RBY Ubers tour and ladder is coming up, and I don’t think I can participate in the tour, but I’m excited for the ladder again. I’ve been doing some team building and playtesting (thank you everyone who’s played with me), and getting my creative juices flowing. I’m hoping to get others thinking about this tier as well, and thought about some sets I’ve played with/against but I haven’t seen talked about much on site or shown in tour replays.

Mewtwo’s Best Set
- Amnesia
- Blizzard
- Thunderbolt
- Recover
I’ve been preaching the value of BoltBlizz M2 for years, but somehow never got it used much against me. Over the last year that’s changed though, and now that I’ve seen its power from both sides, I really think it’s Mewtwo’s best set. Blizzard’s additional power doesn’t seem like a huge deal at first glance, but it makes a big difference. Being able to do things like OHKO Egg from +2 (or from a crit) makes sweeping a lot easier. And the 8 PP isn’t relevant most of the time in my experience (maybe in like 5% of games). Thunderbolt’s coverage is also important so that Bro doesn’t punish you, but also because other mons, like Starmie, are also seeing more play. And the less opportunities you give your opponent to do something against you the better. Psychic’s damage is great for attacking Normal-types, and the spec drop can be really nice. But Blizzard has very comparable power and isn’t resisted by most of M2’s usual checks. BlizzBolt just makes M2 more reliable, and able to wallbreak its own checks. And for a set-up power hitter, that’s really important.
(That said, I think PsyBolt is the 2nd best set)
- Amnesia
- Blizzard/Ice Beam/Psychic
- Recover
For some reason this set is kinda hard for me to explain, but at the same time, I feel it’s self-explanatory. Mono Attacking M2, in general, is something I’ve played around with a lot. Having coverage is obviously important, but even with one attack M2 is still really threatening and can deal a lot of damage. This set isn’t for every team and I’ve had the most success when I’m looking to sweep with something like Mew or Slowbro.
You can really put whatever special attack you want on here, but I think an Ice-type attack is the best for its decent coverage and 10% freeze chance. Despite just talking about PP not mattering on my last M2 set, this set actually can run out of PP about 1/6 of the time, and so Ice Beam does actually make sense on a set like this (I still run Blizz though. The power is still worth it imo). Psychic can also work, but you end up struggling against opposing M2 and Mew and I really just prefer something that can hit those.

Rock Slide
- Thunder Wave
- Swords Dance
Rock Slide
- Explosion
After using this set over the years, and never seeing anyone else use it. I feel like this is my signature Mew set at this point, but it really shouldn’t be. This set has consistently worked for me. Rock Slide is the best neutral coverage move in the gen, and hitting Zap super effectively can really help teams that are vulnerable to it. (Especially since people are so used to Mono EQ Mew that people switch in flying types without scouting the set). Having a little less power than Body Slam doesn’t come into play too often, especially since this Mew is often exploding relatively quickly, and just making sure you aren’t walled is better in the long run.
Mixed SD
- Swords Dance
- Body Slam
- Explosion/Soft-Boiled
This is a cool set that replaces EQ with a special attack for better coverage or immediate damage. I’ve mostly seen other people use Blizzard, and that’s the one I’ve had more success with as well. Blizz hits Egg (the most common check in the current meta), and Zap (another common check). They’re both 3HKOed, so if you get the crit on the switch-in, you can then KO next turn.
Psychic works well against other checks, such as Cloyster, Rhydon and Lax, and can do better than SD + EQ with crits and/or Spec drops. However, those mons aren’t coming in on Mew as often as the checks that Blizzard hits super effectively.

Gengar’s Coverage Options
- Hypnosis
Mega Drain/Psychic
- Thunderbolt
- Explosion
This set isn’t anything original. (Shoutout to the people who remember when Gar’s SmogDex said Mega Drain was better than Night Shade until like 8 years ago). Gar’s Special is good enough to where it can rely on Thunderbolt for damage against most things. Therefore, you can afford to run a coverage option instead of Night Shade. I’ve run Mega Drain to help mitigate Gar + Zap’s weakness to GolDon with enough success to where I think it is an OO.
I haven’t ran much Psychic on Gar myself, but I’ve seen enough people use it to where I think it’s noteworthy as an OO . Psychic really helps in the mirror and the Spec drops can also be really helpful with wall breaking an incoming threat or help setting something up for another mon.
Keep in mind that you need Night Shade to hit Egg and this set is pretty much countered by standard Egg if Sleep Clause is already active.

Physical Egg
- Sleep Powder
- Stun Spore
- Explosion
This is a set I’ve seen used in tournaments, but I think it’s good to mention anyways. There are times when Egg really wants to spread double status as well as focus on hitting its checks to help chip them down or straight up KO them. Since its checks are often Psychic-types, going for Double-Edge gives you a chance at immediately damaging them without having to rely on RNG Spec drops. But obviously mono-Normal is walled by Gar and Rock-types and Egg’s Attack stat isn’t anything to get excited about.
Sub Wall-Breaker Dodrio
- Drill Peck
- Hyper Beam
- Body Slam
Dodrio in general should probably see more play. I’ve been using it more seriously this year, and it’s really threatening on the right team. Everyone knows it as an Agility Sweeper, but it can function without Agility as well. Substitute can be used against a paralyzed mon to fish for a full para or it can be used when you suspect your opponent will switch. Dodrio behind a Sub can be extremely scary against a paralyzed team and/or against a check that doesn’t have a status move. Dodrio also doesn’t need to sweep to be helpful to a team. It has the power to wall break and enough speed to outspeed a lot of bulky mons without a boost. It’s not an everyday meta mon, but probably a solid D mon that can be used in serious games.
Counter Zam
-Thunder Wave
- Psychic
- Recover
I don’t really think this needs an explanation. In general, I feel like Toss is better. However, when Counter works, it can be devastating and even flip games.

Rest Jolteon
- Thunder Wace
- Thunderbolt
- Double Kick/
- Pin Missile/
First, I’ve seen a lot more Jolteon over the last couple of months, and I’m really happy, because I felt like it was forgotten by the meta for a little while there. Now I’m not only seeing it, but people experimenting with it too. I’m seeing more Rest Jolt where people are dropping Kick or Pin to recover against Chansey, Zap, etc. It’s the same idea behind the OU set. Everyone who’s played OU understands why Pin can be dropped, but Kick is more interesting. Chansey isn’t on every team, and some teams struggle with Egg more and would prefer coverage against it instead. If going up against Chansey in the 1v1, you’d just have to PP stall it. Obviously this set is even harder to pull off in Ubers, where the Mews love an opportunity to set-up. So, you have to really support and work around having such a passive play on the team, but I’ve seen some people make it work and some people are happier with Rest on their Jolt.
Anyways, hopefully I inspired something for some new teambuilding and I look forward to playing with you when we get Ubers ladder again.