OU RBY OU Viability Rankings

What are the odds any of this happens before you sleep sac Jynx? Of those times Jynx does not do any of these, what are the odds it wakes midgame and does these? Jynx is good but I never attributed it to any of the above. Of the games where Jynx does this, it's typically because she got lucky and freezes the solo sleeper Sing Chans, which is a lot more attributable to her ability to freeze fish early than any of those items.

Jynx does these things in case you manage to have a sleep blocker or if you decide to take sleep with something else (which is a bad idea to be honest). Either way, this (Jynx's matchups) isn't something new (especially for those who have been playing recently). These matchups (Zapdos, Snorlax or the rare D ranked stuff) are late game scenarios.

I also forgot to mention that Moltres and Articuno's main niche is simply the 2HKO on Tauros, and they don't get screwed by Thunderbolt. Sure, they are sweepers and Agility is a key part of their game, but they are the only two mixed sweepers of the game that can sweep against Tauros and something else.
Cloyster has a favorable but still complicated matchup and straight up loses to Thunderbolt Tauros, Lapras rarely loses to Thunderbolt Tauros but it struggles to 2HKO and can't use Explosion in case Tauros gets a crit. Even Zapdos can't 2HKO Tauros (it needs to use Thunder at least once, and nobody uses it).
The extra damage on Snorlax is great too. Also, Cloyster doesn't use Hyper Beam (even though it could). It lives or dies by Clamp, it needs something else to come in and finish the job. Different moveset, different stats, different game.
Birds really like playing against S4 teams, and right now things are going differently: S3 builds, teams are faster, Sing Chansey can be used as sleep fodder.
A bit late, but freshly eliminated from every major tour, I figured it would be fun to post some thoughts on the OU mons (not that it matters much at all). There's nothing really new here, but whatever, maybe someone will enjoy the read.


S: Big 3, not much to say other than the obvious chansey is passive. It's critical to your defenses, but sometimes it can create an opportunity for your opponent to do the same. There are team structures and games where you really don't want that, and I felt more than a few times in gc/invite-play-ins that it wasn't doing much for me. However, chansey is critical to making sure the early game doesn't completely fall apart. There may be times I want something else, but I'm not good enough to play perfectly through the early game to have that confidence yet. Thus, I still bring it 93% of the time. That and its role compression is amazing. Also, dropping twave is pure madness (but I'm known to be mad occasionally).

A: Starmie is obviously very solid and tough to deal with. It’s a strong defensive pick that still provides an offensive threat. Always contributes and is always messing with end game scenarios. There's times when I want it over chansey, but the thunderbolt weakness obviously holds it back. Still, it checks so many threats. I've found many of my creative strategies revolve around starmie being eliminated. If you can boom, or paralyze, or otherwise incapacitate it, a lot of fun niche stuff becomes viable.

Zam and Egg are about the same for me, and either order is fine. They fill different roles. Zam is obviously terrifying unparalyzed, but, as people keep saying, you want it in the field harassing things, and it will often have to take para to do that. I'm always torn by whether or not to keep it unstatused or to get in to prevent chansey/starmie from being unchecked. I think this is the main decision point that costs me games.
Egg is just so good, but it has less of a ceiling. Still, I value its flexibility and reliability. Really the only sleeper I trust to get the job done, and you can get pretty creative with its movesets (doesn’t even need sleep powder if you can so that with other mons). Egg can fill many roles on a team, as long as that role doesn't need speed. So, I value egg over zam in theory, but in practice, my Zam usage is a tad higher (58% vs 51%), so they're about the same for me (although I think zam benefits from playing with cloyster).

B+: Clear three sets of two for me. Cloy and Don are both so powerful right now - whatever order you want, I'm cool with. Cloyster's blizzards hit damn hard and threaten freeze; if a paralyzed mon switches in to block freeze, then it can elect to clamp for a pivot and keep damage in (see above post by Mel). Further, cloyster just gets so many opportunities to enter the field! I really love aggressive openings with a cloyster that just prevent the opponent’s team from functioning. Great combo with gengar, as opponent reflax can't really cover both at the same time. However, cloyster is held back for me by fitting it into teams. It brings no status and no recovery and another tunderbolt weakness if it combos with starmie. So in short, I want a cloyster every game, but fit it rarely. ~20% usage for me.
Rhydon, has been talked about enough, and I agree with the above. Hits like a fully loaded truck on NOS, shuts down zap completely, and is tough to take down if a team is unprepared for it. The fact that I have to bring ice beam on chansey just to keep this thing off my butt is so frustrating. A few issues I want to point out with it: it's pretty slow and the only status it brings is body slam para. People slag on zapdos for fumbling endgames, but this thing drops the ball just as often. Thus, I also struggle to fit it as often as I'd like. Luckily for it, it combos very well with the big3+starmie, so you can run some good cores. 24% usage for me.

B: Sleep leads are good, but both a bit unreliable. Gengar is my preferred at the moment for the following core reasons: absolutely shuts down greedy snorlax sets, has a boom, fastest sleeper, and has a cool evil grin. But that first reason is huge; having high gengar usage can make an opponent think twice about dropping quake on lax. If you can reduce your opponent’s snorlax hyper beam usage (or negate it in game by having gar), that's a huge win. You can run some creative sets with it too, making it hard to predict. I've mostly had it in the lead, but I'll be running more back gar in the future because I do think it does well there and can do less expected things. Lastly, it's just hyper offensive, which can lead to games where you're in the driver's seat the whole time. Early games with gengar and cloyster both doing their jobs are so fun, and I have games where I feel like I'm never reacting and always setting the pace (which, I believe, is key to winning - being proactive as opposed to reactive).

Jynx is still good though. Early on I felt it always just missed kiss and died, but I've been using it more, and it does its job most of the time (about as often as gengar tbh). I think jynx’s biggest thing over gar is how much better it combos with Rhydon. Both can run with zam, mie, egg just fine, but gar+don is dangerous (although this GarMieDon thing is popular right now; I kinda hate it, but whatever, y'all do y'all). At least half the time I run Jynx, it's because I want MieDon. Both are gar and jynx are ~20/25% for me.

B-: Weird having zapdos this low, but them's the state of things. Extremely powerful, but it's hard walled by don, and it’s in the top 2 for biggest fumbling of end games (other being don). See gastlies’ post for an example of zap losing to starmie. A big problem for zap in my hands is its trouble hitting the field. While it shuts down so much of the meta game, it doesn’t really want to switch into anything, making it hard to use to its fullest. However, the fact that this thing exists is so lovely for the meta. I’ll always splash usage of Zap, not only because I’ve loved the thing since I got a holo in a TCG booster pack (my older brother ran a water deck, y’all don’t know how huge this was in my life 20 yrs ago), but because it can absolutely smash unprepared teams. Solid poke, always will have my respect.

Slowbro is slowbro. Either it wins or dies. For what it’s worth, I like using it as a paralysis spreader more than sweeper. If they respect it, it usually gets a twave off on something fast and scary (starmie or zapdos, often). If they don’t respect it, well it can just win. I try to use slowbro with that in mind; how can the team take over and win from starmie/zap being paralyzed?

This is where Over Used ends for me. The rest I just really think is niche enough that is doesn’t qualify as an OU mon.

C: Vic is actually better than it gets credit for. Major status spreader, locks down slow mons allowing sleep to be pushed past chansey, threatens kills from high ranges on starmie, rhydon, slowbro, and cloyster. Obviously, if you spread paralysis enough, this thing is a beast. Also obviously, yeah it dies to like every attack in the metagame so that sucks.

Jolt just doesn’t really do enough for me. It’s certainly a fine and serviceable pick, but it’s similar to vic in my eyes. Threatens some core things (mainly starmie), has a terrifying crit rate, beats zapdos, but gets wrecked by rhydon. I only have one jolt team (outside of cloyjolt), and I kinda hate it, have never brought it in tour, and have never missed it. Lapras I think is also pretty decent. Kinda like a cloyster with a better starmie matchup, but still needs starmie paralyzed. It can run a lot of different sets, too. Also, it’s speed is much lower than cloy’s, sure, but little in the OU meta game actually falls between them. It still is out sped by all the same stuff as cloy, but still out speeds all the slow stuff (egg, lax, chansey, don). I look to lapras against MieDon spammers or other low cloyster high egg people. Usually, I’m gonna take cloy though.

Molt is amazing. It hits so hard, and you just have to remove starmie and it can wreak havoc. But yeah, avg move accuracy of 82% is sad. If you’re clicking fire spin, you’ve done something wrong. Yet, I do make mistakes sometimes, and having a bail out win con can be kinda cool. Usually, I’m gonna run more reliable stuff, but I’ll use this ~0.5-1 times a tour.

Persian is great in theory, but I don’t get how to fit it on teams. Please help.

Cuno, Dragon, Golem, and Pory can work in specific situations. Articuno is the best of them, but just has too many checks to address right now. Needs chansey, starmie, and cloyster/slowbro/lapras all gone, which is just asking a lot of the rest of your team (or your opponent’s builder).

The rest I haven’t played with much in competitive play, so I don’t have many thoughts.

Anyway, hope someone enjoys the read. I’m torn between feeling disappointed in my gc performance or stoked that I’ve done what I have in a short amount of time, while having very little time to devote to this in a given week.
Either way, I’m pretty burnt out at the moment. I think my last two gc sets suffered to lack of motivation and careful thought (also to quite good opponents; gl in the rest, guys; y’all are better than me anyway).
I’m going to skip the rest of slam, take a break and touch grass, and hopefully I’ll come back feeling better for RBY cup. See ya around.
A ::Exeggutor::Starmie::Alakazam:
B ::Rhydon::Gengar::Cloyster::Jynx:
C ::Persian::Lapras::Articuno::Moltres::Jolteon:
D ::Omastar::Porygon::Sandslash::Golem::Hypno:

Pretty much every team will benefit from using :Tauros:, even Wrap teams. I don't think stall is a good options. Even if your team doesn't have room for :Tauros: in the back, it is still can be run as a very useful lead. As a lead it can score crits and immediately put you at an advantage, it can also coerce players into clicking Thunder Wave. But you should make sure that your team doesn't need it as a sweeper/revenge killer. It has to choose between Hyper Beam and one of its other moves a lot, which puts you in 50/50 situations a lot. Its moveset is almost always the same, but it doesn't need to do any surprising to be good.

