: In my opinion, Snorlax has been better than Tauros for quite some time now, and that opinion for me has just solidified with time. Snorlax is by far the best midgame wallbreaker and progress maker in the tier, with its ability to hit slightly harder than Tauros, Body Slam paralysis immunity, and its ability to shrug off hits with ease and either explode when it gets low or Rest the damage off later is what makes it stand out from other bulky Pokemon with Rest. It also has much more set variety than Tauros, being able to run Reflect + Rest, an all out attacker set with 4 attacks, and Amnesia, but I personally do not consider Amnesia Snorlax a good set, I also do think 3 attacks + Rest is worth exploring, as it lets Snorlax not get worn down over time. This variety of sets gives it alot more unpredictability than Tauros.

is the best late game cleaner and revenge killer in the tier, with a blazing 110 speed letting it outspeed most of the tier, and an amazing 21% crit rate let it come back from even the bleakest of situations. Nothing switches into Tauros with 100% safety, with even the best checks such as Cloyster fumbling to crits and Body Slam paralysis. Tauros's biggest (and only) problems are it being crippled by paralysis, and it having to play around getting hit to save itself for a potential Tauros ditto, which can decide entire games.

has possibly the widest set variety in the tier, being able to fit into any team and play a variety of roles within that team, with sets such as double status, SingBeam, BoltBeam, Reflect, Counter, and mono Seismic Toss. Without Chansey on your team you are leaving an incredibly wide hole in your team that can't really be filled by another Pokemon.

can fit on most teams and succeed in basically anything, whether it be absorbing sleep, breaking walls such as Snorlax ot overwhelming Chansey with Psychic special drops, or walling things itself such as Articuno and Moltress. It can also attempt to switch into Tauros if it is healthy, but it fumbles hard to a Body Slam or a paralysis.

is probably the scariest Pokemon to face 1v1, being able to inflict 2 status conditions on you, hit you with a deadly Psychic, or just wipe you out completely with Explosion. Its problems are being tough to maneuver, not being able to apply pressure properly when paralysed, and being one of the Pokemon with the hardest time to actually sleep something out of any OU Pokemon.

has the strongest unboosted special attack in the tier, and an amazing 120 base speed and 23% crit rate, making it the second fastest Pokemon in the tier, its only problems include being crippled by paralysis, and its awful defense and HP stats, meaning its 2HKO'ed by most physical attackers in the tier and can be KO'ed by Tauros and Snorlax's Hyper Beam with even the slightest chip.

can do an incredible amount for a team with its mere presense alone, with its ability being able to completely wall all electrics bar Raichu, namely Zapdos, who, without Rhydon to keep it in check, can run over unprepared teams in the lategame with ease. Its also one of the few Pokemon in the game to make use of Substitute, due to its Substitutes not being broken by Seismic Toss and Night Shade. Even though it spends limited time onfield, it makes a mark on any game its brought to.

is the best and most reliable Tauros switch in, taking a mere 21% from Tauros's Body Slam, however it cannot completely switch into Tauros without worry, as it can fumble to either a crit or Body Slam paralysis. Its access to Clamp lets it pivot out of unfavorable matchups without forcing its ally to take a hit, it has an extremely bad matchup vs Starmie and Lapras though, being forced to switch out or Explode, its Clamp also gives opportunity for a sleeping Starmie to come in and either double switch or burn a sleep turn while Cloyster is forced to switch out.

in my opinion is the best and most reliable lead sleeper in the game, being the fastest lead sleeper with the reasonably accurate Lovely Kiss, and isnt scared out by Alakazam or Starmie, sadly after turn 2 its only hope of being useful to is to try absorb sleep for your team, its also incredibly physically frail, being OHKO'ed by Snorlax's Hyper Beam 46% of the time.

isnt a good lead in my opinion, due to being scared out by Alakazam and Starmie, and if it misses a single Hypnosis vs Jynx, its left in an incredibly uncomfortable situation, either having to try hit Hypnosis again or Explode on Jynx. In my opinion, Gengars value comes in its presense in the back of a team, being able to wall Snorlax sets that dont have Earthquake, and blow up with an incredibly powerful Explosion.

is probably doing the worst it ever has been doing, being walled by the increasingly popular Rhydon, and can sometimes even fumble the matchups its meant to do well against, like Tauros getting a critical hit Blizzard, or not getting a double low roll Drill Peck vs Exeggutor and getting slept. It still has many great qualities though, being able to KO Chansey with little hassle, and being only 4HKO'ed by Snorlax's Body Slam.

fell to UUBL due to the meta being quite against it at the time, with electric types being more popular than ever and having problems breaking Chansey, but with electric types doing worse than they ever have before at this point, and mono Ice Beam Chansey also being quite popular, it can sit infront of Chansey and try break it for free now. It also has great matchups vs Snorlax and Tauros, being likely to 3HKO both of them with Blizzard while taking minimal damage in return.

is not doing that well right now, but isnt as bad as people may think, being the fastest Pokemon in the entire tier lets it outspeed everything and hit them with a strong Thunderbolt, it also has an astounding 25% crit rate, setting it apart from Zapdos, who only has a decent base 100 speed stat and 19% crit rate. It also walls Zapdos with decent success, although it is no where no as good at walling Zapdos as Rhydon, as Jolteon can be paralysed and scared out by Tauros or Snorlax once its forced to Rest.

is still pretty good in OU, despite falling from grace, it still has access to the amazing combination of Sleep Powder and Swords Dance, and is the only partial trapper with the ability to OHKO Rhydon with Razor Leaf, it still does amazingly against the old MieEggDon cores that it used to crush, although those cores arent as common nowadays as they used to be.

is not good enough to call itself a true OU Pokemon in my opinion, although it has the ability to end entire games with a single boost, 9/10 games it will either be crit by a stray Thunderbolt and KO'ed while resting, or it will be forced into a Rest loop by Chansey/Alakazams Seismic Toss.