six scale user, as society has entrenched to 10 scale into everyone and deviating from the status quo is bad. Also, cookie, see you end up only using 6 numbers anyway.

deviating from the status quo is bad.

Unless the status quo itself is bad, then deviating from the status quo is good.