Many Pokémon depend on :Chansey: to be able to have something to switch into. If Chansey dies, you will need to depend on the Psychics for taking hits. Chansey's Normal typing makes it harder to paralyze and to take be taken down by Special moves. Chansey helps enable wall breaking with its access to Thunder Wave. It can take on the likes of Rhydon and Starmie with its Bolt Beam coverage. It can also play the role of a sleeper with Sing. Because it needs to be able to wall special attackers, it won't be a dependable answer to Snorlax and Tauros throughout the entire match. As far as I know anyways. But early game, I can see it walling out lax.

:Snorlax: is a powerful physical attacker that can choose to be mixed. It can be used to wall out opposing Snorlax and Tauros. It's hard to take down, hard to know what it's going to do, and it can help break through teams.

I think that because :Snorlax: and :Chansey: can run so many sets, it makes them more unpredictable, which adds to their strength. Though if you look at the opponent's team comp, you can reason out what it might have, if the team is frail to :Snorlax:, the opposing :Snorlax: will very likely be running Reflect. And teams will generally want to run Reflect. The final move could probably be anything honestly... Even if the opponent's team is weak to Rhydon, it could end up being mono Normal b/c reasons/to surprise people. Though my guess is that the likelyhood of sets that show up will be in this order: Reflect+Selfdestruct, Reflect+Hyper Beam, Reflect+Ice Beam, Reflect+Earthquake, Amnesia Mixed with Blizzard/Ice Beam, All out Attacker, Bolt Beam, Mono Ice, Mono Electric, Reflect + Amnesia Mixed, Random Coverage, Mixed Normal + Thunderbolt, Reflect + Counter, Reflect + Amnesia Normal, Reflect + Toxic, Reflect + Level 85 Seismic Toss. Reflect + Earthquake is only for catching Gengar off guard/staving it off, and having a fighting chance against Rhydon. I'm not sure how useful Earthquake is when you are running two other Psychic types.

Their flexibility may be able to help them to adapt to whatever gets popular.

These are the reasons why you may find one replaceable:
1. Need more offense
1. It's going get walled out anyway, and I have other mons to wall out :Snorlax:. I need another Special wall.
2. My offensive team doesn't have room for it, it will get walled out anyway, and my team does not have enough paralysis support to make use of it. (more for fun teams)

A Chanseyless team may look like this: :Gengar::Exeggutor::Starmie::Alakazam::Snorlax::Tauros:
or this: :Gengar::Exeggutor::Jynx::Persian::Snorlax::Tauros:
A Snorlaxless team may look like this: :Starmie::Cloyster::Rhydon::Alakazam::Chansey::Tauros:

Given how good the Psychic Types are, I can see why :Chansey: is considered more replaceable than :Snorlax:.
:Exeggutor: is probably the best psychic in my opinion. It sleeps something, it can Paralyze something, it provides a switch in to Rhydon and predicted Earthquakes from Snorlax, and it can Explode to remove an important threat. Rest is a fun option which can make players think it doesn't want to Explode, and it can also help keep it around. Leech Seed is generally a wasted moveslot.

:Starmie: is an annoying mon that won't go down, except against Thunderbolt, and Razor Leaf, if it shows up. Bolt Beam weakens it against :Snorlax:, but provides good coverage. It's probably a bad idea to run bolt beam. Running Surf means it's more likely not going to run Blizzard which means it will get walled out by :Exeggutor:. Though, this may not matter unless you need to prevent it from blowing up. If it doesn't run Thunderbolt, it gets walled out by :Starmie:. It also gets walled out by :Alakazam:. The best combination, in my opinion, is Thunderbolt + Psychic due to Psychic's special drops, and due to being able to take on Slowbro without depending on Explosion, and to take on opposing :Starmie:. It could run three attacks on occasion if it means winning the game, though it loses either the move that makes it not die or the move that supports your team. It can be a good idea to pretend that your :Starmie: is struggling against a mon to make the opponent think has the wrong coverage move.:Starmie: hits hard when it crits and is also arguably the best lead. Although, when :Chansey: switches in, it doesn't know if :Chansey: wants to click Sing or Thunderbolt. It also might not want to be sleep fodder because it can at least do something against :Snorlax:. Usually, it wants to switch into :Snorlax: when it is weakened enough.

:Alakazam: A good special wall that is annoying to take down, but it doesn't like to be hit on the Physical side. It notably walls a number of :Chansey: sets and pesters it and forces it to switch due to stat drops. (I am unsure how well Zam does against Seismic Toss). It hits hard with Psychic. It can wall :Starmie: though :Chansey: is better at that.

B Tier
:Rhydon: is a monster that makes you have to think twice about how you build your team. It hits very hard on the physical side and is generally very hard to switch into. It can sponge Explosions for your team. It can also wall out Normal :Snorlax:. It is unfortunately slow and gets hit hard from the special side, making it hard to switch in.

:Gengar: while inaccurate, its ability to add an additional Explosion is very useful. It can wall out :Snorlax:, and is pretty likely going to be able to, or at the very least it can act as a pivot if Snorlax has Earthquake (though it's not perfectly safe to use it that way). It works well with :Exeggutor:, because if the opponent uses their Sleeping mon as fodder for Explosion, then you just shrink their team again with Hypnosis/Sleep Powder.

:Cloyster: is a nice switch into :Tauros: and :Snorlax:. Clamp and Explosion are both very useful tools that other :Snorlax: walls lack. These two moves are what make it able to stop :Chansey: from healing, straight up KO it, or just to provide safe switches. Explosion allows it to remove a threat. It is not going to take Body Slams as well as the Rock types and paralysis, burn, and poison remove the effectiveness of Clamp. Body Slam will be likely to eventually paralyze it forcing it to Rest. Clamp missing can be very detrimental and Clamp draws in sleeping Pokemon, who may try to use Clamp's minimal damage to wake up, or to coerce you into switching out.

:Jynx: a lead, an additional sleep user, or just your sole sleep inducer in the back. It has nice STAB moves. Frail on the physical side but can use Counter to dissuade physical attacks.

:Zapdos: is a very strong mon that can take on important threats such as: :Chansey:,:Tauros:,:Snorlax:,:Starmie:,:Exeggutor:,:Alakazam:, But it has a very rough time against Rock/Ground types, and letting :Rhydon: in so easily is very unfortunate. It also likely doesn't like running into any of the Ground types such as :Sandslash:. It is also walled by :Jolteon: and arguably trades with :Raichu:. When it isn't being walled, it will likely take something down.

C Tier
:Slowbro: is a very scary mon. It forces Explosions, or you to have a Thunderbolt or Razor Leaf as an answer. And you have to depend on Thunderbolt actually critting. Its paralysis support is useful too. One weakness may be its dependance on Rest.

:Persian: Slash is nice for taking on Snorlax and :Chansey:. it has access to both Bubblebeam and Thunderbolt, which makes it harder to be walled by :Cloyster: and :Rhydon:. Growl and Screech are options to scout for Counter. Its Normal typing means it won't get paralyzed by Body Slam, though it won't be taking too many of those. It is also walled by :Gengar:

:Lapras: The only reason why I think it may be better than Articuno is its access to Thunderbolt, making it harder to wall outside of just Chansey. It's a decently bulky mon. Confuse Ray is annoying.

:Articuno: There are plenty of Pokemon that will wall :Articuno:: :Starmie::Lapras::Slowbro::Cloyster::Jynx::Chansey:. Which holds it back, a lot. It can scare out :Snorlax: as well as hit :Exeggutor: and :Tauros: hard. It removes :Rhydon: which will be a there to faint in the end game. It has the potential to sweep.

:Moltres: A very similar mon to :Articuno:. Though, it is more of a high risk high reward sort of mon. It's Fire Spin enables it to weaken foes, turning a 2 HKO on :Exeggutor: to a 1HKO and a 3 HKO on :Snorlax: to a 2HKO. Fire Spin can also make up for Burning Starmie as well as allow it to pivot. It also has a better matchup to :Cloyster: and :Lapras: than :Articuno: does. One key difference is that :Rhydon: can switch into :Moltres: and threaten a KO. Though :Rhydon: won't be taking Fire Blasts forever.

:Jolteon: is sort of a worse :Zapdos:. It is faster and can crit a lot, but its coverage moves are pretty bad. :Jolteon: probably prefers Rest over Pin Missile due to allowing it more chances to Double Kick :Chansey: more and to out speed mons during the end game. Pin Missile is inaccurate, and depends on chance to be able to take on :Exeggutor:. Pin Missile is also an easy move to switch into. It gets hard walled by Ground types and is more fragile to Psychic type moves than the Psychic types. Its main uses are to take on :Starmie:, :Zapdos:, and :Chansey:, and maybe sweep or weaken the physical Normals.

