Tournament RBLT Playoffs

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MichaelderBeste2 vs BoRida

pokeblade101 vs chemcoop

Typhlosion48 vs Impeckable

Rico473 vs Michielleus

drifttrick vs O1V7O2X9O (no idea)

pokevin03dragonite vs PTKmoekyuun

LoSconosciuto vs Sylveon used calm mind

Nuage vs Piyu

Feel free to try to predict the outcome of the rounds too, whoever wants to try lol.

Top 8 (?):

vs pokeblade101

Typhlosion48 vs Michielleus

(drifttrick vs O1V7O2X9O) vs pokevin03dragonite

LoSconosciuto vs Piyu (no idea)

Top 4 (?):

vs Michielleus

pokevin03dragonite vs (LoSconosciuto vs Piyu) (no idea)

Top 2 (?):

vs (pokevin03dragonite vs (LoSconosciuto vs Piyu))
MichaelderBeste2 vs BoRida - Michael has to win obviously, but i wont be surprised if he loses because of rng, you can be more confident of his win in SCL than in dogshit randbats (dude your barber hates you, you know?)
pokeblade101 vs chemcoop - okay no more 50/50 matches, bad bracket bye blade
Typhlosion48 vs Impeckable - legit qual
Rico473 vs Michielleus - Rico is not the worst player ngl, maybe he is not the best on the ladder but as you could see in the previous round, he can beat people in this tournament. I believe in Michi anyway, tho his plays in r1 was just miserable, very lucky that he is still with us
drifttrick vs O1V7O2X9O - i dont know what to expect from this match, good run from drifttrick but i have not seen any of his games so
pokevin03dragonite vs PTKmoekyuun - 3-2 score vs 2100 elo wildcard is insane, its time to get back on the ladder
LoSconosciuto vs Sylveon used calm mind
Nuage vs Piyu
MichaelderBeste2 vs BoRida
-Michael being michael what can we say
pokeblade101 vs chemcoop
Pokeblade didn't play at his best, maybe a bad day but considering what happened in this tournament, chemcoop have the edge, but blade at his best is not an easy task, let's see what will happen
Typhlosion48 vs Impeckable
-I don't think there is so much explanation to do here
Rico473 vs Michielleus
-That's a tough one, despite being a wild card rico played really well even better than michi in round 1 in my opinion. Michi is still michi, it won't be easy for rico but he def can do it, interesting Bo
drifttrick vs O1V7O2X9O
2 great players, not sure how they know gen9 so well but the edge goes on the password
pokevin03dragonite vs PTKmoekyuun
-It's likely to b close by some luck involved but PTK didn't impressed me much, I think pokevin is just better overall
LoSconosciuto vs Sylveon used calm mind
-It should be interesting to watch, Losco is likely to win but it will be a close serie I believe
Round 2 predictions:

MichaelderBeste2 vs BoRida > one of the highlights of the week along with Losco vs Sylv. I am going with the upset because Michael might be tired after his long stream and recent VGC experiences and, most importantly, because Boris is a damn good player

pokeblade101 vs chemcoop > sorry Blade but chemcoop is doing well and I feel like he is feeling the competition a bit less :(

Typhlosion48 vs Impeckable > Hoop Hoop!

Rico473 vs Michielleus >*insert joke about showdex/requesting a win* but nah, Mich is just too good

drifttrick vs O1V7O2X9O > this is also another balanced series but drifttrick as been doing wonders on the ladder for a while so it's hard to bold against him

pokevin03dragonite vs PTKmoekyuun > as long as he keeps a decent sleep schedule for once, I think he can win this

LoSconosciuto vs Sylveon used calm mind > see below


Nuage vs Piyu > *insert the meme I sent in another group a few days ago*
MichaelderBeste2 vs BoRida - pickleball god

pokeblade101 vs chemcoop - gut feeling

Typhlosion48 vs Impeckable - i feel an upset in the making

Rico473 vs Michielleus - i do not feel an upset in the making

drifttrick vs O1V7O2X9O - this guy wins

pokevin03dragonite vs PTKmoekyuun - you both have terrible usernames and i hope you both lose

LoSconosciuto vs Sylveon used calm mind - italian stallion vs lil kid

Nuage vs Piyu - better
Repeat, overt rudeness and unsportsmanlike conduct
as you can see, there are a lot of people who believe that luck>skill LOL:
pokeblade101 vs chemcoop
Pokeblade didn't play at his best, maybe a bad day but considering what happened in this tournament, chemcoop have the edge, but blade at his best is not an easy task, let's see what will happen
pokeblade101 vs chemcoop > sorry Blade but chemcoop is doing well and I feel like he is feeling the competition a bit less :(
pokeblade101 vs chemcoop - gut feeling
gj dude, even the luckiest players cant be lucky forever (can we make a shame board for these people?)
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