:Kabutops: I don't agree with :Kingler: being stronger than :Kabutops: . Kabutop's typing allows it to beat Amnesia Normal/Ice :Snorlax:, Ice Beam + Reflect :Snorlax:, and Normal :Snorlax:, and some important paralyzed mons. Against Reflect Lax, it can Rest loop it as it sets up Swords Dance. A big weakness that I initially did not notice, is that it is unsafe for :Kabutops: to initially switch into :Snorlax: with no fear, since :Snorlax: could always be running Earthquake. I usually have :Aerodactyl: to scout for Ice Type moves, because I believe that the two work decently well together. There are ways to scout for it, but it's something to pay attention to. One thing :Perisan: has over :Kabutops: is its ability to take on :Cloyster:. The other being that its speed allows it to hit Tauros before it dies. :Kabutops: is vulnerable to Body Slam paralysis and can always die to a crit Earthquake. That being said, :Kabutops:'s resistance to Normal does allow it to Sponge Explosions and come in on predicted Hyper Beams, the latter potentially allowing it to setup.
Outside of the whole scenario where you run :Kabutops: or :Kingler: with Zapdos to lure in Rhydon, I think Kabutops is overall better. If :Rhydon: sets up sets up a Substitute in front of :Zapdos: as you switch-in :Kabutops:, :Kabutops: will lose most of its HP, unless you happen to have a good switch, which you probably won't given that two slots are being used up. My guess is that players are expecting to use :Kabutops: against a :Snorlax: that was weakened by another Reflect :Snorlax: in order to set up Swords Dance as Snorlax Rests, or switches out in a weakened state. Which is an option...

:Victreebel: is so low because of how fragile it is. Though its access to Wrap helps it to spread damage, and it helps it to put something to Sleep even if another Pokemon is paralyzed, lest that mon wants to get Wrapped and KOed. It does a good job at spreading status, getting in a safe switch, and spreading damage. If Wrap or Sleep Powder misses, it's probably going to die.

:Dragonite: same reason as :Victreebel:, though :Dragonite: is more fragile, and doesn't have Sleep Powder. But its Agility Wrap set can be terrifying in the end game.

D Tier
:Omastar: is here because it serves a purpose of walling out :Snorlax:. What I think it has over :Porygon: is the ability to deal damage, and do something outside of walling :Snorlax:. Like sitting in front of a weakened :Exeggutor: firing off Blizzards or Ice Beams. Or trying to take down :Jynx: with Hydro Pump. It can also switch into predicted Explosions and Hyper Beams. Its main weakness is Ground :Snorlax:. It doesn't initially care about Earthquake due to the damage output from Hydro Pump, but over time, it will get paralyzed. When it is paralyzed, it will lose to lax, unless lax got paralyzed along the way. It also has issues with Amnesia :Snorlax: setting up, just like :Porygon:. But it can run Toxic and have :Exeggutor: replace one of its lesser used moves to Leech Seed to force out :Snorlax: with the Toxic + Leech Seed glitch. This is probably the only way to use that glitch. The strategy is not necessarily safe, because Leech Seed can always miss, and Toxic can always land on :Starmie:. Players are probably going to be too dedicated into setting up for them to want to switch out though. Toxic isn't limited to being used against just :Snorlax: and :Slowbro:, it can be used against :Cloyster: since it is a more reliable way to prevent :Cloyster: from Clamping it to death than hoping for a Body Slam paralysis. Toxic can also be used on lesser used Pokémon that do not have Recovery to put them on a timer and force them to switch in a weakened state. :Omastar: won't want to sit in against :Starmie: or :Alakazam: and Body Slam would need to be used on a predicted switch from :Snorlax:. :Alakazam: may be a reasonable teammate to help against :Cloyster: and other Special Attackers. :Zapdos: could replace :Chansey: to help against opposing :Chansey:, :Cloyster:, and :Starmie:, either that, or it would replace :Exeggutor:. But you would have to expect not to run into :Rhydon: if you did that imo. Ice Beam/Blizzard can be more of a middle ground type of option against :Snorlax: since it will hit :Snorlax: allowing it to be 2HKOd by Hydro Pump, while also fishing for a Freeze on a potential switch to a Special Wall. Amnesia isn't the most common move that you will run into though, so it's up to you if you want to run Body Slam or Toxic. Anyways, the bottom of E tier seems a little Jank to me... Below :Raticate: even.

:Porygon: walls out the more common :Snorlax: sets. It generally just presses Recover and does nothing else. This does in fact allow it to PP Stall :Snorlax:, but it lets Pokémon switch in extremely easily. This means that there is a lot more pressure put on :Chansey:. :Alakazam: or :Exeggutor: may be the Pokémon you want to use alongside it. Using :Exeggutor: makes you weaker to :Cloyster:. If :Zapdos: switches into :Porygon:, something is likely going to die. If :Rhydon: is bent on removing :Porygon: it's a 50/50 speed tie situation to see which wins between the two. I would not try to use any methods to try to beat Amnesia aside from Exploding, since :Porygon: wants to be paired with a powerful Pokémon, because it won't be doing much Damage. You will probably lose to Amnesia :Snorlax:, but those sets are probably not going to show up as often... But they do show up. You will be able to run an All Out Attacking :Snorlax: set with :Porygon: which aids your team against threats like :Alakazam:, :Starmie:, :Gengar:, and :Chansey:. Though you will probably want those threats to be paralyzed beforehand. Thunder Wave can potentially cripple :Tauros: in the endgame, and it also helps prevent :Tauros: from switching in. It can use Thunder Wave to take out All Out Attacking :Snorlax:. It's a toss up if it wins a Freeze war against lax or not.

:Sandslash: is a Swords Dance mon that can switch into :Zapdos:. It is not blocked by :Gengar: and can hit :Rhydon: pretty hard. I have it so high due to its potential defensive use. Sorry, I am not more in depth on this mon, but I think this is a fairly reasonably position for this mon.

:Golem: it really is a worse :Rhydon:, but the possibility that it can Explode is pretty scary.

:Hypno: It spreads status and is pretty bulky, but it relies on Rest. I don't have much more to say than that.

:Aerodactyl: Walls Mono Normal Snorlax which is (probably) one of the more common sets. It also walls Normal + Ground Lax, which :Gengar: does not. This is the main niche that makes me think :Aerodactyl: can be run in OU. Though, obviously at a disadvantage. It can serve several functions: to pick off weakened Pokémon, to sponge Explosions, chip :Tauros: and potentially Burn/Crit it with Fire Blast, and it has the potential to get KO's or severely weaken Pokémon with Sky Attack. Unlike :Porygon:, :Aerodactly:'s aim is and should be to KO :Snorlax: through damage, along with PP stalling and Burning. I think needs to do multiple things, because it will be fighting against parahax. So, the ideal moveset, in my opinion, is Sky Attack, Fire Blast, Double Edge, and Rest. Sky Attack has a (1-(1-.2539*.9)^6)=.78915 chance to crit, unparalyzed, at least once in 6 tries, which nearly KOs :Snorlax:. Though, it has a myriad of issues. It will inevitably get Paralyzed, and the speed drops remains, even if it Rests. It lets in :Rhydon: too easily, and Ice/Normal Ice :Snorlax: beats it. It can run :Kabutops: to fend off Normal/Ice Lax, but :Rhydon: is going to be able to set up a Substitute on :Aerodactyl: thus forcing a near KO on :Kabutops:. Though, Kabutops, does somewhat mitigate the weakness to :Rhydon:. :Aerodactyl: can attempt to Fire Blast Rhydon once or more times (depending on if :Rhydon: decides to predict a switch), but the burn chance * the chance for a miss is still too low to consistently help. Critting can at least help bring :Rhydon: into KO range for :Tauros:. Another option to run alongside it, is Rest+Hypnosis :Gengar: which frees up :Chansey:'s moveset allowing it to run Bolt/Beam.

:Arbok: fulfills a useful role on Wrap teams.

:Gyarados: is a wall breaker that is hard to predict. It's weakness to electric type moves really hurt it. It has a higher crit rate than :Lapras: and its Body Slams and Hyper Beams are much stronger. You generally want to keep this mon healthy to make use of it.

E Tier

:Khangaskan: an extra Normal Pokemon to throw out Body Slams. Sorry, I dont' have much to say about it, I just want to make sure it's included somewhere.

:Poliwrath: is a Pokemon that has access to Amnesia and Hypnosis. It can stave off :Chansey:, though it is extremely vulnerable to crits.

:Venusaur: Is a Swords Dance user that has access to Razor Leaf and Sleep Powder. It is unfortunately outclassed by :Victreebel:

:Kingler: perhaps this is too low for it... but it is incredibly vulnerable to paralysis, and with Thunderbolt all over the place, I don't see it doing much. It does have a massive Attack stat and nice signature move in Crabhammer, though Crabhammer misses a lot.

:Clefable: is just a Bolt Beam mon that can hit on the Physical side and paralyze something.

:Onix: While :Onix: may seem like a garbage mon, it still plays a role in beating the two Electric types that show up :Zapdos: and :Jolteon:. Bind allows it to act as a pivot as it switches into Rock Slides, Body Slams from :Snorlax:, and Electric type moves from Electric Type Pokémon. Once it's used up, it blows up. I see this as a at least more useful that what :Raticate: does.

:Raichu: is a :Zapdos: check that staves off :Rhydon: and :Chansey:. Its damage output is less than desired, which means that it may have a hard time Paralyzing something. Though, KOing itself versus :Chansey: allows :Chansey: to be taken on by something else.

:Pinsir: is a Swords Dance user that wishes it had access to Earthquake. It can sometimes pivot.

:Raticate:, in order to make full use of :Raticate: I personally think that you need to be able to manage switching it in on a Sleeping Pokemon then fire off Super Fangs on whatever switches in. Which can only be achieved with a partial trappers, or when the opponent is using a mon a death fodder. The other possibility being that it predicts a switch from a weakened Pokémon. So, I think, its best teammate is :Victreebel:, since it can spread Paralysis and Sleep, and help beat :Starmie:. Otherwise, I only seeing it firing off Super Fang once, then dying. It requires a lot of prediction/lucky guesses and may be too hard to use.

:Machamp: I don't really believe Fighting Types have much of a chance in the meta. But Machamp has access to Earthquake which helps it against :Gengar:. Hyper Beam does deal a lot of damage to :Alakazam: and :Starmie:

:Dodrio: could be a scary sweeper, though it gets hard walled by :Rhydon: and is rather fragile.

:Charizard: is generally a bad mon in the Tier. It at least has access to Earthquake for when it sets up Swords Dance, but I don't see it doing much other than getting a single hit in. It is the only Flying type with Counter, and players probably ignore :Charizard: and are more likely not to know what to do against it. Though, that's not saying much considering its typing and damage output.

Too much effort for me to figure out where to place them. Runing the pre-evos may have some merit... :Tangela: is a pivot against :Rhydon: that spreads Status. :Haunter: would be run alongside :Exeggutor: and :Gengar: b/c of its access to Sleep + Explosion. Access to Thunder Wave and Agility all :Dragonair: to play a role on Wrap teams.

TLDR: The Psychic types (:Exeggutor:, :Starmie:, :Alakazam:) are good against essentially all the mons, baring Chansey, and Snorlax/Tauros when the Psychics are paralyzed and weakened. And they get hit hard by Snorlax, or lack Recovery, so they need Snorlax to stop Snorlax. Some of the other mons are decent against Snorlax or fulfil some role, but they are bad against the Psychics, get hard walled, or have some disadvantage.

Anyways, I started out looking at lower tier mons, b/c I feel that is where the potential in mons are probably going to be ignored, and finding out ways to try to use them is more entertaining for me.

I could be wrong on a few things, but I tried :/
A ::Exeggutor::Starmie::Alakazam:
B ::Rhydon::Gengar::Cloyster::Jynx:
C ::Persian::Lapras::Articuno::Moltres::Jolteon:
D ::Omastar::Porygon::Sandslash::Golem::Hypno:

Pretty much every team will benefit from using :Tauros:, even Wrap teams. I don't think stall is a good options. Even if your team doesn't have room for :Tauros: in the back, it is still can be run as a very useful lead. As a lead it can score crits and immediately put you at an advantage, it can also coerce players into clicking Thunder Wave. But you should make sure that your team doesn't need it as a sweeper/revenge killer. It has to choose between Hyper Beam and one of its other moves a lot, which puts you in 50/50 situations a lot. Its moveset is almost always the same, but it doesn't need to do any surprising to be good.

Many Pokémon depend on :Chansey: to be able to have something to switch into. If Chansey dies, you will need to depend on the Psychics for taking hits. Chansey's Normal typing makes it harder to paralyze and to take be taken down by Special moves. Chansey helps enable wall breaking with its access to Thunder Wave. It can take on the likes of Rhydon and Starmie with its Bolt Beam coverage. It can also play the role of a sleeper with Sing. Because it needs to be able to wall special attackers, it won't be a dependable answer to Snorlax and Tauros throughout the entire match. As far as I know anyways. But early game, I can see it walling out lax.

:Snorlax: is a powerful physical attacker that can choose to be mixed. It can be used to wall out opposing Snorlax and Tauros. It's hard to take down, hard to know what it's going to do, and it can help break through teams.

I think that because :Snorlax: and :Chansey: can run so many sets, it makes them more unpredictable, which adds to their strength. Though if you look at the opponent's team comp, you can reason out what it might have, if the team is frail to :Snorlax:, the opposing :Snorlax: will very likely be running Reflect. And teams will generally want to run Reflect. The final move could probably be anything honestly... Even if the opponent's team is weak to Rhydon, it could end up being mono Normal b/c reasons/to surprise people. Though my guess is that the likelyhood of sets that show up will be in this order: Reflect+Selfdestruct, Reflect+Hyper Beam, Reflect+Ice Beam, Reflect+Earthquake, Amnesia Mixed with Blizzard/Ice Beam, All out Attacker, Bolt Beam, Mono Ice, Mono Electric, Reflect + Amnesia Mixed, Random Coverage, Mixed Normal + Thunderbolt, Reflect + Counter, Reflect + Amnesia Normal, Reflect + Toxic, Reflect + Level 85 Seismic Toss. Reflect + Earthquake is only for catching Gengar off guard/staving it off, and having a fighting chance against Rhydon. I'm not sure how useful Earthquake is when you are running two other Psychic types.

Their flexibility may be able to help them to adapt to whatever gets popular.

These are the reasons why you may find one replaceable:
1. Need more offense
1. It's going get walled out anyway, and I have other mons to wall out :Snorlax:. I need another Special wall.
2. My offensive team doesn't have room for it, it will get walled out anyway, and my team does not have enough paralysis support to make use of it. (more for fun teams)

A Chanseyless team may look like this: :Gengar::Exeggutor::Starmie::Alakazam::Snorlax::Tauros:
or this: :Gengar::Exeggutor::Jynx::Persian::Snorlax::Tauros:
A Snorlaxless team may look like this: :Starmie::Cloyster::Rhydon::Alakazam::Chansey::Tauros:

Given how good the Psychic Types are, I can see why :Chansey: is considered more replaceable than :Snorlax:.
:Exeggutor: is probably the best psychic in my opinion. It sleeps something, it can Paralyze something, it provides a switch in to Rhydon and predicted Earthquakes from Snorlax, and it can Explode to remove an important threat. Rest is a fun option which can make players think it doesn't want to Explode, and it can also help keep it around. Leech Seed is generally a wasted moveslot.

:Starmie: is an annoying mon that won't go down, except against Thunderbolt, and Razor Leaf, if it shows up. Bolt Beam weakens it against :Snorlax:, but provides good coverage. It's probably a bad idea to run bolt beam. Running Surf means it's more likely not going to run Blizzard which means it will get walled out by :Exeggutor:. Though, this may not matter unless you need to prevent it from blowing up. If it doesn't run Thunderbolt, it gets walled out by :Starmie:. It also gets walled out by :Alakazam:. The best combination, in my opinion, is Thunderbolt + Psychic due to Psychic's special drops, and due to being able to take on Slowbro without depending on Explosion, and to take on opposing :Starmie:. It could run three attacks on occasion if it means winning the game, though it loses either the move that makes it not die or the move that supports your team. It can be a good idea to pretend that your :Starmie: is struggling against a mon to make the opponent think has the wrong coverage move.:Starmie: hits hard when it crits and is also arguably the best lead. Although, when :Chansey: switches in, it doesn't know if :Chansey: wants to click Sing or Thunderbolt. It also might not want to be sleep fodder because it can at least do something against :Snorlax:. Usually, it wants to switch into :Snorlax: when it is weakened enough.

:Alakazam: A good special wall that is annoying to take down, but it doesn't like to be hit on the Physical side. It notably walls a number of :Chansey: sets and pesters it and forces it to switch due to stat drops. (I am unsure how well Zam does against Seismic Toss). It hits hard with Psychic. It can wall :Starmie: though :Chansey: is better at that.

B Tier
:Rhydon: is a monster that makes you have to think twice about how you build your team. It hits very hard on the physical side and is generally very hard to switch into. It can sponge Explosions for your team. It can also wall out Normal :Snorlax:. It is unfortunately slow and gets hit hard from the special side, making it hard to switch in.

:Gengar: while inaccurate, its ability to add an additional Explosion is very useful. It can wall out :Snorlax:, and is pretty likely going to be able to, or at the very least it can act as a pivot if Snorlax has Earthquake (though it's not perfectly safe to use it that way). It works well with :Exeggutor:, because if the opponent uses their Sleeping mon as fodder for Explosion, then you just shrink their team again with Hypnosis/Sleep Powder.

:Cloyster: is a nice switch into :Tauros: and :Snorlax:. Clamp and Explosion are both very useful tools that other :Snorlax: walls lack. These two moves are what make it able to stop :Chansey: from healing, straight up KO it, or just to provide safe switches. Explosion allows it to remove a threat. It is not going to take Body Slams as well as the Rock types and paralysis, burn, and poison remove the effectiveness of Clamp. Body Slam will be likely to eventually paralyze it forcing it to Rest. Clamp missing can be very detrimental and Clamp draws in sleeping Pokemon, who may try to use Clamp's minimal damage to wake up, or to coerce you into switching out.

:Jynx: a lead, an additional sleep user, or just your sole sleep inducer in the back. It has nice STAB moves. Frail on the physical side but can use Counter to dissuade physical attacks.

:Zapdos: is a very strong mon that can take on important threats such as: :Chansey:,:Tauros:,:Snorlax:,:Starmie:,:Exeggutor:,:Alakazam:, But it has a very rough time against Rock/Ground types, and letting :Rhydon: in so easily is very unfortunate. It also likely doesn't like running into any of the Ground types such as :Sandslash:. It is also walled by :Jolteon: and arguably trades with :Raichu:. When it isn't being walled, it will likely take something down.

C Tier
:Slowbro: is a very scary mon. It forces Explosions, or you to have a Thunderbolt or Razor Leaf as an answer. And you have to depend on Thunderbolt actually critting. Its paralysis support is useful too. One weakness may be its dependance on Rest.

:Persian: Slash is nice for taking on Snorlax and :Chansey:. it has access to both Bubblebeam and Thunderbolt, which makes it harder to be walled by :Cloyster: and :Rhydon:. Growl and Screech are options to scout for Counter. Its Normal typing means it won't get paralyzed by Body Slam, though it won't be taking too many of those. It is also walled by :Gengar:

:Lapras: The only reason why I think it may be better than Articuno is its access to Thunderbolt, making it harder to wall outside of just Chansey. It's a decently bulky mon. Confuse Ray is annoying.

:Articuno: There are plenty of Pokemon that will wall :Articuno:: :Starmie::Lapras::Slowbro::Cloyster::Jynx::Chansey:. Which holds it back, a lot. It can scare out :Snorlax: as well as hit :Exeggutor: and :Tauros: hard. It removes :Rhydon: which will be a there to faint in the end game. It has the potential to sweep.

:Moltres: A very similar mon to :Articuno:. Though, it is more of a high risk high reward sort of mon. It's Fire Spin enables it to weaken foes, turning a 2 HKO on :Exeggutor: to a 1HKO and a 3 HKO on :Snorlax: to a 2HKO. Fire Spin can also make up for Burning Starmie as well as allow it to pivot. It also has a better matchup to :Cloyster: and :Lapras: than :Articuno: does. One key difference is that :Rhydon: can switch into :Moltres: and threaten a KO. Though :Rhydon: won't be taking Fire Blasts forever.

:Jolteon: is sort of a worse :Zapdos:. It is faster and can crit a lot, but its coverage moves are pretty bad. :Jolteon: probably prefers Rest over Pin Missile due to allowing it more chances to Double Kick :Chansey: more and to out speed mons during the end game. Pin Missile is inaccurate, and depends on chance to be able to take on :Exeggutor:. Pin Missile is also an easy move to switch into. It gets hard walled by Ground types and is more fragile to Psychic type moves than the Psychic types. Its main uses are to take on :Starmie:, :Zapdos:, and :Chansey:, and maybe sweep or weaken the physical Normals.

:Kabutops: I don't agree with :Kingler: being stronger than :Kabutops: . Kabutop's typing allows it to beat Amnesia Normal/Ice :Snorlax:, Ice Beam + Reflect :Snorlax:, and Normal :Snorlax:, and some important paralyzed mons. Against Reflect Lax, it can Rest loop it as it sets up Swords Dance. A big weakness that I initially did not notice, is that it is unsafe for :Kabutops: to initially switch into :Snorlax: with no fear, since :Snorlax: could always be running Earthquake. I usually have :Aerodactyl: to scout for Ice Type moves, because I believe that the two work decently well together. There are ways to scout for it, but it's something to pay attention to. One thing :Perisan: has over :Kabutops: is its ability to take on :Cloyster:. The other being that its speed allows it to hit Tauros before it dies. :Kabutops: is vulnerable to Body Slam paralysis and can always die to a crit Earthquake. That being said, :Kabutops:'s resistance to Normal does allow it to Sponge Explosions and come in on predicted Hyper Beams, the latter potentially allowing it to setup.
Outside of the whole scenario where you run :Kabutops: or :Kingler: with Zapdos to lure in Rhydon, I think Kabutops is overall better. If :Rhydon: sets up sets up a Substitute in front of :Zapdos: as you switch-in :Kabutops:, :Kabutops: will lose most of its HP, unless you happen to have a good switch, which you probably won't given that two slots are being used up. My guess is that players are expecting to use :Kabutops: against a :Snorlax: that was weakened by another Reflect :Snorlax: in order to set up Swords Dance as Snorlax Rests, or switches out in a weakened state. Which is an option...

:Victreebel: is so low because of how fragile it is. Though its access to Wrap helps it to spread damage, and it helps it to put something to Sleep even if another Pokemon is paralyzed, lest that mon wants to get Wrapped and KOed. It does a good job at spreading status, getting in a safe switch, and spreading damage. If Wrap or Sleep Powder misses, it's probably going to die.

:Dragonite: same reason as :Victreebel:, though :Dragonite: is more fragile, and doesn't have Sleep Powder. But its Agility Wrap set can be terrifying in the end game.

D Tier
:Omastar: is here because it serves a purpose of walling out :Snorlax:. What I think it has over :Porygon: is the ability to deal damage, and do something outside of walling :Snorlax:. Like sitting in front of a weakened :Exeggutor: firing off Blizzards or Ice Beams. Or trying to take down :Jynx: with Hydro Pump. It can also switch into predicted Explosions and Hyper Beams. Its main weakness is Ground :Snorlax:. It doesn't initially care about Earthquake due to the damage output from Hydro Pump, but over time, it will get paralyzed. When it is paralyzed, it will lose to lax, unless lax got paralyzed along the way. It also has issues with Amnesia :Snorlax: setting up, just like :Porygon:. But it can run Toxic and have :Exeggutor: replace one of its lesser used moves to Leech Seed to force out :Snorlax: with the Toxic + Leech Seed glitch. This is probably the only way to use that glitch. The strategy is not necessarily safe, because Leech Seed can always miss, and Toxic can always land on :Starmie:. Players are probably going to be too dedicated into setting up for them to want to switch out though. Toxic isn't limited to being used against just :Snorlax: and :Slowbro:, it can be used against :Cloyster: since it is a more reliable way to prevent :Cloyster: from Clamping it to death than hoping for a Body Slam paralysis. Toxic can also be used on lesser used Pokémon that do not have Recovery to put them on a timer and force them to switch in a weakened state. :Omastar: won't want to sit in against :Starmie: or :Alakazam: and Body Slam would need to be used on a predicted switch from :Snorlax:. :Alakazam: may be a reasonable teammate to help against :Cloyster: and other Special Attackers. :Zapdos: could replace :Chansey: to help against opposing :Chansey:, :Cloyster:, and :Starmie:, either that, or it would replace :Exeggutor:. But you would have to expect not to run into :Rhydon: if you did that imo. Ice Beam/Blizzard can be more of a middle ground type of option against :Snorlax: since it will hit :Snorlax: allowing it to be 2HKOd by Hydro Pump, while also fishing for a Freeze on a potential switch to a Special Wall. Amnesia isn't the most common move that you will run into though, so it's up to you if you want to run Body Slam or Toxic. Anyways, the bottom of E tier seems a little Jank to me... Below :Raticate: even.

:Porygon: walls out the more common :Snorlax: sets. It generally just presses Recover and does nothing else. This does in fact allow it to PP Stall :Snorlax:, but it lets Pokémon switch in extremely easily. This means that there is a lot more pressure put on :Chansey:. :Alakazam: or :Exeggutor: may be the Pokémon you want to use alongside it. Using :Exeggutor: makes you weaker to :Cloyster:. If :Zapdos: switches into :Porygon:, something is likely going to die. If :Rhydon: is bent on removing :Porygon: it's a 50/50 speed tie situation to see which wins between the two. I would not try to use any methods to try to beat Amnesia aside from Exploding, since :Porygon: wants to be paired with a powerful Pokémon, because it won't be doing much Damage. You will probably lose to Amnesia :Snorlax:, but those sets are probably not going to show up as often... But they do show up. You will be able to run an All Out Attacking :Snorlax: set with :Porygon: which aids your team against threats like :Alakazam:, :Starmie:, :Gengar:, and :Chansey:. Though you will probably want those threats to be paralyzed beforehand. Thunder Wave can potentially cripple :Tauros: in the endgame, and it also helps prevent :Tauros: from switching in. It can use Thunder Wave to take out All Out Attacking :Snorlax:. It's a toss up if it wins a Freeze war against lax or not.

:Sandslash: is a Swords Dance mon that can switch into :Zapdos:. It is not blocked by :Gengar: and can hit :Rhydon: pretty hard. I have it so high due to its potential defensive use. Sorry, I am not more in depth on this mon, but I think this is a fairly reasonably position for this mon.

:Golem: it really is a worse :Rhydon:, but the possibility that it can Explode is pretty scary.

:Hypno: It spreads status and is pretty bulky, but it relies on Rest. I don't have much more to say than that.

:Aerodactyl: Walls Mono Normal Snorlax which is (probably) one of the more common sets. It also walls Normal + Ground Lax, which :Gengar: does not. This is the main niche that makes me think :Aerodactyl: can be run in OU. Though, obviously at a disadvantage. It can serve several functions: to pick off weakened Pokémon, to sponge Explosions, chip :Tauros: and potentially Burn/Crit it with Fire Blast, and it has the potential to get KO's or severely weaken Pokémon with Sky Attack. Unlike :Porygon:, :Aerodactly:'s aim is and should be to KO :Snorlax: through damage, along with PP stalling and Burning. I think needs to do multiple things, because it will be fighting against parahax. So, the ideal moveset, in my opinion, is Sky Attack, Fire Blast, Double Edge, and Rest. Sky Attack has a (1-(1-.2539*.9)^6)=.78915 chance to crit, unparalyzed, at least once in 6 tries, which nearly KOs :Snorlax:. Though, it has a myriad of issues. It will inevitably get Paralyzed, and the speed drops remains, even if it Rests. It lets in :Rhydon: too easily, and Ice/Normal Ice :Snorlax: beats it. It can run :Kabutops: to fend off Normal/Ice Lax, but :Rhydon: is going to be able to set up a Substitute on :Aerodactyl: thus forcing a near KO on :Kabutops:. Though, Kabutops, does somewhat mitigate the weakness to :Rhydon:. :Aerodactyl: can attempt to Fire Blast Rhydon once or more times (depending on if :Rhydon: decides to predict a switch), but the burn chance * the chance for a miss is still too low to consistently help. Critting can at least help bring :Rhydon: into KO range for :Tauros:. Another option to run alongside it, is Rest+Hypnosis :Gengar: which frees up :Chansey:'s moveset allowing it to run Bolt/Beam.

:Arbok: fulfills a useful role on Wrap teams.

:Gyarados: is a wall breaker that is hard to predict. It's weakness to electric type moves really hurt it. It has a higher crit rate than :Lapras: and its Body Slams and Hyper Beams are much stronger. You generally want to keep this mon healthy to make use of it.

E Tier

:Khangaskan: an extra Normal Pokemon to throw out Body Slams. Sorry, I dont' have much to say about it, I just want to make sure it's included somewhere.

:Poliwrath: is a Pokemon that has access to Amnesia and Hypnosis. It can stave off :Chansey:, though it is extremely vulnerable to crits.

:Venusaur: Is a Swords Dance user that has access to Razor Leaf and Sleep Powder. It is unfortunately outclassed by :Victreebel:

:Kingler: perhaps this is too low for it... but it is incredibly vulnerable to paralysis, and with Thunderbolt all over the place, I don't see it doing much. It does have a massive Attack stat and nice signature move in Crabhammer, though Crabhammer misses a lot.

:Clefable: is just a Bolt Beam mon that can hit on the Physical side and paralyze something.

:Onix: While :Onix: may seem like a garbage mon, it still plays a role in beating the two Electric types that show up :Zapdos: and :Jolteon:. Bind allows it to act as a pivot as it switches into Rock Slides, Body Slams from :Snorlax:, and Electric type moves from Electric Type Pokémon. Once it's used up, it blows up. I see this as a at least more useful that what :Raticate: does.

:Raichu: is a :Zapdos: check that staves off :Rhydon: and :Chansey:. Its damage output is less than desired, which means that it may have a hard time Paralyzing something. Though, KOing itself versus :Chansey: allows :Chansey: to be taken on by something else.

:Pinsir: is a Swords Dance user that wishes it had access to Earthquake. It can sometimes pivot.

:Raticate:, in order to make full use of :Raticate: I personally think that you need to be able to manage switching it in on a Sleeping Pokemon then fire off Super Fangs on whatever switches in. Which can only be achieved with a partial trappers, or when the opponent is using a mon a death fodder. The other possibility being that it predicts a switch from a weakened Pokémon. So, I think, its best teammate is :Victreebel:, since it can spread Paralysis and Sleep, and help beat :Starmie:. Otherwise, I only seeing it firing off Super Fang once, then dying. It requires a lot of prediction/lucky guesses and may be too hard to use.

:Machamp: I don't really believe Fighting Types have much of a chance in the meta. But Machamp has access to Earthquake which helps it against :Gengar:. Hyper Beam does deal a lot of damage to :Alakazam: and :Starmie:

:Dodrio: could be a scary sweeper, though it gets hard walled by :Rhydon: and is rather fragile.

:Charizard: is generally a bad mon in the Tier. It at least has access to Earthquake for when it sets up Swords Dance, but I don't see it doing much other than getting a single hit in. It is the only Flying type with Counter, and players probably ignore :Charizard: and are more likely not to know what to do against it. Though, that's not saying much considering its typing and damage output.

Too much effort for me to figure out where to place them. Runing the pre-evos may have some merit... :Tangela: is a pivot against :Rhydon: that spreads Status. :Haunter: would be run alongside :Exeggutor: and :Gengar: b/c of its access to Sleep + Explosion. Access to Thunder Wave and Agility all :Dragonair: to play a role on Wrap teams.

TLDR: The Psychic types (:Exeggutor:, :Starmie:, :Alakazam:) are good against essentially all the mons, baring Chansey, and Snorlax/Tauros when the Psychics are paralyzed and weakened. And they get hit hard by Snorlax, or lack Recovery, so they need Snorlax to stop Snorlax. Some of the other mons are decent against Snorlax or fulfil some role, but they are bad against the Psychics, get hard walled, or have some disadvantage.

Anyways, I started out looking at lower tier mons, b/c I feel that is where the potential in mons are probably going to be ignored, and finding out ways to try to use them is more entertaining for me.

I could be wrong on a few things, but I tried :/
Why are Lickitung, Raticate, Machamp, Dodrio, Kadabra, and Haunter, etc (mons with stats and shit) below Onix? Clefables niche also isnt having BoltBeam, its being able to break Chansey with TWave + BSlam. Raticate can also break Snorlax pretty easily and has acces to TBolt and Bubble Beam for Cloyster and Rhydon, and doesnt have to blow up to do <50% to Chansey
What is the general consensus on Jolt rn? Its pretty obviously an outlier in terms of Pokèmon currently ranked OU on the viability rankings, being more comparable in terms of viability to Lapras than Slowbro. Are there any non Cloyster teams that would appreciate Jolteons positives over Zapdos (fastest relevant Pokèmon, amazing crit rate, checking Zap, having an easier time breaking Chansey, etc etc). And if Jolt isnt B2 in viability, what tier should it be? C1, C2?
What is the general consensus on Jolt rn? Its pretty obviously an outlier in terms of Pokèmon currently ranked OU on the viability rankings, being more comparable in terms of viability to Lapras than Slowbro.
Most people don't like it. I don't like it either.
Its main defensive utility is checking Zapdos. That isn't so valuable in a time when less players want to use Zapdos and more players want to use Rhydon.
As an offensive mon in the back...it has meh coverage, mediocre power outside Thunderbolt (unless it lands a crit), it needs Rest to heal and undo status/debuffs, and it's frail and not a great Rest user.
Its team really needs to do a lot of work for it to succeed, and because the team needs to do so much work:
1. If the team is getting haxxed, that's probably gg. Jolt can get crits and fps, sure, but it will have so few turns to work with and play for those odds. Better power, bulk, and coverage make Zap the superior electric and comeback-maker. Zam is also a much better cleaner and comeback-maker than Jolt, and this really matters in a game of managing odds.
2. You might just win without needing to use Jolteon anyway
There are better and easier tools to win with. Getting hard-walled by a more popular mon just makes all the other issues worse.

Are there any non Cloyster teams that would appreciate Jolteons positives over Zapdos (fastest relevant Pokèmon, amazing crit rate, checking Zap, having an easier time breaking Chansey, etc etc).
I like lead Jolteon, I think that is its best place right now. Starmie is the most common lead, so you have a good matchup into that. You get an easy switch into a sleeper early game, or can just start attacking. If they have Rhydon, then you will probably see it right away. Now you know you can sleep sack Jolt, and be no worse off in the matchup.

Here is an old SPL team from Shiloh that puts this into practice:

Bring Jynx in turn 1 against Starmie to get an easy sleep without getting paralyzed (most of the time).

Here is one that I copied ~3 years ago that has changed hands a surprising amount of times throughout the years:

Jolteon needs to be here over Zap, because you get rid of two things that bother Kingler: Zapdos, and Starmie. I think Rest would be better than Pin Missile...then again, Rest saps momentum on such an offensive team. Whatever floats your boat.

Here is one I built, but recently retired:

Get sleep first (hopefully), then sleep sack Chansey. Now you have a team of 3 mons with a crit rate over 20%, and a combination that is generally tough for most teams to deal with. Jolteon reduces special weaknesses compared to Zap (when you consider playing without an active Chansey), and also combines with Rhydon to make sure an enemy Zapdos cannot make progress no matter what. I'm sure you can tell this team is banking on certain matchups.

And if Jolt isnt B2 in viability, what tier should it be? C1, C2?
We'll probably find out in next year's VR or something.
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So, having returned to Gen 1 this year, I'd like to speak on what I've noticed. Explosion seems to be a pretty big thing, nowadays. I feel like it's almost essential to use Gengar because it's the only mon unaffected by Explosion, and, if you read your opponent properly, that can allow you to net free wins through suicide. I see that Gengar is primarily walled by the A-Rank Psychic trio rn (in many different ways), but being able to freely switch into Explosion, while also being able to fight them (with the right moves and/or partners), I feel like perhaps Gengar should be placed in the same category with them. Think about it like this: you're more likely to survive by having Gengar than not having Gengar, and that says a lot. It not as centralizing as being an S-Rank mon that has to be built around, but it plays a very unique role that cannot be denied.
My opinion has changed quite abit since I made my last VR, so I thought? Why not update?

S :snorlax: :tauros:
S- :Alakazam: :Chansey:
A :Exeggutor: :starmie:
B :Gengar: :Zapdos: :Cloyster::Rhydon: :Slowbro:
B- :Jynx: :Lapras: :Victreebel:
C+ :persian: :jolteon:
C :dragonite: :moltres: :articuno: :sandslash:
D :kangaskhan: :porygon: :golem: :hypno: :venusaur::Machamp: :kabutops: :lickitung:
E :omastar: :raichu: :clefable::Raticate: :nidoqueen: :dugtrio: :hitmonlee: :poliwrath:

S: :snorlax: Snorlax is everything, its tanky, hard hitting, and has possibly the most set variety out of any Pokèmon in the game (tied with Chansey). With Reflect sets to help switch into other Lax, Physlax to take advantage of Laxs amazing bulk and sheer power to force progress, 3 attack sets to help break Pokèmon and then Rest up in the face of something like Chansey, and Amnesia Lax to try sweep with an incredibly powerful Blizzard and to check Slowbro, the 4th move on Reflect sets goes to either Earthquake or Hyper Beam, Hyper Beam having raw power that hits hard than Tauros, and Earthquake being able to hit Rhydon and Gengar for a 2 and 3HKO respectively.
:tauros: Its the bull, with a high 21% crit rate, and a fast 110 speed. Body Slam Hyper Beam and Blizzard are required on all Tauros sets, with its 4th slot having some flexibility, being able to choose between Thunderbolt, Thunder, and Earthquake. Thunderbolt hits Cloyster for a 3HKO, who normally likes to switch into Tauros becuade of its massive 180 defense, it also hits Starmie for slightly more damage than Body Slam, Thunder 2HKOes Cloyster and rolls to 2HKO Starmie, but has much worse accuracy and is quite unreliable, Earthquake hits Gengar for a 2HKO, who otherwise walls you if you dont have it.
S- :Alakazam: Alakazam is in my opinion the best Psychic type, having the highest special in OU and having a great mono Psychic typing making it not only great at dealing damage, but also a great special wall on Chanseyless team cores, having no weaknesses and outspeeding every relevant Pokèmon lets it get TWaves off with ease, paired with Seismic Toss to pressure Starmie and Exeggutor, aswell as running Chansey out of Soft Boiled PP
:chansey: Chansey is still just as good as its been for the past 8 or so years, but its on a shockingly sharp decline in usage as of late. Its undroppable on most teams due to dealing with Starmie and other Chansey, but its one weakness is its passivity, it may have different sets to beat different things, but every set has one or two Pokèmon that just sit on it, Alakazam and Snorlax dont take that much from BoltBeam, SToss lets in Don for free and cant do much to Lax and Starmie either, TossBeam has problems with Starmie, and mono Ice Beam is but a joke to Cloyster, Lapras, and Starmie, it also has major issues with Zam. Teams that are qyite offensive may want to drop it to be generally more offensive.
A:Exeggutor: RBYs Big Tree is still going strong to this day, even after its fall from grace of being one of the "Big 4", having some of the most inflated stats in the entire game, with an amazing 125 Special and a respectable 95 attack, with STAB on Psychic and Mega Drain, and access to Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, and the defense halving Explosion. It also has incredible physical and special bulk aswell, with a great defensive typing thay hard walls the popular SurfBolt Starmie, aswell as the lesser used PsyBolt Mie. Eggy has quite abit of set variety, being able to drop Sleep Powder to have more utility and flexibility, being able to run other moves such as Mega Drain, Double Edge, Hyper Beam and Rest alongside Stun Spore.
:starmie: Starmie takes the cake for having the most utility out of any Pokèmon in OU, having the coverage to hit many things for either 2x or 4x SE damage. In my opinion Starmie is better off in the back than in lead, due to its ability to switch into Tauros and general speed being crippled if paralysed, Zam is also a much better contender to be slept by something like Chansey imo, because while Zam has a decent chance to break Chansey while its trying to land Sing due to crits and special drops from its 130 special STAB Psychic, Starmies Psychic does rather negligable damage to Chansey even off a crit due to its mediocre 100 special stat. SurfBolt is by far the best Starmie set when not leading, with Surf being its strongest STAB option, with crit Surfs doing at minimum 50% to Snorlax and Alakazam, and OHKOing Rhydon, Thunderbolt is Mies best option for opposing Mie and Slowbro, who both otherwise wall Starmie and the latter setting up on it. its only issue is it is hard walled by Exeggutor, and while most Eggy sets cant take full advatnage of this due to its lack of recovery, Mega Drain and RestEgg sets exploit Mie and either PP stall it or force switches. PsyBlizz is also a set that can be used to hit Exeggutor and Gengar for super effective damage, but it has major issues with Slowbro and opposing BoltMie.
B- :Gengar: Gengar is the only fully evolved ghost type in the entire game, with an eye watering 125 special and its ghost typing letting it completely wall BoltBull and MonoLax, with a TBolt that 2HKOes Starmie and Cloyster, a powerful Explosion and a Psychic that lets it fish for special drops and 3HKO opposing Gengar. Gengar is the best Jynx anti-lead for its ability to outspeed and sleep Jynx with Hypnosis. Although it is the fastest sleeper in the game, its Hypnosis is unreliable and can lead to Gengar as a whole being quite unreliable, being 2HKOed by Alakazam, Starmie, and Exggecutor's Psychic, aswell as Tauros and Snorlax's Earthquake
:Rhydon: Rhydon is one of the best physical wallbreakers in the entire game, with the strongest unboosted physical attacks in the game with STAB Earthquake, its an incredible mid game progress maker and late game sweeper with great physical bulk, a normal resistance, and it is one of the only things stopping Zapdos from mowing over the entire tier. However, it hard time getting onto the field due to its dissapointing 40 speed and low special meaning its 2HKOed by most special attacks and even OHKOed by Starmie's Surf and Victreebel's Razor Leaf.

Gonna update this later with more explanations for other mons becuase I've already been working on this for like an hour.
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One thing missing from most discussions on Lax vs Tauros (or just Tauros in general) is that Tauros is the main reason sleep is as strong as it is. Snorlax can fill that position as a midground only sometimes. Tauros is the reason sleeping mons can't just burn turns for free, Snorlax can do the same in some cases but unlike Tauros, Snorlax has fairly consistent answers (other Lax, Cloy, Gar, Somewhat Egg, unpara Chansey). Every mon that attempts to block Tauros can be derezzed because Tauros has a silly crit rate and a few moves with silly secondary effects. And if Snorlax is paralyzed or resting? Then it just can't pressure sleeping mons as well.

Commonly you have to switch Snorlax into Tauros if it gets a turn, but the situation becomes a lot trickier if it crits. If you slam and Tauros slams you're in KO range, if you Reflect and Tauros slams your Lax is massively behind on HP and has to Rest soon, and of course Tauros can still go for a crit slam or see if you wanna be cheeky and Reflect just to not heal up immediately after. Absolutely nothing can consistently stop Tauros while even as little as the presence of the opposing Lax is enough to keep Lax in check. Even not critting the Body Slam isn't the comfiest position and Tauros isn't always scared out. Snorlaxes sometimes go as far as booming on Tauros which should show the immense value Tauros has.

And having a healthy Tauros is enough to make a game never end. Not just through sheer luck/("If I crit HBeam 3 times I win") but also positioning it well. Tauros having zero consistent answers means even if you're down Snorlax a mix of good positioning and luck means Tauros being on your team is enough to not have the game end until it's over. Positioning it well is the key to having your wincon be crit 3 times in a row, or just get a single crit or FP which allows a more consistent sweep. Snorlax is the best at making consistent progress, but it doesn't have the same ability to keep games going by its existence alone. Due to the fact that Tauros alone can make your win odds much above 0 means that dropping it is giving up the extra win chance just having it gives combined with all the other things you need Tauros for.

The fact Snorlax has answers means its value is going to be bogged down due to them. Is the average Snorlax more valuable than the average Tauros when you have to account for Gengar fully blocking monolax, Cloy being able to come in and fish for freeze on what comes in after, having to be scared of Chanseys that haven't revealed their movesets yet, even Rhydon giving monolax some issues?

From my experience, the sleep thing alone makes me think Taurosless is pretty bad, but I've played with Laxless and not done too horribly and don't always feel like I'm missing something essential. There's some instances of Laxless success in tournament too, including in RBY invitational. I think Laxless is a legit way to build teams if you plan around the lack of the big progress maker. You even can see some success with Laxless in the invitational right now. You pretty much lose something invaluable and unreplaceable if you drop Tauros. You need a revenge killer, you need a way to make sleep more than an inconvenience.

Sleep is a mandatory, core part of RBY and Tauros is the main reason it functions as strongly as it does. When Tauros gets a single turn it can have an immense impact on the game, sometimes even if you press the wrong move for the turn Tauros can prevail due to crits, paras, and freezes. Snorlax has answers and you can make teams that make progress without it while Tauros fills an essential role that no one can do as well.

thank you for reading my omega longpost on why i believe one 100% usage pokemon is better than the other 100% usage pokemon. i would like to thank work for being boring for this opportunity to do things that do absolutely nothing productive.

Has Bulless had any success in tours? Not countering any points you've made just curious
I've been running a lot of Persian lately. And was thinking it probably deserved a bump. Slash good. Here is the team structure i think enables it to be B1.

Tauros, Lax and Chansey are no brainer picks.

So that leaves two more slots. I think a Jynx and a Starmie work well with it. Getting rid of Starmie is great for Persian and Jynx is often a good way to do that. It also works well against the most common form of Counter Chansey, which is the Sing/IB/Counter/Softboiled.

Starmie patches holes nicely and lures Chansey, which Persian can take advantage of. Chansey cant have a status move and counter and thunderbolt (well, obviously it technically could, but...) So at least one out of Starmie, Persian and Tauros is going to be a huge pain for it.
I think Psy + Blizz makes some sense here. Luring Starmie and paralysing it is great for Persian, Psychic means it beats ice beam Chansey, and Blizzard could just as easily be surf, but this gives you generally better coverage.. Surf would be fine too.

Chan could go with an icebeaming set or a reflect set. Just depends how you want to play it. My inclination is to go with a reflect set, and just paralyse Chansey.

With Lax, you probably want quake on it, to help you deal with Counter Chansey. Try out a damage calculator and see how counter Lax or Selfdestruct lax goes against a reflect lax when you have a Persian as backup. If you can find a scenario where you safely do enough damage to enemy Lax with your own and then chase it out with Persian, so its at low health and forced to switch then that is probably a workable strategy. Cause if this team has a weakness at the moment it is enemy Snorlax.

Jolteon and Zapdos are also gonna suck to deal with. Maybe you can find a way to take pressure off your Snorlax by using Persian. So that Lax can be saved for the enemy Electrics.

Let me know what you guys think. Have a nice day
Persian can never be OU in this meta with Gar being so popular. JynxCat sound extremely Gar weak, MieCat is also Gar weak but less so than JynxCat, and for a mon so stonewalled by Gar, you didnt bring Gar up once.
Persian can never be OU in this meta with Gar being so popular. JynxCat sound extremely Gar weak, MieCat is also Gar weak but less so than JynxCat, and for a mon so stonewalled by Gar, you didnt bring Gar up once.
Pers is clearly not OU but I think you can fish for no Gar and have an otherwise decent team
Why are Lickitung, Raticate, Machamp, Dodrio, Kadabra, and Haunter, etc (mons with stats and shit) below Onix? Clefables niche also isnt having BoltBeam, its being able to break Chansey with TWave + BSlam. Raticate can also break Snorlax pretty easily and has acces to TBolt and Bubble Beam for Cloyster and Rhydon, and doesnt have to blow up to do <50% to Chansey

They are not necessarily below Onix, I was just to lazy to bother ranking them, (I dont think I've actually used Machamp). Also, I tried Lickitung a couple times, I personally don't really like it. I still find Onix to worthy of being on the regular list, It's hard for me to say way to put it exactly, but it's ability to provide safe switch-ins for mons like Moltres, and it's ability to counter Zapdos and Jolteon, while also blowing up on Chaney, or some other mon seems useful to me. Onix outspeeds the other Rock/Ground types, so it can do stuff like click Bind on Exeggutor when it is expecting a Sleep Powder. You don't always click Bind for pivoting, the assumption that you will Bind will allow you to switch on a predicted Earthquake etc.

Raticate has the potential to help set up a sweep for Tauros, but it is very hard to switch in. It just feels too inconsistent, at least in my hands. Perhaps I should be using it on a different team.

Anyways, that's what shaped my opinion.

Here is a team I used to get to around 1461 ELO(I think) (probably not a huge achievement, not really sure)

You could probably replace Golem with Onix on a Golem + Cloyster team. I've also liked using it with Gyrados.
There is an RBY OU discussion thread and a ladder jank thread, both of which are better places for this than the viability rankings. Whether Omastar goes in D or E is basically just subjective to how you define those ranks and has no practical effect on the viability rankings, and Toxic Omastar is literally just ladder jank. There is plenty to talk about with the top 13 and the few mons actually in striking distance of them, and there will never be a lack of things to discuss about them, because the meta is not static, and trends affect the viability of everything from top mons like Zapdos to more niche choices like Moltres and counterpicks like Victreebel. I mean we’ve seen teams with stuff like Zam Vic Jolt Zapdos in high level tournament games lately and that’s absurdly interesting even if on an individual level none of those mons are wild picks. Sometimes this “the D and below ranks are workable and RBY isn’t solved” thing gets a little circlejerky and self-righteous - the OU VR thread is not for the multiple ways to “enjoy the game,” it’s focused on competition. Please just realize that there is already more than enough space devoted to bad and niche Pokemon on this forum without insisting on turning the OU VR into a fossil jerk every 2 weeks.

Edit: I cleared out a lot of circlejerking and some brief almost one-liners about mons like Onix, for full transparency.
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:tauros: El Bull numero uno. When there's a bull, there's a way.
:snorlax: Good pokemon, hyper beam remains amazing but more Gengar is annoying

:chansey: Fatass's utility with sing and twave is still awesome, BB is honestly pretty annoying to switch into at times, sing toss is pretty good
:starmie: This guy is great it sometimes feels like it has unlimited defensive utility and it can do a lot of stuff offensively especially if the opps chansey is dead

:exeggutor: Used to have Zam above Egg but I started using Egg more and Sleep Powder is really nice to have. Stun Spore is ultra OP and Hyper Beam is cool. Sleep-less sets are also nice at times
:alakazam: Sits on a lot of Chanseys and Exeggutors, ultra powerful offensively, can help to check stuff like Zapdos and Cloyster, but it's not ironclad and is very crit prone and physically frail

:zapdos: This guy is broken it feels like it has an amazing mu into basically every team (besides Rhydon) and can sometimes just take over games, but it can also like flop. On average into non-Don it still feels like it gets 1.5-2 kills a game fairly consistently tho
:gengar: I'm sure everyone knows but Gengar is a pretty good pokemon

:rhydon: Zapdos is amazing which means Rhydon is pretty good too. Quite a number of sing toss Chanseys around too. Gengar indirectly makes it a little worse tho bc of Eq Lax and also PsyGar doesn't let Don in too easily. Back Mie Egg also pretty common, and there are like 2-3 good Rhydon teams lol
:jynx: Pretty hit or miss (especially with so much Gengar and Sing Toss Chansey) but I still believe it's fairly good. Allows for a lot of flexibility in team structures and can help ease early game into non-Gar, but obviously it's not a superb pokemon otherwise
:cloyster: High key this guy is ass. Cloyster as a pokemon itself is fine but I think every Cloyster team is seriously flawed and they all feel pretty uncomfy to use. Mie is also everywhere and a lot of teams are using double sleeper which is an additional negative to Cloy teams

:slowbro: Defensive utility is nice and it can take over games if well positioned, but almost all Mies are using tbolt, Chansey spamming seismic toss and twave into it is a pain, crit magnet, lotta booms everywhere with Gar and Egg, etc
:jolteon: He fits on like zero teams but the few he does work well on are honestly quite good. Competition with Zapdos is definitely the biggest pain

:victreebel: Better than the other non-OUs, probably worse than Jolteon.

idc enough about the rest besides that Lapras is bad
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It seems to me that the main movement in viability atm centres around the Psychic trio- maybe Egg/Star/Zam will be broken up? It's around the end of SPL that people usually look at updating these things anyway so we're probably due for some change.

Anyway I really feel like Zam isn't keeping pace with Star/Egg. SPL usage stats thus far demonstrate this, where Zam only has slightly more usage than the B rank mons and is less than half Star/Egg. I normally don't pay too much attention to that kind of thing, but hey I was bored at work. My experience with Zam also backs this up, as I find Zam is too easy to convert into a defensive liability. I think it's really hard for it to avoid getting paralysed, and once it's paralysed it's just too susceptible to physical attackers. Hell, even if you don't paralyse it, half the time you can send Lax out anyway to fish for a paraslam. Also with Surf being really popular on Starmie, that's one less matchup that it enjoys, as Surf gives Starmie a better way of forcing a Recover.

Not saying it isn't good ofc, just that it might actually be B rank at this point
With the conclusion of SPL XV, it's time to update the RBY OU Viability Rankings. Everyone is encouraged to post their personal Viability Rankings in this thread, but only the following will qualify for formally updating the VR.
Played 5+ games and won 2+ games of RBY OU in SPL XV: Heroic Troller, Kenix, Gefährlicher Random, Serpi, chuva de perereca, ABR, Khaetis, Green on fire, Kaz, Nails

Top 16 of RBY Invitational IV: Gefährlicher Random, chuva de perereca, Laroxyl, Sceptross, Excal, McMeghan, ABR, SaDiSTiCNarwhal, Ctown6, Hipmonlee, Lusch, Mako, Kaz, Koalacance, Amaranth, M Dragon

Top 16 of RBY Circuit 2023: Serpi, Melbelle, chub, SaDiSTiCNarwhal, Ice Yazu, Ctown6, Green on fire, Genesis7, emma, ABR, nicole7735, Gastlies, Kaz, Unowndragon, oakdeon, Tarvold
Examples of previous VR Update are all linked in the Original Post. You may post your Viability Rankings in this thread or PM them to me on Smogon or Discord (tinkatink).

Submission Deadline: Monday, April 22nd 9:00 AM GMT-4
my-image 3.png

  • Chansey below Tauros and Snorlax: I am of a firm belief that sing mono attack sets have become unviable now on Chansey, Ice Beam is more palatable, but mono-stoss is such a momentum drain with the uptick of Zapdos, and the ubiquity of sub Rhydon, Hyper beam lax, rest on things like Eggy becoming used. I mean there are not many situations where you want to use Stoss outside of reflect anymore (which has its own issues). With that said, boltbeam remains a crazy good glue on just about every team so this remains in S.
  • Zapdos moves up: Zapdos has become so much better, I feel like the newer generation of players have expanded upon where players like myself initially pegged Zapdos. More aggressive play and team compositions force quick games where defensive teams struggle to keep up. Zapdos forces some arms race games that we have not seen as much since 2016 or so.
  • Gengar moves up: Gengar being used more and more is linked mainly to the uptick in mono-normal laxes and the downtick of Zam leads. I think this trend will die down eventually, but right now it feels like including a Gengar in your bo3 in the lead or back slots can act almost like a zapdos/rhydon prediction scheme vs. Some players.
T1 Tauros, Snorlax
T1.5 Chansey
T2 Starmie, Exeggutor
T3 Alakazam, Zapdos, Rhydon
T3.5 Gengar, Jynx, Cloyster
T4 Jolteon, Victreebel, Dragonite, Slowbro, Moltres, Lapras, Persian
T4.5 Articuno, Porygon, Golem, Hypno
T5 Sandslash, Kingler, Venusaur, Poliwrath, Aerodactyl

(T1) tauros is outstanding, and if for whatever reason you want to play without a back tauros, you can also use it as a pretty sick lead and sleepsack. lax is quite a lot more restricted and lax hate is as common as ever, with all the gengars and counter chanseys and leerdons. eq reflax is often necessary, but underwhelming.

(T1.5) chansey is amazing for defensive stability but so many teams can completely nullify it. breaking chansey is still a bit difficult, but pp stalling her is pathetically easy for a mon that's supposed to be top tier. a defensive necessity for most structures, but not a mon you should be happy to put in your team honestly. chanseyless is real

(T2) starmie is amazing and lowkey more restricting on the builder than even some of the mons above it. soloing back 4s of (starmie rhydon snorlax tauros) is a great quality. it's not essential, though, so it's tier 2 to me. exeggutor is similar: it does a lot of really amazing things, but it's punishable if it's used too much, and you have plenty of solutions to go without it.

(T3) zam is scary if it has the momentum, but it's so pathetically easy to break when it's paralyzed and forced to play recover spam, which tends to be pretty often. still the 6th best pokemon due to its niches as a lead and in (especially chanseyless) offenses, but i understand players who shy away from it heavily. zapdos is great, only held back by the rhydon match up. rhydon is quite shaky, but propped up big time by the zapdos match up.

(T3.5) gengar and jynx are mons that you are not happy to have in your team most of the time, but sometimes you hit just the right match up and they pop off. slight edge to gengar as it's a very bad time to be jynx, with monoice chanseys at a big low. cloyster is awesome, but finding cover for the zapdos match up is really tricky, and so is finding ways to guarantee status on enemy starmie - he's not bad individually, but really hard to fit. this was the state of cloyster when i started playing 6-7 years ago, then people found exploits to make space for cloy without collapsing, now those exploits are being exploited themselves by other meta trends so it's quite hard again. great pokemon, victim of bigger meta dynamics at the moment

(T4) these pokemon are usable, and there are scouts where they are justified, but they have some really bad matchups and/or some elements of inherent inconsistency which end up holding them back from being regular considerations. (persian delivers pretty consistently but only fits on structurally inconsistent builds. the others all have to contend with critrate or accuracy rolls, which means they can whiff and die even in good match ups)

(T4.5) these pokemon have theoretical niches but i don't believe the player that is weak to those niches exists in today's environment. they could all make a comeback in the future.

(T5) there is realistically no reason to load these pokemon, but it's probably possible to only tank your winrate by single digit % points if you use these well. anything below this likely tanks your expected winrate by double digit %s
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1- Snorlax
2- Tauros
3- Chansey
4- Exeggutor
5- Starmie
6- Alakazam
7- Zapdos
8- Rhydon
9- Victreebel
10- Gengar
11- Jolteon
12- Cloyster
13- Jynx
14- Dragonite
15- Articuno
16- Lapras
17- Moltres
18 - Persian
19- Slowbro

Voici la réalité du méta.

Zam and Don are very limited in the teams they can be on, but Big 6 and MieEggDon are both very good and meta-defining rn so I will still put them over Zap, from a quick look this order roughly matches the trio's usage & performance in SPL and RBYWC groups as well.